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Trump Donor List Published - Printable Version

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Trump Donor List Published - GMDino - 08-08-2019

Joaquin Castro released a list of Trump Donors.  Trump supporters are up in arms about it.

1) All of the information was already available publicly.

2) If you support Trump why would you mad that people know you gave money to Trump and that lots of other people did too?

3) If you are worried about personal violence because of your donations perhaps you should work toward calming the political climate rather than, say, supporting a "man" who thrives on a violent/divisive political climate.

RE: Trump Donor List Published - jj22 - 08-08-2019

It just highlights how many donors donate to both parties.

Quote:According to Federal Election Commission records, Harwell donated $1,000 to Castro’s campaign in September 2011. Harwell’s name appeared on a list, along with 43 other prominent donors in San Antonio who have contributed to President Trump. This year, Harwell contributed a total of $5,600 to the Trump Victory committee, and $2,800 to the Trump campaign. Harwell also donated to Trump’s campaign during his first presidential run in 2016.

Now keep this in mind Trump supporters who attacked Muellers team for donating to Hillary at a minimal clip decades ago, when you ignore that these same people donated 4 times the amount to Trump and fellow Republicans as card carrying lifelong Republicans. But they were "12 angry Democrats".

Fox saying what clear minded people have said all along about why the Mueller team being "Dem's" attack was fake news. Got to love when they slip up and tell the truth about something when they don't want you to think it happens when they want to use donations as an attack.

RE: Trump Donor List Published - CJD - 08-08-2019

Trump voters come in different flavors.
There's the MAGA hat wearing kind, those that love Trump and want you to know all about it.

There's the "There was no better option, so at least I'll get a tax cut" kind.

There's the "Hillary was corrupt, but I'll find a reason to vote for him again in 2020 too" kind.

There's the "I'm a Republican, he's a Republican, so I'll vote for him" kind

There's the "I don't like the way Washington is right now, so why not shake it up with a tv show celebrity" kind.

And then there's the "I really like Trump, but I'm afraid to voice my support for him because I've read stories about how Democrats beat up Trump supporters" kind.

That final kind is probably the group that are upset about this.