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RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - CKwi88 - 06-27-2024

There will be very loud, and very justified, calls for Biden to step aside.

I think Trump just won the election.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - basballguy - 06-27-2024

Holy crap I was traveling from Dallas to Denver and just got home. CNN is in shambles and I missed the debate.

Man I need to watch this replay tomorrow

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - KillerGoose - 06-27-2024

(06-27-2024, 11:53 PM)basballguy Wrote: Holy crap I was traveling from Dallas to Denver and just got home. CNN is in shambles and I missed the debate.

Man I need to watch this replay tomorrow

Biden had a very poor showing IMO. He improved as time went on, I think, but we’re still talking bad.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - hollodero - 06-28-2024

Biden's greatest historical failure will be to have run for a second term.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Luvnit2 - 06-28-2024

All I can say is Biden locked himself up for 7 days, had 16 advisors and tonight he proved the GOP and Fox News is correct again, Biden is done politically.

My question is who is warming up to replace him? Don't forget, Joe asked for this debate.

He did tonight what the liberal media and the WH said was cheap fakes. Biden had a complete freeze and never finished answering a question. Biden repeated the lie about Charlottesville and then looked confused when Trump called him out the story was debunked. Biden said some things that made zero sense, at one point Trump said I am not sure what he said, and I don't think he knows what he just said.

Just sad to watch Biden get put out there for the world to see how diminished he has become. He reminded of me when one of my favorites of all time came out of retirement. Muhammad Ali was the greatest, until he wasn't.

I am curious, how are the liberal news stations analyzing the debate?

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Luvnit2 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:08 AM)hollodero Wrote: Biden's greatest historical failure will be to have run for a second term.

Nope, his biggest political failure for the country will be he won the 1st time.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - basballguy - 06-28-2024

Anderson Cooper all over Harris on CNN. Much respect. Kamala can’t answer any of his questions about Biden and deflected on every out he gave her to save face.


RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Luvnit2 - 06-28-2024

How many swing voters did the DNC and Biden win over tonight?

How many swing voters did the DNC lose after tonight?

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Dill - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:40 AM)basballguy Wrote: Anderson Cooper all over Harris on CNN.  Much respect.  Kamala can’t answer any of his questions about Biden and deflected on every out he gave her to save face.  

Now they are fact checking Trump lies--largest tax cut in history, Trump created veteran's choice and Biden got rid of it; every legal expert was against Roe, record approval rating from VA, Biden called African Americans "super predators," unprecedented numbers of murders by migrants, etc.

Biden mistakenly said no service members died on his watch. At least 13 did. 

I missed the whole itemized list; apparently there were a lot. 

Some think the lies won't matter because Trump was "energetic" and Biden lacked energy.  

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:08 AM)hollodero Wrote: Biden's greatest historical failure will be to have run for a second term.

All part of the plan, my friend.

(06-28-2024, 12:40 AM)basballguy Wrote: Anderson Cooper all over Harris on CNN.  Much respect.  Kamala can’t answer any of his questions about Biden and deflected on every out he gave her to save face.  


And that's how they get rid of Harris.  Don't either of you be shocked if Biden and Harris are replaced by a Newsome or some other candidate by mid to late July.  This was the plan all along.  The Dems concealed having a dementia addled POTUS for three or so years.  They lied to the American people every day for years.  As much as I dislike Trump, the Dems need to be away from the levers of power for the next decade or so as recompense.  And they have no one but themselves to blame.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - jason - 06-28-2024

(06-27-2024, 11:04 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: I shouldn't have turned this on.

America loses. Neither of these two deserve to be president.

I saw maybe 100 seconds of the debate. Biden looked and sounded old and confused, and Trump sounded and looked stupid. What are we doing here?

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Nately120 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 01:38 AM)jason Wrote: I saw maybe 100 seconds of the debate. Biden looked and sounded old and confused, and Trump sounded and looked stupid. What are we doing here?

I think I'm back to throwing my vote away on a 3rd party candidate that isn't either of these guys.  Democrats need to pull the plug on Biden ASAP and if he somehow manages to get it together and win everyone can quote this post and laugh at me in November. 

The hubris the major parties have to back two immensely unpopular and unfit candidates knowing one of them simply has to be gifted a win by default is pretty sad. 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - NATI BENGALS - 06-28-2024

Jake Auchincloss and Seth Moulton

Both Harvard grad infantry Marines serving in congress. Give me one of them.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - hollodero - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 01:22 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: All part of the plan, my friend.

If the plan was to make me look idiotic in this thread, then it succeeded. You and our conservative friends got Biden right, I thought SOTU Biden was real, he is not. That is a man apparently too old to run the country and there's no way around it any longer.
While Trump is still Trump, it's not like his performance was soothing. It's a disaster, brought to you by the rotten decaying two party system that needs to be thrown on the dunghill of history. No way around that too.

And if it really was a plan, then it's a lousy one. Why not convince Biden to not run a second time, that would have been a better plan.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Synric - 06-28-2024

Trump sounds like he's hellbent on revenge against everyone in Washington and Biden needs a nice knitted quilt, a rocking chair, and a porch somewhere.

Joe Manchin as the democratic canidate doesn't seem so crazy now does it? Lol.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - pally - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:50 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: How many swing voters did the DNC and Biden win over tonight?

How many swing voters did the DNC lose after tonight?

Th problem for the other side is I don’t think Trump won those swing voters last night

For as old that Joe looked Trump looked and sounded like he was living in an alternate reality

His performance was just as bad just in a different way

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - SunsetBengal - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 07:20 AM)Synric Wrote: Trump sounds like he's hellbent on revenge against everyone in Washington and Biden needs a nice knitted quilt, a rocking chair, and a porch somewhere.

Joe Manchin as the democratic canidate doesn't seem so crazy now does it? Lol.

I've said previously that Manchin is the sort of moderate, true centrist that the Country needs right now. We need to get away from this "far left" and "far right" leadership.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - BoomerFan - 06-28-2024

There is a second debate scheduled, correct? I wonder if some of this is the expectations game. Like not so much candidates sabotaging themselves but also not putting the effort in, including debate prep beforehand and being well rested before the debate (as president you have to make choices whether to spend attention on day to day things or clear your schedule before a debate).

First half football.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Millhouse - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 08:11 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I've said previously that Manchin is the sort of moderate, true centrist that the Country needs right now. We need to get away from this "far left" and "far right" leadership.

We absolutely need to get away from the far left and right. And Manchin would definitely get my vote at this point, because as it stands now I can't stomach either candidate for vastly different reasons.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - SunsetBengal - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 09:00 AM)Millhouse Wrote: We absolutely need to get away from the far left and right. And Manchin would definitely get my vote at this point, because as it stands now I can't stomach either candidate for vastly different reasons.

Yep, about the only positive to come about, after Biden's handlers allowed him to Epstein his political career on National stage, is that the dollar started rising..