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RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-21-2016

(04-20-2016, 11:04 PM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: Furthermore, this 9/11 conspiracy shit is a joke.  There's no way someone, or many, would've talked.  Use your heads!

So what do you believe happened?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-21-2016

(04-20-2016, 11:15 PM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: And, what would be the purpose of "dumbing" down your citizens who produce your tax dollars?  

So they produce more tax dollars

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Tiger Teeth - 04-21-2016

Like I said last night, I don't come into P n R very often. I just don't believe in all the bizarre conspiracy theories that get tossed around.

But I will say that (IMO) there's no way the 9/11 attacks could've been orchestrated by our government without somebody blowing the lid off of it after all these years.Too many people would have had to be involved.

The "lizard" people comment was a joke.

And I still say it would be counter-productive to have a dumber workforce.

That is all.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Rotobeast - 04-21-2016

(04-20-2016, 11:11 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Flouride in the water is clearly used to reduce the IQ of the general population. No?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-21-2016

(04-21-2016, 10:52 AM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: Like I said last night, I don't come into P n R very often.  I just don't believe in all the bizarre conspiracy theories that get tossed around.

But I will say that (IMO) there's no way the 9/11 attacks could've been orchestrated by our government without somebody blowing the lid off of it after all these years.Too many people would have had to be involved.  

The "lizard" people comment was a joke.

And I still say it would be counter-productive to have a dumber workforce.

That is all.

But people have been trying to blow the lid off of it. 

Have you even looked into any of it, or is it just second hand knowledge you have?

What about the epic and I mean epic failure of our chain of command that day?

Items that were omitted from the OS (official story), and even items that were presented, such as specifically mentioning the Saudi princess (or was it the prince?) had no prior knowledge. Why even say that? They may as well said you didn't have anything to do with it. 

Because you specifically mentioned lizard people, I realize you don't have much knowledge in conspiracies. That's ok. It's not everyone's cup of tea. The point though, since you barely have a passing knowledge of some of these allegations, is it's not fair to paint CT's with such a broad brush, or even to make condescending remarks, without much knowledge (this is a general statement, not personal). 

PnR is where it's at. You should visit more often. Check this thread out, because I will link some good conspiracies in the future that may or may not change your mind. 

If you have some time to kill, you may want to look into 'the missing 411' that I previously linked, since    'You don't believe in all the CT's that get thrown around'. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Vas Deferens - 04-21-2016

What about the epic DJS / GHB conspiracy that took place around here only to have their biggest foe be exposed for a silly alt!



The lizard people in charge of these boards are just creating a bunch of Alta to get us all riled up and then banning them because they can't keep hiding their lives. 'Zona's never even been to AZ. Look at the shadows in his sig.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - BengalHawk62 - 04-21-2016

Here's another conspiracy that I actually do think has a little smoke to it.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-21-2016

(04-20-2016, 07:35 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: They came into busnisess in '80/81. 

If you can find any jobs they did prior to 1994 lemme know. 

Odd that they'd file bankruptcy after Silverstein won 4 billion in his settlement. You'd think they got paid. 

This article sums up ACE/WTC

Stop for a second and listen to what you are trying to claim happened.

The government started planning the 9-11 attacks in 1981.  Created a fake company, and ran it for over 30 years.  but actually performed s huge multimillion dollar replacement of all the motors and operating systems just to cover up the planting of bombs that sat there for a year before they were used.

Do you realize how cray that makes you sound?

And here is the saddest part.  You think that just because no one on a crazy CT site has ever heard of the company ever doing another job then that is proof that they never did.  But you know why no one on any crazy CT site has never heard of any other job the ever did?   BECAUSE NO ONE EVER LOOKED!!!

It is the same reason that none of the people claiming that all the people involved in Sandy hook were fake.  They never went back and looked in old school yearbooks or anything that would prove them wrong.  That is how CTs work.  They make crazy claims; close their eyes; and then claim they don't see any proof that they are wrong.

So since you ask me if I know of any jobs they did before 1994, I'll ask you if anyone of those crazy CTs have actually looked for themselves.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-21-2016


I guess you never heard of a dummy corporation. Or ar you gonna tell me those don't exist either?

The fact is, best I can tell, ACE has no record of clients prior to 1994. 

Multi millions are a drop in the bucket, not a point of contention. 

I wouldn't know what crazy conspiracies sites Have to say. I only visit one and it isn't a conspiracy site. It's a debunking conspiracies site. 

Please stop painting all conspiracy's together. 

Yes. The link I provided goes into great detail. But I can link more if you wish. 

Welcome back btw. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - michaelsean - 04-22-2016

(04-21-2016, 08:03 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: @Fredtoast

I guess you never heard of a dummy corporation. Or ar you gonna tell me those don't exist either?

The fact is, best I can tell, ACE has no record of clients prior to 1994. 

Multi millions are a drop in the bucket, not a point of contention. 

I wouldn't know what crazy conspiracies sites Have to say. I only visit one and it isn't a conspiracy site. It's a debunking conspiracies site. 

Please stop painting all conspiracy's together. 

Yes. The link I provided goes into great detail. But I can link more if you wish. 

Welcome back btw. 

So in the 20 years they planned it, through 4 presidents, and I'm not sure how many CIA directors, they all felt confident enough to pass it along to the next guy? 

I can't read all of this stuff, so what was the end game when they came up with this plan in 1981?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - GMDino - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 09:58 AM)michaelsean Wrote: So in the 20 years they planned it, through 4 presidents, and I'm not sure how many CIA directors, they all felt confident enough to pass it along to the next guy? 

I can't read all of this stuff, so what was the end game when they came up with this plan in 1981?

Yet we are constantly told the government is too inept to do anything.   Mellow

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - michaelsean - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 10:11 AM)GMDino Wrote: Yet we are constantly told the government is too inept to do anything.   Mellow

Because they spent all their time and resources on this.

Can you see Bush Sr pulling Clinton aside.  "Hey man, before I leave, there's something I gotta tell you."

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 10:27 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Because they spent all their time and resources on this.

Can you see Bush Sr pulling Clinton aside.  "Hey man, before I leave, there's something I gotta tell you."

I don't think Ive ever said the government is behind anything. I have said organizations such as the CIA drive our foreign policy and that there's nothing the POTUS can do about it. This implies that much of the government, all the way up to the top, knows very little. Do I know these things to be a fact? No. It's a theory. 

When I see you guys write about government conspiracies, I know immediately you ain't payin attention to what I've written. 

So just to be clear here. Yes the CIA is apart of the government. And yes the CIA is not apart of the government. I view it from the latter. You can view it however you want. They are both, as history has shown us time and time again. 

I also didnt say the ACE Elevator Company was founded specifically for any plot, just that it isn't impossible for them to be a CIA dummy Corp, for any number of reasons and to be used in any number of ways. Like I said, show their clientele list prior to '94. That should be a place for you guys to start who wanna debunk this stuff. Ad hominem's and straw men ain't gonna cut it. 

Additionally, I am not saying this is limited to a CIA plot. But that's a good place to start. 

So concerning the ACE Elevator Company, the theory of their involvement is yet to be debunked. Any one care to comment on the failure of our chain of command, or the Israeli art students (I'll link that story in my next post). How about the WTC security firm? Anyone wanna go down that rabbit hole with me?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-22-2016

Israeli art students at the WTC

Please lemme know if that link isn't satisfactory. I'll link another, this was just the first I could find. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - SteelCitySouth - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 12:08 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Israeli art students at the WTC

Please lemme know if that link isn't satisfactory. I'll link another, this was just the first I could find. 

Quote:The impact points of the “planes” were at the 93-98 floors. Below, cartoon physics of an aircraft imprint created by its flimsy aluminum wings that could not penetrate steel exterior columns.

You realize the idea that the aluminum wings cant penetrate steel exterior columns is a bunch of hogwash right?  The fact that this "article" makes this statement automatically brings all other portions into question.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - GMDino - 04-22-2016

The beauty behind most conspiracies is that you can't disprove them with simple facts. 

There more than a few of these theories that I have delved into.  Some I think have a certain amount of merit, others not so much.  But they are fun exercises in how we as humans just can't accept that something just happen...there must be MORE to it that simple fate, or luck, or just the circumstance of a series of events.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-22-2016

(04-19-2016, 09:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Did the British Government kill Princess Di?

I would have to say that there's soma crazy stuff concerning this that make CT's drool. Like the spot where the accident happened, just happened to be an ancient place of worship for the Goddess ... you guessed it, Diana. Her car hit the 13th pillar I the tunnel, 13 being a number CT's know all to well. 

The driver of the car was said to have a high amount of carbon monoxide ( or is it dioxide?) from the air bags deploying on impact. Mercedes Benz denied this could happen but the oddest part about this is, its believed the driver died on impact, meaning he didn't take another breath. 

The ambulance that carried Diana  to the hospital took about 2 hours to get there. 

All the security cameras in the tunnel stopped working that night. 

There more. But this should get you started. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 12:16 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: You realize the idea that the aluminum wings cant penetrate steel exterior columns is a bunch of hogwash right?  The fact that this "article" makes this statement automatically brings all other portions into question.

You can take that point up with someone arguing it. I'm not. 

I'm pointing out their presence and what was in those boxes. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-22-2016

(04-21-2016, 08:03 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: The fact is, best I can tell, ACE has no record of clients prior to 1994. 

And the fact is that not one single person has ever even looked for this information.

I apologie for the gibberish spelling in my last post, but this is my point.  You claim to be a CT "analyst" but all you doi is fall for silly claimed and never analyse anything.  If any of this CTs were serious they would actually go out and look for this information.  But they know if they really did they would be proven wrong.  So instead they just say things like "the best I can tell"  this company never had another job in the 15 years it existed before they got the WTC contract.

The fact is that not one single person who is trying to use this as evidence of a conspiracy has EVER EVEN LOOKED to see if the company ever had any previous jobs.
How can you fall for stuff like this?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - SteelCitySouth - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 12:29 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: You can take that point up with someone arguing it. I'm not. 

I'm pointing out their presence and what was in those boxes. 

I think you misunderstand my post.  Why would we utilize anything form an "article" with as blatant a lies as what I pointed out?