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RE: Good Night Irene - fredtoast - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 01:58 PM)PhilHos Wrote:  I think the issue is that some people view certain actions as disrepectful whether intentional or not.

You mean those people called "snowflakes"? by conservatives

RE: Good Night Irene - Shake n Blake - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 09:41 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Teachers are part of this country. So are tax collectors. They all help maintain it, but no one suggests that kneeling during the anthem insults them. 

(08-21-2018, 01:39 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.  There are millions of other people who helped make and maintain this country.  So why is disrespecting the flag just disrespecting military?

2.   If anyone saying anything bad about the country is disrespectful to the military then they should be ripping Trump a big one.  But instead the ones who feel disrespected seem to be on his side?  How does that make any sense?

I think all Americans should be insulted by the act, but clearly the sacrifice of some is greater than others.

Surely you guys wouldn't debate that...right?

RE: Good Night Irene - PhilHos - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 02:09 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The disrespect to the flag and the anthem are the same issue.  Vets claim that any disrespect to the flag is disrespect to them because the flag represents them instead of all Americans.

I get the argument. What I'm saying is at what point did this become about the flag and not hte anthem?

RE: Good Night Irene - fredtoast - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 02:12 PM)PhilHos Wrote: I get the argument. What I'm saying is at what point did this become about the flag and not hte anthem?

To me it is the same issue.  People complaining about disrespecting the anthem are talking about disrespecting the flag during the anthem ceremony.  A lot of veterans claiming they feel disrespected because they "fought for that flag".

RE: Good Night Irene - Benton - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 02:12 PM)PhilHos Wrote: I get the argument. What I'm saying is at what point did this become about the flag and not hte anthem?

Ideally, it's not about either. It goes back to decades of peaceful protests. to draw attention to social issues (in this case, a supposedly disproportionate amount of unarmed black males shot by law enforcement). Not taking the back seat on the bus, crossing school lines, etc.

But... spinners made it all about the military and subpar NFL players because that's easier to address.

RE: Good Night Irene - PhilHos - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 02:25 PM)fredtoast Wrote: To me it is the same issue.  People complaining about disrespecting the anthem are talking about disrespecting the flag during the anthem ceremony.  A lot of veterans claiming they feel disrespected because they "fought for that flag".

Fair enough.

RE: Good Night Irene - PhilHos - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 02:29 PM)Benton Wrote: Ideally, it's not about either. It goes back to decades of peaceful protests. to draw attention to social issues (in this case, a supposedly disproportionate amount of unarmed black males shot by law enforcement). Not taking the back seat on the bus, crossing school lines, etc.

But... spinners made it all about the military and subpar NFL players because that's easier to address.

Let's be fair about this. It started because Colin Kaepernick sat on his ass instead of standing for the anthem. He made the claim AFTERWARDS that he sat in protest. To his credit, he took the advice levied his way that it'd be more respectful to kneel instead of sit.

RE: Good Night Irene - Benton - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 03:04 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Let's be fair about this. It started because Colin Kaepernick sat on his ass instead of standing for the anthem. He made the claim AFTERWARDS that he sat in protest. To his credit, he took the advice levied his way that it'd be more respectful to kneel instead of sit.

Ok, I’ll be fair.

A couple players decided to peacefully protest. It got reported. That should have been the end of it and the issue they were protesting would’ve gone largely ubdiscussed by the end of the season, like most peaceful protests.

The alt right politicized the situation to gain support. “Hey, look, these overpaid athletes are disrespecting our military!” And from there it became a ridiculous political issue where people are reacting to how they feel overall about issues instead of the issues themselves.

RE: Good Night Irene - PhilHos - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 03:26 PM)Benton Wrote: Ok, I’ll be fair.

A couple players decided to peacefully protest. It got reported. That should have been the end of it and the issue they were protesting would’ve gone largely ubdiscussed by the end of the season, like most peaceful protests.

The alt right politicized the situation to gain support. “Hey, look, these overpaid athletes are disrespecting our military!” And from there it became a ridiculous political issue where people are reacting to how they feel overall about issues instead of the issues themselves.

Even then, the clamor seemed to die down towards the end of the season until Trump decided to open his fat mouth and insert his opinion where it wasn't needed nor wanted.

RE: Good Night Irene - Benton - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 03:31 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Even then, the clamor seemed to die down towards the end of the season until Trump decided to open his fat mouth and insert his opinion where it wasn't needed nor wanted.

I'm close to the St. Louis market, and candidates on both sides have been using the issue. 

RE: Good Night Irene - Nately120 - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 03:31 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Even then, the clamor seemed to die down towards the end of the season until Trump decided to open his fat mouth and insert his opinion where it wasn't needed nor wanted.

It plays gangbusters with his base, doesn't it?  It's just sleazy marketing at it's finest.  Trump saying people shouldn't kneel for the flag is like the Iron Shiek grabbing the microphone before his match and saying "Don't you all chant USA, USA!"

I live in a pretty rural area and the number of white rednecks around here wearing shirts that say "I don't want to take a knee" or "If this flag offends you, I'll help you pack" is pretty amusing. The narrative that anyone who isn't a hardcore Trump lover is offended by the sight of the flag and recoils from its awesomeness like Count Dracula from cross is quite the amazing feat of long-term bs-politicking.

I almost want to run for office here and say "Here is one thing my opponent isn't going to want to hear, but I'm man enough to say it anways. God bless America and the flag and our troops. I'm not sorry if he's offended, because I know he is, because he hates those things. Vote for me and I won't make the flag and being proud of our troops illegal. Also, I hate Colin Kapernick more than he does."

RE: Good Night Irene - fredtoast - 08-21-2018

Millions of white Jehovah's Witness refuse to salute the flag...….No one cares

Hundreds of thousands of white Amish refuse to stand for national anthem...…..No one cares

One black guys kneels during national anthem because he claims blacks are not treated equally in this country...….The heads of conservatives explode all over the country.

Seems like that one black guy was on to something. Hmm

RE: Good Night Irene - BmorePat87 - 08-21-2018

(08-21-2018, 02:12 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I think all Americans should be insulted by the act, but clearly the sacrifice of some is greater than others.

Surely you guys wouldn't debate that...right?

I disagree that all Americans should be insulted by the act but I agree that some clearly sacrifice more than others. 

I just saw a hole in the logic that tied the military to the protests.

RE: Good Night Irene - Shake n Blake - 08-22-2018

(08-21-2018, 06:57 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I disagree that all Americans should be insulted by the act but I agree that some clearly sacrifice more than others. 

I just saw a hole in the logic that tied the military to the protests.

It's all about perception. For me, the flag and my service were almost synonymous. I took my Oath of Enlistment in front of it. It was a patch on my Uniform. It's draped over every member who gave his/her life.

You and others are free to feel differently (that's the glory of our country), but reality is that the flag (among many things) also serves as a symbol of our military. Without that deep sense of patriotism and pride in what the Flag represents, we couldn't maintain a voluntary force.

RE: Good Night Irene - Benton - 08-23-2018

(08-22-2018, 09:18 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: It's all about perception. For me, the flag and my service were almost synonymous. I took my Oath of Enlistment in front of it. It was a patch on my Uniform. It's draped over every member who gave his/her life.

You and others are free to feel differently (that's the glory of our country), but reality is that the flag (among many things) also serves as a symbol of our military. Without that deep sense of patriotism and pride in what the Flag represents, we couldn't maintain a voluntary force.

Maybe that's the disconnect? You view the flag as something relevant to service; others don't.

Each branch of the military has a flag. It represents the service of those in that branch. The US flag, on the other hand, represents the rest of us. 

I appreciate those who serve, but this represents part of the disconnect. If Americans in general don't have a flag — as it's a symbol of the military — then where are the ties that bind? Where are the 'we're all in this together' parts, as opposed to the 'this is the part of the country you aren't part of' parts?

RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 08-23-2018

Why did Veteran organizations not care when NBA players wore "I can't Breathe' shirts?

Why did veteran organizations not care when the Rams came out with their "hands up"?

Just because something is not viewed disrespectful by you, doesn't mean it is not viewed as disrespectful to others and no matter how much "it's not disrespectful" is going to change that.

RE: Good Night Irene - GMDino - 08-23-2018

(08-23-2018, 11:50 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Why did Veteran organizations not care when NBA players wore "I can't Breathe' shirts?

Why did veteran organizations not care when the Rams came out with their "hands up"?

Just because something is not viewed disrespectful by you, doesn't mean it is not viewed as disrespectful to others and no matter how much "it's not disrespectful" is going to change that.

Shouldn't that work the other way too?

If a group is offended and say "Hey!  I'm offended!" and the other group explains that they mean no offense and the intent was never/is not to disrespect the flag or the military shouldn't that be accepted?  Or at least a separate conversation from the original reason for the protest?

RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 08-23-2018

(08-23-2018, 12:10 PM)GMDino Wrote: Shouldn't that work the other way too?

If a group is offended and say "Hey!  I'm offended!" and the other group explains that they mean no offense and the intent was never/is not to disrespect the flag or the military shouldn't that be accepted?  Or at least a separate conversation from the original reason for the protest?

I've already stated numerous times that there intent was not to be disrespectful.

RE: Good Night Irene - GMDino - 08-23-2018

(08-23-2018, 12:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I've already stated numerous times that there intent was not to be disrespectful.

Then why are you still offended?

If the intent was not to be disrespectful.  They said it was not intended to be disrespectful.  There is no disrespect.

Why continue the line that it "was still disrespectful"?

Do you want a personal apology from Kaepernick, et al for you being offended due to your personal misrepresentation of them kneeling?

RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 08-23-2018

(08-23-2018, 12:42 PM)GMDino Wrote: Then why are you still offended?

If the intent was not to be disrespectful.  They said it was not intended to be disrespectful.  There is no disrespect.

Why continue the line that it "was still disrespectful"?

Do you want a personal apology from Kaepernick, et al for you being offended due to your personal misrepresentation of them kneeling?

I'm not offended.

You do realize something can still be disrespectful even if one says it's not their intent?

Washington redskins says their name intends no disrespect. Is it disrespectful?