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DNC emails - SunsetBengal - 07-22-2016

What? No thread on how the DNC emails reveal secret plans to undermine Bernie Sanders' campaign?

P&R crowd, you're slipping..

RE: DNC emails - JustWinBaby - 07-22-2016

Better make that fence around the DNC really high.....

RE: DNC emails - Benton - 07-22-2016

starts a thread about dnc emails to complain about no thread about dnc emails.


RE: DNC emails - SunsetBengal - 07-22-2016

(07-22-2016, 06:52 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Better make that fence around the DNC really high.....

Yeah, I heard something on the radio about some 50K angry Bernie supporters supposed to march on the convention, or something.

RE: DNC emails - BmorePat87 - 07-22-2016

Not surprised. He wasn't a Democrat and they didn't want to waste time on a primary fight. In hindsight, they may find the primary challenge to have been for the best, who knows.

The party will always do what they can to serve themselves and their interests above all else.

RE: DNC emails - Millhouse - 07-22-2016

They really must've wanted Honest Hillary to get the nod.

RE: DNC emails - Belsnickel - 07-22-2016

(07-22-2016, 07:59 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Not surprised. He wasn't a Democrat and they didn't want to waste time on a primary fight. In hindsight, they may find the primary challenge to have been for the best, who knows.

The party will always do what they can to serve themselves and their interests above all else.

Yeah, this was my problem with Sanders. I would've had much more respect for him had he run as an independent or a 3rd party type. He wasn't, and isn't, a Democrat.

RE: DNC emails - SunsetBengal - 07-22-2016

(07-22-2016, 07:59 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Not surprised. He wasn't a Democrat and they didn't want to waste time on a primary fight. In hindsight, they may find the primary challenge to have been for the best, who knows.

The party will always do what they can to serve themselves and their interests above all else.

(07-22-2016, 08:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Yeah, this was my problem with Sanders. I would've had much more respect for him had he run as an independent or a 3rd party type. He wasn't, and isn't, a Democrat.

WTS, it will be interesting to see how much of a distraction that those that feel they have been burnt, will produce.

RE: DNC emails - bfine32 - 07-22-2016

Said all along that the DNC did everything to ensure one candidate won and the RNC did everything they could to ensure one candidate lost.

RE: DNC emails - wildcats forever - 07-22-2016

(07-22-2016, 08:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Yeah, this was my problem with Sanders. I would've had much more respect for him had he run as an independent or a 3rd party type. He wasn't, and isn't, a Democrat.

Maybe he thought (albeit altruistically) he could halt the Dems rush to the right, and restore some progressive ideals back into the Party. Or....maybe he considered how history has treated 3rd party candidates, and believed winning as a Democrat seemed more 'possible'. 

RE: DNC emails - Belsnickel - 07-22-2016

(07-22-2016, 08:51 PM)wildcats forever Wrote: Maybe he thought (albeit altruistically) he could halt the Dems rush to the right, and restore some progressive ideals back into the Party. Or....maybe he considered how history has treated 3rd party candidates, and believed winning as a Democrat seemed more 'possible'. 

I am inclined to believe the latter. Third-party candidates have done well to make both major parties talk about a particular issue, which may have been helpful. But I don't think it would've done much this election cycle.

RE: DNC emails - wildcats forever - 07-22-2016

(07-22-2016, 09:13 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I am inclined to believe the latter. Third-party candidates have done well to make both major parties talk about a particular issue, which may have been helpful. But I don't think it would've done much this election cycle.

A Sanders 3rd party run would have likely resulted in none of the candidates getting enough electoral votes. Would've been entertaining though....

RE: DNC emails - Rotobeast - 07-22-2016

Is there any merit to the possibility of Sanders running as an independent ?
Supposedly he's free of obligation, after the Dem convention.
Is there a legal way for him to still be on the ballot, apart from teaming up with Jill Stein ?
If so, I'd say he played the Dems masterfully for the exposure.

RE: DNC emails - Millhouse - 07-23-2016

(07-22-2016, 10:59 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Is there any merit to the possibility of Sanders running as an independent ?
Supposedly he's free of obligation, after the Dem convention.
Is there a legal way for him to still be on the ballot, apart from teaming up with Jill Stein ?
If so, I'd say he played the Dems masterfully for the exposure.

He'd have to get enough petition signatures for each state to have a chance at the 270 electoral votes. I dont know when the deadlines are, but at this point he would have to move very very fast to get on the ballots if he is able to at all.

Also if he did, it would hurt Hillary much more than it would hurt Trump by pulling votes from her more than him. And in effect Trump would more or less win. imo

RE: DNC emails - JustWinBaby - 07-23-2016

(07-23-2016, 12:19 AM)Millhouse Wrote: Also if he did, it would hurt Hillary much more than it would hurt Trump by pulling votes from her more than him. And in effect Trump would more or less win. imo

Was going to say that....but it might only take winning a few NE states to do that (which would probably be tough taking votes from Hillary and not nearly as many from Trump).

But combined with a surging Gary Johnson it could definitely happen.  Most people still don't know who he is, but he's at 13% in the latest poll.

RE: DNC emails - Rotobeast - 07-23-2016

Thanks !
With family obligations and trying to squeeze a few hours of sleep in, I didn't have time to search.
So..I'm going to guess if Sanders were to work a deal and become the Green party candidate, he would automatically be on the ballot in 22 states and petition the rest or ask for write ins.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk

RE: DNC emails - GMDino - 07-23-2016

So the big news was the DNC wanted Clinton and not Sanders to win?

I do believe I'm getting the vapors.... Mellow

Did they also not want Trump?  Smirk

RE: DNC emails - Rotobeast - 07-23-2016

(07-23-2016, 08:10 AM)GMDino Wrote: So the big news was the DNC wanted Clinton and not Sanders to win?

I do believe I'm getting the vapors.... Mellow

Did they also not want Trump?  Smirk
Snark alert !

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk

RE: DNC emails - fredtoast - 07-23-2016

(07-22-2016, 08:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote:  I would've had much more respect for him had he run as an independent or a 3rd party type. He wasn't, and isn't, a Democrat.

All that would have done was split the vote on the left anf insure that the Republicans won.

RE: DNC emails - wildcats forever - 07-23-2016

(07-22-2016, 08:37 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: WTS, it will be interesting to see how much of a distraction that those that feel they have been burnt, will produce.

No doubt there is disappointment for Sanders' supporters but his message is hardly lost imo. It was the list of issues he promoted that generated his support, and I believe that interest still exists. Enough so that maybe an actual political revolution may result this time around. It does need a really good organizer that can 'sell' it though.