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RE: Bible Thumpers - StLucieBengal - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 03:41 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Christians, Jews, and Muslims all subscribe to the same God Abraham subscribed.  It is why they are called the Abrahamic faiths.

I posted a really interesting thread about this on the old boards several years ago.  I'll see if I can dig up the link, it was an article by Time Magazine.   At the time it was news to me, I had no idea.

I do know this, you and I have spoken about this in PM I think. ... But I would like to read the article if you can find it. I just mistyped when I posted before.

RE: Bible Thumpers - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 04:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I do know this, you and I have spoken about this in PM I think.  ... But I would like to read the article if you can find it.     I just mistyped when I posted before.

I was just searching for it and couldn't find the exact article I had linked before.  Mind you it's been years so it may take some digging.  I really found it interesting at the time (and still do), but I'll see what I can find.

RE: Bible Thumpers - StLucieBengal - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 04:09 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I was just searching for it and couldn't find the exact article I had linked before.  Mind you it's been years so it may take some digging.  I really found it interesting at the time (and still do), but I'll see what I can find.

Cool.  Thanks mate

RE: Bible Thumpers - BmorePat87 - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 03:25 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I don't remember that lesson on murdering those who do not believe as I do.

Most Muslims don't either.

Either way, you have the same god (the god of Abraham). 

RE: Bible Thumpers - StLucieBengal - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 10:20 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Most Muslims don't either.

Either way, you have the same god (the god of Abraham). 

Most is a pretty general term. When these "most" step forward and push for reformation then I will take them serious. Until then they are standing on the sidelines with the occaisional Twitter campaign with some ridiculous hashtag.

RE: Bible Thumpers - GMDino - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 01:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Most is a pretty general term.   When these "most" step forward and push for reformation then I will take them serious.   Until then they are standing on the sidelines with the occaisional Twitter campaign with some ridiculous hashtag.

What percentage are terrorists?

RE: Bible Thumpers - StLucieBengal - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 01:20 PM)GMDino Wrote: What percentage are terrorists?

How are we defining terrorists?

Are we defining them by having anti western civilization Beliefs? Like oppressing women.... Or are you just talking about the ones who are killing people?

Personally I believe using a religious belief to oppress women and make them second class citizens is terrorism.

RE: Bible Thumpers - GMDino - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 01:29 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: How are we defining terrorists?  

Are we defining them by having anti western civilization Beliefs?  Like oppressing women....   Or are you just talking about the ones who are killing people?  

Personally I believe using a religious belief to oppress women and make them second class citizens is terrorism.

Do you count American Christians who like oppressing women?  Or anyone who likes oppressing women?

RE: Bible Thumpers - BmorePat87 - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 01:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Most is a pretty general term.   When these "most" step forward and push for reformation then I will take them serious.   Until then they are standing on the sidelines with the occaisional Twitter campaign with some ridiculous hashtag.

Most is a pretty general term when you're calling them savage, uncivilized animals.

Face it, you didn't know they followed the same God as you and now you look dumb. 

RE: Bible Thumpers - BmorePat87 - 11-15-2015

(11-15-2015, 01:29 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: How are we defining terrorists?  

Are we defining them by having anti western civilization Beliefs?  Like oppressing women....   Or are you just talking about the ones who are killing people?  

Personally I believe using a religious belief to oppress women and make them second class citizens is terrorism.

What about people who use religious beliefs to oppress gays and make them second class citizens?