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RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 12:43 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: I think you misunderstand my post.  Why would we utilize anything form an "article" with as blatant a lies as what I pointed out?

Then I shall find a better link. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 12:08 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Israeli art students at the WTC

Please lemme know if that link isn't satisfactory. I'll link another, this was just the first I could find. 

I read the link and I have no idea what the point was.

What are they claiming these arts student did that had anything to do with 9-11?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-22-2016

(04-21-2016, 08:03 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: @Fredtoast

I guess you never heard of a dummy corporation. Or ar you gonna tell me those don't exist either?

yes I know that dummy corporations exist.  I just don't believe that they are created 30 years in advance, do noting for 14 years, then get a maintenance contract that they carry out for several years before doing a huge complicated elevator replacement jobs just to cover up planting explosives.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-22-2016

As for the fluoridation conspiracy, their is absolutely ZERO benefit to having a dumber, weaker workforce.

If you were in a position of power would you want people working and creating more wealth for you, or would you want to spend more of your own money taking care of a non-productive workforce?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - GMDino - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 12:56 PM)fredtoast Wrote: As for the fluoridation conspiracy, their is absolutely ZERO benefit to having a dumber, weaker workforce.

If you were in a position of power would you want people working and creating more wealth for you, or would you want to spend more of your own money taking care of a non-productive workforce?

I disagree.

I'll use Carlin's quote:
[Image: heartland-carlin.png?1398528920]

At our shop there is a particularly dirty job.  I often say it takes a special person to work at that position:  Smart enough to learn how to use the tools and dumb enough to not understand how shitty of a job it is.  It is a very necessary part of our shop though.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 12:52 PM)fredtoast Wrote: yes I know that dummy corporations exist.  I just don't believe that they are created 30 years in advance, do noting for 14 years, then get a maintenance contract that they carry out for several years before doing a huge complicated elevator replacement jobs just to cover up planting explosives.

Then it's possible you've underestimated some things. It's just as possible I've overestimated things. 

There may be a rational explanation about this company. But let's not jump to conclusions. 

Most people never heard of this Company but think they have all the answers  Well you can't have all the answers without all the information. This is pertinent information as to the possibility of explosives. This answers how the explosives could've been placed there. Does it not? That's the question everyone always brings up. Well, I've answer it, soundly. 

A mysterious company surely did have access and the time to plant explosives. This is an indisputable fact. 

I've written much more here about being open to new info and how I don't wanna come across as hard headed. But I deleted it. Just know that I look forward to each and every one's replies. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - PhilHos - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 01:20 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: There may be a rational explanation about this company. But let's not jump to conclusions. 

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - NATI BENGALS - 04-22-2016

Lets get to something important. Like our ability to crush our enemies with the weather control device known as HAARP.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - JustWinBaby - 04-22-2016

(04-21-2016, 12:29 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Items that were omitted from the OS (official story)

I've seen most of the "evidence" over the years, and there are perfectly logical, rational and independent explanations - with actual good science - if you are willing to accept it. 

But like most conspiracy theories, the 9/11 relies heavily on the strawman and, in the case of the quote above, red herrings of omission.  The foundation of any good CT is a thousand questions ranging from the impractical, , irrelevant, unreasonable and illogical to the ridiculously absurd....reject any explanation and then claim lack of a satisfactory answer is evidence of a conspiracy.

Honestly, if it was omitted from the "official story", then what proof do we have that what was supposedly "omitted" was real?  Or anything more than some nutjob's opinion that it was pertinent enough to be part of abbreviated official "summaries"?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - michaelsean - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 01:20 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Then it's possible you've underestimated some things. It's just as possible I've overestimated things. 

There may be a rational explanation about this company. But let's not jump to conclusions. 

Most people never heard of this Company but think they have all the answers  Well you can't have all the answers without all the information. This is pertinent information as to the possibility of explosives. This answers how the explosives could've been placed there. Does it not? That's the question everyone always brings up. Well, I've answer it, soundly. 

A mysterious company surely did have access and the time to plant explosives. This is an indisputable fact. 

I've written much more here about being open to new info and how I don't wanna come across as hard headed. But I deleted it. Just know that I look forward to each and every one's replies. 

So did this elevator company actually do the work?  

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Benton - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 02:30 PM)michaelsean Wrote: So did this elevator company actually do the work?  

ACE was in charge of updating the elevator system. State-of-the-art 30 years earlier was horribly out-of-date for building codes. If I'm remembering, part of ACE's job was to install safety locks on elevators so people couldn't open the doors.

ACE went out of business after USA Today did a story on how the locks might have led to more deaths (not really ACE's fault, they were just hired to do the job to code), and how a crew there working that day fled the building instead of hanging around to try and help people. Remember, this is 2001 and anyone who wasn't waving a flag or wearing a NYFD shirt was considered a terrorist... so having maintenance guys who actually ran from the buildings instead of staying to help firefighters probably went over as well as Jesse Jackson handing out bumper stickers at a Klan rally.

I just don't see how anyone can think this plan goes back to the 1980s when Larry Silverstein who didn't yet own the building decided he needed to start a fake elevator company so that in 20 years he could place explosives in the WTC, then purchase it, then hire some guys to hijack a plane and kill themselves for the insurance money... which wouldn't have paid what it cost to operate an elevator company for 30 years with 100-200 employees. I get the long game, but damn, that would be the worst plan in history.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 01:20 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: A mysterious company surely did have access and the time to plant explosives. This is an indisputable fact. 

There was nothing mysterious about ACE elevator.  What do you mean?

There were other established elevator companies operating in NYC and I am sure they were all in competition for the same jobs and had a pretty good idea of what companies were doing what.  If some company that never had a job before won the WTC job there would have been a lot of suspicion among the other players.  Not that there was some government plan in place to set explosives, but they would definitely had a lot of questions about where this company came from and who was running it.  Yet not one of these conspiracy theorists has gone to the trouble to ask any questions from the competitors about who was behind ACE or if they had ever done any other jobs.  

Of course I am not going to the trouble to do any of this.  But if I REALLY believed that our own government had killed thousand of American I would sure as hell do more about it than create a website to throw out wild accusations with nothing to back them up.  I would either do dome basid investigation myself or try to raise money to do some real investigation.  Filing for corporate status and getting a business license require that a lot of name s be made public record.  Even an entry level private investigator could find out a lot about the people behind ACE and if they had any other customers.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Tiger Teeth - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 02:58 PM)Benton Wrote: ACE was in charge of updating the elevator system. State-of-the-art 30 years earlier was horribly out-of-date for building codes. If I'm remembering, part of ACE's job was to install safety locks on elevators so people couldn't open the doors.

ACE went out of business after USA Today did a story on how the locks might have led to more deaths (not really ACE's fault, they were just hired to do the job to code), and how a crew there working that day fled the building instead of hanging around to try and help people. Remember, this is 2001 and anyone who wasn't waving a flag or wearing a NYFD shirt was considered a terrorist... so having maintenance guys who actually ran from the buildings instead of staying to help firefighters probably went over as well as Jesse Jackson handing out bumper stickers at a Klan rally.

I just don't see how anyone can think this plan goes back to the 1980s when Larry Silverstein who didn't yet own the building decided he needed to start a fake elevator company so that in 20 years he could place explosives in the WTC, then purchase it, then hire some guys to hijack a plane and kill themselves for the insurance money... which wouldn't have paid what it cost to operate an elevator company for 30 years with 100-200 employees. I get the long game, but damn, that would be the worst plan in history.
And keep them all quiet.  My problem with the whole thing, and yes, I said I wasn't coming back in here, is this.  The amount of people that would have been involved in this CT would number in the hundreds, cross political party lines, and even other governments.  I say there is NO WAY that somebody who was directly involved wouldn't have talked.  

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-22-2016

The interwebs is the last bastion of free speech. I shall return on the morrow. Tonight, I feast. 

Please, purty please check out the song I just linked in the music forum. I would love some feedback from you, my trusted friends. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Bengalzona - 04-22-2016

I got a conspiracy.

Now, I don't want to scare any of you guys out there. But I think there are women out there who are only having sex with men so that they can menstruate on them.

They are out there, man!

Watch out!!!

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Beaker - 04-22-2016

(04-22-2016, 01:20 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Most people never heard of this Company but think they have all the answers  Well you can't have all the answers without all the information. This is pertinent information as to the possibility of explosives.

No its not. Its a classic case of making something fit a narrative after the fact. You could do the same thing by saying something like "looking at visitor sign in logs showed that lots of muslims visited the towers in the two years leading up to the attack, that was plenty of opportunity for them to plant explosives". That's how ridiculous the whole elevator service company as evidence speculation is. Not to mention how stupid the whole inside job speculation is.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-23-2016

(04-22-2016, 11:04 PM)Beaker Wrote: No its not. Its a classic case of making something fit a narrative after the fact. You could do the same thing by saying something like "looking at visitor sign in logs showed that lots of muslims visited the towers in the two years leading up to the attack, that was plenty of opportunity for them to plant explosives". That's how ridiculous the whole elevator service company as evidence speculation is. Not to mention how stupid the whole inside job speculation is.

I will get back to this reply tomorrow. For today, old 'friend'. Please check out the song I linked. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Rotobeast - 04-23-2016

Just a reminder concerning the 9/11 debate.....

All the components were present to create and activate thermite.

On the other side of the ball, the WTC was due for a massive asbestos removal project.

Please continue.....

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Beaker - 04-23-2016

(04-23-2016, 12:08 AM)Devils Advocate Wrote: I will get back to this reply tomorrow. For today, old 'friend'. Please check out the song I linked. 

I think your link is a conspiracy to infect all our computers with a virus that will send all our personal info to the CIA.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Benton - 04-23-2016

(04-23-2016, 10:06 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Just a reminder concerning the 9/11 debate.....

All the components were present to create and activate thermite.

On the other side of the ball, the WTC was due for a massive asbestos removal project.

Please continue.....

The wtc had been subsidized for years. That's all it was, a giant tax write off. The asbestos removal would've been paid for by taxpayers.