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The President Survival Game - Printable Version

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RE: The President Survival Game - BmorePat87 - 07-04-2015

George Washington 7
John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison 6
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 5
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 5
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 6
Andrew Johnson 3
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 5
Theodore Roosevelt 7
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Warren G Harding 1
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 4
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 6
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 5
Gerald Ford 3
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

Andrew Jackson

+ Jefferson because of today
- Warren Gamaliel Harding for the Teapot Dome Scandal

RE: The President Survival Game - Johnny Cupcakes - 07-04-2015

Can we get some sort of record of who's been eliminated? Maybe we can keep track of them as we go, down at the bottom after Barack?

RE: The President Survival Game - BmorePat87 - 07-04-2015

(07-04-2015, 12:16 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Can we get some sort of record of who's been eliminated?  Maybe we can keep track of them as we go, down at the bottom after Barack?

Fixed it

RE: The President Survival Game - Johnny Cupcakes - 07-04-2015

(07-04-2015, 12:18 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Fixed it

You're the man.

RE: The President Survival Game - Johnny Cupcakes - 07-04-2015

George Washington 7
John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison 6
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 5
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 5
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 6
Andrew Johnson 2
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 5
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Warren G Harding 1
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 4
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 6
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 5
Gerald Ford 3
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

Andrew Jackson

+ Teddy Roosevelt for delivering a speech with a bullet wound in his chest.
- Andrew Johnson for showing up to his inauguration speech hammered drunk.

RE: The President Survival Game - fredtoast - 07-04-2015

(07-04-2015, 12:28 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: - Andrew Johnson for showing up to his inauguration speech hammered drunk.

This should be a +1.

RE: The President Survival Game - rfaulk34 - 07-04-2015

(07-01-2015, 10:48 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: To make sure interest remains and we can eliminate sooner, I'm going to subtract 5 from everyone so that each started at 5.
Not ready to vote yet, just wanted to scan thru here and make this suggestion since, with 10, it could go on for decades. Someone got INB4. 
Good work updating it. ThumbsUp

RE: The President Survival Game - rfaulk34 - 07-04-2015

(07-02-2015, 01:49 AM)Yojimbo Wrote: I think the rules are as much as you want but no consecutive posts.

Bfine made a good suggestion about a user not being able to - vote the same Pres twice. Probably be a good idea to not allow voting twice and putting a minimum on the number of other posters before you can vote at least 5 posts before you can post again. 

Dunno. I don't want to start advocating adding all kinds of rules and ruin Pat's thread. Just thinkin out loud...

RE: The President Survival Game - rfaulk34 - 07-04-2015

(07-04-2015, 12:28 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: + Teddy Roosevelt for delivering a speech with a bullet wound in his chest.
- Andrew Johnson for showing up to his inauguration speech hammered drunk.

George Washington 7

John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison 6
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 6
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 4
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 6
Andrew Johnson 2
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 5
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Warren G Harding 1
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 4
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 6
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 5
Gerald Ford 3
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

Andrew Jackson

+ Polk for kicking Britains arse in the "fight" for the Northern Border (49th parallel)
- Pierce for not "swearing" on the Bible during his inauguration. "affirm" what kind of weenie does that? Ninja

RE: The President Survival Game - StLucieBengal - 07-05-2015

Teddy Roosevelt having 8 pts blows my mind.

Taft at 6 is surprising as well.

RE: The President Survival Game - StLucieBengal - 07-05-2015

George Washington 8
John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison 6
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 6
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 4
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 6
Andrew Johnson 2
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 5
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Warren G Harding 1
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 4
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 6
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 4
Gerald Ford 3
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

Andrew Jackson

- Nixon - EPA, and cheating.

+ Washington - for not wanting the power and limiting himself and position. Wish recent others felt the same way.

RE: The President Survival Game - BmorePat87 - 07-05-2015

(07-05-2015, 05:44 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: - Nixon - EPA,  and cheating.  

+ Washington - for not wanting the power and limiting himself and position.  Wish recent others felt the same way.

George Washington 8

John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison &
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 6
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 4
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 6
Andrew Johnson 2
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 5
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 4
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 6
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 4
Gerald Ford 3
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

Andrew Jackson
Warren G. Harding

+ Madison for the Constitution and winning the War of 1812
- Warren G Harding because he sucked and I want to see someone eliminated.

RE: The President Survival Game - fredtoast - 07-05-2015

George Washington 8
John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison &
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 6
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 4
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 5
Andrew Johnson 2
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 5
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 4
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 6
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 5
Gerald Ford 3
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

+ Nixon for the EPA
- Lincoln for suspending right to habeas corpus

RE: The President Survival Game - Johnny Cupcakes - 07-05-2015

(07-05-2015, 05:37 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Teddy Roosevelt having 8 pts blows my mind.  

Taft at 6 is surprising as well.

Teddy is one of the best presidents that the country has ever had.  I'd imagine that if you looked up most historians top 10 lists for presidents, he'd be on 90% of them.  The guy was solid all around.

RE: The President Survival Game - Benton - 07-05-2015

George Washington 8
John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison &
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 6
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 4
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 5
Andrew Johnson 2
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 6
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 4
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 5
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 5
Gerald Ford 3
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

-1 JFK for going forward with the Bay of Pigs invasion after it was pretty clear Cuba knew it was coming.
+1 McKinley for tariffs that promoted domestic growth and setting up a chunk of Teddy Roosevelt's success

RE: The President Survival Game - StLucieBengal - 07-05-2015

(07-05-2015, 05:11 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Teddy is one of the best presidents that the country has ever had.  I'd imagine that if you looked up most historians top 10 lists for presidents, he'd be on 90% of them.  The guy was solid all around.

He started the trend of the president using more power than they were intended. He wasn't all bad as others.... But he did a lot of bad to take away freedoms.

RE: The President Survival Game - fredtoast - 07-05-2015

(07-05-2015, 08:29 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:   But he did a lot of bad to take away freedoms.

You mean the freedom of monopolies to exploit their power?

RE: The President Survival Game - bfine32 - 07-05-2015

Pretty sure somebody was holding the shift key when they input Madison's score

RE: The President Survival Game - BmorePat87 - 07-06-2015

(07-05-2015, 08:50 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You mean the freedom of monopolies to exploit their power?

the freedom to destroy nature

RE: The President Survival Game - Belsnickel - 07-06-2015

George Washington 8
John Adams 5
Thomas Jefferson 8
James Madison 7
James Monroe 6
John Quincy Adams 4
Martin Van Buren 6
William Henry Harrison 3
John Tyler 6
James Knox Polk 6
Zachary Taylor 5
Millard Fillmore 4
Franklin Pierce 4
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 5
Andrew Johnson 2
Ulysses S. Grant 6
Rutherford B Hayes 5
James Garfield 5
Chester A Arthur 5
Grover Cleveland 7
Benjamin Harrison 5
William McKinley 6
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 6
Woodrow Wilson 4
Calvin Coolidge 6
Herbert Hoover 3
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 6
Harry S. Truman 6
Dwight D Eisenhower 9
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 5
Lyndon Baines Johnson 5
Richard Nixon 5
Gerald Ford 4
Jimmy Carter 3
Ronald Reagan 5
George Bush 3
Bill Clinton 3
George W. Bush 3
Barack Obama 6

+ to Ford for being the only Eagle Scout POTUS
- to Hoover for Hoovervilles