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The Gig Economy - Printable Version

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RE: The Gig Economy - fredtoast - 05-13-2019

(05-13-2019, 11:51 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I think the biggest vulnerability to uber and lyft drivers in their pursuit to get increased percentages is: They bring absolutely no skill set to the table. I mean sure, you gotta have a driver's license, but who the hell doesn't have one of them other that low income democratic voters?

They also have to own and maintain a certain quality of car.

If there are unlimited people willing to do the job and rent their vehicles then they won't get a raise, but why shouldn't they organize to get better pay.  No matter how much you try to devalue their skills and vehicles the fact is they generate hundreds of millions of dollars with those skills and vehicles.

RE: The Gig Economy - bfine32 - 05-13-2019

(05-13-2019, 01:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: They also have to own and maintain a certain quality of car.

If there are unlimited people willing to do the job and rent their vehicles then they won't get a raise, but why shouldn't they organize to get better pay.  No matter how much you try to devalue their skills and vehicles the fact is they generate hundreds of millions of dollars with those skills and vehicles.

Doesn't take a lot of skill to own a car and take it to walmart for oil changes. I'm not devaluing the person's skills, hell there may be many skilled uber driver. I simply pointing out the skill set to perform the task is not the most intricate. 

Apparently you've confused me with someone who thinks they don't have the right to demand a larger percentage. I'm simply pointing out they don't have much of a bargaining chip. 

RE: The Gig Economy - Au165 - 05-13-2019

(05-13-2019, 01:27 PM)fredtoast Wrote: And if enough driver chose not to work for that rate Uber and Lyft will have to raise the rate.

So what is wrong with the drivers organizing for better pay?

Again, never said they couldn't attempt to. I have said they are welcome to try and organize, however they have no leverage and the company is welcome to do nothing in response. I continue to point out all the while though that I think the company isn't doing anything wrong.

As you quoted me before, I CHOSE to work at an adjusted rate. Just like they can CHOOSE to organize. Choices exist, sometimes those choices don't work out and sometimes they do.