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RE: State of the Union - Benton - 01-31-2018

It was a decent speech. Very non-Trumpish. I'm not sure if he blamed any US citizens for anything horrible this time.

Cheers there.

But jeers to Montgomery Burns jumping in front of Nikki Haley.

RE: State of the Union - Stonyhands - 01-31-2018

Don’t you all worry your liberal butts away...there’s still 7 more glorious years of winning to come! MAGA!

RE: State of the Union - BmorePat87 - 01-31-2018

I'm out sick today so I'll read the transcript at some point and then the important fact check. From the reviews, it sounds like he's packaging the same policies but taking a bipartisan approach out of necessity. It's tough when you control two branches and can't get anything done, you realize that spending 12 months insulting everyone and not educating yourself on policy is a poor way to govern.

Fortunately, infrastructure is something we should all agree with, but I guess we'll see what proposals come from Congress.

RE: State of the Union - GMDino - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 01:55 AM)Benton Wrote: It was a decent speech. Very non-Trumpish. I'm not sure if he blamed any US citizens for anything horrible this time.

Cheers there.

But jeers to Montgomery Burns jumping in front of Nikki Haley.

No.  All bad things are done by illegal immigrants.  the are the only people who kill and bring drugs into the US.  At least that's what he said last night.

But, again, he read a prepared speech off of teleprompters (remember when he railed against people that used those?) and since the bar is so low he'll get high marks for a very low energy speech.  He sounded tired half way through too.  No stamina.

(01-31-2018, 08:00 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I'm out sick today so I'll read the transcript at some point and then the important fact check. From the reviews, it sounds like he's packaging the same policies but taking a bipartisan approach out of necessity. It's tough when you control two branches and can't get anything done, you realize that spending 12 months insulting everyone and not educating yourself on policy is a poor way to govern.

Fortunately, infrastructure is something we should all agree with, but I guess we'll see what proposals come from Congress.

It was like most, if not all SOTU speeches:  Grand ideas, token american stories, etc.  He took credit for everything that has happened in the last year even if he proposed nothing to make it happen.  It was essentially an ego stroking speech for himself.  

I did wonder why he applauds for himself so much.  Personally I think its part of his mental issues that when he hears applause he just does it too.  Smirk

And other than the typical "Dems don't stand...Reps do stand" back and forth Pence looks awkward while he's clapping.  Like he's afraid he will enjoy it too much.  LMAO 

And he talked about the wall..but this time failed to mention who was going to pay for it.  I'm starting to think he hoodwinked a bunch of people and you and I are going to be stuck footing the bill for something most americans don't want and most say won't work the way Trump thinks it will.  Mellow

All seriousness aside I didn't take anything last night too seriously.  I usually don't with these speeches.  Let's see what he tweets this week and if he actually gets anything done. 

RE: State of the Union - Benton - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 09:57 AM)GMDino Wrote: No.  All bad things are done by illegal immigrants.  the are the only people who kill and bring drugs into the US.  At least that's what he said last night.

That’s what he inferred but not what he said. That’s pretty good by trump standards. I don’t think calling out ms13 and other gangs is racist, not when they’re almost entirely composed of one race and members are committing terrible acts.

But if it makes you feel better, I was pretty bummed by his call for increased spending. Republicans are spending money faster than we can print it, and now he wants to ramp up infrastructure spending? Wtf? We need it, but bridges aren’t cheap. You can’t jusy say “give me a trillion bucks cause it’s the best thing to do.”

And I thought it was naive when he was complaining about permitting holding up bioding projects. There’s only two ways to fix that: spend more money hiring enough civil engineers to get studies done quicker, or loosen regulations. As a developer I’m sure he’s leaning towards the latter, which is a horrible idea. I don’t know about federally, but in Kentucky a lot of our construction regulations came along in the early 90s after shoddy development left municipalities in some places in the hook for millions of screwed up, shoddy cobstruction projects.

But it is what it is. Trump is trying to relive the 80s, along with the war on drugs that led to our prison population growth. It amazes me that the party that sticks with “guns laws don’t stop gun violence” also adheres to “drug laws stop drug abuse.”

RE: State of the Union - GMDino - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 12:11 PM)Benton Wrote: That’s what he inferred but not what he said. That’s pretty good by trump standards. I don’t think calling out ms13 and other gangs is racist, not when they’re almost entirely composed of one race and members are committing terrible acts.

Not racist. But he failed to mention that they are rounding more people who aren't gang members than ones who are. And certainly not "thousands and thousands" of gang members either.

I don't have a problem with going after a group like MS13. But I know he was just using them as a scare tactic to reinforce his wanting to get rid of all immigrants.

Like his use of the misnomer "chain migration". No such thing. And he completely misrepresented how it works and what it does. But his base doesn't want to hear that so he blows the whistle for them.

(01-31-2018, 12:11 PM)Benton Wrote: But if it makes you feel better, I was pretty bummed by his call for increased spending. Republicans are spending money faster than we can print it, and now he wants to ramp up infrastructure spending? Wtf? We need it, but bridges aren’t cheap. You can’t jusy say “give me a trillion bucks cause it’s the best thing to do.”

AND he wants to "finally" fund our military. I must have missed the bake sales at the Pentagon to pay for the latest, greatest missile.

(01-31-2018, 12:11 PM)Benton Wrote: And I thought it was naive when he was complaining about permitting holding up bioding projects. There’s only two ways to fix that: spend more money hiring enough civil engineers to get studies done quicker, or loosen regulations. As a developer I’m sure he’s leaning towards the latter, which is a horrible idea. I don’t know about federally, but in Kentucky a lot of our construction regulations came along in the early 90s after shoddy development left municipalities in some places in the hook for millions of screwed up, shoddy cobstruction projects.

He sounded like the non-businessman he is. Anything that stands in his was is "unneeded" and stupid.

(01-31-2018, 12:11 PM)Benton Wrote: But it is what it is. Trump is trying to relive the 80s, along with the war on drugs that led to our prison population growth. It amazes me that the party that sticks with “guns laws don’t stop gun violence” also adheres to “drug laws stop drug abuse.”

And that's why I would never vote for him and I didn't take much last night seriously. He set his views going on 40 years ago and he's not the type of guy to read or learn or grow.

I lived through the 80's once. No desire to do it again.

RE: State of the Union - Nately120 - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 12:11 PM)Benton Wrote: But if it makes you feel better, I was pretty bummed by his call for increased spending. Republicans are spending money faster than we can print it, and now he wants to ramp up infrastructure spending? Wtf? We need it, but bridges aren’t cheap. You can’t jusy say “give me a trillion bucks cause it’s the best thing to do.”

Actual fiscal conservatism is dead.  I'd even say that any candidate that presents fiscally conservative ideas and plans would be sabotaging his own candidacy, because as much as people complain about the deficit and spending they still don't count spending on things they want into that equation.

RE: State of the Union - michaelsean - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 12:49 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Actual fiscal conservatism is dead.  I'd even say that any candidate that presents fiscally conservative ideas and plans would be sabotaging his own candidacy, because as much as people complain about the deficit and spending they still don't count spending on things they want into that equation.

I do, and I prove it every time I drive across the death trap that spans the Ohio River. LOL

RE: State of the Union - Griever - 01-31-2018

(01-29-2018, 11:22 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Liberals like to talk about bias, here's some bias of their very own..

Watch the video, as "brilliant" NYU students are asked what they thought of Trump's SOTU speech, before it has even happened.  Hilarious

is this similar to republicans and conservatives who were asked about healthcare on the street and said they were for the ACA, but were against Obamacare?

RE: State of the Union - Dill - 01-31-2018

(01-29-2018, 11:22 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Liberals like to talk about bias, here's some bias of their very own..

Watch the video, as "brilliant" NYU students are asked what they thought of Trump's SOTU speech, before it has even happened.  Hilarious

How many of those responders actually said they heard Trump's SOTU speech?  They don't follow politics closely and keep track of Trump's speeches and just assumed the guy with the microphone was not a liar.

This guy tells people trump started a chant or dissed immigrants and then asks what they think of that. Their responses are pretty reasonable, I think. 

Sunset, do you suppose maybe some students said "Wait, the speech is a week from now" but phillips cut all that out in order to show "bias"?  Seems like the whole point of the exercise was to feed an existing right wing narrative about colleges by constructing and arranging evidence to prove the other sides views aren't based on evidence.

RE: State of the Union - Shake n Blake - 01-31-2018

I'll just leave this here:

Quote:Blinded by their hatred of Trump, Dems reveal they’re not rooting for America
By Larry O'Connor - The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 31, 2018

If there’s one thing President Donald Trump excels at as a politician it’s his uncanny knack to draw his opponents onto a high-profile, national stage where they reveal their ugliest traits for the world to see.

He was able to do it in the 2016 Republican primary multiple times. Think about Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) beclowning himself with talk of small hands during a primary debate in Las Vegas. Think of his ability to draw biased journalists out of their fake objectivity during debates and subsequently in their every-day coverage of the president.

Again and again, those who oppose him are sidetracked and distracted by their own rage and frustration against a man they truly believe is not worthy of the position he has attained. He gets his opponents to reveal that rage and their hatred for Trump the man and in so doing, they reveal the worst in themselves.

And he did it again last night, in what was probably the highest profile moment of his presidency, his first State of the Union Address.

These events are always partisan affairs with the president’s “side” of the house chamber jumping to its feet and wildly cheering his proposals and achievements and the opposition party sitting in dour skepticism, refusing to show any support for the man they hope to defeat. It’s pretty standard stuff.

Except with Trump, everything is accentuated and amplified to level 11 like the speakers at a Spinal Tap concert.

The Democrats were so blinded by their hatred for Trump the person, they found themselves not just booing and mocking his policy proposals, but also the objectively positive conditions Americans are enjoying after the president’s first year in office.

When detailing the record low unemployment figures for African-Americans, the Congressional Black Caucus sat on their hands. In fact, they did worse than not react. When cameras focused on them as the president detailed the positive economic conditions for blacks in America, they looked angry.

Indeed, if Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-WV), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) represent the future of the Democratic Party, the future is angry and old. Pelosi’s reaction to all of the good news for America became an instant GIF on social media.

And it’s a beautiful thing.

Pelosi the Congressional Black Caucus and activist members of the media who have spent the last year shouting at the American people for electing Trump, like to pretend that they are the reasonable ones in the room. They apply the veneer of judicious rationality in the face of Trump’s supposed irrational mania. And most Republicans are too terrified to defend Trump or point out the truly radical nature of their opponents’ view of America.

Last night, Trump did all the work himself. All he did was talk about the great things he (and most Americans) want this country to be and the Left revealed their contempt for him and, for America. It’s summed up perfectly in this response from MSNBC’s Joy Reid.

Joy Reid: "Church ... family ... police ... military ... the national anthem ... Trump trying to call on all the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism. The goal of this speech appears to be to force the normalization of Trump on the terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for. #SOTU"

When “Church, family, police, military and the national anthem” are nationalist tropes that you and your party are lining up against, you’ve aligned yourself on the far-left fringe of America.

Of course, we know that Reid, Pelosi, Schumer and the Congressional Black Caucus have always been there on the anti-church, anti-military, anti-family, anti-police fringe. But last night, thanks to their blind hatred for President Trump, they let the whole country know where they stand.

Clarifying, isn’t it?

RE: State of the Union - Belsnickel - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 02:46 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I'll just leave this here:

I like that the example they use, with the CBC, is one that is about something which Trump had nothing to do with. It was the continuation of a trend that began in 2011.

Maybe the person that wrote that analysis piece should search for better examples of actual policy results from Trump that have had a positive impact. Relying on that also ignores that Trump appointed an AG, the person that oversees the enforcement of civil rights in the nation, that has an anti-civil rights track record.

Nah, it's just that the Dems hate Trump for no real reason, there can't be any actual things that he has done that would make them react this way.

That piece lacks any well thought out opinion or analysis.

RE: State of the Union - Shake n Blake - 01-31-2018

I'll also leave this:

Quote:The Joe Kennedy rebuttal was absolutely terrible. At no point during the hurried, nervous speech was there a point that would appeal to the average American. The man’s voice was shrill beyond what would be considered a normal speaking voice, anyone watching could tell that nerves were clearly an issue tonight.

His tone of voice varied from being overly excited and shrill to almost being too soft to hear at normal volume levels. He would make a point that was designed, apparently, to tug at the heart strings of the viewer/listener, but he started speaking so softly the listener had to spend more time straining to hear what he was saying than comprehending the message.

This was a speech completely dedicated to the extreme left base of the Democrat party, who have appeared to have all but taken over the party at large.

Joe Kennedy touched on many issues, trying to appeal to the voters of the world when he was not completely bending over backwards to appeal to the fringe base of the Democrats. He used phrases like supporting the highest American ideals means supporting the God “of your prayers,” which looks like it was carefully crafted to appeal to the minority religious adherents in the United States.

Transgender, Social Justice, And #MeToo Oh My!

He also focused on one of the other hot issues with their fanbase, transgender issues. The Democrat made it sound like Republican death squads were roaming house to house within Democrat neighborhoods looking for “queers, impure individuals, faggots, and other abnormal degenerates!”

My eyes almost rolled out of my head they were rolling so hard.

#MeToo social justice movement got an honorable mention by Kennedy, who lest we forget, is the latest in a long dynasty of womanizers and rapists (at least what the SJWs would call rape in today’s world). Not to mention Ted Kennedy letting a young woman drown to death in a vehicle.

Democrats have tried to champion the #MeToo issue, yet they seem to be the biggest contributors to the rape culture that the movement is claiming to fight against. Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken were respected, influential Democrats… and Bill Clinton too.

DACA Pandering

Joe Kennedy also addressed DACA “dreamers” later in his speech. Doing something that absolutely no politician has ever done before (this was truly revolutionary!), the white, male, ginger trust fund baby spoke to the Mexicans in Spanish.

The speech embodies exactly everything that Americans by and large do not want to see in their country. Foreign languages being encouraged to be spoken here, politicians pandering to noncitizens, encouraging non Christian beliefs, massive and unfettered immigration, promoting transgenderism and other forms of sexual deviancy as normal.

Joe Kennedy, if you can get past all the angst, nervousness, bad lighting, and poor personality of the speech, laid out the agenda for the 2018 elections. And it was sad, provincial, un-American, and completely tone deaf in how out of touch with American ideals it really was. The speech will likely go down in history rivaling the damage of the Bobby Jindal rebuttal and will likely kill Joe Kennedy’s future ambitions for the presidency.

Seriously, what the heck was around his lips!?

[Image: B99624761Z.1_20180131085333_000_GOE1RFSE5.2-0.jpg]

RE: State of the Union - Shake n Blake - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 02:52 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I like that the example they use, with the CBC, is one that is about something which Trump had nothing to do with. It was the continuation of a trend that began in 2011.

Maybe the person that wrote that analysis piece should search for better examples of actual policy results from Trump that have had a positive impact. Relying on that also ignores that Trump appointed an AG, the person that oversees the enforcement of civil rights in the nation, that has an anti-civil rights track record.

Nah, it's just that the Dems hate Trump for no real reason, there can't be any actual things that he has done that would make them react this way.

That piece lacks any well thought out opinion or analysis.

If you're the CBC and you sit and look disgusted for that news, it's not a good look. Regardless of who you think deserves "credit" for that news, it's still news you should stand for. Otherwise, you look spiteful and partisan. We desperately need unity in this country, and the dems and CBC would rather stay divided than take that opportunity to celebrate all the good news. Just shows their true colors.

RE: State of the Union - Belsnickel - 01-31-2018

Here a link to an annotated transcript of the rebuttal, if anyone is interested. I know most don't care about SOTU, so even fewer watched the rebuttal:

RE: State of the Union - Belsnickel - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 03:05 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: If you're the CBC and you sit and look disgusted for that news, it's not a good look. Regardless of who you think deserves "credit" for that news, it's still news you should stand for. Otherwise, you look spiteful and partisan. 

Well, everyone in that room is spiteful and partisan. Trump, the Congressional Republicans and Democrats, even the Justices.

RE: State of the Union - Johnny Cupcakes - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 02:59 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I'll also leave this:

Paranoid ultra-right publication doesn't think Kennedy did well? No effing way!

In other shocking news, Occupy Democrats thinks he did great.

For real though....If Joe Kennedy wants a political future, he needs to clean his lips off before addressing the entire nation.

RE: State of the Union - Shake n Blake - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 03:12 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Paranoid ultra-right publication doesn't think Kennedy did well? No effing way!

In other shocking news, Occupy Democrats thinks he did great.

For real though....If Joe Kennedy wants a political future, he needs to clean his lips off before addressing the entire nation.

That was just one article of many. It was definitely cringe-worthy.

I realize that someone on the fringe-left would probably smile and nod at everything he said though.

RE: State of the Union - Johnny Cupcakes - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 02:46 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I'll just leave this here:

It's unfortunate that he couldn't get some Democrat support on his 2 or 3 issues where he actually has a respectable view.  It's not a good look to disagree with a good idea simply because most of his other views are complete trash. But for the most part, and regarding 90% of what he said, I'm glad they looked pissed. Hopefully people still look pissed in November.

RE: State of the Union - Shake n Blake - 01-31-2018

(01-31-2018, 03:17 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: It's unfortunate that he couldn't get some Democrat support on his 2 or 3 issues where he actually has a respectable view.  It's not a good look to disagree with a good idea simply because most of his other views are complete trash. But for the most part, and regarding 90% of what he said, I'm glad they looked pissed. Hopefully people still look pissed in November.

90%? C'mon man. I'd say 90% of what he said was stuff we should all be agreeing on. Now Guantanamo Bay and immigration policies I could see some differences, but even there I'm not sure why people would "hate" what he said. He doesn't want to keep everyone out, he just wants the process to be less random. Take the best other countries have to offer, rather than some lottery system.

Anyways, I'm glad you can admit that it wasn't the best look last night. I was expecting Trump to say something stupid at some point, but he knocked it out of the park IMO, and it was mostly stuff we should all be agreeing on. Stuff that should be uniting us.