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Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Au165 - 04-28-2021

The FBI raided his apartment today along with an associated lawyer Victoria Toensing who had dealings with Ukraine. Kind of an interesting situation because it appears to be tied to illegal lobbying, lobbying that was associated with the first impeachment process. It's worth noting to get a warrant for something like this their case has to be REALLY strong and go beyond just getting a Federal Judge to sign off on it but requires DOJ oversight to okay it. There is a belief Barr personally blocked this from being executed, which could lead also be an interesting piece here.

Wonder what Rudy knows and would be willing to exchange in order to stay out of jail for the rest of his life?

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - jason - 04-28-2021

Surely Hunter Biden is behind this.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Au165 - 04-28-2021

(04-28-2021, 04:48 PM)jason Wrote: Surely Hunter Biden is behind this.

That will be the strawman put up, that this is political retribution. In reality, they have been trying to execute this search warrant since before Biden was President but it appears Barr was blocking it. Add in the fact that a federal judge had to okay it, and to okay a warrant against someone of Giuliani's status (former mayor, U.S. Attorney, POTUS personal lawyer) you'd have a very high bar to clear to get a sign-off.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Vas Deferens - 04-28-2021

He’ll either be in Russia hiding or poisoned by the kgb within a couple of years. I prefer the latter.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - jason - 04-28-2021

(04-28-2021, 04:54 PM)Au165 Wrote: That will be the strawman put up, that this is political retribution. In reality, they have been trying to execute this search warrant since before Biden was President but it appears Barr was blocking it. Add in the fact that a federal judge had to okay it, and to okay a warrant against someone of Giuliani's status (former mayor, U.S. Attorney, POTUS personal lawyer) you'd have a very high bar to clear to get a sign-off.

I just had Hannity on the radio at work. He's already on it. Then quickly moving on to how weird Biden's speech will be this evening...

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - fredtoast - 04-28-2021

Giuliani's fall from grace has been epic. He went from being a beloved hero for many people to a clown of a mouthpiece for Trumps most extreme positions.

I did not like the way Rudy tried to live off 9-11 for twenty years, but I never really thought he was a bad politician. He never struck me as the type of guy who would go over the edge for Trump. A lot of respectable men like John Kelly and James Mattis tried to work with Trump. But they all bailed on him instead of becoming slobbering, pathetic sycophants like Rudy.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Nately120 - 04-28-2021

Man oh man did I want this guy to be the president in 2008.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - BigPapaKain - 04-28-2021

(04-28-2021, 08:52 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Man oh man did I want this guy to be the president in 2008.


Then he had to go and get all crazy.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Nately120 - 04-28-2021

(04-28-2021, 09:36 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Samesies. 

Then he had to go and get all crazy.

He took the subway to Crazytown and I didn't jump the turnstile. 

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - jason - 04-28-2021

(04-28-2021, 09:36 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Samesies. 

Then he had to go and get all crazy.

I think his ass was always crazy. The difference is that's considered a virtue in some political circles nowadays. He ran that freak flag up the pole post 2016.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Dill - 04-30-2021

[Image: AFP_8VH8EL.jpg?width=1200]

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Dill - 04-30-2021

[Image: borat_giuliani.jpg]

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - samhain - 05-02-2021

I almost feel sorry for Rudy. I guess when you're a successful public figure, there comes a time when you need to decide whether to do absolutely anything to maintain any form of public relevance, or just accept that you're through. Rudy obviously chose option 1, and is seemingly paying a price for it on loop.

IMO Rudy never emotionally recovered from his disastrous run for Senate vs a carpetbagging Hillary Clinton. He stood a good chance of beating her before his personal life melted down on a level that forced him to withdraw and allowed Hillary to continue to groom herself for her unsuccessful attempt to be president. He's a perfect Trump stooge. He has zero concern for the Republican Party, it's future, or it's constituents. He just wanted to smash some libz after being mortally butt-wounded by the Clintons on his home turf, and it's all he's been about since.

If this guy would have just gone away after 08 or even 01 when he was still "America's Mayor", his legacy would largely have remained intact. He's a walking bad decision who does nothing but serve as pure comic relief for the left he wanted revenge against. I'm sure Trump's cabinet just loved having Rudy's idiotic sideshow with fellow clown Sidney Powell co-opt any efforts to maintain dignity post election loss. It was like watching someone die, then seeing them shit their pants act their final involuntary act, lol. He should just change his name to shitstain Rudy. It would go along with whatever he has running down his face in his post-election pressers.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Stewy - 05-02-2021

Rudi getting charged would be the best thing for America. His career will be done, he'll lose his license and he'll do anything he can not to spend the rest of his life in jail, which means turning on Trump. Trump will be in jail in 2024 and Rudi will put him there.

The sad thing is Trump would still get 70-80% of the Republican vote from a jail cell, which is pathetic.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Dill - 05-02-2021

(05-02-2021, 12:13 PM)samhain Wrote: I almost feel sorry for Rudy.  I guess when you're a successful public figure, there comes a time when you need to decide whether to do absolutely anything to maintain any form of public relevance, or just accept that you're through.  Rudy obviously chose option 1, and is seemingly paying a price for it on loop.

IMO Rudy never emotionally recovered from his disastrous run for Senate vs a carpetbagging Hillary Clinton.  He stood a good chance of beating her before his personal life melted down on a level that forced him to withdraw and allowed Hillary to continue to groom herself for her unsuccessful attempt to be president.  He's a perfect Trump stooge.  He has zero concern for the Republican Party, it's future, or it's constituents.  He just wanted to smash some libz after being mortally butt-wounded by the Clintons on his home turf, and it's all he's been about since.

If this guy would have just gone away after 08 or even 01
when he was still "America's Mayor", his legacy would largely have remained intact.  He's a walking bad decision who does nothing but serve as pure comic relief for the left he wanted revenge against.  I'm sure Trump's cabinet just loved having Rudy's idiotic sideshow with fellow clown Sidney Powell co-opt any efforts to maintain dignity post election loss.  It was like watching someone die, then seeing them shit their pants act their final involuntary act, lol.  He should just change his name to shitstain Rudy.  It would go along with whatever he has running down his face in his post-election pressers.

I wonder if he might be suffering from the beginnings of dementia or something.

It's seems his judgment, his ability to differentiate between good and bad decisions, has seriously deteriorated. Had he retained it, he could have remained an important public figure to whom people listened.

Bad judgment or no, I would like to see him--and Trump--held to account for trashing the career of Marie Yovanovitch.  

Rudy got an honorable diplomat who had served the US well summarily fired, apparently because she would not put Trump's career above honorable service to the country. 

That's what the Trump administration did--fire people who could not be corrupted.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - Dill - 05-02-2021

(05-02-2021, 01:26 PM)Stewy Wrote: Rudi getting charged would be the best thing for America.  His career will be done, he'll lose his license and he'll do anything he can not to spend the rest of his life in jail, which means turning on Trump.  Trump will be in jail in 2024 and Rudi will put him there.

The sad thing is Trump would still get 70-80% of the Republican vote from a jail cell, which is pathetic.

I agree, and hope he takes Trump with him.

My one concern is that the evidence convicting him, the application of the law, needs to be clear enough so that a high school student could understand it. 

Even so, the far-right will claim "witch hunt" and deny wrongdoing, but I just want to make sure the law and evidence are clear to the majority--to 60-65% at least. 

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - BigPapaKain - 05-02-2021

(05-02-2021, 01:26 PM)Stewy Wrote: Rudi getting charged would be the best thing for America.  His career will be done, he'll lose his license and he'll do anything he can not to spend the rest of his life in jail, which means turning on Trump.  Trump will be in jail in 2024 and Rudi will put him there.

The sad thing is Trump would still get 70-80% of the Republican vote from a jail cell, which is pathetic.

I'd of used telling over pathetic, but hey.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - yang - 05-03-2021

Rudy expected a pardon for his crimes but Trump's lawyers advised him it could implicate him or be cause for obstruction charges. Poor Rudy could have been basking in his post-pardon retirement. Honestly, I think he was always connected/owned by the Russian mob and has serious money woes making him a perfect candidate to lead Trump's illegal shenanigans.

When I first saw the raid my immediate FB post guessed it would be tied to Dmitri Firtash , the Russian money laundering billionaire we are trying to extradite from Italy. Rudy, Toensing and Co were meeting with him and the AG trying to arrange pardons, etc.

It's all pretty clear Trump conspired with Russia to help in in the first election and was guilty as sin in the Ukraine scandal. It's crazy how we just shrug this off.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - CJD - 05-03-2021

It'll be interesting to see if anything comes of this.

RE: Rudy Giuliani's Apartment Raided - samhain - 05-03-2021

(05-02-2021, 04:29 PM)Dill Wrote: I wonder if he might be suffering from the beginnings of dementia or something.

It's seems his judgment, his ability to differentiate between good and bad decisions, has seriously deteriorated. Had he retained it, he could have remained an important public figure to whom people listened.

Bad judgment or no, I would like to see him--and Trump--held to account for trashing the career of Marie Yovanovitch.  

Rudy got an honorable diplomat who had served the US well summarily fired, apparently because she would not put Trump's career above honorable service to the country. 

That's what the Trump administration did--fire people who could not be corrupted.

Idk.  he's never been all there.  He just did things when he was mayor that made some of the weird stuff tolerable.  You know, stuff like getting hitched to his first cousin.  

When I see people like Rudy that had respectable careers and trashed them for Trump, I assume he has something on them.  Same goes for Dershowitz.