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RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-24-2016

(04-24-2016, 09:53 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Ok, 9/11 is getting stale here......

DA..... while it's been around for quite some time, what are your thoughts on ECHELON and how it has advanced ?
Side question...... are you aware of any health issues it may have created ?

Another topic......

What is the skinny on Obama's Racial Database ?

I believe a fact we have to live with in today's world is our privacy just doesn't matter to us, as a whole. Social media is a great indicator of this. 

Pay attention in the future. Not only do ads follow you around as you peruse the interwebs, from time to time, it can follow you across other mediums as well and even follow you from face to face conversations to the web, and ive had people swear it follows them even to television, though I've never personally experienced this myself. Pay attention. Conversations you're having with you girlfriend face to face, suddenly you may start getting emails for those kitchen cabinets you've been talking about. I have personally experienced this. 

As far as spying collecting data. I just don't think people care about their privacy. Until they do, nothing will happen. And they won't care until it's too late. 

I will discuss some of the things I've researched in my next post or so. 

  hopefully it will allow us to move on to other conspiracies. 

But I warn you, it gets pretty out there.   It should be entertaining. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - BengalsRocker - 04-24-2016

(04-24-2016, 10:30 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: @Beaker

They were unknown

Yeah, they gained the most coveted job in the industry Without a budget. Seems legit. 

Yes. On 9/11  They abandoned post when their very own protocol asked them to be first responders. Firefighters and other first responders aren't efficiently trained to respond to elevator emergencies. 

But they didn't have any other large contracts And it's presumed they received some type of payment from the insurance claims. 

And Disputed. 

Ok. Doesn't debunk the fact that elevator maintence has access to the buildings core. 

True. Nevertheless, Elevators were down in the months prior, establishing plausibility. 

I have no idea why you don't think it's relevant. Considering the fact the OS goes outta it's way to say the Saudis weren't involved. 

This makes no sense. 

Maybe. But when fire fighters, their boss and qualified others say they heard explosions, in court, that would be considered pretty solid testimony. 

The rest is really inconsequential. There may not be a conspiracy, I am open to that, despite what you may think, but I have given facts concerning ACE. They had the means and time to plant explosives. But I do not have a motive. I can speculate, but then we'll just go back and forth and back again. 

So like I said previously, until any of you come up with anything, I'm moving on. 
So... this couldn't just be attributed by the ACE company ineptness?  

The length of time for repair and failure to answer assumed protocol?

Just a coincidence?

Hey I'm just throwing it out there.

They could've just been in over their heads.

Large commercial airplanes flying into the biggest high rise buildings and the sheer terror/mayhem isn't necessarily a common occurrence. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-24-2016

(04-24-2016, 11:24 PM)BengalsRocker Wrote: So... this couldn't just be attributed by the ACE company ineptness?  

The length of time for repair and failure to answer assumed protocol?

Just a coincidence?

Hey I'm just throwing it out there.

They could've just been in over their heads.

Large commercial airplanes flying into the biggest high rise buildings and the sheer terror/mayhem isn't necessarily a common occurrence. 

Look, everything I've said in this thread could be meaningless. But maybe not?

How many coincidences and 'firsts' can happen in one tragic day?

Yeah this company appears to be inept and they appeared to be inept before gaining the contract, while having the contract and after the contract.  This is the WTC; the most prominent elevator system in the world. 

I'll try to reply to anything you guys throw out there. So keep em coming. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Tiger Teeth - 04-24-2016

(04-24-2016, 10:08 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Not really. That thread is separate from this one. 

In this thread you've called me nuts and implied that I am bizarre and now have said that I'm paranoid. 

I don't really care but if you're gonna go that route then don't get defensive if I reply to it. Though, I said I wouldn't reply to such things, so on that front, I Apologize. I don't take anything here personally and hope you feel the same. 

I do hope you stick around though as this is a fun place to be. 

I'm posting my last post in this thread, to you specifically.  I lost someone very close to me in the TERRORIST attacks on 9/11.  And simply put, I find it sickening for anyone to say it was a conspiracy that had ANYTHING to do with our government.  And that my friend, is all of me in P n R.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Rotobeast - 04-24-2016

Operation Jade Helm.... a dry run (no pun intended) for control of the western/southwestern population, when California exhausts their water sources and food supplies drop ?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-25-2016

So right now I'm into biblical stuff. 

I'm reading a lot about translations and mistranslations. 

That the 'sons of God' may have been mistranslated from the 'sons of Israel'. 

If true, then how can one 'inherit' something from oneself?

That, if true, God is the son of El and not the real true God. 

I'm reading this stuff because I've been studying a lot about Giants/nephelim/The Watchers and fallen angels, the annunaki,  Sumer ancient Egypt ( ooh, let's talk about those pesky pyramids) and the like. 

Oh yeah, if you thought I was crazy before, wait til we get into this topic. 

So I don't buy much of what ancient alien theorists have to say, though to the uninformed, it will appear as though I do. 

However, I believe in ancient aliens and even an alien presence today. Well, it's not so much that I believe, it's just that if you tie into biblical accounts and some other accounts from all over the world from antiquity, it's kinda hard to ignore. 

So here I am. Ready to defend my position in the face of much scrutiny and ridicule, and prolly regret even talking about this stuff. But let's separate the wheat from the chaff.  

Anyone wanna dispute that first, God is an imposter and/or secondly that we haven't been visited and are in fact influenced to this very day by an alien presence. 

That lucifer is actually the good guy and you can't pin many misreads on him. One death and he had to ask God for permission to do that. 

I will also debunk things like much of the AA theory, at least what's presented on the television series

And debunk some of Zeitgeist's religious content. 

So go ahead and post the AA meme because it is in fact probably aliens

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 11:49 PM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: I'm posting my last post in this thread, to you specifically.  I lost someone very close to me in the TERRORIST attacks on 9/11.  And simply put, I find it sickening for anyone to say it was a conspiracy that had ANYTHING to do with our government.  And that my friend, is all of me in P n R.

Then be done because you won't like what I really wanna say to this post. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Devils Advocate - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 11:50 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Operation Jade Helm.... a dry run (no pun intended) for control of the western/southwestern population, when California exhausts their water sources and food supplies drop ?

Yeah read up on Jade Helm in Tx. It's crazy to think that they'd leave all military strategy up to A.I. 

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - GMDino - 04-25-2016

Quote:10 Outrageous Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Famous Music Artists

Music is a dominant force worldwide that brings people together under many different circumstances. But the people behind the music will never get away from the spotlight—or the conspiracy theories that follow them.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 05:58 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote:  I'll consider the point of ACE elevator company A solid victory for conspiracy analysts. 

Even though it is based only on outrageous claims (no other jobs ever) that have never been investigated by a single person who makes these allegations.

Thanks for giving perfect example of how easy it is to fool a conspiracy theorists.  You just blindly accept an unsubstantiated claim because it fits your narrative.  No need for anyone to find out if it is really true or not.  It just sounds good so you believe it.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 06:02 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Compartmentalization.

 Mutually assured differences, like how politicians deal with each other. 





I mean, shall I go on?

Go on with what?

I asked for examples.  Not just empty allegations.

Every example I know of involving the above activities have not been kept secret.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 11:32 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Yeah this company appears to be inept and they appeared to be inept before gaining the contract, while having the contract and after the contract.  This is the WTC; the most prominent elevator system in the world. 

Non they did not appear inept.  You just said they appeared inept.  The fact is that not one person has ever even looked into their background to see if they were inept or not.

Some one just said it and you blindly believed them.  ACE could actually have been one of the most respected elevator companies in business at the time.  You have no idea because not one person has ever even looked to see.  You just believe what you want to believe.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 11:15 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote:  Conversations you're having with you girlfriend face to face, suddenly you may start getting emails for those kitchen cabinets you've been talking about. I have personally experienced this. 

But you didn't come up with the idea for these type of cabinets yourself.  You had to have heard about them or looked into information about them yourself before you discussed them with your girlfriend.

Let me know when you get contacted about something unique that wasn't already out there before you spoke to someone about them.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - SteelCitySouth - 04-25-2016

(04-25-2016, 12:16 AM)Devils Advocate Wrote: So right now I'm into biblical stuff. 

I'm reading a lot about translations and mistranslations. 

That the 'sons of God' may have been mistranslated from the 'sons of Israel'. 

If true, then how can one 'inherit' something from oneself?

That, if true, God is the son of El and not the real true God. 

I'm reading this stuff because I've been studying a lot about Giants/nephelim/The Watchers and fallen angels, the annunaki,  Sumer ancient Egypt ( ooh, let's talk about those pesky pyramids) and the like. 

Oh yeah, if you thought I was crazy before, wait til we get into this topic. 

So I don't buy much of what ancient alien theorists have to say, though to the uninformed, it will appear as though I do. 

However, I believe in ancient aliens and even an alien presence today. Well, it's not so much that I believe, it's just that if you tie into biblical accounts and some other accounts from all over the world from antiquity, it's kinda hard to ignore. 

So here I am. Ready to defend my position in the face of much scrutiny and ridicule, and prolly regret even talking about this stuff. But let's separate the wheat from the chaff.  

Anyone wanna dispute that first, God is an imposter and/or secondly that we haven't been visited and are in fact influenced to this very day by an alien presence. 

That lucifer is actually the good guy and you can't pin many misreads on him. One death and he had to ask God for permission to do that. 

I will also debunk things like much of the AA theory, at least what's presented on the television series

And debunk some of Zeitgeist's religious content. 

So go ahead and post the AA meme because it is in fact probably aliens

Meds.   Nervous

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 11:50 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Operation Jade Helm.... a dry run (no pun intended) for control of the western/southwestern population, when California exhausts their water sources and food supplies drop ?

Nope.  Just standard military training exercise.  We have had them before just not on such a large scale.

Still don't understand what was supposed to be so strange about Jade Helm.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Vas Deferens - 04-25-2016

(04-25-2016, 04:55 PM)fredtoast Wrote: But you didn't come up with the idea for these type of cabinets yourself.  You had to have heard about them or looked into information about them yourself before you discussed them with your girlfriend.

Let me know when you get contacted about something unique that wasn't already out there before you spoke to someone about them.

I believe he's talking about smart devices (internet connected) passive listening.  Same idea as google putting ads in front of you based on what is in your search history or the content of your emails; but with your phone or other devices picking up on keywords without your specific knowledge or permission (outside of some legalese in T&C's).  This is happening.  Trust me. 

Reminds me of when I worked for a company that was once going through a big federal trial that attracted a lot of attention because it effectively set precedence that had was completely void at that time.  I ended up getting subpoenaed for a deposition along with many years of my emails at that company.  Aside from the inter office banter that HR certainly wouldn't have enjoyed, I had nothing to worry about because I knew I hadn't communicated disparagingly about the other parties in question and certainly hadn't done anything wrong.  This was all because a mentor of mine told me long ago not to put anything in writing you wouldn't want plastered across the NYT.  

At this point, unless you take extreme measures to stay completely off the grid, everyone needs to come to the realization that everything they do is being monitored.  From the mundane trivial tasks of everyday life to the stuff you wouldn't want your momma knowing about.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-25-2016

(04-25-2016, 05:18 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I believe he's talking about smart devices (internet connected) passive listening.  Same idea as google putting ads in front of you based on what is in your search history or the content of your emails; but with your phone or other devices picking up on keywords without your specific knowledge or permission (outside of some legalese in T&C's).  This is happening.  Trust me. 

Why should I?

What special information do you have that proves this is happening?

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Beaker - 04-25-2016

(04-24-2016, 10:30 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: So like I said previously, until any of you come up with anything, I'm moving on. 

Good choice for you to move on because we can say the same of you...until you come up with anything.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - Vas Deferens - 04-25-2016

(04-25-2016, 05:35 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Why should I?

What special information do you have that proves this is happening?

1.  Its not special information.  See - 'Siri' / 'OK Google' / 'Alexa'
2.  An area of relative expertise.  
3.  If you want to discuss the feasibility of these tactics in regards to storage / analytics / Meta-tagging I am happy to do so.  Not hear to teach you about 

I'm not even saying its something to worry about.  I'm just clarifying what I believe DA was speaking to previously as you often begin to dismiss posts on the basis of the poster rather than the content of the post itself.  In this case, saying DA must have heard about or searched for them in the past.  Not necessarily the case.

RE: The Conspiracy Thread - fredtoast - 04-25-2016

(04-25-2016, 05:56 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: 1.  Its not special information.  See - 'Siri' / 'OK Google' / 'Alexa'
2.  An area of relative expertise.  
3.  If you want to discuss the feasibility of these tactics in regards to storage / analytics / Meta-tagging I am happy to do so.  Not hear to teach you about 

I will be happy to do the reading myself.  Just tell me where to go.

I "see" SIRI, but I don't see it recording personal conversations and selling the info to marketers.

But I am willing to learn.