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RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - masonbengals fan - 04-12-2018

This thread went downhill fast.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - jj22 - 04-12-2018

Sad fact is MB really screwed up and is putting the Bengals in the news for all the wrong reasons.

It was an unnecessary misstep and we are once again the clowns of the league/nation. If it was an issue, why even bring him in for an interview? MB has put up with too much and the national mockery and pushback was too easy to see coming. Even Trump is probably rolling his eyes at MB "moral red line".

Now Reid is gaining sympathy and the Bengals are being mocked. He was better of beating a women, getting a DUI, using PED, being a locker room cancer, found responsible for killing a man etc. Who really thinks that is a good message?

All this over some fake outrage from the same people glorifying Roseanne. How exactly do you explain to your children why kneeling (an act of grace) is wrong and unpatriotic, but spitting, giving the middle finger, grabbing your crotch and screaming the national anthem in mockery is patriotic?

We must do better as people to not let politics have us acting like we have no sense, common or otherwise. People are STILL outraged, while the politicians who used them have moved on (ie promoting Roseanne). We must do better. Time to stop blaming politics and politicians for being who they are and blame the person in the mirror for not holding them accountable for their obvious hypocrisy and worse.... being willingly used and played for fools repeatedly and knowingly. We must stand for reason and logic.

We need more independent thinkers like myself who aren't so easily manipulated by fake news and politicians drumming up "outrage" when it suits them, even tho they really don't care. I understood the "outrage" initially, but now that you all know you were played by these politicians, why still be mad?

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - GMDino - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 11:49 AM)jj22 Wrote: Sad fact is MB really screwed up and is putting the Bengals in the news for all the wrong reasons.

It was an unnecessary misstep and we are once again the clowns of the league/nation.

Now Reid is gaining sympathy and the Bengals are being mocked. He was better of beating a women, getting a DUI, using PED, being a locker room cancer etc.

did Brown put this in the news or did Reid?

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - jj22 - 04-12-2018

I don't claim to know. But Brown brought him in for an interview knowing he was still in his feelings about the Anthem kneeling. If it was still an issue for Brown, then that is on Brown. An unnecessary move, given what all he tolerates and that being a stand he was willing to draw the line on.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - GMDino - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 12:08 PM)jj22 Wrote: I don't claim to know. But Brown brought him in for an interview knowing he was still in his feelings about the Anthem kneeling. If it was still an issue for Brown, then that is on Brown. An unnecessary move, given what all he tolerates and that being a stand he was willing to draw the line on.

No disagreeing.  And after reading the article I see he made the same pronouncement last year too.

I was just curious if anyone thought Reid brought this to the media to garner support versus Brown reinforcing what he said previously.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - SunsetBengal - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 12:08 PM)jj22 Wrote: I don't claim to know. But Brown brought him in for an interview knowing he was still in his feelings about the Anthem kneeling. If it was still an issue for Brown, then that is on Brown. An unnecessary move, given what all he tolerates and that being a stand he was willing to draw the line on.

The Bengals were the first team to give Reid a serious look, since the free agency period began, a month ago.

I don't see where Mike Brown can possibly be accused of doing anything wrong.  He took notice that this prospective employee had taken part in some controversial actions, while working for his former employer.  Reid released a statement, saying that he had no intentions of continuing those actions, at this time.  (what the hell does "at this time" mean, anyway?)  So, Mike Brown asked him if he was serious about his words, and would be willing to commit to standing by them.

What is wrong with any of that?

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - Wyche'sWarrior - 04-12-2018

(04-11-2018, 04:23 PM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: Not sure how equality is "political". I find it extremely racist of anyone who isn't tolerant of that simple action. White man vote trump, against this action = 100%.

Yes, thank you Mike Brown for the perennial playoff losses, for putting white man ahead of winning a playoff game. That's what you sound like. We can go all go to our death bed knowing white power was the reason we never win a super bowl! Inequality is great. Don't steal my money! You don't work hard enough to earn it actually.

Lastly, its' NOT illegal to kneel for the anthem! So your opinion is actually worthless here. It's only Mike Brown's opinion that matters, and it's very funny that you guys trust M. Brown to do any ***** thing. This opinion is littered in racism hiding behind nationalism and patriotism.

You have your choice to put your money elsewhere, do it. The NFL has already said it's up to the teams, they're not going to control it. It's not like the Bengals put out a product worth watching anyway! I would find it hilarious if we won the super bowl and you didn't watch a single game because of someone protesting for equality, surely nobody is that dumb (then again the average NFL fan has got to be the dumber segment of the population).

I find republicans have a big problem in putting themselves in someone else's shoes. Reverse it where white people are the minority and see how you feel!

So to Bonnie and others, if you're not having your hand on your heart in your house and hat off during the anthem - what's that saying super religious say, he/she who casts the first stone? Bullshit. You're drinking a beer on the couch with your hand down your pants like the rest of us. You would stop watching if AJ Green kneeled once? Lol!

Are you even watching the anthem? Get real! Go watch some other pitiful sport, American's greatest past time, thew whitest and most boring sport in america, Baseball. lol.

Oh shit, Tebow is kneeling and praying, I'm not going to watch another game, any team, ever again. Oh shit, Curry points to the sky and thanks God after his 3 pointers, well shit I don't believe in God, I'm not watching another game again. CALL ME DUMBO MY EARS ARE BIG ENOUGH.

Life ends real fast so make your decision, don't watch or watch, do something better with that time. I'll agree to one thing, Bengals are surely a waste of a Sunday's time.

Meh.....Paul Brown (and shocker.....Mike Brown as well, as he was there) was a PIONEER of sports integration. In fact, he was a year ahead of the Booklyn Dodgers and Jackie Robinson.

[Image: giphy.gif]

.....I'd kinda hafta say.....kick rocks on that one podge. :andy:

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - Wyche'sWarrior - 04-12-2018

(04-11-2018, 04:37 PM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: Everyone is racist, it's to what degree. And that a action of disagreeing and hiding behind veterans is 100% racist in this instance, they're lying to themselves - a veteran told him to do it! Lol, blame the vet.

Once again, he doesn't have to do it away from his employer the NFL, they made no such action illegal. Trust Mike Brown to make the right decision, lol.

I don't have to be the exception, the pot can call the kettle black. I believe a large percentage of those who are against anthem protests are racist. If you are a minority you know what i'm saying, if you're not, you may have difficulty visualizing someone else's "unequal" life.

If you voted for Trump you are dumb or a racist, you can choose. Then let's go ahead and venn diagram those who voted for Trump and are against an NFL player kneeling for equality.

You have to actively fight racism, it's not natural to want to blend in with something that doesn't look or act the same lol (other than opposite gender).

You can't tell someone how to peacefully protest. You can change the channel if you'd like, or not log onto the internet. Example of a non peaceful protest: white supremacists running someone over during their "protest" and killing them.

It's not the method of the protest you're mad about, it's the reason behind the protest. Instead you guys confuse it with VETS, MILITARY, ARMY, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, just keep throwing Trump's limited vocab out there that has nothing to do with it! They should protest in their own house so nobody can see them or hear them, that - is the best form.

I'm wondering what Chicago's obviously black on black violence has to do with his general message. Seriously? But yeah, if you're going down the route of the 2nd amendment, I agree, less guns the better. Hell, get rid of all of them and be like Japan who is basically superior in every facet to Americans. Even the Yakuza are afraid to carry guns! The gangs.

This is the phrase that should stick in your head: Patriotism promotes Nationalism, which is the foundation for Fascism.

LOT of stereotyping there bub.....I mean A LOT.  You're kinda undermining your stance against bigots when you come off as one yourself.  Just a friendly PSA. :andy:

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - Wyche'sWarrior - 04-12-2018

(04-11-2018, 06:23 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Put away that victim card.  It doesn't make you racist.  It just makes you uninformed.

The reason blacks see deaths at the hands of police differently than whites is because blacks have been victims of systematic racial profiling and discrimination in the criminal justice system.  You can not expect them to believe that police treat them the same as whites when there is proof that they are treayed different from whites.

So at the sametime you question why they are not talking about a high crime rate among blacks they question why you are not talking about racial profiling and discrimination in the criminal justice system.  You are missing part of the "whle problem" just like they are.

An interesting sidebar here that I feel goes unnoticed.....some whites have more money for better counsel, and get reductions, cases thrown out, etc.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - Wyche'sWarrior - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 09:31 AM)Hoofhearted Wrote: Yeah, I won't also pretend to understand the every day struggle of black people and their oppression, but I am totally willing to listen/help/support their cause, but just wish the method the NFL players used is different is all. How I personally look at it is In the roughly two-minute rendition of Key’s poem, we want to feel unified in belonging to a country with such a diverse background. When the players use this time of unity to divisively advance their agenda, outrage is probably going to happen. We should never shy away from acknowledging our issues, but equally as important, perhaps more so, is celebrating our strengths. I fully understand without this protest, there's no discussion like this going on, but just wish there was a healthier method of delivery on how we can get better as a society. But this did exactly as it was intended, so mission accomplished and happy the vast majority of this country is now well aware of this problem and hopefully working toward getting better.

Well said brother.  I've felt a good compromise would have been to maybe kneel before the opening kickoff....hell, that's on national TV.  Also, bring awareness to your plight in post game interviews.  Win, win.  However, I have those pie in the sky views where we all work together to solve our problems and use compromise and common sense. Whatever

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - PhilHos - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 11:49 AM)jj22 Wrote: All this over some fake outrage from the same people glorifying Roseanne. How exactly do you explain to your children why kneeling (an act of grace) is wrong and unpatriotic, but spitting, giving the middle finger, grabbing your crotch and screaming the national anthem in mockery is patriotic? 
What? Who the hell is glorifying what Roseanne did? I remember the shitstorm she caused by doing that. As I recall it, no one defended what she did and she ended up doing the usual apologizing tour afterwards.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - fredtoast - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 04:16 PM)Wyche Wrote: An interesting sidebar here that I feel goes unnoticed.....some whites have more money for better counsel, and get reductions, cases thrown out, etc.

It doesn't go unnoticed.  Almost all studies on racial inequality in the criminal justice system adjusts for socioeconomic differences.

Poor blacks get worse deals than poor white people.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - HarleyDog - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 07:24 PM)fredtoast Wrote: It doesn't go unnoticed.  Almost all studies on racial inequality in the criminal justice system adjusts for socioeconomic differences.

Poor blacks get worse deals than poor white people.

Tell that to poor white people.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - fredtoast - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 07:26 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Tell that to poor white people.


RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - wildcats forever - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 04:24 PM)Wyche Wrote: Well said brother.  I've felt a good compromise would have been to maybe kneel before the opening kickoff....hell, that's on national TV.  Also, bring awareness to your plight in post game interviews.  Win, win.  However, I have those pie in the sky views where we all work together to solve our problems and use compromise and common sense. Whatever

Keep those pie in the sky views happenin', my brother. Lead by example. Please.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - michaelsean - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 05:09 PM)PhilHos Wrote: What? Who the hell is glorifying what Roseanne did? I remember the shitstorm she caused by doing that. As I recall it, no one defended what she did and she ended up doing the usual apologizing tour afterwards.

Yeah I don’t remember a single person of any race, creed, sex, sexual preference or political affiliation cheering her on.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - jj22 - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 05:09 PM)PhilHos Wrote: What? Who the hell is glorifying what Roseanne did? I remember the shitstorm she caused by doing that. As I recall it, no one defended what she did and she ended up doing the usual apologizing tour afterwards.

It doesn't matter what happened in the past. Kids today were reintroduced to her in the era of the Anthem controversy. So when they see a tweet from a man who has attacked athletes for kneeling, praising her, conservative media outlets who called the act anti-American promoting her, then other tweets of her national anthem "performance", there's some explaining to do. What do you say? Oh we were mad at her too before? But isn't she great now? Don't you just love her.

How do you then tell them to put forth the energy and "outrage" to boycott the NFL. It doesn't seem worth it to me.

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - michaelsean - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 08:57 PM)jj22 Wrote: It doesn't matter what happened in the past. Kids today were reintroduced to her in the era of the Anthem controversy. So when they see a tweet from a man who has attacked athletes for kneeling praising her and conservative media outlets promoting her, then other tweets of her national anthem "performance", there's some explaining to do. What do you say? Oh we were mad at her too before? But isn't she great now?

How do you then tell them to put for the energy and "outrage" to boycott the NFL. It doesn't seem worth it to me.

I’m going to answer for Philos. What?

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - HarleyDog - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 07:53 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Why?

Would love to hear you tell him he’s privileged for the color of his skin when he has little to nothing. Your opinion is quite questionable in it’s own way. 2 equally poor people. Yet the color of skin separates thier sufferings?

RE: Eric Reid Anthem Thread - jj22 - 04-12-2018

(04-12-2018, 08:59 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I’m going to answer for Philos. What?

Hypocrisy isn't a confusing concept (outside of politics). Shouldn't be, unless you are desperately trying to excuse it.

At least answer my question. How do explain to a kid why we are boycotting the NFL and not Roseanne?