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RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - fredtoast - 01-18-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:32 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Given the standard you have established here as a personal insult he was replying to this:

Uh, Lucie would agree 100% with what GMDino said about him.  So how is that an insult?

Not only are you proud of not being open minded, but you are also extremely sensitive.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - bfine32 - 01-18-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:41 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Uh, Lucie would agree 100% with what GMDino said about him.  So how is that an insult?

Not only are you proud of not being open minded, but you are also extremely sensitive.

It can be inferred to be an insult every much as the "personal insult" you attributed to Lucie and everyone (but you apparently) knows it meant as such. Yet when someone is directly called an idiot or rube no inference is required.

Where did I say I'm proud of not being open-minded?

I'll ask again for the 1000th time: Is that one of those 'Red Straws" that folks that have no point in a discussion try to use?

But I will say that if the constant personal attacks employed by the "open-minded" on here are an indicator of open-mindedness then I will own being proud of not being open-minded.

Now please excuse my sensitivities tough guy. 

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - GMDino - 01-18-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:32 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Given the standard you have established here as a personal insult he was replying to this:

Given your standard that was an insult and happened "first", and was a reply to a post that simply said excellent.
Once again I never said a conservative never says anything insulting. Is that ANOTHER one of those "Red Straws" that those who have no point try to introduce?

Oh!  You thought that that was an insult?

No, sadly it was just pointing out that Lucy was either making up stuff or he actually believes something that has been proven false by multiple sources.

Now if I had said he was stupid because of that, or easily mislead, or any other description perhaps THAT would be an insult. 

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - bfine32 - 01-18-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:57 PM)GMDino Wrote: Oh!  You thought that that was an insult?

Why the need for the little smilely things if it was not an attempt to belittle (insult)?

Please don't be disingenuous. 

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - Rotobeast - 01-19-2016

(01-16-2016, 01:20 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You have always denied you are a racists despite the fact that racists agree with you.

(01-18-2016, 03:52 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So I then pointed out to him that the same logic would make him a racists because the KKK agrees with some of the things that he supports.

I never really called him a racxists.

(01-18-2016, 11:18 PM)fredtoast Wrote: He was never called racists just because he called middle eastern people white. 

Just curious as to if you misspelled racist on purpose ?
Maybe as a plausible deniability thing ?
"No, I didn't call him a racist. I called him a "racxists"....".

Sorry.... I'm bored.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - StLucieBengal - 01-19-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:21 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Here

Doesn't make you a racist: they have been brain washing amercians for 100 years .... I think you are a victim.... Not a racist.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - GMDino - 01-19-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Why the need for the little smilely things if it was not an attempt to belittle (insult)?

Please don't be disingenuous. 

The first one:   Shocked  (shocked) was because I was shocked that someone would still post such a thing when it has been proven wrong...repeatedly.

The second one:  Cool (cool) was because I was no longer shocked once I realized why Lucy posted what he did.


RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - GMDino - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:15 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Doesn't make you a racist:   they have been brain washing amercians for 100 years .... I think you are a victim.... Not a racist.

...and you buying the discredited videos means you were brainwashed also. Only you're demonstratively wrong and won't admit it.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - StLucieBengal - 01-19-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:41 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Uh, Lucie would agree 100% with what GMDino said about him.  So how is that an insult?

Not only are you proud of not being open minded, but you are also extremely sensitive.

What am I agreeing with? Dino calls me lots of things.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - BmorePat87 - 01-19-2016

(01-18-2016, 03:13 PM)Vlad Wrote: That's all true, plus the word "savage" is looked at as being synonymous with bloodthirsty warmongers, so bad choice of words by Lucie.

But by it's definition, savage can also simply mean primitive or backward. I certainly would look at a culture that practices female genital mutilation, sharia law,  marrying children, and the execution of gays  as being backward or primitive. Wouldn't you?

Lucie...use "primitive" or "backward" from now on.

I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing genital mutilation, marrying children, or executing people for being gay. Those are certainly backwards practices. However, suggesting that this occurs in all countries in Africa or the Middle East would be silly. 

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - BmorePat87 - 01-19-2016

(01-18-2016, 03:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: ...but you have no problem with using the word racist to categorize people.


RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - bfine32 - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:20 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: And?

Both are often done out of ignorance..

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - StLucieBengal - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:18 AM)GMDino Wrote: ...and you buying the discredited videos means you were brainwashed also. Only you're demonstratively wrong and won't admit it.

On the videos: I don't need just them.... I can make those judgements based on PP heads testimony in front of Congress. I watched every minute of that possible.

Which is clearly why they don't need the federal cash.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - StLucieBengal - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:19 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing genital mutilation, marrying children, or executing people for being gay. Those are certainly backwards practices. However, suggesting that this occurs in all countries in Africa or the Middle East would be silly. 

Never said all countries. But nice try.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - BmorePat87 - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:21 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Both are often done out of ignorance..

That's the best you got? You're going to have to try harder if you want us to believe the sociology teacher is wrong here when discussing sociological concepts. Maybe use the scientific definition of race a few more times to explain to us that Lucie is only racist when calling all Africans "racists", not when he calls all people from the Middle East that. If you say it enough, maybe it'll magically be true?

I'll check back tomorrow morning and see.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - GMDino - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:21 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: On the videos:  I don't need just them.... I can make those judgements based on PP heads testimony in front of Congress.     I watched every minute of that possible.  

Which is clearly why they don't need the federal cash.

So it is you OPINION despite the fact that none of what you said in your post is true.

That's fine.

But that still means you are wrong.  Better check your sources Luvnit, er, Lucy.

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - SunsetBengal - 01-19-2016

(01-18-2016, 11:13 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You said "first" and this was said before anything you list.

But I guess you don't consider anything like that as an insult.  Or divisive.  Because only liberals say bad things, right?

He asked if the makes you..  You were the one to go all Matlock on him, and use logical fallacy to make him look in the negative, while posing yourself in some sort of superior opinion..

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - fredtoast - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:15 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Doesn't make you a racist:   they have been brain washing amercians for 100 years .... I think you are a victim.... Not a racist.

How could you possibly accuse me of being brainwashed when i completely reject the eugenic principle that only the genetically superior people should be allowed to procreate?  And when I also support helping poor minorities get reproductive health assistance to help them procreate.

Wouldn't brainwashing require that I agree with their beliefs instead of rejecting them completely?

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - Vlad - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 12:19 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing genital mutilation, marrying children, or executing people for being gay. Those are certainly backwards practices. However, suggesting that this occurs in all countries in Africa or the Middle East would be silly. 

Those backward practices and other are known as Sharia Law. Sharia law is practiced throughout most Middle Eastern Islamic states, so it is not silly to suggest that it does.

The countries in purple are countries where Sharia applies in full, covering personal status issues as well as criminal proceedings.
[Image: 2s7i8p1.png]
Women continue to be stoned to death in these countries.

The execution of gays.

Prejudice remains, both socially and legally, in much of the Islamic world against people who engage in homosexual acts. In Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty

Countries where female genital mutilation is still practiced.

[Image: 9r7khl.png]

In addition to female genital mutilation, a large portion of Africans still live in grass huts and chuck spears, so yes its fair to say much of Africa is still primitive or backward.

So does all this mean I'm a racist too?

RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - fredtoast - 01-19-2016

(01-19-2016, 01:35 AM)Vlad Wrote: Those backward practices and other are known as Sharia Law. Sharia law is practiced throughout most Middle Eastern Islamic states, so it is not silly to suggest that it does.

The countries in purple are countries where Sharia applies in full, covering personal status issues as well as criminal proceedings.
[Image: 2s7i8p1.png]
Women continue to be stoned to death in these countries.

The execution of gays.

Prejudice remains, both socially and legally, in much of the Islamic world against people who engage in homosexual acts. In Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty

Countries where female genital mutilation is still practiced.

[Image: 9r7khl.png]

In addition to female genital mutilation, a large portion of Africans still live in grass huts and chuck spears, so yes its fair to say much of Africa is still primitive or backward.

So does all this mean I'm a racist too?

Being racist does not mean ignoring facts about groups of people.  It is only racist when you judge an individual from a group based on the actions of the group.

It is not racist to say that black people score lower on intelligence tests than white people.  But it is racist to say that "all" black people are stupid or that a specific individual must be stupid because he is black.

So there is a big difference between saying "There are savage elements of society in these countries" and "Everyone from these countries are savages".

even a liberal like myself will acknowledge that blacks as a group have certain problems in their culture that they have to correct", but I never make blanket statements that apply to every individual like "Black men don't raise their children" because I know more black men who are great fathers than have abandoned their children..

What Lucy does is make blanket statements about all Muslims oir all individuals from certain countries.  And that is racist.