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My Mother-In Law is Moving In Probably Because of Biden - Printable Version

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My Mother-In Law is Moving In Probably Because of Biden - samhain - 09-09-2023

Due to persistent health issues and inconvenient distance from her children, my mother-in law has convinced her daughter, ie my wife, that she will be living in our domicile for the foreseeable future. This undoubtedly means that I will be economically supporting, feeding, and changing diapers for a human that generally has always seemingly intentionally done exactly what annoys the shit out of me at every possible opportunity. Now I get to experience this 24/7 with zero reprieve. I will also look like a giant asshole every time I display any disapproval of these tasks, in even marginal ways.

What I really need to know here is HOW DID JOESEPH ROBINETTE MENGELE HITLER HIMMLER STALIN SADDAM HUSSEIN BIDEN let this come to be????!!!! If we don't get Trump back in the White House real soon, I fear that she's gonna stay forever and turn the whole fam-damily against me. I'm literally gonna lose my only kid because of that sonofabitch liberal leftist pedo.

RE: My Mother-In Law is Moving In Probably Because of Biden - Mike M (the other one) - 09-10-2023

Put her on a bus to NY