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I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Printable Version

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I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Sled21 - 12-26-2021

Sadly, it's on all the major news outlets. He has no clue what is going on around him. This is really nothing more than elder abuse by his handlers. (And how sad is it that the POTUS needs handlers....)

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Nately120 - 12-26-2021

The caller should have had the balls to drop the grade school charade and just tell Biden what he really thinks of him. I don't recall sissy liberals coming with with clever little secret rhymes to say that Trump is a lying rapist.

Or maybe Biden saying let's go Brandon is like a black dude using the n word.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - GMDino - 12-26-2021

(12-26-2021, 02:31 PM)Sled21 Wrote: Sadly, it's on all the major news outlets. He has no clue what is going on around him. This is really nothing more than elder abuse by his handlers. (And how sad is it that the POTUS needs handlers....)

I can't believe Biden didn't go on a rage-tweet after that about the losers who don't support him and how stupid they are.

A reasonable, totally with it person would do that rather than just basically ignore childishness on a Christmas Eve phone call with children.


RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Nately120 - 12-26-2021

(12-26-2021, 02:56 PM)GMDino Wrote: I can't believe Biden didn't go on a rage-tweet after that about the losers who don't support him and how stupid they are.

A reasonable, totally with person would do that rather than just basically ignore childishness on a Christmas Eve photo call with children.


It does seem like dumbass Buden successfully trolled the caller and the commentator on this one.  Insulting words only have as much power as the receiver gives them. 

It's hard to believe Biden doesn't know what let's go Brandon is code for.  People who think he's legitimately clueless may be letting their own propaganda dull their perception.  

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - CKwi88 - 12-27-2021

Imagine being such a tool that you're going to take time away from kids on Christmas Eve to be a dick to the president.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - jason - 12-27-2021

Is your refrigerator running?

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Nately120 - 12-27-2021

(12-27-2021, 04:08 PM)jason Wrote: Is your refrigerator running?

No, but it was running in 2020 and lost and insists it won.  

But in all fairness, it is cynically amusing to see how mainstream childishness now rules the GOP.  The chanting, the name-calling, the declarations of "Nuh uh, I WON, you didn't win, I did!" or "you can't tell me what to do, unless I'm a pregnant woman" the idea that no idea no matter how absurd can be ruled out because you can't prove it didn't happen, and so on.

As a disclaimer I'll say that spineless democrats and Biden are hardly worthy of running this country either, but come on man.  Biden's response here reminds me of my younger days.

D-bag - I f***ed your mother!
Me - Ok.
D-bag - Dude, this guy just admitted that I f***ed his mother!  What a dumbass!

Also, LET'S GO BRANDON also has the same syllabic rhythm as "TRUMP'S A RAPIST" so there is that.  Feel free to run that into the ground, liberals.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - BoomerFan - 12-31-2021

Biden handled this in the adult way and rolled with it. I have no doubt he knows what it means and just doesn't give a hoot.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 12-31-2021

(12-31-2021, 05:06 AM)BoomerFan Wrote: Biden handled this in the adult way and rolled with it. I have no doubt he knows what it means and just doesn't give a hoot.

I think based on his wife's reaction alone  you can safely eliminate that possibility.  I said from the very beginning that the "F Joe Biden" chant was not something I was a fan of.  But "Let's go Brandon" is actually funny as it was literally created by an attempt to spin the "F Joe Biden" chant and happened organically.  It's a bit like the Streisand Effect.  In any event, I have a hard time with the pearl clutching on the left (one CNN gem stated LGB was analogous to domestic terrorism another CNN employee/contributor compared it to declaring allegiance to ISIS) when they creamed their pants over DeNiro saying "F Trump" twice on a national broadcast.  There are, of course myriad other examples of such statements about Trump that were tolerated, if not applauded by the same people complaining now.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - GMDino - 12-31-2021

(12-27-2021, 04:51 PM)Nately120 Wrote: No, but it was running in 2020 and lost and insists it won.  

But in all fairness, it is cynically amusing to see how mainstream childishness now rules the GOP.  The chanting, the name-calling, the declarations of "Nuh uh, I WON, you didn't win, I did!" or "you can't tell me what to do, unless I'm a pregnant woman" the idea that no idea no matter how absurd can be ruled out because you can't prove it didn't happen, and so on.

As a disclaimer I'll say that spineless democrats and Biden are hardly worthy of running this country either, but come on man.  Biden's response here reminds me of my younger days.

D-bag - I f***ed your mother!
Me - Ok.
D-bag - Dude, this guy just admitted that I f***ed his mother!  What a dumbass!

Also, LET'S GO BRANDON also has the same syllabic rhythm as "TRUMP'S A RAPIST" so there is that.  Feel free to run that into the ground, liberals.

(12-31-2021, 05:06 AM)BoomerFan Wrote: Biden handled this in the adult way and rolled with it. I have no doubt he knows what it means and just doesn't give a hoot.

And to the surprise of no one he is now a hero to the right, with appearances on multiple "news" shows and considering a run for


The funniest part is the more the left, and Biden, simply ignores it (and make fun of the lack of just saying what they mean) the more the folks on the right INSIST saying it is cool and funny and really getting under the skin of the left.  Smirk

The right never got humor and it shows so much in this.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Nately120 - 12-31-2021

Maybe if I tell Big Ben to kiss my ass the Bengals will make me the GM.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - BigPapaKain - 01-01-2022

(12-31-2021, 01:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I think based on his wife's reaction alone  you can safely eliminate that possibility.  I said from the very beginning that the "F Joe Biden" chant was not something I was a fan of.  But "Let's go Brandon" is actually funny as it was literally created by an attempt to spin the "F Joe Biden" chant and happened organically.  It's a bit like the Streisand Effect.  In any event, I have a hard time with the pearl clutching on the left (one CNN gem stated LGB was analogous to domestic terrorism another CNN employee/contributor compared it to declaring allegiance to ISIS) when they creamed their pants over DeNiro saying "F Trump" twice on a national broadcast.  There are, of course myriad other examples of such statements about Trump that were tolerated, if not applauded by the same people complaining now.

A spouse reacting to an insult directed at their SO, regardless of how the SO feels, isn't exactly some damning evidence that it bothers him. Personally, I tend to get pretty heated if anyone says anything to my wife I find to be not in good taste, even if she laughs it off.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 01-01-2022

(01-01-2022, 12:54 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: A spouse reacting to an insult directed at their SO, regardless of how the SO feels, isn't exactly some damning evidence that it bothers him. Personally, I tend to get pretty heated if anyone says anything to my wife I find to be not in good taste, even if she laughs it off.

Yeah, I can see the sense of this argument, but I don't think it's the case in this instance.  I don't think Biden was clued in to this one.  We'll obviously never know, but I really don't see him being in on it.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - treee - 01-01-2022

Maybe they'll get him to unknowingly sit on whoopee cushion next.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Nately120 - 01-01-2022

(01-01-2022, 09:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yeah, I can see the sense of this argument, but I don't think it's the case in this instance.  I don't think Biden was clued in to this one.  We'll obviously never know, but I really don't see him being in on it.

Ida know...any president would have a team of PR people who will warn him about potential zingers or slang that might be headed his way when fielding questions, or in this case, dealing with the general public on an open line.  It seems pretty simple to just tell him that is going around, but who knows.  He seems like he isn't in on the joke, but he also seems about as dismissive as any old ass grandpa would be with such an insult, too.

Either way, this doesn't top the glee people can get seeing him stumble up the stairs of Air Force One, so there will always be that.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - BoomerFan - 01-02-2022

(12-31-2021, 01:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I think based on his wife's reaction alone  you can safely eliminate that possibility.  I said from the very beginning that the "F Joe Biden" chant was not something I was a fan of.  But "Let's go Brandon" is actually funny as it was literally created by an attempt to spin the "F Joe Biden" chant and happened organically.  It's a bit like the Streisand Effect.  In any event, I have a hard time with the pearl clutching on the left (one CNN gem stated LGB was analogous to domestic terrorism another CNN employee/contributor compared it to declaring allegiance to ISIS) when they creamed their pants over DeNiro saying "F Trump" twice on a national broadcast.  There are, of course myriad other examples of such statements about Trump that were tolerated, if not applauded by the same people complaining now.

FWIW I agree that is an overreaction by CNN, who of course sensationalizes things to "engage" their viewers. Mostly I think name calling is childish but it is a free country, do what you want. 

I was also embarrassed by the John Oliver "Drumpf" stuff. Like, it might be interesting to know what his family name once was but calling him that now to get at him somehow is so small and petty. It doesn't matter that Trump himself might be petty, people shouldn't let others define them or their emotional reactions rule political discourse. 

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - CJD - 01-02-2022

(12-26-2021, 02:31 PM)Sled21 Wrote: Sadly, it's on all the major news outlets. He has no clue what is going on around him. This is really nothing more than elder abuse by his handlers. (And how sad is it that the POTUS needs handlers....)

Nothing upsets a person more than you not being bothered by their insult. I think Joe handled this well.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - TheLeonardLeap - 01-02-2022

This whole thread reminds me how much happier I am when I just don't give a **** about the day-to-day political "news". I almost completely avoided Trump speeches his entire presidency and felt smarter and happier for it. Now I see this thread and literally had to Google what this whole "Brandon" shit was... and realized I was pretty happy not knowing or caring.

I think that's the true answer to reunite the country. Ignore social media, and don't participate in 24/7 news where most of it is just a misery scroll. Just get enough news of the main topics to stay informed in the important topics and let the rest of it stew in the cesspool it is.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - jason - 01-03-2022

Caught myself sayin' "Let's go Brandon" at the very tail end of the Bengals game yesterday.

RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - Dill - 01-03-2022

(12-26-2021, 02:31 PM)Sled21 Wrote: Sadly, it's on all the major news outlets. He has no clue what is going on around him. This is really nothing more than elder abuse by his handlers. (And how sad is it that the POTUS needs handlers....)

Why doesn't it seem sad to you that an adult would so insult the president  

while the president was talking to his own child on national television?  

This just isn't the US I grew up in.