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Myths About Transition Regrets - Printable Version

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RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - bfine32 - 10-04-2017

(10-04-2017, 04:00 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: To be fair, the button pushing is going in both directions.

It is pathetic. 

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 10-04-2017

(10-04-2017, 03:54 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nothing new under the sun in this thread.

Lucie says some words to push folks buttons

Folks retaliate by insulting Lucie

Just one more dynamic left..........

They're just words. "The derogatory was only perceived."

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 10-04-2017

(10-04-2017, 10:48 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: 1. Ah so you do not think it should be banned or censored.  Gotcha.   If that is indeed the case then I apologize.   I must have wrongly lumped you in with your transvestite loving buddy.  My bad.  

2. There is a lot here so I will respond in parts.  

"Socially acceptable" - what's acceptable down here in my community may not be the same as your community.   You expect me and others to live by your view of acceptable but you will not accept our view of acceptable and take it for what it's worth.   Just normal conversation that can be thrown out as just a regional way to speak.  

As far as context goes.....  me saying that transvestities need counseling because the science has shown it's a mental disorder much like an eating disorder or similar mental issues.    None of that is anti gays or transvestites.   You just want to project that because the default move is to call anyone who isn't marching in gay pride parades a homophobe.  

Your view in Virginia (I think that's your state, I honestly do not remember) is different than mine in Florida.   We refer to people in ways that you would most likely find offensive.   It's more of a regional thing rather than a homophobia situation.    And I should remind you I have never advocated for gays or transvestites to be the recipient of any violence or exclusion.   I have advocated for people getting the help they needed, to not give children radical hormone treatment pre puberty, and not allowing men in the women's restroom.    None of that is homophobic.  
You are more than welcome to explain anything to anyone and we are also more than welcome to say thank you but we will stick to our own ways.    

You mention that education is the tool to fight ignorance and discrimination.   I am against those things as well.   So this isn't even an issue..... you are merely upset that I have different presentation when it comes to speaking about these subjects.    Once again this is a regional issue not a speech issue.    It's clear when you and Pat have the same demeanor on these topics on speech especially you are both from the same region.  

If you want to only think if me as speaking in a derogatory manner than that is a you problem.  That is your definition of derogatory and it's obviously a bit skewed.    I am still not sure why you guys are so wrapped up in language as opposed to the actual issue.     All I want is to get people the help they need to lower their suicide rate.   Instead of talking about that you want You instead want to get wrapped up in which word I use..... transgender, tranvestite, *****, three wolf, gay, etc.....     for all your education you can't seem to get beyond a minor regional speech issue.   It's not like I have said anything remotely anti gay or anti transvestites.  

Imagine if not one thing was ever said about the use of  *****.   Outside of you or anyone saying hey that's not really acceptable where I am from.....    then leaving it alone.    We could have had detailed discussions on the actual topics rather than pages and threads wasted over the choices between trans, *****, transvestite, two wolf, he, she, cis, xe, he/she, ze, ko, vd, etc.    

in the end no one is going to change how they speak, you are not all of sudden going to just speak plainly and directly.   You will always care about perception  and other things that I just find pointless.

The DSM V is the standard when it comes to diagnosing a mental illness. The "science" establishes the standards within the DSM V.  It is the standard medical professionals use.  A transgender individual doesn not have a mental illness according to DSM V.  A person with gender dysphoria does.  Transgender and gender dysphoria are not interchangeable synonyms which mean the same thing.  This has been explained to you over and over ad nauseum.

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 10-04-2017

(10-04-2017, 03:52 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Exactly.  We don't know.  Jesus we'd have to say every internet troll has BPD if that were the criterion.    

Which is why I wrote suspect.

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - StLucieBengal - 10-04-2017

(10-04-2017, 03:54 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nothing new under the sun in this thread.

Lucie says some words to push folks buttons

Folks retaliate by insulting Lucie

Just one more dynamic left..........

(10-04-2017, 04:00 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: To be fair, the button pushing is going in both directions.

It wouldn't matter what I posted. These guys just do not want me posting at all.

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 10-04-2017

(10-04-2017, 07:08 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It wouldn't matter what I posted.   These guys just do not want me posting at all.

[Image: victim-card-get-out-of-responsibility-free-8006811.png]

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 10-05-2017

(10-04-2017, 04:00 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: To be fair, the button pushing is going in both directions.

To be fair, you like to push Dino's and Dills buttons and they're willing to push right back. I guess some people just rub you the wrong way.

However I'm thinking that there is very few people on here that haven't  been offended by Lucie and his alt-right agenda.  And if you haven't been you should be.

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 10-05-2017

(10-05-2017, 02:50 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: To be fair, you like to push Dino's and Dills buttons and they're willing to push right back. I guess some people just rub you the wrong way.

Oh, most definitely, I've flat out admitted to it on several occasions.

Quote:However I'm thinking that there is very few people on here that haven't  been offended by Lucie and his alt-right agenda.  And if you haven't been you should be.

He's certainly the easy target and I don't disagree. I felt the same when he was TommyC and GA9, as you well know.  Good to see you posting btw, you've been missed.

RE: Myths About Transition Regrets - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 10-05-2017

(10-05-2017, 03:12 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Oh, most definitely, I've flat out admitted to it on several occasions.

He's certainly the easy target and I don't disagree. I felt the same when he was TommyC and GA9, as you well know.  Good to see you posting btw, you've been missed.

Thanks man, I've been busy with work.  I'm off today though.

I still read the boards daily, I just haven't had the time to really get into the debates.  But next week I start my staycation for ten whole days, and may see me jump in more on discussions. If I have the time while I'm partying, I timed the vacation with my birthday.  Cool