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RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - BigPapaKain - 06-28-2024

So the older guy looked old and the liar lied a bunch.

What the **** happened to this country where THESE are out candidates?

Biden vs. Trump debate - pally - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 09:50 AM)CKwi88 Wrote: I am as never-Trump and even never-GOP-simping-for-Trump as they come, but there is no way to spin this as equally bad for Trump as it was for Biden. Trump was at least able to put words together. Biden was a geriatric deer in headlights. Yes, the words that Trump put together were his typical blatant lies and nonsense, but his electorate does not care. If his voters didn't ditch him after all of his failures until now, it's not his debate performance that will be a bridge too far. 

Biden, on the other hand, does not benefit from the same zealous fanaticism that Trump does. This debate performance gave even me reason to consider throwing my vote away to a candidate that is neither Biden nor Trump. In the end it doesn't much matter as I'm in a state that doesn't matter, but voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan etc. that saw the debacle are certainly thinking along the same lines. 

This was a worst-case scenario for our country. Like I said, America loses with these two incompetent f***s as the top candidates.

I wasn’t referring to Trump’s base. I was talking about him failing to win swing voters who are ready to jump from Biden after last night. He showed them why they didn’t want him as much as Joe showed his weaknesses. For them it was a curse on both candidates.

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RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Synric - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 08:11 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I've said previously that Manchin is the sort of moderate, true centrist that the Country needs right now. We need to get away from this "far left" and "far right" leadership.

(06-28-2024, 09:00 AM)Millhouse Wrote: We absolutely need to get away from the far left and right. And Manchin would definitely get my vote at this point, because as it stands now I can't stomach either candidate for vastly different reasons.

It's difficult for WV based politicians to run for an office like President. Right now WV has the worst Healthcare in the country so people are leaving the states in flocks including teachers which hurts the education system. WV LLC just doesn't make enough money and it looks bad compared to other states.

I don't think Joe Manchin was seriously considering the presidency anyway. The reason he was in the news last summer was because as the head of the Energy Committee and hard line fossil fuel supporter he was in direct path of Biden and Bill Gates massive Green Energy bill. Manchin got his though with 2 or 3 large green energy storage batteries going up in WV on properties own and controlled by his family. 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Nately120 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:00 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: It really is the Democrats own fault for the position that their Party is in right now. They had two very electable candidates, and they ran them both right out of the Party. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

Since 2022 I've thought Mark Kelly would be the legit best choice for Democrats.  He won by nearly 5 points in a crucial swing state and he's a vet and astronaut.  As I've.said he and Josh Shapiro could form a party-saving team in 2028 that has swing state appeal. 

Sinema looks like a crazy cat lady and there are ample sound bytes and videos of her saying things to turn off both sides and Manchin is a very specialized WV coal industry candidate.  I don't see either having the national appeal of two employed and popular Democrats. 

Biden vs. Trump debate - pally - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 09:58 AM)masonbengals fan Wrote: BAD, REAL F'N BAD

What is scary is that some people who actually watched this with their own eyes will still vote for him

I would like to compliment the moderators. They were much better than I expected.

If he is the candidate, I will still vote for him. A 3rd party candidate has zero chance of winning enough electoral votes. And you couldn’t pay me to vote for Donald Trump,the creeps who do his bidding, and their regressive, dangerous Christian Nationalist agenda. I’d much rather take my chances with future President Harris and Democrat policies

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - HarleyDog - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 11:32 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You don't look like an idiot, you just had way too much faith in the Democratic party.  I've dealt with their worst aspects for over a decade.  As to why Biden didn't bow out, they probably tried to get him to do exactly that.  Scheduling this debate, the earliest presidential debate ever, was their way of forcing him out.  They also clearly didn't give him his cocktail of drugs, the ones he received before the state of the union.  What we saw last night is the person who's been "running" this country for the past two plus years.  

The only question now is who do they undemocratically power broker into the Dem nominee.  Biden will not be the nominee heading into the Chicago convention.

This is something we've both agreed on for some time but people thought we were crazy I think. The replacement will be in motion. However, if I'm correct, Biden must choose not to run again. I'm not sure he can just be replaced by the party can he? 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - HarleyDog - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:15 PM)pally Wrote: If he is the candidate, I will still vote for him.  A 3rd party candidate has zero chance of winning enough electoral votes.  And you couldn’t pay me to vote for Donald Trump,the creeps who  do his bidding, and their regressive, dangerous Christian Nationalist agenda.  I’d much rather take my chances with future President Harris and Democrat policies

As long as your voting for whats best for you, nobody can argue your intentions. 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 11:51 AM)KillerGoose Wrote: I had this conversation last night and this morning about Gavin. My wife asked me "you really want Newsom to run for president?" No, he isn't my top choice, but that isn't the point. The point is there isn't really anyone else who stands a chance IMO. He's the most presidential candidate that the Dems have. I have heard Buttigieg mentioned, and I like him as well. He's young and charismatic and has really soared up the political ladder, but I still think Newsom is probably the best bet from the Dems perspective. 

I don't think the Dems have much of a shot at this point in all honesty. Even if they throw up Pete or Gavin, it's just too late in the process. We're barely more than four months until election day. On top of that, there was a poll back in March that pitted a hypothetical Trump vs. Gavin matchup and Trump was killing him in it. Granted, just one poll. However, I think we're trading "sure defeat" for "likely defeat" by switching candidates now. 

I cannot stress enough just how god awful Newsome is when the rubber meets the road.  As pointed out he's young and has charisma, and that's about it.  The Dems fully deserve to lose either way, they've been deceiving the American public about the mental state of the supposed POTUS for years now.  People should honestly be outraged and out for blood.  Figuratively speaking.

(06-28-2024, 12:00 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: It really is the Democrats own fault for the position that their Party is in right now. They had two very electable candidates, and they ran them both right out of the Party. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

I don't know how presidential either of them are, especially Sinema.  I will agree that the bullpen on either side is looking thin to non-existent. 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:09 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: So the older guy looked old and the liar lied a bunch.

What the **** happened to this country where THESE are out candidates?

Biden didn't look old.  He looked senile.  He looked senile because he is senile and has been for years.

(06-28-2024, 12:15 PM)pally Wrote: If he is the candidate, I will still vote for him.  A 3rd party candidate has zero chance of winning enough electoral votes.  And you couldn’t pay me to vote for Donald Trump,the creeps who  do his bidding, and their regressive, dangerous Christian Nationalist agenda.  I’d much rather take my chances with future President Harris and Democrat policies

I can see not voting at all, but voting for someone who is clearly in the throws of deep senility is putting party over country in a major way.  I wouldn't let Biden walk my dog at this point.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - HarleyDog - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:   People should honestly be outraged and out for blood.  Figuratively speaking.

Careful now. We don't want the left-wing media machine accusing you of causing an insurrection. 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Nately120 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I cannot stress enough just how god awful Newsome is when the rubber meets the road.  As pointed out he's young and has charisma, and that's about it.  The Dems fully deserve to lose either way, they've been deceiving the American public about the mental state of the supposed POTUS for years now.  People should honestly be outraged and out for blood.  Figuratively speaking.

I don't know how presidential either of them are, especially Sinema.  I will agree that the bullpen on either side is looking thin to non-existent. 

I think Democrats have a fine bullpen but they insist on rolling with candidates like Hillary and Biden part 2. Bernie Sanders or Newsom probably had better odds and the 2022 midterm set up some potential candidates but they may continue to push the old guard to their detriment. 

Trump.ismt the best the other side has, either.  One of these guys who shouldn't be president will be president so I guess you can't blame either side for pushing crap because crap is going to win. 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:19 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: This is something we've both agreed on for some time but people thought we were crazy I think. The replacement will be in motion. However, if I'm correct, Biden must choose not to run again. I'm not sure he can just be replaced by the party can he? 

Yes, we have and yes, we were labeled conspiracy theorists.  At the end of the day both parties are private entities and can nominate whoever they like.  The optics of foisting a candidate that literally no one voted for would be god awful.  An actual threat to our democracy by sidestepping the democratic process entirely.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:30 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I think Democrats have a fine bullpen but they insist on rolling with candidates like Hillary and Biden part 2. Bernie Sanders or Newsom probably had better odds and the 2022 midterm set up some potential candidates but they may continue to push the old guard to their detriment. 

Trump.ismt the best the other side has, either.  One of these guys who shouldn't be president will be president so I guess you can't blame either side for pushing crap because crap is going to win. 

Out of curiosity, who are you referring to?

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Nately120 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:31 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Out of curiosity, who are you referring to?

Mark Kelly, Josh Shapiro and Raphael Warnock to a lesser extent come to mind. I'd bet on them.over Biden or Trump or JD Vance etc.  maybe Gretchen Whitmer or even John Fetterman as a vp pick. Democrats have winning candidates in crucial swing states. 

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:33 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Mark Kelly, Josh Shapiro and Raphael Warnock to a lesser extent come to mind. I'd bet on them.over Biden or Trump or JD Vance etc.  maybe Gretchen Whitmer or even John Fetterman as a vp pick. Democrats have winning candidates in crucial swing states. 

Josh Shapiro wouldn't be a bad choice.  Kelly is very mid.  Warnock?  Pass it to the left brother.  Witmer, maybe.  Fetterman is rather on the outs with Dem leadership right now.  I also wonder if his health would allow for a national campaign.

Kudos though, you raised some possibilities I hadn't thought of.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - basballguy - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:40 AM)basballguy Wrote: Anderson Cooper all over Harris on CNN. Much respect. Kamala can’t answer any of his questions about Biden and deflected on every out he gave her to save face.


Replying to my own quote. Hollywood is upset with CNNs coverage lol

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - pally - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:39 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Josh Shapiro wouldn't be a bad choice.  Kelly is very mid.  Warnock?  Pass it to the left brother.  Witmer, maybe.  Fetterman is rather on the outs with Dem leadership right now.  I also wonder if his health would allow for a national campaign.

Kudos though, you raised some possibilities I hadn't thought of.

Whitmer is the most likely choice among those you listed.  She is well-liked by the party, represents a swing state, would appeal to swing voter

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - CKwi88 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:19 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: This is something we've both agreed on for some time but people thought we were crazy I think. The replacement will be in motion. However, if I'm correct, Biden must choose not to run again. I'm not sure he can just be replaced by the party can he? 

He cannot. He secured the nomination through the primary process. He would have to consent to step aside. And that would just be the start of what would be a very messy process to name a replacement. It certainly would not be as simple as "Biden out Newsome in" by any stretch.  

To quote David Axelrod's DNC source: "[The DNC] are f**ked."

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Nately120 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:39 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Josh Shapiro wouldn't be a bad choice.  Kelly is very mid.  Warnock?  Pass it to the left brother.  Witmer, maybe.  Fetterman is rather on the outs with Dem leadership right now.  I also wonder if his health would allow for a national campaign.

Kudos though, you raised some possibilities I hadn't thought of.

We can agree to disagree on Kelly because I think he's the best thing they've got this second.  Shapiro has an Obama-style that would resonate, but he's in his first term as governor but given that democrats are rolling with a dude who is senile versus a sociopath I feel like even if he got the nod right now people would overlook his newness.  My main point is that Trump and his VP are both going to be from safe red states, meanwhile democrats have major players in states like PA, AZ, GA, and MI which are election-deciders these days.

Right now Biden looks like the prosecutors in the OJ Simpson or Casey Anthony trial.  It's know the other side is bad and guilty and unrepentant, but you give them a pass for just being "what they are" and you are content in letting them get away with murder because you just so badly want to see the smug, arrogant, and incompetent "system" fall flat on its face.

I'm right back to where I was when Biden declared he was running for a second term.  I realize it's irrational and I'll probably (again) calm down a bit, but I can't control his winning or losing so if he blows it I may as well get some shameful enjoyment out of him stepping on the rake because his head was thrown all the way back in self-satisfaction.  Or I could be wrong, or he could win.  It's knee-jerk stuff, as I said.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 12:47 PM)basballguy Wrote: Replying to my own quote.  Hollywood is upset with CNNs coverage lol

One of the good things about social media, it really diminished the power of traditional celebrity.  Once people discovered how vacuous and egocentric most of these people are the veneer quickly wore off.