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Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - StLucieBengal - 02-11-2016

Due to the violence at the hands of Muslim men.

Quote:Christians, homosexuals and women are fleeing asylum centres in Germany in ever growing numbers due to acts of violence, intolerance and crime perpetrated by Muslim men.

According to German newspaper Die Welt, the violence toward ethnic minorities, religious minorities and women continues to skyrocket across German asylum centres. Muslim men tear up Bibles and assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, and beat up homosexuals. The news has led to calls from human rights campaigners to say enough is enough.

In Stuttgart a case of abuse toward an Assyrian Christian by a Muslim roommate led to a petition for separate housing that was signed by over 17,000 people online. The petition, organised by the Central Oriental Christians, asked the City of Stuttgart to, “please accommodate the displaced Christians in Stuttgart-Neugereut and keep them from further distress and persecution to which they are exposed in a decentralised accommodation.”

The matter was brought to the city and a separate asylum centre for 30 Christians was approved by the council. Spokesman for Stuttgart Sven Matis told the paper that after speaking to the district assistant they would be able to approve accommodation for the 30 Christians in Neugereut by the end of April.

Martin Lessenthin, CEO of the International Society for Human Rights also commented on the systematic persecutions of Christians all across German asylum homes. He said it was common to see both Christians and Yazidis subject to torment and beatings and while it is not desirable to accommodate migrants separately, it may be inevitable for the safety of the minorities.

Separation of migrants has been a policy when it comes to extremely vulnerable minorities. Yazidi girls who were used as sex slaves by the Islamic State are housed in secret locations in Germany so as not to attract unwanted attention from migrants sympathetic to the Islamic State or Muslims who view them as nothing more than sexual objects. A purported 1,100 of these women live in various special shelters across Germany.

One victim of sexual abuse is said to have been only eight years old at the time of her abuse by ISIS. Another girl had to be treated by specialist burn victim doctors because the constant sexual torment drove her to try and light herself on fire in a failed attempt at suicide.

In Freibeurg, some 200 women live in secret. The head of the Baden-Wurttemberg state chancellery Klaus-Peter Murawski warns that ISIS militants may be actively monitoring the project in hopes of getting revenge against the women. This warning was proven accurate when an ISIS commander was found at an asylum home earlier this week.

Breitbart London has reported on migrant violence within asylum homes with cases of Christians, homosexuals and others being beaten in asylum centres across Germany, reports of asylum centres as breeding grounds for extremism, and even young children being brutally raped by fellow migrants.

In today’s Guardian newspaper, columnist Owen Jones blames the “far right” for instability across Europe, lumping thousands of criminal migrants sparking a crime wave across the continent with Jews who fled Nazi Germany. He writes: “And who is waiting, preparing and consolidating? Europe’s far right, already feeding off the despair of economic crisis and a backlash against refugees fleeing violence from the Middle East. Where once the principal target was Jews, now it’s Muslim”.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - bfine32 - 02-11-2016

The male Muslim immigrant is like a new puppy: He looks cute and you want to take him home until he boo boos on the floor. Then you want to give him back, but it is too late.

One of the most ironic thing I have seen is liberals supporting taking in mass numbers of these men.

What is the saying? Be careful what you ask for...

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 01:03 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

Due to the violence at the hands of Muslim men.  

(02-10-2016, 07:01 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If you are an adult and are afraid to confront a bully then you are a coward and you better make friends with a non coward.

They should confront these bullies instead of running away. You know; don't tell an adult, be smart, don't get into a fist fight, stand up for themselves or someone else. Or send a friend request. How do they expect these bullies to ever learn their lesson?

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - StLucieBengal - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:31 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: They should confront these bullies instead of running away. You know; don't tell an adult, be smart, don't get into a fist fight, stand up for themselves or someone else. Or send a friend request. How do they expect these bullies to ever learn their lesson?

Or maybe the government can just ship out these criminals back to Their home countries.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - bfine32 - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:31 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: They should confront these bullies instead of running away.

Finally we agree on something 100%. If the male muslims would stand up for their country and countrymen, Europe would not have a migration problem. Unfortunately they are running away in great numbers.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - StLucieBengal - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:35 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Finally we agree on something 100%. If the male muslims would stand up for their country and countrymen, Europe would not have a migration problem. Unfortunately they are running away in great numbers.

So they are cowards and now assaulting women and children. Yeah why wouldn't everyone want these people haha

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:34 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Or maybe the government can just ship out these criminals back to Their home countries.

I thought as a faux libertarian you believed we needed less government in our lives except when you believe we need more?

Can you pick a faux political stance?

If the government steps in it would be like the teacher robbing a bullied child of learning a valuable life lesson. And you have zero interest in protecting people from learning valuable life lessons. 

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:36 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So they are cowards and now assaulting women and children.     Yeah why wouldn't everyone want these people haha

According to you, the bullied running away from the bullies are cowards for not standing up for themselves. And now the bullies are cowards, too? 

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:35 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Finally we agree on something 100%. If the male muslims would stand up for their country and countrymen, Europe would not have a migration problem. Unfortunately they are running away in great numbers.

Running away like the Pilgrams?

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - michaelsean - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:44 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I thought as a faux libertarian you believed we needed less government in our lives except when you believe we need more?

Can you pick a faux political stance?

If the government steps in it would be like the teacher robbing a bullied child of learning a valuable life lesson. And you have zero interest in protecting people from learning valuable life lessons. 

You equate libertarianism with open borders?

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 03:07 PM)michaelsean Wrote: You equate libertarianism with open borders?

No. I don't equate it with Lucie, either.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - Benton - 02-11-2016


Bad reporting, or intentionally misleading? It says
Quote:Christians, homosexuals and women are fleeing asylum centres in Germany in ever growing numbers due to acts of violence, intolerance and crime perpetrated by Muslim men.

...but then goes on to cite things that happened by ISIS, without mentioning they're happening in Germany or the centers. The closest is the veiled "This warning was proven accurate when an ISIS commander was found at an asylum home earlier this week." Which doesn't really prove or disprove that refugees are all men sexually assaulting women and attacking Christians. So all you can conclude is it happened where ISIS is... which isn't Germany.

Soo.... way to go, Breitbart, for confirming the fact ISIS is a bunch of shitheads and reaffirming why refugees in Germany and other countries want to get away from them.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - Brownshoe - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 04:17 PM)Benton Wrote: Nervous

Bad reporting, or intentionally misleading? It says

...but then goes on to cite things that happened by ISIS, without mentioning they're happening in Germany or the centers. The closest is the veiled "This warning was proven accurate when an ISIS commander was found at an asylum home earlier this week." Which doesn't really prove or disprove that refugees are all men sexually assaulting women and attacking Christians. So all you can conclude is it happened where ISIS is... which isn't Germany.

Soo.... way to go, Breitbart, for confirming the fact ISIS is a bunch of shitheads and reaffirming why refugees in Germany and other countries want to get away from them.

How do you know there isn't any ISIS members in Germany? In the article it says the asylum homes are in Germany. Yes, the article is probably making it look worse than what it is, but I don't see where it's saying all that is taking place away from Germany.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - Benton - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 05:47 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: How do you know there isn't any ISIS members in Germany? In the article it says the asylum homes are in Germany. Yes, the article is probably making it look worse than what it is, but I don't see where it's saying all that is taking place away from Germany.

To the bold, I'm sure there are. There are ISIS members or supporters here, so it's reasonable to think they're there. But that doesn't have anything to do with refugees.

It's like during WWII if we had turned away Jews seeking to escape Germany... which we did, pretty much due to the same xenophobia as we have now. Those Jews fleeing took refuge in parts of Europe and the Middle East where they could, but the U.S. kept them out until later in the 1940s when Roosevelt set up the War Refugee Board. That let more in, but it really wasn't until Truman used executive action that the numbers went up. Did some Germans get into the country as part of that? Probably. Did some Nazi party members? Maybe. Was it still the right thing to do, but a decade too late? Definitely.

As far as the article, that's the problem. It doesn't say where it's happening. It makes a definitive statement — everyone is fleeing centers because of Muslim men — but then uses proves that by talking about nothing definitively happening there.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - StLucieBengal - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 06:34 PM)Benton Wrote: To the bold, I'm sure there are. There are ISIS members or supporters here, so it's reasonable to think they're there. But that doesn't have anything to do with refugees.

It's like during WWII if we had turned away Jews seeking to escape Germany... which we did, pretty much due to the same xenophobia as we have now. Those Jews fleeing took refuge in parts of Europe and the Middle East where they could, but the U.S. kept them out until later in the 1940s when Roosevelt set up the War Refugee Board. That let more in, but it really wasn't until Truman used executive action that the numbers went up. Did some Germans get into the country as part of that? Probably. Did some Nazi party members? Maybe. Was it still the right thing to do, but a decade too late? Definitely.

As far as the article, that's the problem. It doesn't say where it's happening. It makes a definitive statement — everyone is fleeing centers because of Muslim men — but then uses proves that by talking about nothing definitively happening there.

Please find me where the Jews were raping their way into other countries to make them Jewish.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - bfine32 - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 02:54 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Running away like the Pilgrams?

Tee Hee. At least you don't mind looking silly.

BTW, how many grams in a "Pligram"?

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 08:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Tee Hee. At least you don't mind looking silly.

BTW, how many grams in a "Pligram"?

Depends. Are we talking 'bout a male Pligram or a female Pligram?

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - Mike M (the other one) - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 04:17 PM)Benton Wrote: Nervous

Bad reporting, or intentionally misleading? It says

...but then goes on to cite things that happened by ISIS, without mentioning they're happening in Germany or the centers. The closest is the veiled "This warning was proven accurate when an ISIS commander was found at an asylum home earlier this week." Which doesn't really prove or disprove that refugees are all men sexually assaulting women and attacking Christians. So all you can conclude is it happened where ISIS is... which isn't Germany.

Soo.... way to go, Breitbart, for confirming the fact ISIS is a bunch of shitheads and reaffirming why refugees in Germany and other countries want to get away from them.

I'm confused by your statement.. The very first line in the article:

"According to German newspaper Die Welt, the violence toward ethnic minorities, religious minorities and women continues to skyrocket across German asylum centres."

Next paragraph:
"In Stuttgart a case of abuse toward an Assyrian Christian by a Muslim roommate led to a petition for separate housing"

Stuttgart is in Germany..

Several paragraph's later:
"Martin Lessenthin, CEO of the International Society for Human Rights also commented on the systematic persecutions of Christians all across German asylum homes. He said it was common to see both Christians and Yazidis subject to torment and beatings and while it is not desirable to accommodate migrants separately, it may be inevitable for the safety of the minorities."

The reason the talk about the Girls and women being raped while under ISIS control is just telling you that the men are still treating them as if they are still in their homeland.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - StLucieBengal - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 09:27 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I'm confused by your statement.. The very first line in the article:

"According to German newspaper Die Welt, the violence toward ethnic minorities, religious minorities and women continues to skyrocket across German asylum centres."

Next paragraph:
"In Stuttgart a case of abuse toward an Assyrian Christian by a Muslim roommate led to a petition for separate housing"

Stuttgart is in Germany..

Several paragraph's later:
"Martin Lessenthin, CEO of the International Society for Human Rights also commented on the systematic persecutions of Christians all across German asylum homes. He said it was common to see both Christians and Yazidis subject to torment and beatings and while it is not desirable to accommodate migrants separately, it may be inevitable for the safety of the minorities."

The reason the talk about the Girls and women being raped while under ISIS control is just telling you that the men are still treating them as if they are still in their homeland.

Shhh stop making sense it's so much cooler for them to just call us islamphobic.

RE: Christians, Gays, and Women Fleeing Asylum centers - Benton - 02-11-2016

(02-11-2016, 08:34 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Please find me where the Jews were raping their way into other countries to make them Jewish.
can't find that. I can find where people are recanting some of their stories about violence or sexual assaults by refugees. I can also find a mix of legitimate need stories of violence and sexual assaults mixed in under the propaganda. It's harder to find the truth when you have to sift through so much garbage.