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Kanye West 2020? - Printable Version

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Kanye West 2020? - Donnyho - 08-31-2015

Last night at the MTV Video Music Awards, Kanye West announced he'd be running for President in 2020. Was he joking?  Maybe. But we should probably discuss it anyway  Ninja

1: Is anti-establishment politicians

2: Came from nothing and is a self made millionaire

3: Is Christian......

.....but is also a God himself

4: Is already one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World


1: Well, even though I like him, he does say a lot of dumb ass stuff

RE: Kanye West 2020? - michaelsean - 08-31-2015

Cons: Fat ass would be the First Lady.

RE: Kanye West 2020? - Rotobeast - 08-31-2015

Whine-ass was going to leave the country over his skewed vision of it.
I wouldn't want an attention-***** quitter anywhere near the white house.
Maybe Jay-Z though...

RE: Kanye West 2020? - BmorePat87 - 08-31-2015

(08-31-2015, 10:34 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Cons:  phat ass would be the First Lady.

[Image: MV5BMTIzNzU5Mzk1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjIy...SY720_.jpg]

RE: Kanye West 2020? - JustWinBaby - 08-31-2015

Oh wow....I forgot about KK. Was thinking the other day that KK would probably be polling double what Trump is.

Joking aside, I think you have to consider how stupid the average American is and how impactful pop culture is, and acknowledge that Kanye (with KK by his side) could probably capture at least 15-20% of the vote.

RE: Kanye West 2020? - Rotobeast - 08-31-2015

(08-31-2015, 11:02 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: FIFY
[Image: MV5BMTIzNzU5Mzk1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjIy...SY720_.jpg]

Picture did not load.....
Apparently it was too large.

RE: Kanye West 2020? - Benton - 08-31-2015

Isn't Trump punishment enough?

RE: Kanye West 2020? - SunsetBengal - 08-31-2015

Kanye?  Would his slogan be Can ya all just get along??

RE: Kanye West 2020? - Benton - 08-31-2015

Reminds me of the Saint's Row video games.

RE: Kanye West 2020? - Rotobeast - 09-01-2015

(08-31-2015, 11:00 PM)Benton Wrote: Reminds me of the Saint's Row video games.

Were those games any good ?
I never got around to playing them.

RE: Kanye West 2020? - Benton - 09-01-2015

(09-01-2015, 12:57 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Were those games any good ?
I never got around to playing them.

So so.

I only played three for a bit. Played four a lot more. Didn't finish either game. Fun but gets pretty monotonous after a while.

RE: Kanye West 2020? - JustWinBaby - 09-01-2015

Kanye would be great in debates...."now I'mma letya finish, but Obama was the greatest POTUS we ever had and should have gotten a 3rd term"

RE: Kanye West 2020? - michaelsean - 09-01-2015

It would be nice to see someone run up during his inaugural, grab the mike, and say he didn't deserve it.

RE: Kanye West 2020? - SteelCitySouth - 09-01-2015

[Image: 8AFm4a8.jpg]

RE: Kanye West 2020? - PhilHos - 09-01-2015

(09-01-2015, 09:03 AM)michaelsean Wrote: It would be nice to see someone run up during his inaugural, grab the mike, and say he didn't deserve it.

Would be a lot harder with secret service around.

[Image: Challenge-Accepted-Meme.jpg]