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RE: Paris under attack - Belsnickel - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 11:50 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: No proof of validity yet, but Syrian and Egyptian passports found.

RE: Paris under attack - Belsnickel - 11-14-2015

I saw someone say something on the wake of all of this that is an interesting thing to think on. The gist is that this should not make us turn against the refugees and turn them away, but embrace them. For the terror, murder, and destruction experienced in Paris is what they were facing daily in their homeland and is what they are trying to escape. This is but a small taste of what they are fleeing from.

RE: Paris under attack - bfine32 - 11-14-2015

Does anyone else seem to think that those suggesting we shouldn't politicize the issue are doing so because the tragedy can be attributed to their political beliefs?

I don't recall the same folks asking that politics and policy not be brought into the situation in the aftermath of the Charleston shootings.

RE: Paris under attack - Bengalzona - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 02:17 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Does anyone else seem to think that those suggesting we shouldn't politicize the issue are doing so because the tragedy can be attributed to their political beliefs?

I don't recall the same folks asking that politics and policy not be brought into the situation in the aftermath of the Charleston shootings.

I think there is a difference in that one incident happened in America while the other happened in France. Politicizing an incident from another country is imposing our politics on them. They have their own politics.

RE: Paris under attack - bfine32 - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 02:29 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I think there is a difference in that one incident happened in America while the other happened in France. Politicizing an incident from another country is imposing our politics on them. They have their own politics.

Oh I agree we should not tell France what to do; however, if the point is someone thinks our policies and politics could lead to a similar tragedy on our soil; then why should they not be brought to light?

Seems I remember POTUS bringing up other "advanced countries" in the wake of the Charleston shootings. 

RE: Paris under attack - GMDino - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 02:17 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Does anyone else seem to think that those suggesting we shouldn't politicize the issue are doing so because the tragedy can be attributed to their political beliefs?

I don't recall the same folks asking that politics and policy not be brought into the situation in the aftermath of the Charleston shootings.

[Image: 101715coletoon.jpg]

RE: Paris under attack - Au165 - 11-14-2015

I have to wonder how stupid those running ISIS are. The reality is this very well could spur a full worldwide united force to enter and wipe them out. When they were just killing Syrians and Iraqi people the world,sat back and watched but did little. Now you have pissed off Russia and you have pissed of a western country with influence.

I have been all for staying out of it until now, but at this point they need to be eliminated. A partnership with Russia you think would allow for a quick resolution.

RE: Paris under attack - bfine32 - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 03:58 PM)Au165 Wrote: I have to wonder how stupid those running ISIS are. The reality is this very well could spur a full worldwide united force to enter and wipe them out. When they were just killing Syrians and Iraqi people the world,sat back and watched but did little. Now you have pissed off Russia and you have pissed of a western country with influence.

I have been all for staying out of it until now, but at this point they need to be eliminated. A partnership with Russia you think would allow for a quick resolution.

There is absolutely no way we would partner with Russia on this matter. 

It is very simplistic (most likely why I promote it); but the 5 minute video at the bottom of this link is pretty informative:

RE: Paris under attack - Millhouse - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 12:13 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: Judge for yourself:

Actually I shouldn't have added that about the band. I dont know, just not cool to do right now and apologies to anyone like Arturo for trying to make a dumb joke.

That said here is a pic from CNN. Countries around the world displayed red white and blue in respect to France. Here was ours, the new World Trade center:

[Image: 151114053906-04-french-colors-1114-super-169.jpg]

RE: Paris under attack - SunsetBengal - 11-14-2015

In other news,

Quote:IS killed and enslaved thousands of Yazidis after seizing the town.

Some 7,500 Iraqi Kurdish fighters, backed by Yazidi militias and Turkish Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) rebels are taking part in the offensive.

Quote:[The offensive to retake Sinjar began at dawn on Thursday backed by US-led coalition air strikes.

Kurdish and Yazidi forces closed in on three fronts after coalition warplanes bombed IS positions, command-and-control facilities and weapons stores.
Hussein Derbo, the head of a Peshmerga battalion made up of 440 Yazidis, told Reuters: "It is our land and our honour. They [IS] stole our dignity. We want to get it back."

It's starting to look as if just about everyone has had enough of the IS.

RE: Paris under attack - GodHatesBengals - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 07:20 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: We literally spend hundreds of billions of dollars to spare sympathizers from collateral damage. 

And yet still, somehow, hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq died.

Either we did not "literally" spent hundred of billions of dollars on sparing civilians, or the money is being horribly mismanaged.

RE: Paris under attack - GodHatesBengals - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 03:58 PM)Au165 Wrote: I have to wonder how stupid those running ISIS are. The reality is this very well could spur a full worldwide united force to enter and wipe them out. When they were just killing Syrians and Iraqi people the world,sat back and watched but did little. Now you have pissed off Russia and you have pissed of a western country with influence.

I have been all for staying out of it until now, but at this point they need to be eliminated. A partnership with Russia you think would allow for a quick resolution.

That is likely exactly what's going to happen.

Dark times ahead.

RE: Paris under attack - J24 - 11-14-2015

Just a quick question? How do we better protect these easy targets. It seems that most of these attacks are happening in places were security is not a priority?

RE: Paris under attack - StLucieBengal - 11-14-2015

Anti EU, anti immigration groups in Europe are now embolden to speak louder.

Le Pen has had a path to victory via the polls in France. Now there is talk of the socialists and centrists working together to keep her from winning.

The one think they have going for them is that France hasn't been worn out by the migrants but they seem to be taking all the terrorist hits.

The political tone of Europe is one to watch even more now.

RE: Paris under attack - JustWinBaby - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 05:04 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: And yet still, somehow, hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq died.

Either we did not "literally" spent hundred of billions of dollars on sparing civilians, or the money is being horribly mismanaged.

Or the US didn't actually kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, if "hundreds of thousands" is even the right number of TOTAL civilian deaths.

RE: Paris under attack - StLucieBengal - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 05:09 PM)J24 Wrote: Just a quick question? How do we better protect these easy targets. It seems that most of these attacks are happening in places were security is not a priority?

I don't think we can until we tightly control our borders. Hard to clean up a flooding basement unless you shut off the leaky pipe.

RE: Paris under attack - bfine32 - 11-14-2015

[Image: 12208339_1070700279640934_90372137122790...e=56F5838A]

We Ready

RE: Paris under attack - GodHatesBengals - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 05:19 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Or the US didn't actually kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, if "hundreds of thousands" is even the right number of TOTAL civilian deaths.

Mkay. What source would you accept regarding civilian death statistics in Iraq? Or is the only valid source one that says what you want to hear?

RE: Paris under attack - Johnny Cupcakes - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 04:23 PM)Millhouse Wrote: Actually I shouldn't have added that about the band. I dont know, just not cool to do right now and apologies to anyone like Arturo for trying to make a dumb joke.

That said here is a pic from CNN. Countries around the world displayed red white and blue in respect to France. Here was ours, the new World Trade center:

[Image: 151114053906-04-french-colors-1114-super-169.jpg]

[Image: 12250091_10156204850480517_2826838535714...e=56B2615A]

RE: Paris under attack - JustWinBaby - 11-14-2015

(11-14-2015, 07:59 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Mkay. What source would you accept regarding civilian death statistics in Iraq? Or is the only valid source one that says what you want to hear?

You mean, like you did?  You said "hundreds of thousands" as if it were fact when, in reality, the number is very much in dispute.  And you implied all those deaths are attributable to the US which is, well, for lack of a better word a LIE.

One source, collated from newspapers, listed a little about 120k.   Coalition forces and Iraq reported 165,000 civilian deaths directly resulting from war violence.   Other studies claimed 500k (which are including indirect causes).  But how many are directly attributable to the US?

Or is it that if you don't like what the sources actually say you just make up your own numbers?