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Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Printable Version

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Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - SunsetBengal - 08-14-2019

Campaign funding toward her 2020 re-election bid is virtually non-existent from constituents inside her district, about 1.4% of what the "average" Freshman Representative would look to gather by now..

From the article, sounds like things aren't much different for other members of "The Squad". LOL

Quote:"The FEC only requires that political campaigns disclose the names and addresses of individuals who contribute over $200 to their campaigns during an election," The Daily Caller News Foundation's Andrew Kerr reported. "The $1,525.50 Ocasio-Cortez received from her New York constituents represents less than 1% of her campaign's itemized contributions reported to the FEC in the first half of 2019."

While Ocasio-Cortez has outraised all other freshman representatives, the DCNF found that she falls significantly short of the average amount of money that freshman representatives have raised within their own districts.

"The average freshman representative's reelection campaign received $107,141.29 in itemized contributions from their constituents in the first half of 2019, FEC filings the DCNF analyzed show," Kerr writes. "Ocasio-Cortez's reported in-district fundraising haul of $1,525.50 was just 1.4% of that average."

Far-left Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) also rank near the bottom of the freshman class in terms of financial support they have received from their constituents.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - michaelsean - 08-15-2019

I'm sure she will get plenty of money from across the country, but if your own people aren't giving, that could be a bit concerning.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - jj22 - 08-15-2019

Why should we care? You guys act like AOC is really a threat to Trump.

It goes to show how much she's taken politics by storm the focus that Trump supporters have placed on her.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - SunsetBengal - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 10:57 AM)jj22 Wrote: Why should we care? You guys act like AOC is really a threat to Trump.

It goes to show how much she's taken politics by storm the focus that Trump supporters have placed on her.


RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - GMDino - 08-15-2019

First: Dailywire?   Smirk


Quote: U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been in the middle of a controversy that includes House Democratic leadership and President Donald Trump, raised $1.2 million for her re-election in the second quarter, an impressive haul for a freshman lawmaker.

The bulk of Ocasio-Cortez’s fundraising came in donations of less than $200 - an indication that she is successfully raising money online from grassroots supporters.

At the end of June, the Democratic New York congresswoman had $1.4 million in cash, according to disclosures her re-election campaign filed on Monday. That was a sharp uptick for Ocasio-Cortez, who raised $2.1 million for her entire first election campaign.

It seems most of what she has raised has been from donations under $200.00.

But I'm glad Dailywire, The Blaze and the Washington Examiner are very concerned about this race and her local support!  Eventually they'll care where everyone's money is coming from.   Smirk

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - CKwi88 - 08-15-2019

Didn't we have a dedicated thread to the right's obsession with AOC? LOL

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Vas Deferens - 08-15-2019

Apparently AIPAC needs a reminder who's palms should and should not be greased to continue funding of their apartheid industrial complex.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Arturo Bandini - 08-15-2019

This is surprsing way to make politics. If you get elected with money's donators or lobbies then the donators and the lobbies will govern.

Not a surprise if you defend poor people you'll have less money than if you defend billionnaires.

You can't at the end be surprised if every law which is passing is made for rich people.

The swamp starts from here.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Vas Deferens - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 02:31 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: This is surprsing way to make politics. If you get elected with money's donators or lobbies then the donators and the lobbies will govern.

Not a surprise if you defend poor people you'll have less money than if you defend billionnaires.

You can't at the end be surprised if every law which is passing is made for rich people.

The swamp starts from here.

yeah!  like some guy from FRANCE would now anything about DEMOCRACY!  we INVENTED democracy right here in the good ol' U.S of god damned A!  Ill be damned if some crepe eatin', long cigarette smokin', artsy fartsy MIME is going to come 'round here and disrespect the frickin' kleptocracy the good lord's intelligent design made us into!  

how we gonna know whats best fer us if monsanto and the koch bros don't tell us?  HUH!  'SPLAIN that FRENCHY!

and you know who gots the most monies?  jebus H chriest.  we might be a nation of dumb, inbred, opiod addicts who couldn't conjur an original thought or perspective if our pathetic lives depended on it; but we believe in jebus better than you and the church ain't never 'sploited nobody. 

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Arturo Bandini - 08-15-2019

We have also that strange kind of elections where you got 10 or more candidates at the first round and the first and second are qualified for the second round and that incredible idea that the one who has the most vote wins

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Vas Deferens - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 03:41 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: We have also that strange kind of elections where you got 10 or more candidates at the first round and the first and second are qualified for the second round and that incredible idea that the one who has the most vote wins

well la-dee-frickin-DA!  you hear that boys?!  The fancy-brown-mustard eater thinks he's better at a votin' then us!

we ain't gotta do all extra stuff, 'cuz we already know who da bestest is.  they all gots the same last names we like.  BUSH's is real good.  and TRUMP got his damn name in gold on a freakin apartment complex and he had a TV SHOW!  

so you can take yer frickin blurry-ass Monet democracy back to gar de coo-cooland for all we care.  Alls we wants is'a moron just like us who'll make small words we gets.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Aquapod770 - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 10:57 AM)jj22 Wrote: Why should we care? You guys act like AOC is really a threat to Trump.

It goes to show how much she's taken politics by storm the focus that Trump supporters have placed on her.

Because a majority of her ideas and policies are terrible at best. 

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - michaelsean - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 03:41 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: We have also that strange kind of elections where you got 10 or more candidates at the first round and the first and second are qualified for the second round and that incredible idea that the one who has the most vote wins

And how did that work out? LOL

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Arturo Bandini - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 05:48 PM)michaelsean Wrote: And how did that work out? LOL

Fine actually.

As far as I know our president doesn't rant his allies or anyone on Twitter on daily basis.

And you might love him or not, he's actually a brilliant person. The dude can debate for 12 hours without any text or cards even in english.

He's not racist, he's not a biggot and didn't inherit millions of dollars to start his life.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - TheLeonardLeap - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 07:21 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: Fine actually.

As far as I know our president doesn't rant his allies or anyone on Twitter on daily basis.

And you might love him or not, he's actually a brilliant person. The dude can debate for 12 hours without any text or cards even in english.

He's not racist, he's not a biggot and didn't inherit millions of dollars to start his life.

Didn't you guys have over a dozen straight weekends of riots in Paris?

He also met his wife when he was 15 in high school... being taught by her... while she was 39.   Hmm

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Arturo Bandini - 08-15-2019

(08-15-2019, 07:54 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Didn't you guys have over a dozen straight weekends of riots in Paris?

He also met his wife when he was 15 in high school... being taught by her... while she was 39.   Hmm

It's over for weeks. It was honestly not the best of us. French people are always complaining and tend to be very generous with other people's money but they got 100€ / month for those who earn not enough while working, it"s not that bad. We usually just have one job and we don't work much ( 35 hours a week with 8 weeks of paid holidays ). There are many worse places in the world. 

Nobody cares about the second thing. It's his private life. At least, he's still married to the same woman.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Benton - 08-16-2019

(08-15-2019, 07:54 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Didn't you guys have over a dozen straight weekends of riots in Paris?

He also met his wife when he was 15 in high school... being taught by her... while she was 39.   Hmm

I don't know if we've got a lot of room to throw stones here. At least he was 15, instead of our cic who allegedly groped underage girls, was responsible for putting people in charge to protect a child sex trafficker buddy of his that ended up dead and has admitted to sexually assaulting women 

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - Arturo Bandini - 08-16-2019

(08-16-2019, 01:13 AM)Benton Wrote: I don't know if we've got a lot of room to throw stones here. At least he was 15, instead of our cic who allegedly groped underage girls, was responsible for putting people in charge to protect a child sex trafficker buddy of his that ended up dead and has admitted to sexually assaulting women 

It's fair, I take it. 

Sexual majority is 15 out there. In France, we don't care much about what people do with their private life. 

Because at the end, we might be what we are but we're not the laughing stock of the world.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - GMDino - 08-16-2019

(08-15-2019, 07:54 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Didn't you guys have over a dozen straight weekends of riots in Paris?

He also met his wife when he was 15 in high school... being taught by her... while she was 39.   Hmm

"Conservatives" (especially Trump supporters) that bring up the "morality" of others sexual encounters always give me the giggles.

RE: Campaign funding struggles for AOC.. - jj22 - 08-16-2019

(08-15-2019, 04:13 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: Because a majority of her ideas and policies are terrible at best. 

Her real ones? Or the long proven fake news ones that Trump promotes and you guys still get conned into believing (and repeating)? As already posted with proof many times in this forum, everything Trump has said about them is a lie (go figure).