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DOD built a $43m gas station in Afghanistan; can't explain why it cost so much

Quote:“The DOD charged the American taxpayer $43 million for what is likely the world’s most expensive gas station,” Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) John Sopko said, ahead of the release of the SIGAR report today. “DOD spent $43 million on the gas station, without determining it would be a good idea, and now claims it knows nothing about the project.”

The SIGAR report details the planning and construction of a compressed natural gas (CNG) station in the Afghan city of Sheberghan, part of a larger Downstream Gas Utilization Project designed to take advantage of Afghanistan’s natural gas reserves. The gas station itself was meant to prove that CNG stations were a viable alternative to imported petroleum for Afghan vehicles.

SIGAR found that in other countries, for example in Pakistan next door, the total cost for constructing a CNG station can be up to $500,000 -- not the astronomical $43 million the DOD paid.

“To date, DOD has been unable to provide documentation showing why the Sheberghan CNG station cost nearly $43 million,” the SIGAR report says. “Even considering security costs associated with construction and operation in Afghanistan, this level of expenditure appears gratuitous and extreme.”

According to SIGAR, DOD said the group in charge of the project, the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO), had been closed in March 2015 and therefore the DOD “no longer possess[es] the personnel expertise to address these questions...”

The DOD spent $43m on a gas station in Afghanistan that uses natural gas reserves instead of imported petroleum. They wanted to show that these types of stations were feasible. The group in charge of it closed, so they have no record of how this much money was spent. Similar gas stations only cost $500k.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
They'll never explain why these things cost so much. A $12 can of Coke?

But I'll tell you why they cost so much ...

Because all the extra money goes into black budgets. That gas station cost a fraction of that price, but they had say it cost that much so money is accounted for.
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-
(11-02-2015, 07:13 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: They'll never explain why these things cost so much. A $12 can of Coke?

But I'll tell you why they cost so much ...

Because all the extra money goes into black budgets. That gas station cost a fraction of that price, but they had say it cost that much so money is accounted for.

I agree to an extent. But, I also know the DoD has sent forensic accountants to search for missing funds. So there is a fair amount of corruption involved with civilian contractors. I know one in jail right now for embezzlement. 

Billions went missing in Iraq. Eventually they issued a statement the funds "probably" went where they were intended, but can't account for the funds after they "probably" got there. 
(11-02-2015, 07:13 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: They'll never explain why these things cost so much. A $12 can of Coke?

But I'll tell you why they cost so much ...

Because all the extra money goes into black budgets. That gas station cost a fraction of that price, but they had say it cost that much so money is accounted for.

(11-02-2015, 09:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I agree to an extent. But, I also know the DoD has sent forensic accountants to search for missing funds. So there is a fair amount of corruption involved with civilian contractors. I know one in jail right now for embezzlement. 

Billions went missing in Iraq. Eventually they issued a statement the funds "probably" went where they were intended, but can't account for the funds after they "probably" got there. 

Agreed with both. It's one thing when a government owned subcontractor sells the government a $100 hammer you can buy for $20 to funnel some money into other accounts. For better or worse, that's the system of deniability we have.

But this is most likely the result of the no bid contracts that have been ripping tax payers off for over a decade. It's just private companies knowing how to abuse the system.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-03-2015, 01:20 AM)Benton Wrote: Agreed with both. It's one thing when a government owned subcontractor sells the government a $100 hammer you can buy for $20 to funnel some money into other accounts. For better or worse, that's the system of deniability we have.

But this is most likely the result of the no bid contracts that have been ripping tax payers off for over a decade. It's just private companies knowing how to abuse the system.

.....private companies with connections...*cough* Haliburton *cough*.....or the campaign war chest stuffers.

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Snap program is the real problem though.
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

Slow down. It probably has a Subway, a Dunkin Donuts and one of those machines that makes 500 different flavors of pop. (Took me ten minutes to figure out how to get a Diet Coke)
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Anyone who doesn't think the TROOPS don't deserve a gas station that costs 92 times more than it should isn't supporting the TROOPS and should go over to Iraq and STAND IN FRONT OF THEM if they don't want to STAND BEHIND THEM.

Support our troops, you commie jerks! Ninja

(11-03-2015, 12:43 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Slow down.  It probably has a Subway, a Dunkin Donuts and one of those machines that makes 500 different flavors of pop.  (Took me ten minutes to figure out how to get a Diet Coke)

Computer soda sure is odd.  My last gf would put grape flavoring into her soda and I thought it tasted like someone threw some children's tylenol in there.  Good story, huh?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Obviously a secret underground CIA base.
It really is the secret SNAP program headquarters. It also has a small annex office for three other public assistance programs, though the identity of them is held secret.
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(11-03-2015, 05:47 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: It really is the secret SNAP program headquarters.  It also has a small annex office for three other public assistance programs, though the identity of them is held secret.

I know what you mean.  Sure, it's the government charging us 46 million for a gas station, but my cousin's friend's cousin's brother told me he saw someone on welfare buying steak and lobster.  Why aren't we investigating THIS instead of some gas station?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Still waiting to see if one certain person is willing to provide some insight.
I know it's highly unlikely, but meh....
Over $20 million went into the development of a tabouli flavored slushie.
This gas station actually only cost 250000 to build.  Obummer funneled the rest of the money to provide cell phones for the blacks.
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

Actually I take that back...This is not a gas station at all. It's a high tech abortion clinic that has the ability to perform non-local abortions on women across the world without their knowledge or participation. Obummer has decided the white race needs to be thinned. Also it doubles as a repository for all the guns he has been taking form the cold dead hands of the American Patriot.
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

As someone who has done the bidding process with the federal government, it's a joke. Normally people intentionally underbid projects then force their hand once they are in with changes and jack the price up. Because the government often times just picks the cheapest person, they often times pick the worse and least ethical companies. It is a horrible system.
(11-04-2015, 12:00 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: Actually I take that back...This is not a gas station at all.  It's a high tech abortion clinic that has the ability to perform non-local abortions on women across the world without their knowledge or participation.  Obummer has decided the white race needs to be thinned.  Also it doubles as a repository for all the guns he has been taking form the cold dead hands of the American Patriot.

I thought they utilized the dessert heat to melt down all the guns taken from private citizens via imminent domain (almost entirely hunting rifles and shot guns) and then  reuse the metal to create high end military weapons they give to Mexican drug cartels so they can invade Texas? They thought about building it here, but union workers were going to drive up the labor so much it was cheaper to build a $43 million plant overseas, ship the guns to the Middle East and then back again so they can pay the four guys who operate the machinery 30% less an hour.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-04-2015, 12:06 PM)Au165 Wrote: As someone who has done the bidding process with the federal government, it's a joke. Normally people intentionally underbid projects then force their hand once they are in with changes and jack the price up. Because the government often times just picks the cheapest person, they often times pick the worse and least ethical companies. It is a horrible system.

My dad claimed that many years ago he worked for a short time on a company that was operating under a government contract.  Supposedly the contract was for just a certain percentage over cost.  So the company was spending like a drunken sailor to drive up the cost in order to drive up the profit.  He was not only able to work unlimited overtime but the company even encouraged it.

Sounds crazy, but after some of the stuff I have read about government contracts I don't doubt it could have happened.
(11-04-2015, 12:41 PM)Benton Wrote: I thought they utilized the dessert heat to melt down all the guns taken from private citizens via imminent domain (almost entirely hunting rifles and shot guns) and then  reuse the metal to create high end military weapons they give to Mexican drug cartels so they can invade Texas? They thought about building it here, but union workers were going to drive up the labor so much it was cheaper to build a $43 million plant overseas, ship the guns to the Middle East and then back again so they can pay the four guys who operate the machinery 30% less an hour.

Unlike you I prefer to mete out the truth in small doses....Otherwise Liberals heads would explode.  Thanks to you we will have to here form the likes of Fred how this is all just a "conspiracy" and that none of this could possibly happen. 
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(11-04-2015, 12:56 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: Unlike you I prefer to mete out the truth in small doses....Otherwise Liberals heads would explode.  Thanks to you we will have to here form the likes of Fred how this is all just a "conspiracy" and that none of this could possibly happen. 

Conspiracy. You know, you didn't hear the word much until Nixon. You know why? Break it down.

Piracy=Stealing or robbing, primarily from ships at sea

Republicans are robbing from ships. Nixon himself was one of the worst. Thick Jowl the Terrible they used to call him.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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