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RE: Faith - SteelCitySouth - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:05 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Guess I'm just missing the point of how any of this would make folks not feel better for insuring things they have; hell, I even insure some things I don't have such as other drivers. I don't know it is a fact that you don't own a Lambo, all I have is your word.

Other drivers can mean a couple of things so I will take them separately as such.

Other driver as in a driver in another vehicle.  You are insured against the risk that another driver that does not maintain enough or any insurance.  You "have" this risk every time you drive.

You don't insure at all for anyone else to drive your vehicle that is not listed on your policy.  Your insurance company will pay to have your vehicle and any other damage done by a driver that borrows you car and is responsible for the accident, but that is merely a courtesy to you the insured.  They will have you sign a document prior to payment being made.  That document is power of attorney and gives the insurance carrier legal right to surrogate against the "other drivers" insurance policy and or them personally.

This is why it is recommended that if you do not own a vehicle, you should get a non owned named insurance policy.  This is a liability only policy and insures you in the event you ever drive someone else's vehicle.  However if you never plan on or foresee the situation that you would then forgoing the policy is the best choice, just make sure that when in that moment you remember not to drive.

RE: Faith - Johnny Cupcakes - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:14 AM)bfine32 Wrote: As long as you're 100% sure.

There are very few things that I'm 100% sure of.  The absence of gods is not one of them.  I don't think that the tiny likelihood of a god being real is worth insuring.  You devote about 5% of your waking hours toward religion, maybe? I'm not willing to do that considering the odds that I give it.  I'm not gonna give 5% of my wages to insure my home against asteroids either.  I guess if either of those things happen, I'll have to accept the consequences.

RE: Faith - Johnny Cupcakes - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:17 AM)djs7685 Wrote: My post was obviously somewhat of a joke, but honestly, it's really not too crazy if you think about it.

We're told on a daily basis that many other things are "mental disorders", and I'd say being a devout Christian could just as easily be added to that list. The arguments are definitely there.

Oh, I knew that you were joking, I just wanted to point out that it isn't as far fetched or silly of an idea as you would think.  Some criteria are certainly met.

I think being religious is a choice (for the most part) though, so I can't consider it a mental illness.

RE: Faith - SteelCitySouth - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:26 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I have no idea how folks can have insurance on the cars and home; yet, refuse to take out insurance on their souls. You might not ever need any of them, but it gives me peace to have all of them insured.

I already told you why.  They are required to have insurance on their vehicle by the state.  This is not a choice in almost all cases.  There are a few states that allow you to pay a yearly fee to be exempt from having insurance, however that fee is nearly the same as the cost of insurance.

You are further required by your bank to have physical coverage on the vehicle when you have a loan on it.  There is a very high proportion of people that drop that coverage when they pay off the vehicle.

You are comparing a requirement with a choice.

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:31 AM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: You are comparing a requirement with a choice.

I could choose not to insure my home or car regardless if it is a requirement. I just have to be prepared to suffer the consequences if I need it and do not have it.  

RE: Faith - djs7685 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:35 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I could choose not to insure my home or car regardless if it is a requirement. I just have to be prepared to suffer the consequences if I need it and do not have it.  

You can't get a mortgage (where I purchased a home at least) without proof of insuring the property. That makes it a requirement that you can't just choose to ignore.

I'm 100% free to go about my life without "soul insurance", as you called it.

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:37 AM)djs7685 Wrote: You can't get a mortgage (where I purchased a home at least) without proof of insuring the property. That makes it a requirement that you can't just choose to ignore.

I'm 100% free to go about my life without "soul insurance", as you called it.

Where did I say you didn't have to provide proof of insurance to finance a home or vehicle. Now keeping it is your choice. It's the same with "soul insurance" or as a Pastor of a church I attend from time to time calls it "fire insurance". Your have to show proof initially (public profession) but only you know if you keep it.

RE: Faith - fredtoast - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 10:22 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I have no idea how folks can have insurance on the cars and home; yet, refuse to take out insurance on their souls. You might not ever need any of them, but it gives me peace to have all of them insured.

How can I get this insurance if I don't believe in God?  Won't he realize that I don't believe in him when I ask for this insurance?

And how can I make myself believe something that I don't?

It would be like trying to make myself be sexually attracted to men.

RE: Faith - SteelCitySouth - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:35 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I could choose not to insure my home or car regardless if it is a requirement. I just have to be prepared to suffer the consequences if I need it and do not have it.  

LOL...No...Your Mortgage carrier would force place insurance on you and escrow the payments.  ff you don't make the payment they will foreclose.  Your auto loan would force place as well and when you didn't pay they would remove the vehicle.  As well the state would remove your license and fine you. 

Then after all of that you would finally not be required to have insurance.  Of course then you'd have nothing to insure.

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:45 AM)fredtoast Wrote: How can I get this insurance if I don't believe in God?  Won't he realize that I don't believe in him when I ask for this insurance?

And how can I make myself believe something that I don't?

It would be like trying to make myself be sexually attracted to men.

Oh, you have to believe. The motivation you use to make yourself believe is up to you.

RE: Faith - GMDino - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:02 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Yes, as many do. Fortunately following the word gives additional benefits besides eternal salvation.

But that's not truly believing.  You're just saying you do "just in case".

RE: Faith - SteelCitySouth - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:42 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Where did I say you didn't have to provide proof of insurance to finance a home or vehicle. Now keeping it is your choice. It's the same with "soul insurance" or as a Pastor of a church I attend from time to time calls it "fire insurance". Your have to show proof initially (public profession) but only you know if you keep it.

LOL.. No.  if you cancel your insurance your carrier send notification to your mortgage company.  Same with auto.  If you have a laps in insurance your mortgage company will force place insurance for the time period you were not insured and charge your escrow.

You should not get insurance advice from a pastor.  

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:48 AM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: LOL...No...Your Mortgage carrier would force place insurance on you and escrow the payments.  ff you don't make the payment they will foreclose.  Your auto loan would force place as well and when you didn't pay they would remove the vehicle.  As well the state would remove your license and fine you. 

Then after all of that you would finally not be required to have insurance.  Of course then you'd have nothing to insure.

Yes there are consequences for not having insurance; have I said otherwise somewhere? If my home is paid for I am not required to insure it. I could cancel my car insurance today, but I choose not to.

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:50 AM)GMDino Wrote: But that's not truly believing.  You're just saying you do "just in case".

As I said it is up to the individual to determine their motivation for belief. I think I have mentioned before that it is a personal relationship.

Here's the thing: The most open-minded non-believers will say "You are free to believe, I just choose not to" . Some of the more closed minded will call the believers' intelligence into question.

The believer is bound to share his testimony or as some call it "pushing their religion on you". I will end this line of discussion with this. If my point of view has given one person pause to stop and think about the possibility that an individual has a eternal soul and there is a chance that this soul can list infinitely in bliss, then any ridicule, classes on insurance, or memes posted in response is well worth it.

Others will take the same solace in hoping they may have talked someone out of it.

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:51 AM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: LOL.. No.  if you cancel your insurance your carrier send notification to your mortgage company.  Same with auto.  If you have a laps in insurance your mortgage company will force place insurance for the time period you were not insured and charge your escrow.

You should not get insurance advice from a pastor.  

What if I own my home or car much like I do my soul; am I required to keep full coverage on each? If the answer is no, then folks simply choose to do so for peace of mind.

I definitely should take insurance advice from a Preacher.

RE: Faith - djs7685 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:59 AM)bfine32 Wrote: As I said it is up to the individual to determine their motivation for belief. I think I have mentioned before that it is a personal relationship.

Here's the thing: The most open-minded non-believers will say "You are free to believe, I just choose not to" . Some of the more closed minded will call the believers intelligence into question.

The believer is bound to share his testimony or as some call it "pushing their religion on you". I will end this line of discussion with this. If my point of view have given one person to stop and think about the possibility that an individual has a eternal soul and there is a chance that this soul can list infinitely in bliss, then any ridicule, classes on insurance, or memes posted in response is well worth it.

Other will take the same solace in hoping they may have talked someone out of it.

So you're open minded for telling others to believe but others are closed minded for thinking you're silly to believe so strongly? I will say that's an interesting theory.

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 12:01 PM)djs7685 Wrote: So you're open minded for telling others to believe but others are closed minded for thinking you're silly to believe so strongly? I will say that's an interesting theory.

Where did I say I was open-minded on this subject?

RE: Faith - GodHatesBengals - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:35 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I could choose not to insure my home or car regardless if it is a requirement. I just have to be prepared to suffer the consequences if I need it and do not have it.  

Hundreds of years later and the best theists can offer is still Pascal's Wager and the cosmological argument, both of which are easily refuted.

RE: Faith - fredtoast - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 11:48 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Oh, you have to believe. The motivation you use to make yourself believe is up to you.

That is not the way it works with me.  I can't just "trick" or "buy" myself into believing something I do not believe.  So I don't really know what you mean by motivation to "make yourself believe".

There are a lot of amazing things that I would like to be true.  But I just can't "make myself" believe they are true.

RE: Faith - bfine32 - 09-04-2015

(09-04-2015, 12:16 PM)fredtoast Wrote: That is not the way it works with me.  I can't just "trick" or "buy" myself into believing something I do not believe.  So I don't really know what you mean by motivation to "make yourself believe".

There are a lot of amazing things that I would like to be true.  But I just can't "make myself" believe they are true.

Don't ever give up trying.