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Biden named the projected winner - Printable Version

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RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 01:16 AM)Bengalholic Wrote: I don't remember starting a thread about Harris' sex life. I'm pretty sure it was about Biden being declared the winner.

Yet, you felt the need to introduce it, then cry foul when others responded, accusing them of getting off topic. 

You can't preach to others to stay on subject when you purposely took it in a different direction.

Go back and look at posts 16-19 and perhaps you'll se why my post was on topic.

It was in response to how we will move forward as a people. I pointed to the fact that  the Dems will most likely be forced to support a flawed candidate in 2024 as a reason I think there will be relative peace over the next 4 years.

I appreciate you wanting people to stay on the topic of your OP and it wasn't my intent to derail. Folks just clutched their pearls a little too hard. 

RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

Back on subject because it's my fault we got off.

I think Mayor Pete will have a place in a Biden cabinet perhaps Sec of Treasury

McChrystal has a good chance of Sec of Defense

Hunter has a Law degree from Harvard so Attorney General

AOC as Sec of Labor

RE: Biden named the projected winner - Benton - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 01:29 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Go back and look at posts 16-19 and perhaps you'll se why my post was on topic.

It was in response to how we will move forward as a people. I pointed to the fact that  the Dems will most likely be forced to support a flawed candidate in 2024 as a reason I think there will be relative peace over the next 4 years.

I appreciate you wanting people to stay on the topic of your OP and it wasn't my intent to derail. Folks just clutched their pearls a little too hard. 

None of those posts answer why you would make disparaging comments against a woman that you didn't make against a guy.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 01:45 AM)Benton Wrote: None of those posts answer why you would make disparaging comments against a woman that you didn't make against a guy.

I ask that we focus on the topic, 

RE: Biden named the projected winner - NATI BENGALS - 11-08-2020

Biden calls for a time of healing.

One word Tweet from my local Hamilton County GOP.


RE: Biden named the projected winner - NATI BENGALS - 11-08-2020

Up by 4+ million votes.

Trumpets hold "stop the steal" rallies.  Sick


RE: Biden named the projected winner - Benton - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 01:47 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I ask that we focus on the topic, 

I agree, we should. Unfortunately, it's difficult to do that when people insist on making irrelevant jabs.

If you would prefer to stay on topic, set that precedent. Hold yourself to a standard. Not even a higher one, just a bare minimum.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 02:58 AM)Benton Wrote: I agree, we should. Unfortunately, it's difficult to do that when people insist on making irrelevant jabs.

If you would prefer to stay on topic, set that precedent. Hold yourself to a standard. Not even a higher one, just a bare minimum.

[Image: Hand-mirror.jpg]

I ask that we focus on the topic,

RE: Biden named the projected winner - hollodero - 11-08-2020

Let's all just admit that Kamala is as close to Donald Trump as a black woman can be, she is basically quite equally flawed and liberals will have to be utterly hypocritical to even consider voting for her after being so opposed to Donald.

As they were now, Joe was basically Donald too. Folks are just biased.

As for me, my God I am so happy that the scandals surrounding the US presidency are now alleged affairs from many years ago again. I wait for the day that Biden orders something special to a burger or wears an unconventionally colored suit or something. When he gets attacked over that for months, the world is normal again.

As for the Donald Trump show, that imho was more entertaining than any political drama ever on TV was, for the last season I'd wish it turns into a courtroom drama. I want the ongoing investigations to play out, I hope Biden does not pardon him. I want to see the Donald proven guilty of all the things I believe he is guilty of. Money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, obstruction... or go free if not proven guilty, of course. But I'd bet he is.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - Goalpost - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 09:23 AM)hollodero Wrote: As for the Donald Trump show, that imho was more entertaining than any political drama ever on TV was, for the last season I'd wish it turns into a courtroom drama. I want the ongoing investigations to play out, I hope Biden does not pardon him. I want to see the Donald proven guilty of all the things I believe he is guilty of. Money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, obstruction... or go free if not proven guilty, of course. But I'd bet he is.

Yea.  I dont think that would be the right move.  I saw one exit poll that said Dems voted 51-49 to get rid of Trump.  Getting rid of Trump was more popular than their own candidate.  Repubs meanwhile voted over 75 percent on Trump's behalf with about a 25 percent vote against Biden for their reason for voting.  So my question does going after Trump right now improve Biden's popularity.....

RE: Biden named the projected winner - hollodero - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 10:45 AM)Goalpost Wrote: Yea.  I dont think that would be the right move.  I saw one exit poll that said Dems voted 51-49 to get rid of Trump.  Getting rid of Trump was more popular than their own candidate.  Repubs meanwhile voted over 75 percent on Trump's behalf with about a 25 percent vote against Biden for their reason for voting.  So my question does going after Trump right now improve Biden's popularity.....

To me this is not about Biden's popularity. Imho, he mainly got elected for not being Donald Trump, that much I agree with. Doesn't mean he should let Trump off the hook. Investigators or the courts should let him off the hook, if it is warranted after all the investigations that will go on. If it is warranted that justice is served to him though (which I believe, based on what's already in the open about his business conduct), then I absolutely want this to happen. Trump should not enjoy special protection any longer. Popular or not (but I'd guess it would be popular amongst all those that elected Biden because they could not stomach Trump). If anything, it might make some Trump supporters reconsider, were he proven to have acted in a criminal manner.

Besides, it's what I want to see as a conclusion to this saga. Doesn't mean it happens.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - fredtoast - 11-08-2020

(11-07-2020, 11:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: We must apply an extra filter to not offend those that think they're about treating everyone equally.


What are you talking about?

You never refer to Trump as "whoremonger" or "homewrecker", so where is this "equality" you speak of?  

RE: Biden named the projected winner - Bengalfan4life27c - 11-08-2020

Biden being a Steeler fan does annoy me very much not going to lie. R's pick Chris Christie 2024 ill vote straight R. Hate Trump pick someone other than Trump ill consider your side.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 11:23 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Equally?

What are you talking about?

You never refer to Trump as "whoremonger" or "homewrecker", so where is this "equality" you speak of?  

Any thoughts on a Biden presidency?

I shared my thoughts on why the GOP won't be as distraught as many think.

For some reason that led to a few folks losing their shit. 

So I tried to get back on topic and discuss cabinet appointments. But some on here would rather focus on their fellow posters.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - GMDino - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 01:13 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Yea Obama raised the bar when it comes to public speaking. Joe did a lot better tonight than he did last night. But it will never be a strong point for him. I wish they would get rid of the teleprompters but that will never happen. I thought his speech was pretty good. It’s the type of thing that will irritate the far left though because he wants to work across the isle. But it’s what’s best for the country. But it is going to be a difficult trying to go the bipartisan route when the gop is loaded with Tea baggers trumpets and qmorons now. There is probably a few level headed ones left but idk.

Maybe the new astronaut senator will think of a way to breach the partisan divide.

This will go back to how the bar was lowered for Presidential speeches under Trump.  Biden's history of stuttering forced him to be very careful when he speaks and to prepare ahead of time for the speech...something Trump never, ever did.  Unlike Obama I doubt Biden will write most of his own speeches (or edit when someone else writes them) either.

But he speech was devoid of bragging and filled with "us" and "unity".  It was refreshing.  

Harris gave the more Obama-like speech.  The uplifting, we did it, we will continue to do it type speech.  It was good also.

I truly believe Biden can unite the left and right in DC more than Harris would be able to.  congress is still an "old boy" network and the leaders will respect Biden more than a Harris because of his experience and, unfortunately, him being a man.

Another thought is that one thing that really worked in Biden's favor was that Trump and his ilk couldn't get any "scandals" on Biden.  They tried...but nothing would stick and there just wasn't any thing to them.

With Harris, as we've already seen, they will disparage her for four years for "sleeping her way to the top".  Just has they accused the FLOTUS of marrying for money and power and, wait...sorry.  I got confused for a second.  Smirk  But they will.  It will never be about her accomplishments just her one relationship after four years of "we need to forgive Trump for all his sins".

RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 11:50 AM)Bengalfan4life27c Wrote: Biden being a Steeler fan does annoy me very much not going to lie. R's pick Chris Christie 2024 ill vote straight R. Hate Trump pick someone other than Trump ill consider your side.

All we need to do is have someone give him a Bengals jacket and then tell him it's a Steelers jacket

[Image: 35128020-8903785-image-a-58_1604281354486.jpg]

RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 10:45 AM)Goalpost Wrote: Yea.  I dont think that would be the right move.  I saw one exit poll that said Dems voted 51-49 to get rid of Trump.  Getting rid of Trump was more popular than their own candidate.  Repubs meanwhile voted over 75 percent on Trump's behalf with about a 25 percent vote against Biden for their reason for voting.  So my question does going after Trump right now improve Biden's popularity.....

Trump will be a huge asset to whomever the GOP select for 2024; I just hope it's not him. IMO Obama established precedent in a former POTUS slamming a sitting POTUS and stumping for his replacement. I can see Trump taking that to the next level.  

RE: Biden named the projected winner - fredtoast - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 11:56 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Any thoughts on a Biden presidency?

I shared my thoughts on why the GOP won't be as distraught as many think.

For some reason that led to a few folks losing their shit. 

So I tried to get back on topic and discuss cabinet appointments. But some on here would rather focus on their fellow posters.

You also made some comments about "equality".

But for some reason you are running away from discussing those.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - michaelsean - 11-08-2020

What happens if a formerPresident goes to prison? That seems like a logistical nightmare.

RE: Biden named the projected winner - bfine32 - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 12:22 PM)michaelsean Wrote: What happens if a formerPresident goes to prison?  That seems like a logistical nightmare.

Well we can get mad because it will separate him from his children. 

But as to the question; I'm sure there are facilities.