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Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - Printable Version

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RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - BigPapaKain - 09-05-2021

(09-05-2021, 07:57 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: This was worse than any of that.

Just blatant disregard for their lives.

Imagine actually believing that.

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - BFritz21 - 09-06-2021

(09-05-2021, 10:11 PM)KillerGoose Wrote: This is pretty comical. I know you’re going to dispute the insults to the fallen soldiers, so I’m not to bring that up. But do you view it as an insult that he flat out didn’t go visit those graves at all that day? If Biden skipped a cemetery visit for fallen soldiers, would you view it as disgraceful?

One thing that can’t be denied is that Trump publicly, on video, railed against McCain and other POWs by association. He said, and this is a direct quote, “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” I’m sure you’re aware, but just for context, McCain was a veteran in the Vietnam War and was a POW. After being shot down and captured, he was tortured mercilessly as the North Vietnamese tried to get information out of him. He was a POW for over five years before finally being released in 1973.

I would like you to honestly ask yourself that if Biden said that, how you would react. I want to make this clear, I’m not defending Biden here. I’m just pointing out that you are really showing your partisanship. You seem to be outraged that Biden did this when Trump has done/said equally if not more insulting things. I genuinely think his comments regarding McCain are incredibly disrespectful.

On top of this, if we are just talking about “dick moves”, Trump made fun of a disabled reporter. I would think that this would infuriate you. Bottom line is that Trump was a massive douche and you seem to be trying to sweep things he did under the rug because you liked him politically.


So, because Trump was a dick, that makes it ok for Biden to be a dick?

I love how Biden can disrespect fallen soldiers in one of the worst ways possible and most of you just turn it on Trump instead of criticizing Biden.

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - Nately120 - 09-06-2021

(09-06-2021, 12:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Ok.  

So, because Trump was a dick, that makes it ok for Biden to be a dick?

Ehh, not just means you overplay your hand when you point out Biden is being a dick and then think that is supposed to convince people that Donald "the fact that he is a dick is going to save America" Trump should be president.  

When you get sick watching Biden act like a dick you get to see how the butt-hurt, snowflake "can't accept that they lost" liberals felt for 4 years.

Hurts, donut? 

I voted for Jo Jorgensen so I can say that:

1. I'm a moron who wasted his vote
2. I voted for someone who isn't a rapey old mentally ill douchebag who says completely stupid crap on a daily basis

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - BFritz21 - 09-06-2021

(09-06-2021, 01:22 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Ehh, not just means you overplay your hand when you point out Biden is being a dick and then think that is supposed to convince people that Donald "the fact that he is a dick is going to save America" Trump should be president.  

When you get sick watching Biden act like a dick you get to see how the butt-hurt, snowflake "can't accept that they lost" liberals felt for 4 years.

Hurts, donut? 


RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - Nately120 - 09-06-2021

(09-06-2021, 01:25 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Nope.

Well if it doesn't hurt to watch Biden act like a dopey ol' bag of dicks why does this thread exist?  

To paraphrase Rambo:  "Republicans drew first blood on loving d-bag presidents...not democrats."

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - BigPapaKain - 09-06-2021

(09-06-2021, 12:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: I love how Trump can disrespect fallen soldiers in one of the worst ways possible and most of you just turn it on Biden instead of criticizing Trump.

It's funny because it's sad.

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - KillerGoose - 09-06-2021

(09-06-2021, 12:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Ok.  

So, because Trump was a dick, that makes it ok for Biden to be a dick?

I love how Biden can disrespect fallen soldiers in one of the worst ways possible and most of you just turn it on Trump instead of criticizing Biden.

No, not at all. I even said that I’m not defending Biden. I was pointing out that you’re outraged with Biden for doing this but you seemed to let it slide with Trump. I feel like you’ve conceded here that Trump did some pretty shitty things in regard to disrespecting military members, but the extent of your outrage is saying “ok. So, he was a dick.” Whereas you are furious with Biden.

If things were flipped, you would be absolutely furious with Biden (as you should be). That should also extend to politicians you like. Consistency, Brad. That’s all I’m saying. You can say “Biden is disrespectful for doing this” while also saying “Trump said some really disrespectful things too”.

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - GMDino - 09-06-2021

Weird though that there is only a single screen shot.  I mean not even Newsmax or OAN or FOX has played the video.

I mean it's almost like it was a split second at one point of a long event and they jumped on it to "make a point".

Of course this is the same crew that said Trump "didn't say" things he is on video saying, repeating and doubling down

So I don't expect intellectual honesty.

And yes, before the "You posted about Trump all the time" group jumps in...I did.  And every time I provided sources and links.  That's why I didn't play with the "Is Melania a double" thing.  It was funny, but there was no proof.  

I think once I asked what was wrong with his face when his makeup/spray tan was particularly bad.  But that was to make fun of "man" who was incredibly egotistical and vain who made fun of how other people looked all the time.  Mature of me?  Eh.  But fair game.

Anyway...just want to see the video of Biden looking at his watch for context.

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - Mike M (the other one) - 09-07-2021

(09-04-2021, 11:56 AM)GMDino Wrote: Imagine if he wore a tan suit at the same time!

As opposed to saying he liked soldiers who didn't get captured and weren't losers, I mean why start a thread about that! Smirk

NO need, you already have like 15 of them already

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - GMDino - 09-11-2021

You won't see TRUMP checking his watch today!


Well, unless he does it at the Boxing match tonight that he's being paid to comment on....because he's not at this event.

[Image: E_AiIfuXMAI_akM?format=jpg&name=small]

Because he's a conman grifter and if you didn't know that they you're the one he's conning.  Cool

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - CJD - 09-11-2021

(09-06-2021, 12:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Ok.  

So, because Trump was a dick, that makes it ok for Biden to be a dick?

I love how Biden can disrespect fallen soldiers in one of the worst ways possible and most of you just turn it on Trump instead of criticizing Biden.

You don't understand. We are not defending Biden's actions. We're criticizing your criticism of his actions because you support someone who is worse. 

Like, would you listen to a murderer criticize a petty thief's crimes? It just feels inherently disingenuous. 

If you were really bothered by Biden's actions, then you would be horrified by Trump's actions.

The fact that you aren't indicates that your criticism is 100% political.

"Biden is a democrat, I don't like democrats, so I will criticize every thing he does, even if I know that the person I support has done much worse."

Does that help you understand why so many people are mentioning Trump in reference to Biden's behavior?

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - BigPapaKain - 09-11-2021

(09-11-2021, 10:50 AM)GMDino Wrote: You won't see TRUMP checking his watch today!


Well, unless he does it at the Boxing match tonight that he's being paid to comment on....because he's not at this event.

[Image: E_AiIfuXMAI_akM?format=jpg&name=small]

Because he's a conman grifter and if you didn't know that they you're the one he's conning.  Cool

zOmG bIdEn Is LoOkInG aT tHe CaMeRa InSteAd Of BoWiNg HiS hEaD tHiS iS wHaT hApPeNs WhEn PeOpLe VoTe OuT oF fEeLiNg He PrObAbLy DoEsN't EvEn KnOw WhErE hE iS bEcAuSe DeMeNtIa

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - Nately120 - 09-11-2021

(09-11-2021, 10:50 AM)GMDino Wrote: You won't see TRUMP checking his watch today!


Well, unless he does it at the Boxing match tonight that he's being paid to comment on....because he's not at this event.

Because he's a conman grifter and if you didn't know that they you're the one he's conning.  Cool

Trump is a GOP shill now...he doesn't care about NYC.  The guy was born rich in NYC and he's going on about how awesome Civil War-era generals who surrendered were.  He's only a few degrees removed from pandering to his base by saying 9/11 was caused by women's liberation and gay dudes.

RE: Biden Kept Checking His Watch During Dignified Transfer - Vas Deferens - 09-14-2021

Brain degeneration is a spectrum we’ll never understand in our lifetimes if we keep rejecting science like we have in the last 30 yrs. if you care so much about dementia and helping brain trauma; start promoting scientific research in the subject regardless of your backwoods understanding of the world.