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RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 12-12-2017

Says or

Quote:Why Melania, Ivanka and Jared's mayoral election votes didn't count  

Good thing last month's mayoral election wasn't close because if New Yorkers needed the Trump family to decide the outcome, they would have been out of luck.

President Trump and his family of New Yorkers were not in the Big Apple Nov. 7 when voters went the polls, so they voted by absentee ballot.

Or at least they tried to.

Officials at the city's Board of Elections said the President signed and dated an absentee ballot along with an application on Oct. 19, checking a box that said he would be absent from the city on Election Day.

First Lady Melania Trump did the same, submitting a handwritten form that had everything in capital letters.

But the First Lady did not sign the envelope she put the ballot in as required by BOE, so her vote wasn’t counted.

"If any of the information is missing it is invalid," a Board of Elections official said.

The directions tell voters to sign the envelope.

"After making your votes on the ballot, fold the ballot and put it in a smaller envelope," the instructions say.

"Sign and date the back of the envelope. Seal the envelope and put it in the larger envelope that is addressed to the Board of Elections. Mail or deliver your ballot to your borough Board of Elections office."

Trump's daughter Ivanka also botched her ballot. It was filled out correctly, but she didn’t mail it until Election Daywhich was too late to be counted, officials said.

Her husband, Jared Kushner, didn't mail his back at all, according to the board.

Officials said the President’s ballot was fine. But that was before the Daily News pointed out to an official that the date of birth on his application was a full month off.

Trump, 71, was born on June 14, 1946, but his ballot application lists his birthday as July.
[Image: vote12n-5-web.jpg](BOARD OF ELECTIONS)[Image: vote12n-6-web.jpg](BOARD OF ELECTIONS)
Board of Elections absentee ballot forms for President Trump and the First Lady.

It was not immediately clear if the mistake would affect his vote.

Unknown is who the President voted for, although it is unlikely that he checked the box for Mayor de Blasio.

“We're stuck with the worst mayor in the United States,” Trump tweeted in 2015. “Too bad, but New York City will survive!”

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 12-13-2017


Guess he ISN'T live tweeting Fox & Friends then?

RE: Things Trump says... - Belsnickel - 12-13-2017

(12-13-2017, 10:35 AM)GMDino Wrote:

Guess he ISN'T live tweeting Fox & Friends then?

What's funny is that someone matched up the timestamp with a broadcast of one of the shows talking about the NYT piece. So he was quite likely watching one of the morning shows as he was tweeting about not watching that much television. A member of the press pool also said that when he found out they were doing that piece, he made a point of telling the pool that he has no time for television because he is always reading documents, but the reports from all of the aids in the White House are that he has no patience for reading, does little to none, and requires almost exclusively oral briefings as a result.

He is so full of shit. He wants us to hold the press more accountable than we hold him.

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 12-15-2017

Quote:Trump keeps up criticism of FBI before appearance at bureau's national academy

WASHINGTON — Nearly two weeks after declaring that the FBI's reputation was in "tatters," President Trump kept up his stinging criticism of the agency Friday in advance of his appearance at the bureau's national training center.

"It's a shame what's happened with the FBI," Trump said before traveling to the bureau's National Academy in Quantico, Va. "We're going to rebuild the FBI; it'll be bigger and better than ever."

Trump said there is "a level of anger" within the bureau following the removal of a top FBI agent from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election for exchanging anti-Trump text messages with a bureau colleague. Mueller's inquiry includes a review of possible obstruction of justice by the president for his abrupt May dismissal of FBI Director James Comey for his handling the of the Russia inquiry. 

"It is very sad when you look at those documents," the president said, referring to the exchanges involving FBI counter-intelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page. "How they've done that is really, really disgraceful...  It's a very sad thing to watch, I will tell you that.

"People are very, very angry," Trump said.

Earlier this month, FBI Director Christopher Wray offered a ringing defense of the agency in the wake of Trump's rebukes in which the president claimed that the bureau's standing was the "worst in history."

"It is the honor of my life to lead the FBI," Wray told the House Judiciary Committee. "There is no finer institution than the FBI and no finer people who work there."

While he did not mention Trump by name, Wray insisted that "the FBI I see are tens of thousands of agents who working their tails off. The FBI I see are tens of thousands of men and woman who are hard-charging people of integrity." 

When asked directly how the president's criticism has affected FBI agents and their work, Wray told the panel, "the agents, analysts and staff of the FBI are big boys and girls. We understand we will take criticism from all corners." However, he added, "my experience is that our reputation is quite good."

Trump's initial criticism followed the Dec. 1 indictment and guilty plea of former national security adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Flynn also has agreed to cooperate with federal investigators in the ongoing Russia, but Trump appeared Friday to raise the prospect of a possible pardon for the former three-star Army general even as Flynn faces the obligation to assist Mueller's investigation. 

Asked directly about Flynn's case, Trump said: : "I don't want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet. We'll see what happens. Let's see."

During his speech to more than 200 academy graduates — a cadre of local police officers who had completed 11 weeks of advanced training — Trump made no mention of his displeasure with the bureau.

Instead, he thanked the FBI and pledged full support to law enforcement in the face of rising violent crime in several major cities across the country.

"The president of United States has your back 100 percent," Trump said at the event, where he was joined by Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "I will fight for you, and I will never ever let you down.

He called specific attention to Chicago, which has been plagued by violence in recent years. Though so far this year, murder is down by 15% and shooting incidents have declined by 21%, according to city records.  

"What the hell is happening in Chicago?" Trump said. "What the hell is happening there?" 

He said that an increasing number of law enforcement officers were being threatened with violence and he urged that "killers of police should get the death penalty."

"You are great people; you are incredible people," the president said.

He's so clueless.  

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 12-20-2017

[Image: 25151870_1658089914212490_14642732829246...e=5AD44C9F]

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 12-20-2017

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 12-21-2017

[Image: 25591659_1004349486380490_85256717751400...e=5ABE9D0B]

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 12-28-2017

[Image: vogue.jpg]

RE: Things Trump says... - Belsnickel - 01-11-2018

Quote:President Trump’s announcement of U.S-made F-52s fighter aircraft delivered to Norway may have rattled its neighbor Russia, the source of rising tension among NATO allies. Was it a secret advanced jet capable of beating its Russian counterparts? A ruse to fool intelligence analysts?

Neither, it turns out. The F-52 is a fictional jet only available to fly if you’re a gamer at the controls of “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.”


RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 01-11-2018

(01-11-2018, 01:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote:


Inability to read aside, I like how halways has to add things like "ahead of schedule" as if he's make all the trains run on time.

He's so clueless.

RE: Things Trump says... - CKwi88 - 01-11-2018

(01-11-2018, 01:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote:


Clearly all that time he spends reading documents and not watching Fox and Friends hasn't helped him out much.

RE: Things Trump says... - BmorePat87 - 01-11-2018

(01-11-2018, 02:24 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: Clearly all that time he spends reading documents and not watching Fox and Friends hasn't helped him out much.

It's weird too because he has hours of that executive time scheduled through out his day. Also, that time he spends in bed at 6:30 reviewing policy and definitely not eating fast food (without the buns of course) and watching TV should be helping too.

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 01-11-2018

RE: Things Trump says... - Belsnickel - 01-12-2018

So, this was a deal done under Bush 43...

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 01-12-2018

(01-12-2018, 11:09 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: So, this was a deal done under Bush 43...

Yeah, but what about the ALTERNATIVE facts?

All seriousness aside, this is why Trump uses twitter.  He can lie freely to his supporters.

And yes...he lies.

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 02-19-2018

For somebody who has "very little time for television" he sure comments about a lot of television.   Mellow

RE: Things Trump says... - Belsnickel - 02-19-2018

This, in all seriousness, was one of the more abhorrent tweets I've seen from him. I try not to focus on these things because it is petty and not helpful, but this just pissed me off.

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 02-23-2018

Mind you VP Pence was there just last week.

RE: Things Trump says... - Belsnickel - 02-28-2018

I just watched a video of Trump saying, word for word "take the firearms first, due process second."

He's talking about it being so difficult to go through the courts to restrict firearm access. Any comments from anyone on this?

RE: Things Trump says... - GMDino - 02-28-2018

(02-28-2018, 06:19 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I just watched a video of Trump saying, word for word "take the firearms first, due process second."

He's talking about it being so difficult to go through the courts to restrict firearm access. Any comments from anyone on this?

Well they played a bit on NPR of him saying he will personally take bumpstocks out without waiting for congress.

I don't know if the "forgotten people" who wanted to elect a "tough guy" will like that kind of "touch talk" as much.   Mellow