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RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Dill - 06-25-2018

(06-25-2018, 05:47 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Agree with them in general.  It would be nearly impossible to find someone who agreed with someone else entirely.  But her job is to advance the White House line whenever she speaks in public.  Like every other press secretary in our lifetime.  

The job of the press secretary is to represent the administration's policies to the public, so there is really no role for "personal" variations or criticisms of policy in that job. Or there would be chaos.  I think everyone understands that.

The difficulty with being Trump's press secretary is the that you have to tell blatant lies and "adjust" to Trump's various zigs and zags during the week.
("The president in no way, form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence." )  If Trump says that Dems passed a law requiring parents to be separated from children at the border, then she must repeat that.  

Every press secretary chooses to take the job and continue in it. Sanders took this job and continues in it. The criticism that follows from this is that she must compromise here integrity in a way the WH press secretaries usually do not. She chooses to continue.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - bfine32 - 06-25-2018

(06-25-2018, 06:46 PM)fredtoast Wrote: It is different.  People who understand the law know it is different.

Race, religion, country of origin, and sex are protected classes under the Civil Rights Act.  Disability and age have also been protected by subsequent laws.  You can not discriminate against a person just because they are a member of one of these classes.

Sarah Sanders is not a member of a protected class, Republicans are not a minority or an oppressed group that need protection under the law.  But even then there is no proof that this restaurant discriminates against all Republicans.  Instead they specifically disagree with the policies that Sanders defends regarding discrimination against gays in the military.

Is sexual orientation a protected class under the CRA or subsequent federal laws?

I don't know how much slower I can type it. The restaurant had the right to refuse to serve SHS. I have said all along that the reason they did not tolerate her presence was because they disagree with her political views. I think you actually need to be arguing with Matt; he says it's not because of political views.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - bfine32 - 06-25-2018

(06-25-2018, 06:54 PM)Dill Wrote: The job of the press secretary is to represent the administration's policies to the public, so there is really no role for "personal" variations or criticisms of policy in that job. Or there would be chaos.  I think everyone understands that.

You have definitely not been reading this thread.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Millhouse - 06-25-2018

(06-25-2018, 06:54 PM)fredtoast Wrote: She defends and promotes Trumps policies in public.  That is where the damage is done.  So that is why they refused to serve her.

It does not matter if you personally agree with an anti-gay policy if you fight to get it implemented.  You are still helping to do the damage.

You could just as well argue that Goebbles was not a Nazi, but his propaganda helped the Third Reich murder millions of people.  So he deserves to be judged by what he did.  Same with Sanders.

Think you took what I said out of context, as I was just merely commenting on why she took the job.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - GMDino - 06-25-2018

I think the biggest questions about this are:

Does Flint have clean water yet?

Does PR have electricity yet?

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - bfine32 - 06-25-2018

Well that lady that called for Trump to be impeached his 2nd day in office and was upset about Russia invading Korea would be proud of many on here:

She calls for folks to make a scene and of course is still calling for impeachment.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - GMDino - 06-25-2018

(06-25-2018, 09:48 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well that lady that called for Trump to be impeached his 2nd day in office and was upset about Russia invading Korea would be proud of many on here:

She calls for folks to make a scene and of course is still calling for impeachment.

Do people on the right have to talk about everything she says?

We should focus on the things she does.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Millhouse - 06-25-2018

(06-25-2018, 10:12 PM)GMDino Wrote: Do people on the right have to talk about everything she says?

We should focus on the things she does.

Quote:"I strongly disagree with those who advocate harassing folks if they don't agree with you," the New York senator said during a floor speech. "If you disagree with a politician, organize your fellow citizens to action and vote them out of office. But no one should call for the harassment of political opponents. That's not right. That's not American." - (D) Chuck Schumer

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - GMDino - 06-25-2018

(06-25-2018, 10:41 PM)Millhouse Wrote:

Good for him.  I was making a reference to how some people have said we should handle the rhetoric that the current POTUS uses on twitter and in his speeches.

Now can we get some Republicans to take a stand for decency?  Or at least teach the following Trump supporters to read and learn geography?

Quote:After White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was ousted from a Lexington, Virginia, restaurant named Red Hen, unaffiliated businesses are finding themselves the unsuspecting victims in a national uproar over business and politics.

A Washington, D.C., hot spot in the quaint Bloomingdale neighborhood that goes by the same name was egged over the weekend and has been scrambling to clarify that it is not the Red Hen.  

A Red Hen restaurant in New Jersey is also caught up in the tumult, as is a book publishing company called Red Hen Press.  

The three restaurants and literary press are completely unaffiliated, but that hasn't stopped a backlash that started after the Friday incident at the rustic farm-to-table eatery about 200 miles from Washington, D.C.

Owner Stephanie Wilkinson — of the Lexington Red Hen — told The Washington Post that her staff called her at home to ask what to do after Sanders entered the restaurant. Wilkinson said some staffers have problems with the Trump administration on gay rights and other issues.
Wilkinson said she told Sanders the restaurant must uphold standards such as honesty, compassion and cooperation.
Quote:[Image: 5dd833a4f7a3b045e710054fc7a91575_normal.jpeg]
[/url]The Red Hen@RedHenDC

Good morning!
@PressSec went to the unaffiliated @RedHenLex last night, not to our DC-based restaurant.
10:25 AM - Jun 23, 2018

Alysa Turner, communications director for Red Hen in the nation's capital, said the Italian-influenced American restaurant learned of the Sanders incident Saturday morning when managers received their first message at about 10 a.m. The company was also contacted by the owner of the Lexington location.

Since then, Red Hens everywhere have been bombarded with hundreds of Facebook comments, Yelp reviews and Twitter posts.
And President Donald Trump didn't make things any easier, tweeting Monday about the incident without clarifying the location. 

Quote:[Image: kUuht00m_normal.jpg]
Donald J. Trump


The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!
7:41 AM - Jun 25, 2018

The D.C. eatery has been trying to set the record straight even though Sanders clarified the location where she was evicted in her initial tweet.
"Our priority right now is safety of our employees and getting things back to normal," Turner said.

The D.C. Red Hen is having a little fun, too, firing back with GIFs and clever responses, largely to Twitter users who still don't believe the two aren't affiliated. 
Quote:[Image: ai-KXY9R_normal.jpg]

24 Jun
Replying to @RedHenDC and 2 others
Have to affiliated... same twitter page

Quote:[Image: 5dd833a4f7a3b045e710054fc7a91575_normal.jpeg]
The Red Hen@RedHenDC
It’s not. You can see that there are separate twitter handles above. Just the same name. Just like you’re not Diane Keaton.
9:36 AM - Jun 24, 2018

The D.C. restaurant is comparing the names of the Twitter users to that of other famous people to point out the flaw in the same name argument.
Quote:[Image: GOnEY1Rf_normal.jpg]
GiGi [Image: 1f3ad.png]@GGgirl34

24 Jun
Replying to @jimbobjoe9 and 4 others
Says Mike with 2 followers

Quote:[Image: 5dd833a4f7a3b045e710054fc7a91575_normal.jpeg]
The Red Hen@RedHenDC
9:33 AM - Jun 24, 2018

Red Hen Press joined in on Twitter as well.

[Image: DgjoxZrVQAI948i?format=jpg&name=small]

Quote:[Image: b1f8eb1db18d5454a2557db847b006d3_normal.jpeg]
Red Hen Press@RedHenPress
.@RedHenDC and @RedHenPress checking on twitter after @RedHenLex refused service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
2:25 PM - Jun 25, 2018

The Bloomingdale restaurant is also taking heat from some for not taking a stance on the issue.

In a tweet and Facebook post, Red Hen said it couldn't refuse service to anyone under the D.C. Human Rights Act, which "makes discrimination illegal based on 20 protected traits for people that live, visit or work in the District of Columbia," including political affiliation.
Quote:[Image: Ek_ynd3z_normal.jpg]
Mazin Al-Eshaiker@MazinAlEshaiker

23 Jun
Replying to @RedHenDC and 2 others
Please make a public statement condemning her action and welcoming all Americans to all your other branches...

Quote:[Image: 5dd833a4f7a3b045e710054fc7a91575_normal.jpeg]
The Red Hen@RedHenDC
You have the wrong restaurant. Separate companies separate businesses separate owners no affiliation. That one is in Virginia. Businesses in DC are prohibited from discriminating against people for political affiliation because we are a federal district.
[url=]6:24 PM - Jun 23, 2018

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Nately120 - 06-25-2018

The above reminds me of when the Cooking Channel was bombarded with complaints after the Food Network dropped Paula Deen for that n-bomb snafu.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Dill - 06-26-2018

(06-25-2018, 11:14 PM)GMDino Wrote:
Now can we get some Republicans to take a stand for decency? 

You need to start watching Fox, Dino.

Laura Ingrahm was all about decency today.  She went over example after example of Dems behaving uncivilly, starting with Waters.
Something is really wrong with the country when political leaders feel they can harass other politicians publicly, and even private citizens.

Trump himself waded into the fray, presidentially calling out this "low IQ person" Waters for inciting violence.

Finally a political leader is taking a stand for decency, civility and public decorum. 

Will the Dems ever catch up or will they continue to degrade public discourse?

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - GMDino - 06-26-2018

I read an opinion this morning about all this tit for tat, back and forth going on since Trump entered politics (officially...he was always involved in politics).

I'm going to expand on the general thought:

Break it down to a relationship with just him and you or him and your sister.  You got set up by someone else who thought he was a good match for you because they liked him.  And, out of respect for the institution of marriage, you tried to make it work.

He lies, he cheats, he calls you and your friends names.  He tells you you are stupid for not doing things his way.  He spends like a drunken sailor (obviously a colloquialism and no offense intended for our brave men and women who serve or ever served in the Navy) on stuff you have no need for but that he wants, and complains when you want to use a small amount on food or going to the doctor.  

And when you try to talk back?  He says YOU are the one that is being rude and offensive.  And he tells everyone how unfairly you treat him when he is just trying to make your life better.  He goes on about how all the stories about him are "made up".  He insists that the only one telling the truth is him.

He is abusive in the relationship.

He's a sleeveless t-shirt away from a stereotype.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Belsnickel - 06-26-2018

I also read an opinion piece, though just now. Here it is:

Agree or disagree with it, I really don't care. The main point of the piece is that things like this aren't because civility is breaking down, it is because democracy is breaking down. One thing I can say for certain is that democracy is breaking down in this country. Our plutocratic government has for decades been increasingly ignoring the vast majority of the citizenry to pass laws and enact policies that favor their own. As the bottom 90% or more of the population fights with each other for a smaller and smaller piece of the economic pie here in the US, the wealthy keep racking up more profits and increasing their political influence. They make sure to keep people focused on immigration so that the white people beneath them keep their ire focused on the brown and black people instead of on the wealthy who are really responsible for their ills.

Societies operate in cycles. Always have, likely always will. Our founders tried to change that but some segments of society decided to ignore what they said and did. They made it strong, there is a reason we have the oldest written constitution still in use, today. I don't know how much longer it is going to last, though. I only hope the change comes via the ballot box.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - GMDino - 06-26-2018

(06-26-2018, 10:18 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I also read an opinion piece, though just now. Here it is:

Agree or disagree with it, I really don't care. The main point of the piece is that things like this aren't because civility is breaking down, it is because democracy is breaking down. One thing I can say for certain is that democracy is breaking down in this country. Our plutocratic government has for decades been increasingly ignoring the vast majority of the citizenry to pass laws and enact policies that favor their own. As the bottom 90% or more of the population fights with each other for a smaller and smaller piece of the economic pie here in the US, the wealthy keep racking up more profits and increasing their political influence. They make sure to keep people focused on immigration so that the white people beneath them keep their ire focused on the brown and black people instead of on the wealthy who are really responsible for their ills.

Societies operate in cycles. Always have, likely always will. Our founders tried to change that but some segments of society decided to ignore what they said and did. They made it strong, there is a reason we have the oldest written constitution still in use, today. I don't know how much longer it is going to last, though. I only hope the change comes via the ballot box.

I remember being in high school and saying that 200+ years is a LONG time for a country to remain together.

I didn't know if the downfall would happen in my lifetime or not...still not sure.

[Image: 791aab1cb00240d2d36d3a633d99f535--george...quotes.jpg]
[Image: Politics+01918.jpg]

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - GMDino - 06-26-2018

(06-26-2018, 10:18 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I also read an opinion piece, though just now. Here it is:

Agree or disagree with it, I really don't care. The main point of the piece is that things like this aren't because civility is breaking down, it is because democracy is breaking down. One thing I can say for certain is that democracy is breaking down in this country. Our plutocratic government has for decades been increasingly ignoring the vast majority of the citizenry to pass laws and enact policies that favor their own. As the bottom 90% or more of the population fights with each other for a smaller and smaller piece of the economic pie here in the US, the wealthy keep racking up more profits and increasing their political influence. They make sure to keep people focused on immigration so that the white people beneath them keep their ire focused on the brown and black people instead of on the wealthy who are really responsible for their ills.

Societies operate in cycles. Always have, likely always will. Our founders tried to change that but some segments of society decided to ignore what they said and did. They made it strong, there is a reason we have the oldest written constitution still in use, today. I don't know how much longer it is going to last, though. I only hope the change comes via the ballot box.

Follow up now that I read it:


RE: Well.....Well....Well... - bfine32 - 06-26-2018

Figured this should go here:

Quote:A video of the confrontation, taken by progressive activist Timothy Heberlein of Organize Florida, shows several people shouting down Bondi as she leaves the theater escorted by law enforcement after seeing Won't You Be My Neighbor.

The Russia invaded Korea lady and many here would be proud of these freedom fighters. But when I click on the video I get a little sick to my stomach.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Belsnickel - 06-26-2018

(06-26-2018, 11:00 AM)GMDino Wrote: Follow up now that I read it:


I also enjoyed this take from Brian Beutler:

Quote:There are only so many official channels for enforcing moral standards in American public life. One is elections, which happen pretty rarely, and, thanks to gerrymanders and the electoral college, frequently reward popular vote losers. Another is the law, where courts are increasingly stacked against the majority. That makes shame a potent weapon, and it’s little surprise that people invested in the status quo want those who are willing to use shame to unilaterally disarm.

Now, I don't agree with the use of the word "frequently", less than 10% doesn't qualify as such to me. His larger point though, that our electoral system isn't producing governments that are representative of the citizenry, is accurate

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - fredtoast - 06-26-2018

(06-25-2018, 07:02 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  I think you actually need to be arguing with Matt; he says it's not because of political views.

The point Matt is making is that it is a specific issue and not applicable to all Republicans or conservatives.

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - michaelsean - 06-26-2018

(06-26-2018, 11:00 AM)GMDino Wrote: Follow up now that I read it:


Of course you think it's brilliant. It is a one sided opinion that blames one side for everything and takes the burden off people who don't know how to be civil.

I like how the Catholic Church is shaming pro-choice legislators.  Maybe she should learn a little about the church before she comments. If you assist through law, deeds, financing etc an abortion, you are latae sententiae excommunicate, and therefore not eligible to receive the sacraments.  

RE: Well.....Well....Well... - Belsnickel - 06-26-2018

(06-26-2018, 11:37 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Of course you think it's brilliant.  She takes the burden off people who don't know how to be civil.

That's making an assumption. I know many people that would engage in this behavior that know how to be civil. Hell, some of them are better at it than most people I know. The problem is that civility isn't getting the people anywhere. When your elected officials aren't responsive to civility and you don't have the money to give them what we know they listen to, and our electoral system is rigged to favor partisanship over the people, what options are left?