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The President Survival Game - Printable Version

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RE: The President Survival Game - jmccracky - 07-19-2015

George Washington 6
John Adams 3
Thomas Jefferson 5
James Madison 5
James Monroe 3
John Quincy Adams 1
Martin Van Buren 3
John Tyler 3
James Knox Polk 3
Zachary Taylor 2
Franklin Pierce 1
Abraham Lincoln 3
Ulysses S. Grant 3
Rutherford B Hayes 2
James Garfield 2
Chester A Arthur 2
Grover Cleveland 4
Benjamin Harrison 2
William McKinley 3
Theodore Roosevelt 8
William H Taft 3
Calvin Coolidge 3
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 3
Harry S. Truman 3
Dwight D Eisenhower 6
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 2
Lyndon Baines Johnson 3
Richard Nixon 2
Ronald Reagan 1
George Bush 1
Barack Obama 3

+1 Barack Obama- For bringing unemployment down.
-1 Nixon- Watergate.

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Warren G. Harding
Woodrow Wilson
William Henry Harrison
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
George W Bush
Millard Fillmore

RE: The President Survival Game - jmccracky - 07-19-2015

Good to see Carter eliminated. I so wanted to take away points from him. Horrible foreign policy, and is a Jew hater.