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RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - bfine32 - 07-01-2016

(07-01-2016, 10:07 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I don't get this attitude. Trump is just as bad as Clinton, but him having never held public office just makes his issues less public and harder to find. If you are saying things like this you should vote third party/independent. This isn't an either/or election, there are other options you may be more comfortable with. If people would stop saying "I am voting for Trump/Clinton just because I don't want Clinton/Trump in office" we would be a lot better off.

Of course, if you think Trump is actually the best option in the field then go for it. But if you think any of the candidates on your ballot would do a better job, you need to vote for them.

I think it comes down to: What does the President really do? No third party candidate has a chance. 

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Belsnickel - 07-01-2016

(12-31-1969, 09:00 PM)bfine32 67422131' Wrote: I think it comes down to: What does the President really do? No third party candidate has a chance. 

If everyone that said that and used it to justify voting for a bad candidate rather than one they perceived as worse instead of someone that may have been better than either would vote third party/independent, then they would have a shot.

But the real issue is that as much as people ***** about the state of politics today, when to comes to putting their money and vote where their mouth is, they balk.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - bfine32 - 07-01-2016

(07-01-2016, 10:48 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: If everyone that said that and used it to justify voting for a bad candidate rather than one they perceived as worse instead of someone that may have been better than either would vote third party/independent, then they would have a shot.

But the real issue is that as much as people ***** about the state of politics today, when to comes to putting their money and vote where their mouth is, they balk.

Welcome to the 2 party system. 

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - GMDino - 07-01-2016

(07-01-2016, 11:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Welcome to the 2 party system. 

It's only two party because we let them.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - GMDino - 07-01-2016

(07-01-2016, 10:48 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: If everyone that said that and used it to justify voting for a bad candidate rather than one they perceived as worse instead of someone that may have been better than either would vote third party/independent, then they would have a shot.

But the real issue is that as much as people ***** about the state of politics today, when to comes to putting their money and vote where their mouth is, they balk.

And they say they aren't supporting a candidate and then spend all their time defending why that candidate is the "lesser of two evils".

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Nebuchadnezzar - 07-01-2016

I was going to vote for Gary Johnson until he said he still gets high. Sorry, I'm not voting for a stoner to be president. Seriously, just give him a raspberry zinger and he'll sign the treaty to close all military bases in Europe.

It's really easy to say "If everyone" but we are talking about the American people here. 30% will vote Democrat no matter what and 30% will vote Republican no matter what while the other 40% don't pay attention except for voting for whoever they saw on tv before they left to go vote.

I will hold my nose and vote for Trump because if Clinton is elected president, we will usher in a Socialist utopia. While some people in this country want that, I do not.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Belsnickel - 07-02-2016

(07-01-2016, 11:49 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I will hold my nose and vote for Trump because if Clinton is elected president, we will usher in a Socialist utopia. While some people in this country want that, I do not.

...if you really believe that I don't know what to tell you. Obama is more progressive than Clinton is, and Obama is far from a socialist. Do you think establishment Republicans would ally themselves with Hillary if she were that far left? There are a lot of reasons to dislike Clinton, but that is not one of them.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - McC - 07-02-2016

(07-01-2016, 05:46 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: What are his policies?  Pro-abortion, tough on terrorism?

What are her policies?  Depends on who she's making false promises to, right?  She is following her overlord Obama's method of promise everything to everybody, after all.  Gotta keep that bring down America train going.  And millions of dumb asses will buy her bill of goods.

No matter how loopy Trump is, he's wayyyy less dangerous than the Pig.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Rotobeast - 07-02-2016

(07-02-2016, 01:09 AM)McC Wrote: She is following her overlord Obama's method of promise everything to everybody, after all.

Her overlord is Soros.
Go look through her emails, on Wikileaks.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Belsnickel - 07-02-2016

(07-01-2016, 11:49 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I was going to vote for Gary Johnson until he said he still gets high. Sorry, I'm not voting for a stoner to be president. Seriously, just give him a raspberry zinger and he'll sign the treaty to close all military bases in Europe.

I didn't get to this last night, but seriously? If marijuana is legal wherever they ate, what makes that any different than a POTUS that drinks?

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Belsnickel - 07-02-2016

(07-02-2016, 01:09 AM)McC Wrote: What are her policies?  Depends on who she's making false promises to, right?  She is following her overlord Obama's method of promise everything to everybody, after all.  Gotta keep that bring down America train going.  And millions of dumb asses will buy her bill of goods.

No matter how loopy Trump is, he's wayyyy less dangerous than the Pig.

That's funny that you see Clinton doing that but refuse to acknowledge that Trump does the same exact thing. His positions have switched while on the campaign trail so many times that there is no way anyone really knows his positions. The funniest is when he tries to pander and screws up, like he did in Scotland.

Trump and Clinton are both extremely dangerous for our country. But your comments point to a bias that is indicative of some other things as well, so I am not really expecting that to be admitted.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - fredtoast - 07-05-2016

(07-01-2016, 06:27 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: The Clinton's are without a doubt the biggest crooks to ever hold major Government offices. 

Total and complete lie.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - fredtoast - 07-05-2016

(07-02-2016, 01:09 AM)McC Wrote:   Gotta keep that bring down America train going.  And millions of dumb asses will buy her bill of goods.

This is silly.  Who is in favor of "bringing down America"?

(07-02-2016, 01:09 AM)McC Wrote: No matter how loopy Trump is, he's wayyyy less dangerous than the Pig.

Trump is way more dangerous than Hillary.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - bfine32 - 07-05-2016

(07-01-2016, 09:27 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Hillary's best defense is that "I was stupid" 

Looks like stupid wins the day:

Quote:The FBI won't recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while secretary of state, agency Director James Comey said Tuesday, lifting a major legal threat to her presidential campaign.
Quote:Comey's decision almost certainly brings the legal part of the issue to a close and removes the threat of criminal charges. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said last week that she would accept the recommendations of the FBI director and of career prosecutors.
"No charges are appropriate in this case," Comey said in making his announcement.
But Comey made that statement after he delivered a blistering review of Clinton's actions, saying the FBI found that 110 emails were sent or received on Clinton's server containing classified information. He said Clinton and her aides were "extremely careless" and added that it was possible that people hostile to the U.S. had gained access to her personal email account.

Let's just hope she is a little less careless if she wins the White House.

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - michaelsean - 07-05-2016

Damn wonder what bill said to Loretta..

RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Millhouse - 07-05-2016

(07-05-2016, 04:13 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Damn wonder what bill said to Loretta..

Probably that she has a 7 to 8 figure job lined up at some law firm he has connections with for when she moves on.  And in return...  Mellow