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NFL Protest - Printable Version

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RE: NFL Protest - Wyche'sWarrior - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 02:00 PM)Nately120 Wrote: The disco age?

Well, I was looking for "The Great Depression", but I suppose disco will suffice. Smirk

RE: NFL Protest - jason - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 06:56 PM)WychesWarrior Wrote: Well, I was looking for "The Great Depression", but I suppose disco will suffice. Smirk

They both sucked.

RE: NFL Protest - Nate (formerly eliminate08) - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 02:03 PM)WhoDeyandtheBlowFish Wrote: Sure the fashion choices are a bit misplaced.

However, to say he hates america is totally off base.  

Think of it this way.  Which is more patriotic?  Trying to make your country a better place FOR ALL and truly the greatest country on earth.  Or to ignore all faults because you believe in American exceptionalism and the status quo?

We should strive to be the best country in the world.  The land of the free.  Justice for all. etc.

Not just plant our flag and declare it true.

No, to say Kaepernick hates America is the complete truth from what he does and says and represents.

I love your last sentiments but in the end this helps no one, nobody and hurts the NFL beyond anyone's imagination.

It is one of the final moves to wussify the men of this great country.

This is not about black and white. 70-75% of the NFL is black and we put these guys on pedestals.

These guys make millions of dollars and have a million other ways to get their point across than kneeling during our National Anthem.

This just might destroy the NFL, if you are for that, you got your wish along with Kaep. Even if he did it unknowingly.

RE: NFL Protest - Nate (formerly eliminate08) - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 05:11 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I'm surprised this has not moved to p&r yet? However, I'm impressed how this has been respectfully discussed in this forum without personal attacks. Maybe it will remain here because of that factor.

Same here Harley, same here.

RE: NFL Protest - bonesaw - 09-29-2017

Remember when you could get away with punching someone in the face? People were a lot more choosy on what they got all riled up about.

RE: NFL Protest - Nate (formerly eliminate08) - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 07:51 PM)bonesaw Wrote: Remember when you could get away with punching someone in the face?  People were a lot more choosy on what they got all riled up about.

Ahhh, the good old days. Smirk

RE: NFL Protest - jason - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 07:51 PM)bonesaw Wrote: Remember when you could get away with punching someone in the face? People were a lot more choosy on what they got all riled up about.

Sorta along those lines, the internet has contributed to the current climate. It's so easy to spout off, and say things that you'd never say to someone's face. The way people have gone at each other over this insignificant topic, and many others is sickening. This country's downfall is coming, and it has nothing to do with ISIS, North Korea, Russia, immigrants, walls... It's literally rotting out from the inside.

RE: NFL Protest - BengirlVal - 09-29-2017

I haven't watched a football game since all that crap went down. Not even sure I will watch our game this weekend. I am so over the BS and would rather enjoy my time with family instead of watching overpaid players disrespect our flag and what is stands for. Being a family full of service men and women....I'm done. Knowing what our soldiers go through in war zones and how it affects their every day lives after they've seen what they've seen. What their families have endured when they are gone....thanks but no thanks NFL!

RE: NFL Protest - Junglejuice - 09-29-2017

(09-28-2017, 10:44 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Players come and go. Anthem stays, flag stands, until every last breath is taken to defend it. It's been that way since the first life was taken to defend it, It should remain that way till the last!

The problem in this situation is its a circle argument.

The anthem and and what is symbolizes is being played out on the field with the protests.

Freedom of speech is the most important idea this country is founded upon.  
These protests are not a disrespect of the troops actually they are a reminder of what our serviceman have sacrificed to protect.

There are very real issues in this country and unfortunately nothing changes without hurt feelings.

RE: NFL Protest - ochocincos - 09-29-2017

Quote from Alan Isaacman played by Edward Norton in The People vs Larry Flynt:
Quote:I don't like what Larry Flynt does, but what I do like is the fact that I live in a country where you and I can make that decision for ourselves. I like the fact that I live in a country where I can pick up Hustler magazine and read it, or throw it in the garbage can if that's where I think it belongs.
I think this could easily apply to many other things in the world today that people argue about, especially this protest.

RE: NFL Protest - jason - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 09:51 PM)ochocincos Wrote: Quote from Alan Isaacman played by Edward Norton in The People vs Larry Flynt:
I think this could easily apply to many other things in the world today that people argue about, especially this protest.


RE: NFL Protest - HarleyDog - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 09:43 PM)Junglejuice Wrote: The problem in this situation is its a circle argument.

The anthem and and what is symbolizes is being played out on the field with the protests.

Freedom of speech is the most important idea this country is founded upon.  
These protests are not a disrespect of the troops actually they are a reminder of what our serviceman have sacrificed to protect.

There are very real issues in this country and unfortunately nothing changes without hurt feelings.

I'm sorry. I don't buy it.

RE: NFL Protest - Shake n Blake - 09-30-2017

I appreciate that this thread was mostly civil and had some thoughtful responses, but any protest thread that is created in JN from this point forward will be deleted. This is the last time I'll be nice and just move it to PnR...where such threads belong.

Sorry it took this long, but I haven't been on for 2 days. I know the other guys have been busy as well.

RE: NFL Protest - Coop197823 - 09-30-2017

With all the stuff going on and the talking heads showing how unhappy they are with America (looking at you Shannon Sharpe), it is time to let the NFL die. Stop watching it, and let them find out how hard it is to work for a paycheck like the rest of us.

RE: NFL Protest - Wyche'sWarrior - 09-30-2017

(09-29-2017, 09:22 PM)jason Wrote: Sorta along those lines, the internet has contributed to the current climate. It's so easy to spout off, and say things that you'd never say to someone's face. The way people have gone at each other over this insignificant topic, and many others is sickening. This country's downfall is coming, and it has nothing to do with ISIS, North Korea, Russia, immigrants, walls... It's literally rotting out from the inside.

[Image: 6c8d6dc37371fcec349d22685bfbd874--profou...tional.jpg]

RE: NFL Protest - Shake n Blake - 09-30-2017

"United we stand...divided we fall"

"And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand" - Matthew 12:25

RE: NFL Protest - Vlad - 09-30-2017

(09-29-2017, 09:51 PM)ochocincos Wrote: Quote from Alan Isaacman played by Edward Norton in The People vs Larry Flynt:
I think this could easily apply to many other things in the world today that people argue about, especially this protest.

No it cant.

Buying a Hustler magizine or attending a strip club is a choice.

You go to a football game to watch football, not to witness disrespect and fake activism.

Just waiting for someone to say that if a person doesn't want to witness that shit he has the choice of not attending the game.

RE: NFL Protest - HarleyDog - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 11:25 AM)Shake n Blake Wrote: "United we stand...divided we fall"

"And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand" - Matthew 12:25

[Image: 22104518_10212311885866226_7523601390917...e=5A4ED906]

RE: NFL Protest - Luvnit2 - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 12:19 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: [Image: 22104518_10212311885866226_7523601390917...e=5A4ED906]

Split? It appears to me the vast majority disagree with NFL players protesting the flag and the anthem. Remove liberals and t he GOP and look closely at independents 43% to 32%. The middle say stop it!

RE: NFL Protest - HarleyDog - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 12:32 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Split? It appears to me the vast majority disagree with NFL players protesting the flag and the anthem. Remove liberals and t he GOP and look closely at independents 43% to 32%. The middle say stop it!

Yeah, I thought the same thing.