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Democratic delimma after the debate - Printable Version

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Democratic delimma after the debate - Luvnit2 - 07-01-2024

Biden had a bad debate night; Trump had a great night. Biden was so bad Democrats are calling for him to step aside. If he does step aside, there is one huge issue in their replacement plan. If Harris stays on the ticket, she will have access to Biden/Harris donation.

But, if the nominate anyone else, the cash on hand and anything added to it in June would be frozen.

I know a lot of people are throwing out names like Michelle Obama, Newsome and Whitner, but they would start in a deep hole financially and many may be very upset Kamala was passed over.

Joe says he is staying. He still may have the best shot to beat Trump.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - SunsetBengal - 07-01-2024

Eh, I wouldn't call Trump's debate 'great', but he certainly had a much better night than Joe Biden.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - HarleyDog - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 11:22 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Biden had a bad debate night; Trump had a great night. 

Both candidates had a bad debate. Except Bidens was so bad, it overshadowed anything Trump did. 

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-01-2024

Biden's performance was so bad he made sweaty Nixon look as charismatic as Ryan Reynolds. Trump would have had to take a dump on the stage to top it. That said, Trump didn't exactly shine either. As for Biden stepping aside, I'm getting the sense that he's stubbornly going to stick it out. Which makes you wonder who's really calling the shots right now, because it sure isn't Biden.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - CKwi88 - 07-01-2024

Biden stepping aside would create an even bigger mess as Harris is pretty polarizing. There is a significant part of the party that would prefer someone else, and there is a significant part of the party that would feel marginalized if she was also asked to step aside as she in theory should be the #2. So the DNC will probably have to keep rolling Biden out there.

The real winners are the armchair experts with their Trump University medical degrees that get to throw out terms like "senile" "dementia" and "elder abuse" as if they actually knew anything.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 12:29 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: Biden stepping aside would create an even bigger mess as Harris is pretty polarizing. There is a significant part of the party that would prefer someone else, and there is a significant part of the party that would feel marginalized if she was also asked to step aside as she in theory should be the #2. So the DNC will probably have to keep rolling Biden out there.

The real winners are the armchair experts with their Trump University medical degrees that get to throw out terms like "senile" "dementia" and "elder abuse" as if they actually knew anything.

I don't think you need a medical degree to notice what's wrong with Biden.  Most of us have been around elderly family members and recognize all the clear signs.  You're not seriously claiming Biden isn't suffering from dementia, are you?

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - CKwi88 - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 12:34 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I don't think you need a medical degree to notice what's wrong with Biden.  Most of us have been around elderly family members and recognize all the clear signs.  You're not seriously claiming Biden isn't suffering from dementia, are you?

Dementia requires a diagnosis. A diagnosis is something that I would wager very few here are qualified to give, no matter what someone might think they know because of anecdotal experience with their father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. 

Nothing wrong with saying that Biden isn't very mentally sharp at his advanced age, but trying to attribute a diagnosis to it is silly.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - SunsetBengal - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:07 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: Dementia requires a diagnosis. A diagnosis is something that I would wager very few here are qualified to give, no matter what someone might think they know because of anecdotal experience with their father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. 

Nothing wrong with saying that Biden isn't very mentally sharp at his advanced age, but trying to attribute a diagnosis to it is silly.

Really? I'd say that enough people in the world have observed the signs of someone in their life decline into Alzheimer's to recognize what is going on. Similarly to the fact that one does not need to be a Meteorologist in order to determine if it's raining or not.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - FormerlyBengalRugby - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:07 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: Dementia requires a diagnosis. A diagnosis is something that I would wager very few here are qualified to give, no matter what someone might think they know because of anecdotal experience with their father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. 

Nothing wrong with saying that Biden isn't very mentally sharp at his advanced age, but trying to attribute a diagnosis to it is silly.

If you work with the elderly over a period of time, you can see it with a reasonable degree of accuracy, similar if you had the heart breaking experience of a loved one falling to dementia. He is so far gone, it is just that clear to the general public, as it had to be even more clear to those around his daily, and those closest to him. Us in the general public only see Joe in snippets, when he is at his very best.

He has been failing for some time, and the fact no one close to him stood up for his dignity and looked out for him in this fragile, vulnerable state, is beyond sad, soulless even.

Shameful elder abuse that the left seems surprisingly okay with.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - CKwi88 - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:14 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Really? I'd say that enough people in the world have observed the signs of someone in their life decline into Alzheimer's to recognize what is going on. Similarly to the fact that one does not need to be a Meteorologist in order to determine if it's raining or not.

The Goldwater rule exists for a reason. 

So is it Alzheimer's now or dementia Dr. Sunset M.D.? Do you have the medical and clinical training and expertise to opine as to where one begins and where one ends?

Spoiler alert: you don't. 

Your meteorologist analogy fails because it takes no expertise to observe the factual occurrence or not of rain. It takes expertise to give a clinical diagnosis. Can I opine as an expert land surveyor because I read a topological map of my hometown 25 years ago in boy scouts? Let me know. 

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - SunsetBengal - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:34 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: So is it Alzheimer's now or dementia Dr. Sunset M.D.? 

Seeing how dementia isn't a specific disease and Alzheimer's is...

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - FormerlyBengalRugby - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:48 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Seeing how dementia isn't a specific disease and Alzheimer's is...

You are not a doctor, so you do know what someone suffering from dementia looks like.

Same as you are not a biologist, so you do no know what a woman is...

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - Mike M (the other one) - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:34 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: The Goldwater rule exists for a reason. 

So is it Alzheimer's now or dementia Dr. Sunset M.D.? Do you have the medical and clinical training and expertise to opine as to where one begins and where one ends?

Spoiler alert: you don't. 

Your meteorologist analogy fails because it takes no expertise to observe the factual occurrence or not of rain. It takes expertise to give a clinical diagnosis. Can I opine as an expert land surveyor because I read a topological map of my hometown 25 years ago in boy scouts? Let me know. 

I don't think he has Alzheimers, as he seems to be able to recall current events, he's definitely having memory recall issues though. So far that's fairly normal for his age. 
The not knowing where you are part, well hell, if we had his schedule, i'm sure most of us would have to ask someone wtf we are atm. 

Both candidates are definitely past their primes though, and Biden seem slightly worse than Trump at this time.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - depthchart - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:14 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Really? I'd say that enough people in the world have observed the signs of someone in their life decline into Alzheimer's to recognize what is going on. Similarly to the fact that one does not need to be a Meteorologist in order to determine if it's raining or not.

People should watch footage of Biden Debating Trump in 2020 and then watch this last debate.  (I did)

I think most will see a difference in Biden that is likely due to how he is aging versus him just having a poor debate.

Biden's mobility seems to have changed as well since 2020 and he has fallen or stumbled more than once since 2020.

A question that seems fair to me is:

If there was a difference in Biden from 2020 to 2024 (age 77 to 81) then what would the difference be from 2025 to 2028 (age 82 to 85) ?

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - CKwi88 - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 03:42 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I don't think he has Alzheimers, as he seems to be able to recall current events, he's definitely having memory recall issues though. So far that's fairly normal for his age. 
The not knowing where you are part, well hell, if we had his schedule, i'm sure most of us would have to ask someone wtf we are atm. 

Both candidates are definitely past their primes though, and Biden seem slightly worse than Trump at this time.

I can 100% get on the "they are both past their prime and quite undeserving of the presidency" boat. LOL 

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - BigPapaKain - 07-01-2024

So many arm chair doctors.

Is nobody going to talk about how Trump said 0 truths and answered just as many questions in a reasonable manner?

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 02:34 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: The Goldwater rule exists for a reason. 

So is it Alzheimer's now or dementia Dr. Sunset M.D.? Do you have the medical and clinical training and expertise to opine as to where one begins and where one ends?

Spoiler alert: you don't. 

Your meteorologist analogy fails because it takes no expertise to observe the factual occurrence or not of rain. It takes expertise to give a clinical diagnosis. Can I opine as an expert land surveyor because I read a topological map of my hometown 25 years ago in boy scouts? Let me know. 

The Goldwater rule applies to medical professionals.  A you correctly point out, none of us are medical professionals.  As we are pointing out, being a medical professional isn't necessary to notice Biden's severe cognitive decline.  Your strenuous denial of the obvious isn't convincing anyone and only makes you look partisan and stubborn.

(07-01-2024, 05:14 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: So many arm chair doctors.

Is nobody going to talk about how Trump said 0 truths and answered just as many questions in a reasonable manner?

Sure.  There are people on this board who can't even muster a comment on Biden's performance.  It's not hard to find.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - Tiger Teeth - 07-01-2024

If this is the ticket, I'm not voting for POTUS this year, period.

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - CKwi88 - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 06:22 PM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: If this is the ticket, I'm not voting for POTUS this year, period.

This will probably be the biggest boon to Trump come election time. I can hardly fault someone for not wanting to vote for Biden after that performance. I have a feeling that a lot of voters under 35ish saw that debate and immediately though "thanks but no thanks" to both sides. And it's well documented, and apparent in the GOP's strategies, that having fewer voters out favors them. 

RE: Democratic delimma after the debate - Nately120 - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 05:14 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: So many arm chair doctors.

Is nobody going to talk about how Trump said 0 truths and answered just as many questions in a reasonable manner?

Plenty of people are talking about that...they're just pissing themselves with anxiety because Biden looked so ill-equipped to stop him.