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Transgender vets now have a VA clinic - Printable Version

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RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - Vas Deferens - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 08:45 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Can you get your emotions in check, please? If you cannot handle being called out for being a bigot, then don't post here. We don't need you throwing a fit every time someone responds to your racism, homophobia, or transphobia. It's unbecoming of you. 

He's been drinking.  Probably go for a walk around the community with his six shooter later on.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - bfine32 - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 07:09 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I would guess that being comfortable with who you are in your entire life counters any chance that someone might give you grief when you use a restroom in public. I'd guess that most trans people don't often encounter issues when they're in the bathroom.

You can't be comfortable with who you are by going to the facility that matches your sex?

The libs say it doesn't matter which facility you use, but the conservative does; why can't the lib just use the facility that matches their sex if nothing more than to promote harmony.

Either say it does matter which facility you use or say it does not.  

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - StLucieBengal - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 08:45 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Can you get your emotions in check, please? If you cannot handle being called out for being a bigot, then don't post here. We don't need you throwing a fit every time someone responds to your racism, homophobia, or transphobia. It's unbecoming of you. 

Haha... Sure thing drama queen.

its always an -ist or a -phobia with you innit

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - Vas Deferens - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 10:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You can't be comfortable with who you are by going to the facility that matches your sex?

The libs say it doesn't matter which facility you use, but the conservative does; why can't the lib just use the facility that matches their sex if nothing more than to promote harmony.

Either say it does matter which facility you use or say it does not.  

Not sure anyone here is equipped to answer most of these questions.  I for one could not imagine feeling like I was stuck in the wrong gender my entire life, but that doesnt mean the phenomenon doesn't exist.  Personally I feel for them, that would be a terrible way to go through life until you got everything in order and came to grips with it, through whatever means it took.

And the whole 'just git'r chopped off ya lazy lib' argument may be the dumbest thing anyone has written on these boards.  PERIOD.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - BmorePat87 - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 10:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You can't be comfortable with who you are by going to the facility that matches your sex?

I understand what you're asking, but I don't think you thought your question through. You're basically asking why transgender people can't be comfortable if they live as their birth gender and not the one they identify as...

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - BmorePat87 - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 10:13 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: And the whole 'just git'r chopped off ya lazy lib' argument may be the dumbest thing anyone has written on these boards.  PERIOD.

That particular poster has been told that the sex reassignment surgeries can be expensive, are not always covered, and are not the most perfect operations.

He still continues to act like the only reason people don't get it is because they're not committed to living their lives as the opposite gender/sex.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - bfine32 - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 10:13 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Not sure anyone here is equipped to answer most of these questions.  I for one could not imagine feeling like I was stuck in the wrong gender my entire life, but that doesnt mean the phenomenon doesn't exist.  Personally I feel for them, that would be a terrible way to go through life until you got everything in order and came to grips with it, through whatever means it took.

And the whole 'just git'r chopped off ya lazy lib' argument may be the dumbest thing anyone has written on these boards.  PERIOD.

There are a great many conditions suffered by folks that I cannot comprehend as to how they live with it; including being born unable to identify with the sex of which you were created.

With that said, It is silly to suggest that 99.5% of the population must conform to the .05%.

I have never seen anyone say get it chopped off you lazy lib. Keep everything you want but go where the parts fit.

The highest profile transgender in Jenner. Jenner has stated she is still attracted to females. Would you have any problem with your mom, wife, daughter, sister, ect sharing a shower with here?

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - bfine32 - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 11:08 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I understand what you're asking, but I don't think you thought your question through. You're basically asking why transgender people can't be comfortable if they live as their birth gender and not the one they identify as...

But what if their comfort makes those that are comfortable living as their birth gender uncomfortable? 

Should they just suck it up? 

Dallas city council fast tracked ordinance to allow Men in women's restrooms - StLucieBengal - 11-11-2015

No matter where you stand on this issue. It's too controversial to not put in front of the public for debate.

Quote:Dallas, TX, November 10, 2015– Today, the Dallas City Council fast tracked and approved an aggressive and dangerous bathroom ordinance that allows men into women’s bathroom. In a surprise move that involved the Council approving controversial language in a closed door meeting late last night, without public input, the Council approved the new and sweeping language today that is over 10 pages long. The language is strikingly similar to the same “gender identity” and “public accommodations” language contained in the defeated Houston law that relates to bathroom, locker rooms and shower rooms. The new Dallas ordinance is a threat to safety and freedom and allows the government to fine private small business owners $500.

This swift government move comes just one week after Houston voters decisively said “no” to a radical, expansive bathroom ordinance and power grab that threatened the safety and liberty of Houston residents. In an historic vote, 61 – 39%, Houston voted down its bathroom ordinance that would have allowed men to use women’s bathroom and locker rooms also called “HERO” was voted by down. Texas Values Action was on the ground for the historic vote in Houston.

Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values Action released the following statement:

“This Dallas bathroom ordinance will allow men into women’s bathrooms and that’s why the Dallas City Council is deliberately trying to avoid the people. Their fast track method of passing this dangerous bill that threatens the safety of women and children is the same strategy used in Houston to disenfranchise voters with their failed bathroom bill. Creating law behind closed doors and forcing it onto the people the next morning is a recipe for disaster. These Obama and D. C. style tactics will not work in Texas. Get ready for a Texas-sized response.”

State Senator Don Huffines, whose district includes parts of Dallas, has already asked for the Dallas bathroom ordinance to be reconsidered.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - BmorePat87 - 11-11-2015

(11-10-2015, 11:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: But what if their comfort makes those that are comfortable living as their birth gender uncomfortable? 

Should they just suck it up? 

You asked why they would want to use that bathroom, not whether or not allowing this would make more people comfortable. Obviously some people will not be comfortable with it. Some people have been uncomfortable with minority groups getting civil rights for a very long time.

RE: Dallas city council fast tracked ordinance to allow Men in women's restrooms - BmorePat87 - 11-11-2015

[Image: 2831579.jpg]

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that this progressive supports RINO Rand Paul.

RE: Dallas city council fast tracked ordinance to allow Men in women's restrooms - 6andcounting - 11-11-2015

That face you make when you're about to walk in the women's restroom.

[Image: ku-xlarge.jpg]

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - Rotobeast - 11-11-2015

Let's just take the male/female signs off of the doors and get it over with.
Make one side a family restroom (must have kids to use) and the other is a general restroom with stalls for privacy.
I'm sick of the whiney bullshit.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - GMDino - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 11:15 AM)6andcounting Wrote: That face you make when you're about to walk in the women's restroom.

[Image: ku-xlarge.jpg]

Lucy looks like Omar Epps.  

[Image: 05a125fff87b2d7a32364e0c4678ac55_600x400.jpg]


RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - Mike M (the other one) - 11-11-2015

I know some of you don't like hearing it, but GID is a mental disorder.
The only reason it was removed from the list of disorders is because it does not necessarily cause significant distress or impairment to an individual. There are other Disorders that fall into the same category, yet they are still considered a disorder. So I don't see why this one should be treated differently?

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - JustWinBaby - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 02:20 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So I don't see why this one should be treated differently?

Because at some point liberals moved on from celebrating the individual and disassociating roles from choose your own gender.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - Mike M (the other one) - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 12:18 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Let's just take the male/female signs off of the doors and get it over with.
Make one side a family restroom (must have kids to use) and the other is a general restroom with stalls for privacy.
I'm sick of the whiney bullshit.

I used to submit to this concept, but when dealing with people that are unhappy in general, it really doesn't matter. Today they will be happy, tomorrow it will be something else.
Why don't they do what they say, say what they mean.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - Mike M (the other one) - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 02:28 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Because at some point liberals moved on from celebrating the individual and disassociating roles from choose your own gender.

Then why are they so mad at that white woman that thinks she's black?
She should be hailed as a trendsetter.
Or were they not ready to go in that direction yet?

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - JustWinBaby - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 02:34 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Then why are they so mad at that white woman that thinks she's black?

Not edgy enough.  She needed to see herself as a black man.

RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - GodHatesBengals - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 02:20 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I know some of you don't like hearing it, but GID is a mental disorder.
The only reason it was removed from the list of disorders is because it does not necessarily cause significant distress or impairment to an individual. There are other Disorders that fall into the same category, yet they are still considered a disorder. So I don't see why this one should be treated differently?

Actually it hasn't been removed from the DSM.

That being said, one can accept the science that suggests it is a disorder without being a jerk about it.

I don't go up to schizophrenics and tell them they're dumb for thinking they see things that aren't there. And if a doctor determines that the best course of action for someone with GID is reassignment surgery, who am I to say otherwise?