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AOC's Racist Speech - Printable Version

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RE: AOC's Racist Speech - fredtoast - 04-12-2019

I was raised by parents with heavy southern accents. That was the way I spoke growing up. When I was in college and would talk to my parents on the phone my roommates would make fun of the way I talked like a hillbilly.

The thing is that I never noticed that I spoke differently with my parents until my roommates pointed it out. It was something I did without even realizing it.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Belsnickel - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 09:38 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I was raised by parents with heavy southern accents. That was the way I spoke growing up. When I was in college and would talk to my parents on the phone my roommates would make fun of the way I talked like a hillbilly.

The thing is that I never noticed that I spoke differently with my parents until my roommates pointed it out. It was something I did without even realizing it.

When I get around my family from SWPA, I get much more Yinzer-ish than I am normally. My wife cracks up listening to it sometimes. But then she gets real twangy when she gets mad or excited, so I like to poke fun at her for that, as well.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - BmorePat87 - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 09:09 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Never seen it, so this reference is lost on me.

You've probably seen his character parodied on South Park. He's the guy who played Herman Munster/The judge from My Cousin Vinny. 

[Image: MiisT.png]

[Image: CunNFCoUEAAPeye.jpg]

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - BmorePat87 - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 08:46 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: The map doesn't work, anymore. So sad.

should work if you remove "archive"

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Belsnickel - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 10:09 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: should work if you remove "archive"

I took it a couple of times and I'm pretty consistent with western North Carolina down into Georgia being my regional dialect. It is tough, though, because I had to think about which word I use more frequently. Like with sub versus hoagie, for instance. I will code switch that one, using sub more often, but hoagie around my SW PA relatives.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - GMDino - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 10:34 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I took it a couple of times and I'm pretty consistent with western North Carolina down into Georgia being my regional dialect. It is tough, though, because I had to think about which word I use more frequently. Like with sub versus hoagie, for instance. I will code switch that one, using sub more often, but hoagie around my SW PA relatives.

Like pop and soda.  I say soda all the time.  Picked it up from a college gf and never dropped it.  

But I have also never said "yinz" despite being born and raised in SW PA and having a grandmother that used it all the time.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Belsnickel - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 10:36 AM)GMDino Wrote: Like pop and soda.  I say soda all the time.  Picked it up from a college gf and never dropped it.  

But I have also never said "yinz" despite being born and raised in SW PA and having a grandmother that used it all the time.

I use y'all more regularly, but yinz when I'm mad. Psychoanalysts would have fun with that one. LOL

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - GMDino - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 11:08 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I use y'all more regularly, but yinz when I'm mad. Psychoanalysts would have fun with that one. LOL

I say y'all a fair amount.  Don't have a reason for that!

I also say "howdy" to people I know when I see them.  I picked that up from my old boss...who was also born and raised in SW PA!  LOL!

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - fredtoast - 04-12-2019

FYI the plural form of "y'all" is "all y'all".

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Benton - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 09:09 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Never seen it, so this reference is lost on me.

No gory scenes, he speaks a bit more toward the end of the video.

The Yinz-App made me think "bad Maine man".

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Dill - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 10:34 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I took it a couple of times and I'm pretty consistent with western North Carolina down into Georgia being my regional dialect. It is tough, though, because I had to think about which word I use more frequently. Like with sub versus hoagie, for instance. I will code switch that one, using sub more often, but hoagie around my SW PA relatives.

I thought a hoagie was a TYPE of sub, not synomous with "sub."  

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Dill - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 09:38 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I was raised by parents with heavy southern accents.  That was the way I spoke growing up.  When I was in college and would talk to my parents on the phone my roommates would make fun of the way I talked like a hillbilly.

The thing is that I never noticed that I spoke differently with my parents until my roommates pointed it out.  It was something I did without even realizing it.

Me too. Mother from rural Texas and father from rural Oklahoma. 
When I got in trouble my mother would say "Yo daddehs gon clean yo plow!"

But I spent my whole adult life in the North and never picked it up.  I learned to imitate them pretty well, though, when I wanted to irritate them.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - bfine32 - 04-12-2019

My mom would often say "Well I swuny" Never knew what the actual word she was mispronouncing, She said it when she was in amazement.

My dad said "His'uns" as the male possessive.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Dill - 04-12-2019

(04-12-2019, 08:18 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: OP is claiming that AOC's accent was southern (it's not) and that it is racist for her to put that on for the predominately black audience she was speaking to. 

She was using a forced New York Puerto Rican accent. Think Rosie Perez but not as authentic.

She could be the new Hillary.  R-wing media has been tracking any modulation in Hillary's speech for years.

Could be the beginning of an "inauthenticity" theme that will be attached and re-attached to her in the future.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - CKwi88 - 04-12-2019

Shit, I'm from CT and I use y'all all the time. Didn't know I was a racist.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Beaker - 04-12-2019

(04-11-2019, 11:20 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I have to agree with JJ.  I'm not a big a big fan of AOC, but she is no worse than Trump.

No better either.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Dill - 04-13-2019

(04-12-2019, 11:55 PM)Beaker Wrote: No better either.

???  Not, at least, in some moral or ethical sense? 

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Beaker - 04-13-2019

(04-13-2019, 12:13 AM)Dill Wrote: ???  Not, at least, in some moral or ethical sense? 

Her and trump are two of the stupidest people I know. The direction of politics terrifies me.

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - bfine32 - 04-13-2019

(04-13-2019, 12:19 AM)Beaker Wrote: Her and trump are two of the stupidest people I know. The direction of politics terrifies me.

I would consider AOC as naive and Trump as overly narcissistic. I would hesitate to call either stupid, but you probably know some really smart people. 

RE: AOC's Racist Speech - Dill - 04-13-2019

(04-13-2019, 12:42 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I would consider AOC as naive and Trump as overly narcissistic. I would hesitate to call either stupid, but you probably know some really smart people. 

Agreed. But AOC won't be naive forever. Trump will always be a narcissist. And in position to do far more damage.