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Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Printable Version

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Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - BFritz21 - 01-25-2022

In a meeting on inflation, a reporter asks Biden about inflation and Biden calls him a "stupid SOB" right into the microphone!

This is what happens when you vote on emotion and not what's best for the country. It's the direction that our country is going with everyone voting based on "Trump is mean" with no actual idea what they're voting for.

Are people going to keep defending him?

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - basballguy - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 03:33 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: In a meeting on inflation, a reporter asks Biden about inflation and Biden calls him a "stupid SOB" right into the microphone!

This is what happens when you vote on emotion and not what's best for the country. It's the direction that our country is going with everyone voting based on "Trump is mean" with no actual idea what they're voting for.

Are people going to keep defending him?

Are we sure Biden wasn't just reading from a teleprompter?  /s

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - hollodero - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 03:33 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: In a meeting on inflation, a reporter asks Biden about inflation and Biden calls him a "stupid SOB" right into the microphone!

This is what happens when you vote on emotion and not what's best for the country. It's the direction that our country is going with everyone voting based on "Trump is mean" with no actual idea what they're voting for.

I guess your always adding this smug little sentence calling everyone clueless and overly emotional that did not vote for Donald Trump makes your posts particularly hard to take.

I sure do not defend stupid Biden for saying this, albeit it was not intended for the public. But sure. You do not say things like that, and it's just one more reason why I have yet to meet someone that actually likes Biden.
When Donald Trump said it willfully to Colin Kaepernick, you defended that wannabe dictator on that though. Which makes your whole outrage so blatantly partisan and hence quite unbelievable and ridiculous.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Belsnickel - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 07:36 AM)hollodero Wrote: I guess your always adding this smug little sentence calling everyone clueless and overly emotional that did not vote for Donald Trump makes your posts particularly hard to take.

I sure do not defend stupid Biden for saying this, albeit it was not intended for the public. But sure. You do not say things like that, and it's just one more reason why I have yet to meet someone that actually likes Biden.
When Donald Trump said it willfully to Colin Kaepernick, you defended that wannabe dictator on that though. Which makes your whole outrage so blatantly partisan and hence quite unbelievable and ridiculous.

Pretty much. The Trump movement is entirely based on emotion. To be honest, though, the vast majority of people are too ignorant to really understand what is best for the country. Don't get me wrong with this because I want everyone to vote and have a say, I just wish people would actually take the time to understand the issues.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Matt_Crimson - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 03:33 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: In a meeting on inflation, a reporter asks Biden about inflation and Biden calls him a "stupid SOB" right into the microphone!

This is what happens when you vote on emotion and not what's best for the country. It's the direction that our country is going with everyone voting based on "Trump is mean" with no actual idea what they're voting for.

Are people going to keep defending him?

While I don't like what Biden said or like Biden in general, I think there's better hills to die on than this one Fritz.
I think he should definitely hold himself to a higher standard than this, but I don't necessarily think a President saying things like this is cause for pandemonium.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

Is the reporter being a stupid SOB?

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Millhouse - 01-25-2022

I know I feel vindicated for voting based on "emotion". I mean Trump straight out lied about the election being stolen and rigged, which led directly to the January 6th Redneck Racist Patriot Day Festival of touring the Capitol building. So if Im voting on emotion to oust a guy that attracts neo nazis, klan members, anti-science people, and etc etc etc, while making Richard Nixon look like a good guy, then good.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - BFritz21 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 03:50 AM)basballguy Wrote: Are we sure Biden wasn't just reading from a teleprompter?  /s
No but that's obviously why he usually is and why they usually pre-select the questions for reporters to ask him.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did that here but the reporter just asked a random one on the way out.
(01-25-2022, 07:36 AM)hollodero Wrote: I guess your always adding this smug little sentence calling everyone clueless and overly emotional that did not vote for Donald Trump makes your posts particularly hard to take.

I sure do not defend stupid Biden for saying this, albeit it was not intended for the public. But sure. You do not say things like that, and it's just one more reason why I have yet to meet someone that actually likes Biden.
When Donald Trump said it willfully to Colin Kaepernick, you defended that wannabe dictator on that though. Which makes your whole outrage so blatantly partisan and hence quite unbelievable and ridiculous.
He called him a SOB for disrespecting the flag and the anthem.

You really think that's the same thing?
(01-25-2022, 08:23 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Pretty much. The Trump movement is entirely based on emotion. To be honest, though, the vast majority of people are too ignorant to really understand what is best for the country. Don't get me wrong with this because I want everyone to vote and have a say, I just wish people would actually take the time to understand the issues.

How do you figure the Trump movement is based off of emotion?

The country was a hell of a lot better off under Trump than it is now.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Belsnickel - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 09:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: How do you figure the Trump movement is based off of emotion?

The country was a hell of a lot better off under Trump than it is now.

Trump was a fake populist. He ran on a populist message that he couldn't deliver on but that resonated with voters because of a feeling of socioeconomic disparity and disenfranchisement. These are real concerns and they are causing problems all throughout America which is what pushes the emotional vote. However, Trump didn't have any real solutions. He didn't actually understand the issues at hand and truly didn't care about them. All he cared about was getting into power. This was highly evident from the start but because of the emotional driven faux populist campaigning, he rode into victory.

As to your last statement: seriously? Can you point to any objective metrics that would confirm this? Anything evidence based that doesn't come from a partisan think tank or "news" source would be good. Not to mention that we just passed one year of Biden in office with a Congress in which he can get nothing done. He was handed an economic downturn during a pandemic that had been fumbled so poorly we are the literal laughing stock of other developed nations when it comes to how we handled it. I'm not saying Biden is doing great or even that he is doing well, but your statement that things were a hell of a lot better under Trump than they are now is entirely based on your emotions regarding the issue and not at all based on actual evidence.

Don't worry, though, you're in the majority when it comes to approaching these topics with emotion. It's why for so long politics was a taboo topic in polite company. Most people get emotional about it rather than logical.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

The idea that election was stolen and that things were a hell of a lot better under Trump are textbook feelings over facts.

Democrats are ruled by emotion and yet the faces of the GOP are talking about fake election fraud and no longer getting a boner from the green M&M.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Belsnickel - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 10:14 AM)Nately120 Wrote: The idea that election was stolen and that things were a hell of a lot better under Trump are textbook feelings over facts.

Democrats are ruled by emotion and yet the faces of the GOP are talking about fake election fraud and no longer getting a boner from the green M&M.

That green M&M shit is hilarious. Pure culture wars idiocy.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - XenoMorph - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 03:50 AM)basballguy Wrote: Are we sure Biden wasn't just reading from a teleprompter?  /s

you're suggesting Biden can read...   All evidence points the other way

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Arturo Bandini - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 08:23 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Pretty much. The Trump movement is entirely based on emotion. To be honest, though, the vast majority of people are too ignorant to really understand what is best for the country. Don't get me wrong with this because I want everyone to vote and have a say, I just wish people would actually take the time to understand the issues.

It's based on scapegoating not emotions. My 2 cents.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 10:21 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: That green M&M shit is hilarious. Pure culture wars idiocy.

Mars Co. can exploit all the child slave labor it wants to make this candy, but when the CGI candy woman's footwear stops giving me a boner, they've gone too far.

Also, am I getting my fanfic mixed up with real life or weren't the female M&M ladies in a lesbian relationship a while back?

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - hollodero - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 09:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: He called him a SOB for disrespecting the flag and the anthem.

You really think that's the same thing?

Sure it's not the same thing. For one, Biden did not intend to be heard, while Trump very much wanted his words to be broadcasted.

But sure. You'd never taken any issue with Trump insulting tons of people, because if Trump does it, they all had it coming and deserved it. Scarborough deserved to be called out for murder, his wife deserved to be called bleeding badly from a face-lift, Megyn Kelly totally deserved the remark that she's bleeding out of her whatever, Ted Cruz' wife sooo deserved to be called ugly, the Miss Universe fully deserved to have Donald Trump call her disgusting and have his followers check out her non-existent sex tape because she had the audacity of not rooting for him, Rex Tillerson fully deserved to be called dumb as a rock, ambassador Yovanovich totally deserved to be smeared by Rudy Giuliani, being blamed for the Somali war and have her career destroyed, Amorosa so much deserved to be called a dog, Meghan McCain deserved to be called a lowlife, and her father sure also deserved everything Trump said about him, and yeah Kaep sure totally deserves to be called a SOB, because you disagree with his actions and they all committed the eternal sin of being critical of Trump. Which apparently equals deserving not an ounce of basic respect any longer, because you never made a thread about any of these instances and hundreds more.

But then you catch Biden on a hot mic using some foul language and you use that to belittle everyone that did not vote for the insulter in chief instead. It's plain ridiculous really.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

Ok, I actually looked at the article now and Peter Doocy is a stupid son of a ***** in my mind, so I can hardly fault Biden for telling it like it is.  Though, he's more of a disingenuous pot-stirrer and muckraker than anything else.

Lordy, people wanted to act like Biden not going ape with the Let's Go Brandon thing showed he was a senile wimp, and now that he calls a d-bag a d-bag he's bad for doing so.  Emotion much?

I voted for Gary Johnson and he called Trump a p***y, so I guess I need to kneel and say a few hail marys for being a part of the potty mouth political poopfest. 

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - masonbengals fan - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 10:04 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Trump was a fake populist. He ran on a populist message that he couldn't deliver on but that resonated with voters because of a feeling of socioeconomic disparity and disenfranchisement. These are real concerns and they are causing problems all throughout America which is what pushes the emotional vote. However, Trump didn't have any real solutions. He didn't actually understand the issues at hand and truly didn't care about them. All he cared about was getting into power. This was highly evident from the start but because of the emotional driven faux populist campaigning, he rode into victory.

As to your last statement: seriously? Can you point to any objective metrics that would confirm this? Anything evidence based that doesn't come from a partisan think tank or "news" source would be good. Not to mention that we just passed one year of Biden in office with a Congress in which he can get nothing done. He was handed an economic downturn during a pandemic that had been fumbled so poorly we are the literal laughing stock of other developed nations when it comes to how we handled it. I'm not saying Biden is doing great or even that he is doing well, but your statement that things were a hell of a lot better under Trump than they are now is entirely based on your emotions regarding the issue and not at all based on actual evidence.

Don't worry, though, you're in the majority when it comes to approaching these topics with emotion. It's why for so long politics was a taboo topic in polite company. Most people get emotional about it rather than logical.

 Better yet, why don't you explain to us why this country is better off than we were a year ago. Of course as you described, without referring to a liberal partisan think tank. 
 Because from where I'm standing me & my family are not better off. 

 But according to you maybe we really are & we are just too dam dumb to realize it.

 The Biden gaff from yesterday only confirms what anybody paying attention for the last 40 years already knew. He's just another lying, crooked scumbag politician. He just hides it better than others with the coordinated help of the MSM and his cronies. But rest assured it slips out from time to time.

He will go down as one of the worst presidents ever.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Belsnickel - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 11:15 AM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: It's based on scapegoating not emotions. My 2 cents.

Where the blame tended to be placed was indeed scapegoating. However, the campaign was rooted in an appeal to emotion as most campaigns are. Scapegoating was but a tool in their emotional appeals.

(01-25-2022, 11:21 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Mars Co. can exploit all the child slave labor it wants to make this candy, but when the CGI candy woman's footwear stops giving me a boner, they've gone too far.

Also, am I getting my fanfic mixed up with real life or weren't the female M&M ladies in a lesbian relationship a while back?

It is funny how much they've put out other stuff to try to be like "look over here! Not at our child slave labor lawsuit!"

And I have no idea. I don't pay a ton of attention to stuff like that.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - hollodero - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 11:45 AM)masonbengals fan Wrote:  Better yet, why don't you explain to us why this country is better off than we were a year ago. Of course as you described, without referring to a liberal partisan think tank. 
 Because from where I'm standing me & my family are not better off. 

 But according to you maybe we really are & we are just too dam dumb to realize it.

This is always a bit subjective possibly. I would say that you got an infrastructure bill and a covid relief bill, your unemployment rate is really low (which might not be all Biden's doing, but Trump always used that metric too); and also (maybe that don't mean much) Biden is a bit more measured and a tad less cringy in the eyes of the world. I would very much add that your country is now not in immediate danger to descend into an autocracy, but that fear is probably not shared universally.

(01-25-2022, 11:45 AM)masonbengals fan Wrote:  The Biden gaff from yesterday only confirms what anybody paying attention for the last 40 years already knew. He's just another lying, crooked scumbag politician. He just hides it better than others with the coordinated help of the MSM and his cronies. But rest assured it slips out from time to time.

I don't see how this gaffe shows he's lying or crooked. It shows he uses foul language.
I am not the biggest Biden fan for sure, but the one thing I feeel he got going for him is that he appears to be genuinely sympathetic to people's fates and sufferings. Maybe it's an act, sure. But I don't really think it is, I think he has some earnest compassion for other people.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 11:45 AM)masonbengals fan Wrote: Because from where I'm standing me & my family are not better off. 

Fair or not, this sentiment isn't going to fly with conservatives in the post-Reagan era.

(01-25-2022, 11:50 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: It is funny how much they've put out other stuff to try to be like "look over here! Not at our child slave labor lawsuit!"

And I have no idea. I don't pay a ton of attention to stuff like that.

I have to say that I try to cynically laugh everything off, but right now the amount of anger and "fight fight fight gun gun gun tyranny!" the right wing is sending at schools is unnerving. But I'm onto a general rant here.