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New Media Bias Chart - Printable Version

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RE: New Media Bias Chart - Belsnickel - 02-02-2018

(02-02-2018, 06:42 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I gotta admit, I really don't get your signature.  It sounds intelligent, and maybe it is and i'm the dumb one, but to me it makes no sense.  

The context is that throughout the twentieth century, tyrants (fascists and communists) utilized disinformation campaigns to gain power. Relying on the ignorance of the people due to their willingness to accept what they wanted to hear rather than actual facts. We've seen it time and time again. It happened in Italy, in Germany, in the Soviet Union, and then again when Putin rose to power. It's continued to be a weapon used by tyrants to gain power and assert their will on the world, and so being able to discern this disinformation is an important tool in fighting tyranny. If we allow it to progress it is a direct road to a fascist state.

At least this is the argument by Snyder, who is a scholar on Eastern Europe and the rise and fall of democracies, as well as the Holocaust.

RE: New Media Bias Chart - michaelsean - 02-02-2018

(02-02-2018, 06:53 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The context is that throughout the twentieth century, tyrants (fascists and communists) utilized disinformation campaigns to gain power. Relying on the ignorance of the people due to their willingness to accept what they wanted to hear rather than actual facts. We've seen it time and time again. It happened in Italy, in Germany, in the Soviet Union, and then again when Putin rose to power. It's continued to be a weapon used by tyrants to gain power and assert their will on the world, and so being able to discern this disinformation is an important tool in fighting tyranny. If we allow it to progress it is a direct road to a fascist state.

At least this is the argument by Snyder, who is a scholar on Eastern Europe and the rise and fall of democracies, as well as the Holocaust.

And maybe I’m missing the context or it’s much more complex. It’s saying I submit to tyranny when I renounce the difference. What tyranny am I submitting to if I do that? Is it talking about if I join a tyrant in doing this?

RE: New Media Bias Chart - Belsnickel - 02-02-2018

(02-02-2018, 07:19 PM)michaelsean Wrote: And maybe I’m missing the context or it’s much more complex. It’s saying I submit to tyranny when I renounce the difference. What tyranny am I submitting to if I do that? Is it talking about if I join a tyrant in doing this?

The idea is that this sort of thing is a precursor to tyranny. That someone with tyrannical ambitions will utilize this attack on reality in their efforts to usurp power or circumvent the law.

RE: New Media Bias Chart - bfine32 - 02-05-2018

Does anyone frequent:

We were given that as a source in a cognitive thinking class that I am taking.

RE: New Media Bias Chart - Belsnickel - 02-05-2018

(02-05-2018, 09:02 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Does anyone frequent:

We were given that as a source in a cognitive thinking class that I am taking.

I've seen it before and peruse it every now and then, but I don't frequent it.

RE: New Media Bias Chart - Wyche'sWarrior - 02-06-2018

(02-05-2018, 09:02 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Does anyone frequent:

We were given that as a source in a cognitive thinking class that I am taking.

Thanks for the tip.....I am going to check this out, a quick look has my interest piqued.

RE: New Media Bias Chart - GMDino - 04-02-2018

Rather than start another thread on media bias I'll just add this here.

RE: New Media Bias Chart - Dill - 04-02-2018

(04-02-2018, 02:14 PM)GMDino Wrote: Rather than start another thread on media bias I'll just add this here.

Dino, are you attacking the free market for news again?

RE: New Media Bias Chart - StLucieBengal - 04-02-2018

(04-02-2018, 02:14 PM)GMDino Wrote: Rather than start another thread on media bias I'll just add this here.

Whole lot of mainstream media there......

At least you did not hi back to 2015 for a thread this time lol

RE: New Media Bias Chart - THE Bigzoman - 04-02-2018

(01-30-2018, 04:15 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Alex Jones. Crazy ass conspiracy theorist. 

Dude is meme Er riffic.

The gay frogs rant convinced me he's just putting on an act. So funny.

RE: New Media Bias Chart - GMDino - 04-09-2018

Quote:Fox News accidentally broadcast graphic showing they’re the least trusted news network 

[Image: fox.jpg?w=748&h=402&crop=1]

The offending graphic was broadcast during a discussion on Sunday morning – and removed seconds later on the orders of host Frank Luntz (Picture: Fox News/Twitter) Fox News have accidentally broadcast a graphic showing that they are the least trusted major news network. 

The broadcaster displayed the Monmouth University poll results during its Tight Shot show Sunday, with less than a third of Americans trusting it more than President Trump. 

By comparison, almost half of Americans trusted CNN – the president’s most hated news source – more than him. And 45 per cent of people questioned said they trusted CNBC more than the Commander-in-Chief. 

The blunder sparked minor panic in the studio, with presenter Howard Kurtz saying: ‘That is not the graphic we are looking for. ‘Hold off. Take that down please.’ 
He had been expecting to see statistics showing that over three quarters of the public thought that the media reports ‘fake news’ ‘regularly or occasionally.’ 

The Rupert Murdoch-owned network is famous for its right-wing stance, and support for President Trump. And he has returned the favor, regularly tweeting his respect for the network, and hailing its commentators insights while denouncing other points made by rivals.

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