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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(03-17-2021, 01:33 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Of course not and they do.  It is a super majority though.

Don't you care about the 10's of millions of people harmed by the lockdowns and school closings?  Why don't their lives matter?

I'll be happy when all the little sheep have their precious "vaccine" and their false sense of "immunity" so they will finally let the rest of us go back to living normally.

Hey, I thought Kamala was all for "Me too"?  She tried to destroy Kav over a 20+ year old accusation with nothing to back it up.  Now she ignores Cuomo questions that have quite a bit to back them up along with a police report.  Such a bunch of lying hypocrites.

We went from an egotistical, asshole, dumbass Tweeter to a cognitively impaired mumbler with a radical leftist for vice president.  And humans are supposed to be the most intelligent.   lmfao!!

Peace out broskis!   Who Dey!

How were they harmed?  Did they lose their lives?

Do you have any sources for what you believe?

And not sure why the Cuomo accusations need brought up but you keep doing you.   Wink
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-17-2021, 01:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: How were they harmed?  Did they lose their lives?

Do you have any sources for what you believe?

And not sure why the Cuomo accusations need brought up but you keep doing you.   Wink

Thank you sir and I shall.............and that was my line; don't plagiarize.   Wink

Yes, some did lose their lives.  Suicide rates way up cause of you close everything, lockdown everything nut jobs.  Child abuse way up.  Jobs lost, depression up, stress up, peoples life work lost as businesses cannot make it.  10's of millions vs 500k.  But more people would have died you cry.  Ok, 1M die and 10's of millions not crushed.  Too many feelings and too little long term, big picture thoughts.

Kamala, why won't you answer our questions about Cuomo after you wouldn't shut up with your hysterics about Kav?  Cuomo who?
(03-17-2021, 02:08 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Thank you sir and I shall.............and that was my line; don't plagiarize.   Wink

Yes, some did lose their lives.  Suicide rates way up cause of you close everything, lockdown everything nut jobs.  Child abuse way up.  Jobs lost, depression up, stress up, peoples life work lost as businesses cannot make it.  10's of millions vs 500k.  But more people would have died you cry.  Ok, 1M die and 10's of millions not crushed.  Too many feelings and too little long term, big picture thoughts.

Kamala, why won't you answer our questions about Cuomo after you wouldn't shut up with your hysterics about Kav?  Cuomo who?

Suicide rates have been rising every year in the United Sates prior to 202, and I bet you can't tell me how many more people committed suicide in the United Sates in 202 than in 2019 compared to the rise from 2018.  All you are doing is blindly parroting a claim from the right-wing echo chamber.

Plus, if suicide rate shave increase a lot of it has to do with depression over half a million deaths as much as having to stay at home.

And it appears you are going off the deep end by bring Cuomo's sex scandal into this discussion.
(03-17-2021, 02:08 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Thank you sir and I shall.............and that was my line; don't plagiarize.   Wink

Yes, some did lose their lives.  Suicide rates way up cause of you close everything, lockdown everything nut jobs.  Child abuse way up.  Jobs lost, depression up, stress up, peoples life work lost as businesses cannot make it.  10's of millions vs 500k.  But more people would have died you cry.  Ok, 1M die and 10's of millions not crushed.  Too many feelings and too little long term, big picture thoughts.

Kamala, why won't you answer our questions about Cuomo after you wouldn't shut up with your hysterics about Kav?  Cuomo who?

So no sources then?

Just more talking points.

Were you part of the board/discussion when Kavanaugh was nominated?  Or did the curtain just get pulled back?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-17-2021, 01:33 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Don't you care about the 10's of millions of people harmed by the lockdowns and school closings?  Why don't their lives matter?

Yes I care, but they are not dying.  Their "lives" matter, but they are not losing their "lives".

What about the the 20+ million people who had covid in the United Sates last year but did not die?  Don't they matter to you?
(03-17-2021, 02:27 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Yes I care, but they are not dying.  Their "lives" matter, but they are not losing their "lives".

What about the the 20+ million people who had covid in the United Sates last year but did not die?  Don't they matter to you?

Same as the people who had the flu and lived, or strep, or a cold.  They lived didn't they?  Hopefully we can say the same in 5-10 years for the people who chose to be human lab rats. 

Sorry, not super emotional with life and death.  Happens to everyone.   The "what about the children" BS feelings crap has no effect on me.  I believe we would have been better off long term if we did nothing. 

GM, all you have to do is Google effects of lock downs on children or business or depression, etc.
(03-17-2021, 03:24 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Same as the people who had the flu and lived, or strep, or a cold.  They lived didn't they?  Hopefully we can say the same in 5-10 years for the people who chose to be human lab rats. 

Sorry, not super emotional with life and death.  Happens to everyone.   The "what about the children" BS feelings crap has no effect on me.  I believe we would have been better off long term if we did nothing. 

GM, all you have to do is Google effects of lock downs on children or business or depression, etc.

You made a claim.  You also claim you DIDN'T get it from FOX or some such news source.  It is on you to provide where you got YOUR information.

So...I'm guessing it was the curtains.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-17-2021, 03:34 PM)GMDino Wrote: You made a claim.  You also claim you DIDN'T get it from FOX or some such news source.  It is on you to provide where you got YOUR information.

So...I'm guessing it was the curtains.

Ummmm..............I Googled the harms of lockdowns and school closings awhile ago.  I read different articles.  No idea what slant they had.  

What is with you guys and Fox?  If my opinion is different from yours I'm all of a sudden a right wing Fox watcher?

Am I a CNN left winger because I support LGBT rights?

The curtains probably provide more factual info than CNN, Fox and MSNBC combined.
(03-17-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Ummmm..............I Googled the harms of lockdowns and school closings awhile ago.  I read different articles.  No idea what slant they had.  

What is with you guys and Fox?  If my opinion is different from yours I'm all of a sudden a right wing Fox watcher?

Am I a CNN left winger because I support LGBT rights?

The curtains probably provide more factual info than CNN, Fox and MSNBC combined.

Then you should have plenty of info to provide. Right?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I'm not entirely sure it's even possible to have actual empirical evidence of the effects of the lockdown since we are currently living it and also can't compare it to how ignoring covid might have affected the psyche of the population.
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(03-17-2021, 05:10 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I'm not entirely sure it's even possible to have actual empirical evidence of the effects of the lockdown since we are currently living it and also can't compare it to how ignoring covid might have affected the psyche of the population.

Excellent point.

If we had has zero "lockdowns" (we weren't locked down and everything wasn't closed) what would the national psyche have been with millions getting sick and dying?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Another point is "herd immunity" brings its own bag of misfits. The more people who get it, the more chances for variants.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-17-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: What is with you guys and Fox?  If my opinion is different from yours I'm all of a sudden a right wing Fox watcher?

No, but if there appears to be no real factual basis for a claim that was repeated over and over again in the right wing media then it is pretty obvious where you got it.

Pretty simple to tell me how many more people committed suicide in 2020 compared to 2019 and the difference between the increase from 2018 to 2019 isn't it?   If you knew anything about actual facts you would know that the suicide rte has been increasing in the UNited Sates every year even before Covid. 

that si if you are not just repeating a speaking point from the right-wing echo chamber

(03-17-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Am I a CNN left winger because I support LGBT rights?

No.  I can make a cogent argument supporting LGBT rights based on legal precedent and facts.  And I can provide sources for any facts I use in my argument.
(03-17-2021, 03:24 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Sorry, not super emotional with life and death.  Happens to everyone.   

But you bawl your eyes out over the economy?

That is right in line with the conservative ideas that miners should work in poison air and toxic chemicals can be poured into streams because regulations hurt the economy.
(03-17-2021, 03:24 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Same as the people who had the flu and lived, or strep, or a cold.  They lived didn't they?  Hopefully we can say the same in 5-10 years for the people who chose to be human lab rats. 

Sorry, not super emotional with life and death.  Happens to everyone.   The "what about the children" BS feelings crap has no effect on me.  I believe we would have been better off long term if we did nothing. 

GM, all you have to do is Google effects of lock downs on children or business or depression, etc.

You're of course free to believe whatever you want. But when your beliefs fly in the face of science of medicine, expect those beliefs - and yourself - to be mocked for it.
Strange.  Cases rising in states that are opening up the fastest.  


Quote:US could be on the cusp of a surge in Covid-19 infections, but vaccinations will limit the damage
By Christina Maxouris and Eric Levenson, CNN

Updated 11:37 AM ET, Thu March 18, 2021

(CNN)The US may be on the cusp of another Covid-19 case surge, one expert says -- but the mass vaccination of the most vulnerable Americans is likely to limit its human cost.

"I think we are going to see a surge in the number of infections," emergency physician Dr. Leana Wen told CNN on Wednesday night. "I think what helps this time though is that the most vulnerable -- particularly nursing home residents, people who are older -- are now vaccinated. And so we may prevent a spike in hospitalizations and deaths."

Health officials have repeatedly warned about a potential fourth surge as state leaders eased restrictions and several lifted mask mandates. The first warning sign came when case numbers, after weeks of steep declines, appeared to level off -- with the country still averaging tens of thousands of new cases daily. That kind of plateau previously predicted surges, some experts have said.

Cases of the worrying variants -- notably the highly contagious B.1.1.7 variant -- have also climbed and are set to become the dominant strain by the end of March or early April.

Meanwhile, governors and local leaders have eased restrictions on indoor gatherings, citing fewer Covid-19 cases and more vaccinations. And spring break crowds are gathering in Florida and nationwide air travel numbers are hitting pandemic-era records.
The race between variants and vaccines in US will be a close call, expert warns, and eased restrictions aren't helping

Now, as the country inches closer to 30 million reported infections, cases are rising by more than 10% in 14 states this week compared to last week, according to Johns Hopkins University data -- with half of those states seeing a rise of more than 20%.

If Covid-19 cases continue to rise, the mass vaccination of our most vulnerable are likely to limit increases in hospitalizations and deaths. People age 65 and older make up more than 80% of all Covid-19 deaths, according to CDC data. Yet more than 65% of people 65 and older have had at least one vaccine dose, and 38% are fully vaccinated, which sharply cuts down on the risk of hospitalization and death.

Dr. Wen still has her concerns, though.

"I think we're going to see an increase in the number of infections, but not necessarily an increase in hospitalizations and deaths, which again is a really good thing," she told CNN on Thursday. "But we also note that many governors are not going to reimpose restrictions unless we see our hospitals becoming overwhelmed.

"So we could see a situation of a lot more infections outpacing the ability of our vaccines to work and people letting down their guard but not having the restrictions in place to curb it. And I fear that we may lose, as a result, this race of variants versus vaccines."

What's causing some local spikes
Michigan cases are increasing the fastest, with more than a 50% jump this week compared to last, according to the Johns Hopkins data. Delaware, Montana, Alabama and West Virginia have also seen big increases.
There's a long list of factors contributing to the spike in cases in Michigan, according to Dr. Jennifer Morse, the medical director for the Mid-Michigan District Health Department.

[url=]Covid-19 reinfections are rare, but more common in people 65 and older, study finds

Those include the rolling back of restrictions, a prison outbreak, Covid-19 fatigue, a failure to wear masks, and the B.1.1.7 variant fueling the surge, Morse told CNN. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer eased restrictions earlier this month, upping capacity limits at restaurants as well as in retail stores, gyms and other facilities.

"My one hope is that we have been really aggressively vaccinating and have been working through the different categories for vaccination quite well," Morse told CNN. "And my hope is that that will help to keep (cases) from climbing as rampantly as (they) did back in the fall."

In West Virginia, Gov. Jim Justice said Wednesday that Covid-19 hospitalizations have "jumped up" slightly in the state, asking residents to continue their mitigation efforts "a little while longer."

"We have 70 people in the ICU, that's up a little bit," Justice said.

Justice had eased restrictions earlier this month, increasing capacity at bars, restaurants and other businesses to 100% and upping the social-gathering limit.

During Wednesday's news briefing, he added that the state has had "seven outbreaks in our church community" across five counties.

Church gatherings "can really cause an issue, because we're singing...probably embracing," the governor said. "If you decided to go to church, please keep that pew in between you and wear your mask."

You asked, we answered: Your top questions about Covid-19 and vaccines

Nearly 1 in 8 Americans fully vaccinated
Meanwhile, vaccinations have accelerated as officials race to get as many shots into arms as quickly as possible.
More than 73.6 million Americans have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, according to CDC data. And about 40 million people are fully vaccinated -- roughly 12% of the US population.

But challenges -- including vaccine hesitancy, disinformation and inequities -- remain, and it's not entirely clear when the US will hit herd immunity -- the point at which enough people are protected against the virus to suppress spread.
[Image: 210312115411-weight-scale-stock-medium-plus-169.jpg]
On Wednesday, both Fauci and Walensky pushed back against questions about herd immunity, saying a lot depended on how quickly Americans take vaccines.

"Let's just keep pushing to get as many people vaccinated as we possibly can," Fauci said. "And as we do that, you will see the type of infection, the dynamics of the outbreak, get less and less and less, so whatever that time is -- middle of the summer, end of the summer, early fall, we'll be much, much better off than we are now."

For now, the US still has a long way to go to overcome vaccine hesitancy, said National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins.

Vaccination is the country's best hope to get beyond the pandemic, he said, "and yet there's all this overlay, and some of it is politics and some of it's social media conspiracy theories and some of it is just distrust of anything that the government had anything to do with."

"We have a long way to go yet to try to overcome that," he told CNN on Wednesday.

CNN's Brandon Miller, Deidre McPhillips, Melissa Alonso, Naomi Thomas, Nick Neville, Maggie Fox, Adrienne Broaddus and Rebekah Riess contributed to this report.

This is almost as troubling as people who don't "believe" in evolution not understanding how the variants are being created and passed on.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-17-2021, 05:28 PM)GMDino Wrote: Excellent point.

If we had has zero "lockdowns" (we weren't locked down and everything wasn't closed) what would the national psyche have been with millions getting sick and dying?

Apparently protecting the most vulnerable of the population through even the smallest sacrifice doesn't count as patriotism. 

Wait, has anyone told neo cons that covid can negatively affect fetuses? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-17-2021, 05:10 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I'm not entirely sure it's even possible to have actual empirical evidence of the effects of the lockdown since we are currently living it and also can't compare it to how ignoring covid might have affected the psyche of the population.

It's almost as if you have a better understanding of the type of research that would be done on such a topic than most people on this board. Ninja
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-18-2021, 01:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: This is almost as troubling as people who don't "believe" in evolution not understanding how the variants are being created and passed on.

I always tell those ppl that its not that they dont believe evolution, its that they dont understand evolution. Evolution doesnt require happens whether you believe in it or not.
(03-18-2021, 05:23 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It's almost as if you have a better understanding of the type of research that would be done on such a topic than most people on this board. Ninja

Everyone is a dime store psychologist, but im worth at least a quarter. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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