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RE: NFL Protest - jason - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 12:19 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: [Image: 22104518_10212311885866226_7523601390917...e=5A4ED906]

My poll isn't as scientific, but I've yet to hear a real person outside of these forums, a couple of Facebook friends who seem to live their lives in a constant state of outrage, and the sports media even discuss it. To me that says the silent majority of Americans don't care, and are busy living their lives.

It also strikes me kinda funny that people want to boycott the entire NFL over the actions of a few. It's easy to forget that a year ago there was actually a message behind Kaepernick's protest. That message seemed to be that cops were brutalizing and killing minorities. People instantly respond "Not all cops. 90 something percent of cops do a great job. It's just a few bad apples.". It's the same with these protests. I've yet to see a Bengal kneel.

People are free to do as they please though. If they don't wanna watch or go, so be it. I don't like their method much myself, but I just can't summon any outrage over the actions of complete strangers. I take that back. I've always wished ill against Adrian Peterson since I heard he split his kid's scrotum with a switch. That's far ***** worse than anything you can do to a flag. Nobidy boycotted anything over that though.

RE: NFL Protest - StLucieBengal - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 03:26 PM)jason Wrote: My poll isn't as scientific, but I've yet to hear a real person outside of these forums, a couple of Facebook friends who seem to live their lives in a constant state of outrage, and the sports media even discuss it. To me that says the silent majority of Americans don't care, and are busy living their lives.

It also strikes me kinda funny that people want to boycott the entire NFL over the actions of a few. It's easy to forget that a year ago there was actually a message behind Kaepernick's protest. That message seemed to be that cops were brutalizing and killing minorities. People instantly respond "Not all cops. 90 something percent of cops do a great job. It's just a few bad apples.". It's the same with these protests. I've yet to see a Bengal kneel.

People are free to do as they please though. If they don't wanna watch or go, so be it. I don't like their method much myself, but I just can't summon any outrage over the actions of complete strangers. I take that back. I've always wished ill against Adrian Peterson since I heard he split his kid's scrotum with a switch. That's far ***** worse than anything you can do to a flag. Nobidy boycotted anything over that though.

I was just in our downtown district here this morning and was in and out of about 40-50 shops with my wife. I was wearing a bengals hat and I had at least 25 people ask me if my team stood with the flag or kneeled.

RE: NFL Protest - jason - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 12:12 PM)Vlad Wrote: No it cant.

Buying a Hustler magizine or attending a strip club is a choice.

You go to a football game to watch football, not to witness disrespect and fake activism.

Just waiting for someone to say that if a person doesn't want to witness that shit he has the choice of not attending the game.

I agree with you to an extent. I watch sports to get away from real life. To enjoy myself. To have fun. The coverage of it, and the inflammation if the situation that occurred last Friday irritates me.

Dan Lebatard put it really well the other day. He was talking how amazing it was to see the ranger on the Steelers so confused... That man who risked his life 3 times over was sheepishly apologizing for his actions. I don't buy his explanation of what happened, but he doesn't owe me a damn thing. He didn't make anyone look bad as far as I'm concerned. He's a goddamn American standing for what he believes in. I can only guess, but there must have been a freeze out of him in the locker room. I've criticized Tomlin for many things in the past, but I feel he was trying to dead the issue, and reinforce the idea that they are there to play football not get involved in this.

RE: NFL Protest - jason - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 03:36 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I was just in our downtown district here this morning and was in and out of about 40-50 shops with my wife. I was wearing a bengals hat and I had at least 25 people ask me if my team stood with the flag or kneeled.

You can proudly answer "They stood. The same as they always have". You could also add "They lost, and need to get it together this weekend"... You know. Talk football.

I stand up at home when watching the Superbowl, NBA finals... Wherever I hear it. I choose to honor the flag of the country I live in. I'm not gonna get worked up by those that don't though.

RE: NFL Protest - samhain - 09-30-2017

This whole thing has nothing to do with Trumpers honoring America. It has to do with him feeding his derelict, misguided base red meat. He's been doing it for his entire political life and their appetite for it is insatiable.

This is about him wanting to be the old white guy that finally gets to go back to the old days. You know, the days when white people got to put black people in their place when the got "out of line". He knows that it will make him Charlemagne to his supporters. It's the final delicious revenge of southern whites and rednecks for the Obama presidency. He's only president because he hopped on the birther train to begin his political career and got a resounding response from the necks, fentanyl-shooters, unemployable, and regressive crowd.

If you voted for Trump, be clear. You hate America and all it stands for. You killed this nation by electing and autocratic, embarrassing imbecile. You don't get to be pretend patriots over a flag or anthem. Your electoral victory last November meant that the deaths of every American serviceman and woman meant less, because the people they gave their lives for didn't want the rights they defended. They wanted forced, fake patriotism, and and end to dissent.

The entire Trump movement is more of an insult to the flag and our servicemen than any kneeling athlete will ever be. Trump in office is more un-American than a dumpster filled with burning flags.

RE: NFL Protest - Shake n Blake - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 04:52 PM)samhain Wrote: This whole thing has nothing to do with Trumpers honoring America.  It has to do with him feeding his derelict, misguided base red meat.  He's been doing it for his entire political life and their appetite for it is insatiable.  

This is about him wanting to be the old white guy that finally gets to go back to the old days.  You know, the days when white people got to put black people in their place when the got "out of line".  He knows that it will make him Charlemagne to his supporters.  It's the final delicious revenge of southern whites and rednecks for the Obama presidency.  He's only president because he hopped on the birther train to begin his political career and got a resounding response from the necks, fentanyl-shooters, unemployable, and regressive crowd.  

If you voted for Trump, be clear.  You hate America and all it stands for.  You killed this nation by electing and autocratic, embarrassing imbecile.  You don't get to be pretend patriots over a flag or anthem.  Your electoral victory last November meant that the deaths of every American serviceman and woman meant less, because the people they gave their lives for didn't want the rights they defended.  They wanted forced, fake patriotism, and and end to dissent.  

The entire Trump movement is more of an insult to the flag and our servicemen than any kneeling athlete will ever be.  Trump in office is more un-American than a dumpster filled with burning flags.

[Image: tenor.gif]

RE: NFL Protest - samhain - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 07:02 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: [Image: tenor.gif]

Truth hurts.  Be honest, you were a birther.  You probably thought Tamir Rice and Philando Castille got what they deserved, too didn't you?  Why do you think it's okay for the state to murder people, yet hate people exercising a Constitutional right?  Don't worry, Trump will put all those uppity brown people back in their place for you.

RE: NFL Protest - Nebuchadnezzar - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 07:02 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: [Image: tenor.gif]

(09-30-2017, 07:49 PM)samhain Wrote: Truth hurts.  Be honest, you were a birther.  You probably thought Tamir Rice and Philando Castille got what they deserved, too didn't you?  Why do you think it's okay for the state to murder people, yet hate people exercising a Constitutional right?  Don't worry, Trump will put all those uppity brown people back in their place for you.

RE: NFL Protest - Luvnit2 - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 04:52 PM)samhain Wrote: This whole thing has nothing to do with Trumpers honoring America.  It has to do with him feeding his derelict, misguided base red meat.  He's been doing it for his entire political life and their appetite for it is insatiable.  

This is about him wanting to be the old white guy that finally gets to go back to the old days.  You know, the days when white people got to put black people in their place when the got "out of line".  He knows that it will make him Charlemagne to his supporters.  It's the final delicious revenge of southern whites and rednecks for the Obama presidency.  He's only president because he hopped on the birther train to begin his political career and got a resounding response from the necks, fentanyl-shooters, unemployable, and regressive crowd.  

If you voted for Trump, be clear.  You hate America and all it stands for.  You killed this nation by electing and autocratic, embarrassing imbecile.  You don't get to be pretend patriots over a flag or anthem.  Your electoral victory last November meant that the deaths of every American serviceman and woman meant less, because the people they gave their lives for didn't want the rights they defended.  They wanted forced, fake patriotism, and and end to dissent.  

The entire Trump movement is more of an insult to the flag and our servicemen than any kneeling athlete will ever be.  Trump in office is more un-American than a dumpster filled with burning flags.

This may be the most bigoted and racist post I have seen in a long time.

RE: NFL Protest - Luvnit2 - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 07:49 PM)samhain Wrote: Truth hurts.  Be honest, you were a birther.  You probably thought Tamir Rice and Philando Castille got what they deserved, too didn't you?  Why do you think it's okay for the state to murder people, yet hate people exercising a Constitutional right?  Don't worry, Trump will put all those uppity brown people back in their place for you.

And then the double down. Attacking white people is racist, just as attacking black people is racist.

RE: NFL Protest - GMDino - 09-30-2017

This is bigotry:

[Image: 22007550_2052735061622035_24307787807385...e=5A3FFA90]

RE: NFL Protest - samhain - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 08:53 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: This may be the most bigoted and racist post I have seen in a long time.

Don't care what you think as I have zero respect for you or your opinion.  You've demonstrated your true colors as have the rest of those boycotting, even though you half-stepped and only had the constitution to give up the ticket and miss one game.  Not very loyal to your dear leader, is it?  

Your protest shows nothing outside of the fact that you are beholden to influence from a man you see as godlike in his public pronouncements.  You put up with it for a year until he pulls the "Foosball iz duh Devil" routine last weekend.

Keep taking your marching orders from your master.  He'll get the revenge you've so badly wanted since November of 08.

Repeat it with me, Bobby.  "Trump sez, Foozball IZ DUH DEVIL UUURRRRGGHH!".  What a joke.

RE: NFL Protest - GMDino - 09-30-2017

So now that a week has passed the players that knelt in solidarity over Trump's SOB comment will stand, just like they always did.  And trump an his supporters will claim "victory" for the flag the veterans and America.

Meanwhile Trump tweets from his golf course about how hard everyone else is working.


RE: NFL Protest - Luvnit2 - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 09:06 PM)samhain Wrote: Don't care what you think as I have zero respect for you or your opinion.  You've demonstrated your true colors as have the rest of those boycotting, even though you half-stepped and only had the constitution to give up the ticket and miss one game.  Not very loyal to your dear leader, is it?  

Your protest shows nothing outside of the fact that you are beholden to influence from a man you see as godlike in his public pronouncements.  You put up with it for a year until he pulls the "Foosball iz duh Devil" routine last weekend.

Keep taking your marching orders from your master.  He'll get the revenge you've so badly wanted since November of 08.

Repeat it with me, Bobby.  "Trump sez, Foozball IZ DUH DEVIL UUURRRRGGHH!".  What a joke.

You showed your true colors and that is cool. Keep on hating,  I am fine and loving life. I have years to enjoy our great leader.  Hilarious

RE: NFL Protest - samhain - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 09:13 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: You showed your true colors and that is cool. Keep on hating,  I am fine and loving life. I have years to enjoy our great leader.  Hilarious
Cool.  Enjoy letting others tell you what to like and think.  

RE: NFL Protest - Luvnit2 - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 09:17 PM)samhain Wrote: Cool.  Enjoy letting others tell you what to like and think.  

Says the guy who lives by the hatred of the Democratic playbook.  Hilarious

RE: NFL Protest - Vlad - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 09:04 PM)GMDino Wrote: This is bigotry:

[Image: 22007550_2052735061622035_24307787807385...e=5A3FFA90]

Yes, and?

RE: NFL Protest - Vlad - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 04:52 PM)samhain Wrote: This whole thing has nothing to do with Trumpers honoring America.  It has to do with him feeding his derelict, misguided base red meat.  He's been doing it for his entire political life and their appetite for it is insatiable.  

This is about him wanting to be the old white guy that finally gets to go back to the old days.  You know, the days when white people got to put black people in their place when the got "out of line".  He knows that it will make him Charlemagne to his supporters.  It's the final delicious revenge of southern whites and rednecks for the Obama presidency.  He's only president because he hopped on the birther train to begin his political career and got a resounding response from the necks, fentanyl-shooters, unemployable, and regressive crowd.  

If you voted for Trump, be clear.  You hate America and all it stands for.  You killed this nation by electing and autocratic, embarrassing imbecile.  You don't get to be pretend patriots over a flag or anthem.  Your electoral victory last November meant that the deaths of every American serviceman and woman meant less, because the people they gave their lives for didn't want the rights they defended.  They wanted forced, fake patriotism, and and end to dissent.  

The entire Trump movement is more of an insult to the flag and our servicemen than any kneeling athlete will ever be.  Trump in office is more un-American than a dumpster filled with burning flags.

GMDino agrees with you 100% ThumbsUp

RE: NFL Protest - GMDino - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 09:31 PM)Vlad Wrote: Yes, and?

Educating people on what true bigotry looks like.

Education is lost on a few.

RE: NFL Protest - samhain - 09-30-2017

(09-30-2017, 09:22 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Says the guy who lives by the hatred of the Democratic playbook.  Hilarious

Says the guy who's morals only come into play when he's told to act on them and he can put them on display.