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Pelosi rips one - GMDino - 02-05-2020

I didn't see it live and when I did I at first really felt like it was unnecessary and didn't help anything at all.

Now I'm torn. (No pun intended.)

On one hand DJT didn't shake Pelosi's hand.  On the other hand the gop will have such faux outrage over the "improper decorum" it will be laughable and insufferable all day.

Plus everyone is talking about THAT and not about anything Trump said IN the speech.

So I'm not sure if this was a good or bad move.  But will definitely be one everyone remembers.

RE: Pelosi rips one - michaelsean - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 10:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: I didn't see it live and when I did I at first really felt like it was unnecessary and didn't help anything at all.

Now I'm torn. (No pun intended.)

On one hand DJT didn't shake Pelosi's hand.  On the other hand the gop will have such faux outrage over the "improper decorum" it will be laughable and insufferable all day.

Plus everyone is talking about THAT and not about anything Trump said IN the speech.

So I'm not sure if this was a good or bad move.  But will definitely be one everyone remembers.

I saw memes already. but didn't see exactly what she did.  What did she tear up?

RE: Pelosi rips one - GMDino - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 10:41 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I saw memes already. but didn't see exactly what she did.  What did she tear up?

Her copy of his speech.  She did it after he finished.

RE: Pelosi rips one - Belsnickel - 02-05-2020

The hashtag #PelosiMeltdown is trending.

RE: Pelosi rips one - GMDino - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 10:45 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: The hashtag #PelosiMeltdown is trending.

Well Russian bots are quick.... Mellow

All seriousness aside so is #classless but I'm haven't seen the ratio of Pelosi vs Trump as to who it is referring to.

RE: Pelosi rips one - michaelsean - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 10:45 AM)GMDino Wrote: Her copy of his speech.  She did it after he finished.

Damn don't the speeches last a couple of hours?  Seems like it would be like tearing a phone book.

RE: Pelosi rips one - jj22 - 02-05-2020

Republicans more mad about Pelosi tearing up a speech then they are Trump tearing up the constitution.

You can't make this stuff up.

She was better off attempting to bribe a foreign country to help her win an election in their minds.

Besides, no President has ever refused to shake hands with the Speaker of the House regardless of party...... They see nothing wrong with that classless act of course.

Republicans have lost any opportunity to lecture anyone about "unbecoming" behavior (I mean really, why would they not see that trap before walking into it this morning). But they will as they have positioned themselves to be called out on hypocrisy for years to come as they try to force everyone else to play by rules they applaud and excuse Trump for breaking.

RE: Pelosi rips one - Benton - 02-05-2020

Way to show your impotency.

You knew (sorta) what he was going to do and say and you respond like a teenager with a breakup note.

Between this and the impeachment that wasn't (which she knew how that would play out), pelosi and the Dems leadership is looking more and more helpless.

She knew the Dems were going to one on the chin (as they do any time he gets a mic) and she stuck it out even further.

RE: Pelosi rips one - jj22 - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:18 AM)Benton Wrote: Way to show your impotency.

You knew (sorta) what he was going to do and say and you respond like a teenager with a breakup note.

Between this and the impeachment that wasn't (which she knew how that would play out), pelosi and the Dems leadership is looking more and more helpless.

She knew the Dems were going to one on the chin (as they do any time he gets a mic) and she stuck it out even further.

Let me guess you applaud Trump not shaking her hand in a far worse show of disrespect?

You have to chuckle at how easily Pelosi gets Trump supporters/defenders back on their high horse. The problem is nothing goes unchallenged in the day of social media, and Republicans can't talk at all about "impotency" (whatever that means in regards to this) etc. Even if they try. Social media goes undefeated as they have this morning.

Which is why today, you don't hear any Republican or Trump supporter repeating or talking about Trumps speech. Quoting certain points, applauding certain statements. Nothing! Nancy stole the show in a simple act as she did last year with her clap.

They can't touch the women.

RE: Pelosi rips one - BmorePat87 - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 10:52 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Damn don't the speeches last a couple of hours?  Seems like it would be like tearing a phone book.

About an hour including applause breaks. Probably only a few pages long.

RE: Pelosi rips one - BmorePat87 - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:23 AM)jj22 Wrote: Let me guess you applaud Trump not shaking her hand in a far worse show of disrespect?

That's quite a leap

RE: Pelosi rips one - GMDino - 02-05-2020

Like I said there is a lot of faux outrage about what she did...from people who defend DJT as "tough" and call everyone who gets "offended" snowflakes.

The one thing I agree with here is it further shows the gop hypocrisy that Trump can insult and say whatever he wants about anyone, complete with childish nicknames but if anyone on the "other side" does anything they are just aghast!  Its funny and sad.

RE: Pelosi rips one - jj22 - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:26 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: That's quite a leap

Well you sure don't see Trump defenders or Republican members of Congress calling out that historically disrespectful act.....

As if ripping a paper is a far worse action.

Of course we know Americans hold Dems in higher standards so you guys probably think that act will go without criticism by the American voter while as Trump supporters are saying, Pelosi ripping a piece of paper will doom Dems for a generation!

She should have just colluded with another country to attack her political opponent to help her win another election to gain the American voters support. Instead she ripped up a piece of paper. That's all we can take from this.

RE: Pelosi rips one - michaelsean - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:30 AM)jj22 Wrote: Well you sure don't see Trump defenders or Republican members of Congress calling out that historically disrespectful act.....

As if ripping a paper is a far worse action.

Of course we know Americans hold Dems in higher standards so you guys probably think that act will go without criticism by the American voter while as Trump supporters are saying, Pelosi ripping a piece of paper will doom Dems for a generation!

She should have just colluded with another country to attack her political opponent to help her win another election to gain the American voters support. Instead she ripped up a piece of paper. That's all we can take from this.

He's not a Trump supporter.  

RE: Pelosi rips one - jj22 - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:35 AM)michaelsean Wrote: He's not a Trump supporter.  

My points weren't for anyone specifically.

RE: Pelosi rips one - michaelsean - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:38 AM)jj22 Wrote: My points weren't for anyone specifically.

OK.  Looked like you were directing them at Benton.

RE: Pelosi rips one - jj22 - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:41 AM)michaelsean Wrote: OK.  Looked like you were directing them at Benton.

Actually it was Bmore I was more taken aback by for acting like the POTUS being classless enough not to shake hands with the Speaker of the House in what has been tradition since the first State of the Union no matter party or differences was "a leap". When comparing it to the calls of classlessness of someone ripping up a paper.

That just goes to show how Americans think when it comes to Dems actions vs. Republicans.

RE: Pelosi rips one - michaelsean - 02-05-2020

(02-05-2020, 11:45 AM)jj22 Wrote: Actually it was Bmore I was more taken aback by for acting like the POTUS being classless enough not to shake hands with the Speaker of the House in what has been done since the first State of the Union no matter party or differences was "a leap". When comparing it to the calls of classlessness of someone ripping up a paper.

That just goes to show how Americans think when it comes to Dems actions vs. Republicans.

I think he may have thought the same as I did.  That you were addressing your comments to Benton, and that him saying something about one means he applauds the other.

RE: Pelosi rips one - jj22 - 02-05-2020

RE: Pelosi rips one - Goalpost - 02-05-2020

Couple things. Pelosi didn't introduce Trump in the traditional manner. He didn't shake Pence's hand either.