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150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Printable Version

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150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - GMDino - 01-03-2016

Quote:A group of 150 armed militia members have broken into and occupied a federal building in Oregon. The group reportedly includes three sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who had a tense standoff with federal officials in 2014.

Radical militia members from across the country descended on Harney County, Oregon today to protest the conviction of two local ranchers for arson on federal land. They claim “that the federal government had no authority in Harney County.” The militia occupying the headquarters building at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is a splinter group from the larger protest. The gambit seems intended “to provoke a standoff with the federal government.”

In a phone interview with the Oregonian, Ammond Bundy said that “would not rule out violence if law enforcement tries to remove them.” He called the headquarters building “the tool to do all the tyranny that has been placed upon the Hammonds” and said he was “planning on staying…for years.” In a message on Facebook Bundy said he planned on establishing the facility as a base for militia members across the country:

Cliven Bundy told a reporter for Oregon Public Radio that he supported his son’s occupation of the building.

Bundy is also advising the local ranchers, Steven and Dwight Hammond, not to submit to federal authorities as required on Monday. Instead, Bundy is urging them to go to the Harney County jail and ask for “protective custody.”

Meanwhile, Cliven’s son Ammon is reportedly rallying other militia members to join the occupation.

In an ominous sign, one member of the group, Jon Ritzheimer, posted a goodbye video to his family on YouTube today. “I want to die a free man,” Ritzheimer says.

So are these armed thugs or terrorists?

Will a good guy with a gun save the day?


RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Belsnickel - 01-03-2016

Seems to be terrorism to me. Violent actions taken to push a political agenda.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Vlad - 01-03-2016

(01-03-2016, 12:29 AM)GMDino Wrote:

So are these armed thugs or terrorists?

Will a good guy with a gun save the day?


If you really need that explained to you as well, then yes, by definition threatening or engaging in violence in order to get ones way is terrorism, so yes they can be considered terrorists.
However today when you hear "terrorist act" you know there has been bloodshed, so don't try and put this on the same level as Islamic terrorism. They haven't hurt anyone.

But I know you'll give it a shot.

You're just being smart-alecky with your second question. Just consider armed Feds as the good guys coming to save the day.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Rotobeast - 01-03-2016

(01-03-2016, 12:29 AM)GMDino Wrote:

So are these armed thugs or terrorists?

Will a good guy with a gun save the day?


While I think this is idiocy, there are more things going on out there than what we know (supposedly).
A cat that I talked to (I know...I know.... this guy, that knows a guy, ect...) had told me that there was a Chinese company coming into the area that makes solar panels and the Federal government intends to lease them some of the disputed land.
Anyone else hear anything about this ?

Regardless..... dumbass move with the Federal building and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Seems like everyone wants to be a martyr, anymore.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - mallorian69 - 01-03-2016

(01-03-2016, 12:29 AM)GMDino Wrote:

So are these armed thugs or terrorists?

Will a good guy with a gun save the day?


It depends, are they black or white? If white, they are terrorists. If black, then they are just protesters who are peacefully demonstrating against a social injustice.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - JustWinBaby - 01-03-2016

(01-03-2016, 09:16 AM)mallorian69 Wrote: It depends, are they black or white? If white, they are terrorists. If black, then they are just protesters who are peacefully demonstrating against a social injustice.

If they're Muslim, then it's just workplace violence.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Belsnickel - 01-03-2016

[Image: strawman-strawman-fallacy.jpg]

I just thought about it, we should make this the banner for the subforum.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Beaker - 01-03-2016

What would happen if everyone ignored them? What if no press covered it, if the government didn't address them, if people just let them sit there in the building? Do you think they would eventually get bored and leave?

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Belsnickel - 01-03-2016

(01-03-2016, 11:47 AM)Beaker Wrote: What would happen if everyone ignored them? What if no press covered it, if the government didn't address them, if people just let them sit there in the building? Do you think they would eventually get bored and leave?

I like not giving them any attention, but unfortunately that won't happen. Some media outlet will always be there for this sort of thing. I also don't like the precedent it sets. Armed occupation of a federal building is terrorism, and it should be dealt with.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - jfkbengals - 01-03-2016

They are terrorists operating on US soil. Let Delta Force deal with them swiftly.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - BmorePat87 - 01-03-2016

Using the threat of force to change public policy?

That's terrorism

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - GMDino - 01-03-2016

(01-03-2016, 02:37 AM)Vlad Wrote: If you really need that explained to you as well, then yes, by definition threatening or engaging in violence in order to get ones way is terrorism, so yes they can be considered terrorists.
However today when you hear "terrorist act" you know there has been bloodshed, so don't try and put this on the same level as Islamic terrorism. They haven't hurt anyone.

But I know you'll give it a shot.

You're just being smart-alecky with your second question. Just consider armed Feds as the good guys coming to save the day.

(01-03-2016, 09:16 AM)mallorian69 Wrote: It depends, are they black or white? If white, they are terrorists. If black, then they are just protesters who are peacefully demonstrating against a social injustice.

(01-03-2016, 09:18 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: If they're Muslim, then it's just workplace violence.

[Image: 010316.jpg]

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Westwood Bengal - 01-03-2016

Domestic Terrorism.

Unleash the Reapers.

Also, the fact that they are still breathing is the definition of white privilege.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - GMDino - 01-04-2016

Quote:#VanillaISIS: Twitter Reacts To Oregon Showdown

Twitter users did what they do best this weekend and created the hilarious hashtags #VanillaISIS, #YallQaeda, and #YeeHawd to mock the gunmen who took over a federal building in Oregon.

The group of armed men seized an empty government building in the remote community of Burns on Saturday, as part of a protest against a jail sentence given to two local ranchers.

They called on "patriots" to bring their guns and join them, and one even told The Oregonian's Ian Kullgren that they are "willing to kill and be killed if necessary."

But many people are taking note of how the white "militia" are being portrayed in the media, such as the avoidance of the term "terrorists."

While #VanillaISIS and #YallQaeda have surfaced on Twitter before, they took off over the weekend as users ridiculed the Oregon group.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Belsnickel - 01-04-2016

Has the FBI gotten in on this? Are they on scene? Because in all seriousness, if this wasn't a bunch of white guys they would have all been led away in handcuffs (best case scenario) by now.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - GMDino - 01-04-2016

I have to admit that I *have* wondered if the feds are going to tread lightly for fear of feeding the fear that white people are being repressed.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Benton - 01-04-2016

(01-04-2016, 10:33 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Has the FBI gotten in on this? Are they on scene? Because in all seriousness, if this wasn't a bunch of white guys they would have all been led away in handcuffs (best case scenario) by now.

(01-04-2016, 10:49 AM)GMDino Wrote: I have to admit that I *have* wondered if the feds are going to tread lightly for fear of feeding the fear that white people are being repressed.

The FBI is trying to negotiate with the terrorists, who — from what I understand — are preemptively trying to get two other terrorists freed (the other two were convicted of arson for burning federal property and have been sentenced to less than a year in prison).

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - samhain - 01-04-2016

Cut off the building's electricity and water. Charge anyone attempting to bring them food or water with supporting treason. See how long they last. No guns needed here.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Vas Deferens - 01-04-2016

Release the drones on them. Pay for a new building by taking and selling land / assets of anyone on the premises once the smoke clears.

RE: 150 Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building - Belsnickel - 01-04-2016

(01-04-2016, 12:27 PM)Benton Wrote:

The FBI is trying to negotiate with the terrorists, who — from what I understand — are preemptively trying to get two other terrorists freed (the other two were convicted of arson for burning federal property and have been sentenced to less than a year in prison).

One was sentenced to three months and one to a year and a day for a crime with a mandatory minimum of 5 years. They had already served their previous sentence and then the federal courts said they should serve the minimum because they put lives at risk with their wildfires.

I can see being upset with them re-sentencing like that, it's a crap move. But the Hammonds have been butting heads with the feds for about 30 years, maybe more, and the feds have been extremely patient with him from all the stuff I have been reading, especially given the death threats he has made, including trying to hit an agent with the bucket on a scraper he had disabled in the path of a fence the feds were constructing on the refuge. This was 20 years ago, and he's still going at it.