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CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Printable Version

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RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - GMDino - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 09:24 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I don't know dude, you appear to be the only one having this problem.  I do find it interesting that you constantly bemoan personal attacks and yet can't stop making every thread a personal beef between you and "X".  Perhaps some deep reflection is in order?

(04-18-2019, 09:33 AM)GMDino Wrote: Yep.  I'm the only one is this thread that thinks a fictional drama saying something isn't worth getting upset about because it's not real.  Mellow

Guess it's just me getting all personal.   Smirk

(04-18-2019, 09:48 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Not what you said or I said.

it's getting rather childish 

I may never have agreed with you more.   ThumbsUp

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Vas Deferens - 04-18-2019

(04-17-2019, 08:22 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:  

One of the things that baffles me is why people are unwillingly to acknowledge that a problem exists or to downplay it. It's like Charlottesville. There were straight up Nazi defenders like Lucie and Vlad who defended those people on the merit of their Nazi ideology, but there were other conservatives who fell for the false premise that they were just conservatives there to protest statues being taken down and assumed they were just being called Nazis.

Don't forget about that ***** mall cop who was all obsessed with llama hair pants or whatever.  Tools like that need punched.  

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - GMDino - 04-18-2019

(04-17-2019, 08:22 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: These aren't random accounts. They're well known members of the white supremacist movement and conspiracy theorists who use twitter, infowars, dailystormer, youtube, and other outlets to spread their views. 

Their twitter accounts are unverified because they keep getting suspended, so they have to make new accounts. 

One of the things that baffles me is why people are unwillingly to acknowledge that a problem exists or to downplay it. It's like Charlottesville. There were straight up Nazi defenders like Lucie and Vlad who defended those people on the merit of their Nazi ideology, but there were other conservatives who fell for the false premise that they were just conservatives there to protest statues being taken down and assumed they were just being called Nazis. They were Nazis and White Supremacists who organized a rally and chanted Nazi slogans. 

I guess I can understand that people are concerned that conservatives will be lumped in with Nazis, but that's equal parts some Democrats calling everyone Nazis and some Republicans refusing to denounce the alt-right. 

Just quoting to add that some feel we shouldn't even talk about nazis at all and they will simply "go away".

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Millhouse - 04-18-2019

To be fair punching is better than shooting a Nazi. Well, at least for not going to jail for a long time.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - bfine32 - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 01:35 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Yea. The ones who want to kill you and take over. Its ok to punch them in the face.

Hell, I don't even advocate punching folks that want to do you harm. I've escorted medics to provide aid to those that would just as soon see me run over an IED on my way out. Now when they act on those wants, we have issues.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - jj22 - 04-18-2019

I remember the good old days when punching a Nazi wasn't frowned upon by Americans. Welcome to 2019.

Thankfully our deceased and fallen WWII vets and Holocaust Jews who sacrificed their lives aren't around to witness this.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - fredtoast - 04-18-2019

(04-17-2019, 06:13 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I would hope that we all here recognize just how dangerous a concept is being advocated here and just how vile CBS's little public service announcement is.

For someone who claims to never listen to bias sources of news you sure do parrot a lot of their speaking points word-for-word.  No one but the right wing echo chamber would refer to something from a fictional show as a "public service annoucement".  

Why exactly did you use that phrase?

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - fredtoast - 04-18-2019

Since this was considered an attack on Nazi's why is the FoxNews crowd so upset?

Aren't they just admitting that they are Nazi sympathizers?

Is Rush Limbaugh calling for protection for the "feminazis" he is always talking about?

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Nebuchadnezzar - 04-18-2019


What was the format of this?

The reason I ask is because if someone on the show just said "It's ok to punch a nazi" during a fictional part, then I say "So what".


If at the end of the show one of those on the show turned to the camera and started speaking about the show and the message behind it and then said "it's ok to punch a nazi", then that's not cool and the network is condoning violence.

Example, a drama series touches on a hard topic of child abuse then during the last minute of the show one of the actors turns to the camera and gives statistics and facts about child abuse and displays a phone number for children to get help.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - michaelsean - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 12:26 PM)jj22 Wrote: I remember the good old days when punching a Nazi wasn't frowned upon by Americans. Welcome to 2019.

Thankfully our deceased and fallen WWII vets and Holocaust Jews who sacrificed their lives aren't around to witness this.
 The GIs of WWII fought against people because they invaded other countries and murdered millions of people.  Not because they called themselves Nazis.  

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - jmccracky - 04-18-2019

A few years ago, some young skinhead punk gave my wife a Nazi salute in front of me. My wife was wearing a Star of David necklace. I punched him, broke his nose, and I don't feel bad about that at all. This situation might be different though.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - fredtoast - 04-18-2019

To all the right wing snowflakes getting bet out of shape over this

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - bfine32 - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 12:26 PM)jj22 Wrote: I remember the good old days when punching a Nazi wasn't frowned upon by Americans. Welcome to 2019.

Thankfully our deceased and fallen WWII vets and Holocaust Jews who sacrificed their lives aren't around to witness this.

My issue with the message as stated earlier is that we throw the term Nazi around too liberally. Folks trivializing the term Nazi is far more disrespectful to those that sacrificed and lost as the hands of actual Nazis than anyone asserting you shouldn't punch someone because of his/her political beliefs.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 12:26 PM)jj22 Wrote: I remember the good old days when punching a Nazi wasn't frowned upon by Americans. Welcome to 2019.

Thankfully our deceased and fallen WWII vets and Holocaust Jews who sacrificed their lives aren't around to witness this.

(04-18-2019, 01:48 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Since this was considered an attack on Nazi's why is the FoxNews crowd so upset?

Aren't they just admitting that they are Nazi sympathizers?

Is Rush Limbaugh calling for protection for the "feminazis" he is always talking about?

I can't say I'm surprised that by either of these responses.  I'll reiterate the point being made sine you both seem hung up on Nazi.  Physical violence in response to political speech of opinion, no matter how abhorrent, is unacceptable!  If you disagree then you don't agree with one of the founding principles of our nation.

It used to be, "I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the dat your right so say it", to "it's OK to punch someone who uses words or espouses ideas you find repulsive.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 02:22 PM)michaelsean Wrote:   
 The GIs of WWII fought against people because they invaded other countries and murdered millions of people.  Not because they called themselves Nazis.  

Wait, you mean they were attacked because of the actual physical deeds and not their rhetoric?  What a novel concept!  It's disheartening that so many of us here seem to not grasp this.

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - fredtoast - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 03:30 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I can't say I'm surprised that by either of these responses.  I'll reiterate the point being made sine you both seem hung up on Nazi.  Physical violence in response to political speech of opinion, no matter how abhorrent, is unacceptable!  If you disagree then you don't agree with one of the founding principles of our nation.

And I will reiterate the point I made since you seemed to completely miss it.

No where have I said that it was okay to punch a person for political speech.  All I was doing was pointing out the hypocrisy of the right wing media outlets who are squealing the loudest about this.  The are claiming victimhood because the left has labeled them Nazi's.  Tucker Carlson acted like he head was going to explode at the concept of any news outlet using Nazi references for political opponents, but surprisingly there is a clip of Tucker Carlson using Nazi references for political opponents.

It is a farce.  It is the highest level of hypocrisy.

It is like a guy who would threaten a man just for asking for the time getting on his self-righteous high-horse and preaching "violence is NEVER the answer".

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - fredtoast - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 03:32 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Wait, you mean they were attacked because of the actual physical deeds and not their rhetoric?  What a novel concept! 

So you think the United States always sides with the oppressed victim in world conflicts and never choses sides based on political beliefs?

That's precious. 

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Benton - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 02:50 PM)bfine32 Wrote: My issue with the message as stated earlier is that we throw the term Nazi around too liberally. Folks trivializing the term Nazi is far more disrespectful to those that sacrificed and lost as the hands of actual Nazis than anyone asserting you shouldn't punch someone because of his/her political beliefs.

Agreed on the thrown around part. Thats a different issue and shouldn't detract from there being literal Nazis and that is not a good thing. 

If we're going to let every bad thing be acceptable just because people use rhetoric to incorrectly define opposition, we're in bad shape. Those with an opportunity should use it to draw a line instead of trying to collect votes 

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - bfine32 - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 04:45 PM)Benton Wrote: Agreed on the thrown around part. Thats a different issue and shouldn't detract from there being literal Nazis and that is not a good thing. 

If we're going to let every bad thing be acceptable just because people use rhetoric to incorrectly define opposition, we're in bad shape. Those with an opportunity should use it to draw a line instead of trying to collect votes 

What was this show's criteria to label someone a "literal Nazi" to be punched? 

RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Benton - 04-18-2019

(04-18-2019, 04:47 PM)bfine32 Wrote: What was this show's criteria to label someone a "literal Nazi" to be punched? 

If you need a checklist, the person probably isn't a Nazi. If he's provoking or committing acts of violence based off a belief that it's acceptable because he's racially superior a d it's his right to rule over inferior races... Then, yeah, that's a bad guy.