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CRT Part II: Defunding the Military
Leftists, and even "Leftists," have called for "defunding" funding the military as a complement to defunding police departments, arguing that the massive Pentagon budget would be better spent on U.S. healthcare and infrastructure.

But the Right has always firmly planted its feet and shouted "NO"!

So what's up with the sudden about face of Fox News' Laura Ingraham? A clue in the article title--if they are teaching CRT, they're not OUR military anymore.  "The Left" has conquered the Pentagon, which now teaches "racist Marxism."  

Laura Ingraham Wants Military Defunded Over General Milley's Critical Race Theory Defense

Laura Ingraham has said she was "outraged" by General Mark Milley's defense of studying critical race theory and has suggested that Congress should withhold funding for the military until the topic is removed.

The Fox News host described the Joint Chiefs chairman's comments about the academic theory—which examines the ways race and racism intersect with politics, culture and the law—as "ridiculous."

In a Wednesday night segment on her show The Ingraham Angle, she said: "We are sending out tax dollars to this military in an attempt to weed out so-called 'extremists,' which just means conservative evangelicals as far as I can tell
She later added: "I have a question for the general: why would anyone risk his or her life for a country that's systemically racist? One that brutalizes minorities.
"Why would any country respect us or follow our lead if that's who we are? Those are some of the questions he should probably think about before he touts the value of teaching far-left, Marxist, racist ideology to our troops."

Responding to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who had earlier pressed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on critical race theory, Gen. Miller said he believed military personnel should "be widely read."

He added: "I want to understand white rage and I'm white, and I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out."

Later in the Armed Services Hearing, Millen finally confessed, confirming Laura's suspicions.

Gen. Miller later said: "I've read Mao Tse-tung. I've read Karl Marx. I've read Lenin. That doesn't make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding,—having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?

"And I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military, our general officers, our commissioned, non-commissioned officers of being 'woke' or something else because we're studying some theories out there.". . .

Austin had earlier dismissed similar concerns raised by the Florida Republican, saying: "We do not teach critical race theory. We don't embrace critical race theory, and I think that's a spurious conversation.
"We are focused on extremist behaviors and not ideology—not people's thoughts, not people's political orientation. Behaviors is what we're focused on."
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Defunding the Pentagon budget isn't meant to mean defend the military. On the contrary, this Leftist wants them to pull all the contracts they've got floating out there to weapons makers and re-invest it into the troops and existing military infrastructure, and then make all those weapons makers re-bid with WAY more favorable terms.
(06-24-2021, 09:48 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Defunding the Pentagon budget isn't meant to mean defend the military. On the contrary, this Leftist wants them to pull all the contracts they've got floating out there to weapons makers and re-invest it into the troops and existing military infrastructure, and then make all those weapons makers re-bid with WAY more favorable terms.

LOL That's Air Force strategy. Milley is Army.
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There are 205 known Critical Race Theorists in the State Department!

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General Milley pushes back on G.O.P. accusations of a ‘woke’ military.

Representative Michael Waltz, Republican of Florida, asked about the teaching of “critical race theory” at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and specifically a seminar called “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage.”
“This came to me from cadets, from families, from soldiers with their alarm and their concern about how divisive this type of teaching is that is rooted in Marxism,” Mr. Waltz said.
Mr. Austin, who is the nation’s first Black defense secretary, suggested that the teaching of literature concerning white rage, as Mr. Waltz had described it, “certainly sounds like something that should not occur.”

But General Milley, who is white, defended both the seminar and the broader practice of teaching service members controversial or uncomfortable ideas.

“I want to understand white rage, and I’m white,” General Milley said.

“What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?” he continued, as Mr. Austin looked on. “What is wrong with having some situational understanding about the country we are here to defend?”
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"I've read Mao Tse-tung. I've read Karl Marx. I've read Lenin. That doesn't make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding,—having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?"

That's a great line from a man with incredible academic credentials. Of course, Tucker Carlson called him "stupid" and a "pig" because of it, but this is what you should expect from a party that is struggling to find relevance.

Side note: apparently Gen Milley told white supremacist Stephen Miller to "shut the **** up" after Miller said us cities were "war zones" because of BLM.
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(06-25-2021, 12:37 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: "I've read Mao Tse-tung. I've read Karl Marx. I've read Lenin. That doesn't make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding,—having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?"

That's a great line from a man with incredible academic credentials. Of course, Tucker Carlson called him "stupid" and a "pig" because of it, but this is what you should expect from a party that is struggling to find relevance.

Side note: apparently Gen Milley told white supremacist Stephen Miller to "shut the **** up" after Miller said us cities were "war zones" because of BLM.

The Fox late night commentators are going all out on the "communist" connection.  I know you are a "leftist" forcing "Cultural Marxism" down our children's throats, so I wondered what your take an this new social "problem" is. (Note the "'real' racism" ploy in the last paragraph.)

Critical race theory is the hottest topic on Fox News. And it’s only getting hotter.

If you watch Fox News, you’ve almost certainly heard a thing or two about critical race theory lately — though for viewers of other cable news networks, it may barely ring a bell.
Over the past few months, and particularly through June, hosts and anchors on Fox have ramped up the conversation about the theory, an academic legal framework for examining systemic and institutional racism that has become a hot-button issue for political conservatives.

The concept has been around for more than 40 years, according to EducationWeek, but it has become a major programming theme on Fox News only in recent months as parents, buoyed by conservative activists and groups, have vocally opposed the teaching of the theory — or something similar to it — in schools throughout the country. Republican-led state legislatures have voted to outlaw it.

The term “critical race theory” was mentioned just 132 times on Fox News shows in 2020. In 2021, it has been mentioned 1,860 times, according to a tally using the media monitoring service Critical Mention.

On Wednesday morning, for example, Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner pressed Caitlyn Jenner, a candidate for governor of California, on whether she opposes the teaching of the theory — without explaining what it is. “If I become governor, I will do everything to fight critical race theory from being taught to our children,” Jenner replied. “I am totally, 100 percent against that.”

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, said that “critical race theory” has become a culture-war shorthand, akin to catchphrases such as “sharia law” and “the war on Christmas” that became grist for hours and hours of conservative media programming in past years.

“Critical race theory would be aligned with the KKK and true white supremacy,” Quisha King, a mother of two children and a Florida co-chair of a group called Moms for Liberty, said during a June 11 appearance on Fox. “Wow,” fill-in host Tammy Bruce replied. (King, like some other individuals identified primarily as “concerned parents” during appearances on Fox, is also a Republican strategist.)
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Germany just sitting back watching us shaking their damn heads while they teach their kids about the horrible shit their country did.
They sure know how to play to their base. I read Steve Bannon thinks CRT is the golden ticket for repubs to take back power. So like transgenders posing a threat to children everywhere in a Target bathroom near you and Hillary’s emails the right wing main stream media machine will spoon feed this stuff to their viewers until their heads explode or they believe a lying serial sexual assaulter narcissist conman is the savior of the people.
(06-26-2021, 08:41 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: They sure know how to play to their base. I read Steve Bannon thinks CRT is the golden ticket for repubs to take back power. So like transgenders posing a threat to children everywhere in a Target bathroom near you and Hillary’s emails the right wing main stream media machine will spoon feed this stuff to their viewers until their heads explode or they believe a lying serial sexual assaulter narcissist conman is the savior of the people.

That's what makes this feel so eerie. Their opportunistic news commentators can seize on this or that promising trend and convert it to a patriotic "cause"--all while making it look like (to their base) that they are only reporting the concerns of honest Americans. 

I still remember the Jack Abramov scandal. Lobbying for the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, namely their interest in protecting their casinos, he enlisted the Christian right (e.g., Ralph Reed) to campaign against the opening of other tribal casinos in Texas and Alabama. They used Evangelical leaders and churches to whip up "grass roots" opposition to gambling licenses/legislation to squelch the competition. Thousands of individual Christians were fooled/mobilized into "protesting" and writing letters to their state representatives condemning the vice of gambling--unwittingly securing the LA tribe's gambling profits.

Now the Right can do that on a national level--stoking anger and organizing it to political ends.

They're passing laws saying July 1st, after this in the fall, they will fire any teacher that is not culturally in agreement with the school board and their tactics. This is insanity in America. This isn't freedom of speech. It's not freedom of religion. It's racism and it's cloaked in socialism.
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(06-25-2021, 12:37 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: "I've read Mao Tse-tung. I've read Karl Marx. I've read Lenin. That doesn't make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding,—having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?"

Understanding history is only important when talking about the necessity of statues of Confederate leaders, Hitler, and Satan. 
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(06-29-2021, 07:37 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Understanding history is only important when talking about the necessity of statues of Confederate leaders, Hitler, and Satan. 

Fwiw, I do find the argument that CRT is strictly teaching history just a tad bit bit disingenous.  It's much more sociology based.

I see this argument made over and over.  "Republicans don't want history taught in schools."  But is that really what they're opposed to?  Because I don't think it is.

I've seen a number of people who are opposed to CRT come out and clearly state they have absolutely no issues with spending more time on historical events that relate to race. (Ex: The Tulsa Race Riots) 

What they're opposing is language like:  opressor, opressed, systemic, institutional, fragility, privilege, rage, implicit bias, appropriation, microagression, whiteness etc.  (None of these are terms commonly found in historical teachings)

People are more than welcome to agree or disagree about whether or not CRT belongs in the classroom.  I just don't think it's fair to intentionally paint the opposing side as something it's not, only to make them appear irrational or to make their argument seem flawed.  Since he can't see this, I'll just say it; This is a FredToast move that is occuring from some on the Pro-CRT side.
I'll admit I haven't paid attention to CRT outside of knowing it is one of the latest political wedge issues.

Lazy on my part, but I just lumped it in with the rest of the fire stoking culture war stuff. I just assumed that it was more false "liberal propaganda" crying. Maybe it is, maybe the right has a genuine point I let get lost in the crying of wolf. I will say that none of the particular pro or con arguments seem very novel.
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(06-26-2021, 08:41 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: So like transgenders posing a threat to children everywhere in a Target bathroom near you and Hillary’s emails the right wing main stream media machine will spoon feed this stuff to their viewers until their heads explode or they believe a lying serial sexual assaulter narcissist conman is the savior of the people.

Interesting that you brought this up, perfect timing really.  The video I'll link below was making it's round on the interwebs yesterday.  I'm going to assume you won't go down the rabbit hole that is this story but I assure it's even worse than the video suggests.

From what I gathered in following it was that there was a pretty big group of women, many of them young girls, who were also in agreement with the women speaking. You can see some of them standing around when the camera pans.   Apparently there's much more to the story (previous complaints, inapproriate comments from the individual to the women, etc.)

But hey, keep believing that there aren't real life consequences to this stuff.  Everyone acts in good faith.  It's all just insanity from the right.  At least you can pat yourself on the back for being so accepting and empathetic (not to these women of course).

(06-29-2021, 10:22 AM)Nately120 Wrote: I'll admit I haven't paid attention to CRT outside of knowing it is one of the latest political wedge issues.  

Lazy on my part, but I just lumped it in with the rest of the fire stoking culture war stuff.  I just assumed that it was more false "liberal propaganda" crying.  Maybe it is, maybe the right has a genuine point I let get lost in the crying of wolf.  I will say that none of the particular pro or con arguments seem very novel.

This made it into a school in Washington called Highline this past year:

[Image: RUBIN-1.png]

This made it's way into a school in New York called East Central, which you can read about here:

[Image: 3a5ebef48599fa00ad183932c0686fb1?width=650]

[Image: 1978bc1fed3ebe18970133d752300aa3?width=650]

There's more examples, but I'm sure you get the point.  Now, someone might say this isn't CRT and maybe it's not.  But that doesn't refute the fact this stuff is being taught, or that exploring these subjects without a strict federal guideline isn't a slippery slope.

Take some time trying to seek out some in-practice examples of CRT/Diversity Training, and you may shocked at what you actually find.  At the very least, you'll come away knowing that some people are railing against some of these school boards for things that aren't as simple as being opposed to history.
Ehh, I feel like I'm supposed to opppse strict federal guidelines on principle. I always assumed kids learn this stuff at home regardless of what their teachers say.
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(06-26-2021, 08:41 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: They sure know how to play to their base. I read Steve Bannon thinks CRT is the golden ticket for repubs to take back power. So like transgenders posing a threat to children everywhere in a Target bathroom near you and Hillary’s emails the right wing main stream media machine will spoon feed this stuff to their viewers until their heads explode or they believe a lying serial sexual assaulter narcissist conman is the savior of the people.

This is why Republicans are good at elections and bad at governing. 

They know how to invent culture wars to scare voters, but if you give them control of the legislature and executive, they can't figure out how to pass a healthcare law. 
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(06-29-2021, 11:11 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Interesting that you brought this up, perfect timing really.  The video I'll link below was making it's round on the interwebs yesterday.  I'm going to assume you won't go down the rabbit hole that is this story but I assure it's even worse than the video suggests.

From what I gathered in following it was that there was a pretty big group of women, many of them young girls, who were also in agreement with the women speaking. You can see some of them standing around when the camera pans.   Apparently there's much more to the story (previous complaints, inapproriate comments from the individual to the women, etc.)

But hey, keep believing that there aren't real life consequences to this stuff.  Everyone acts in good faith.  It's all just insanity from the right.  At least you can pat yourself on the back for being so accepting and empathetic (not to these women of course).

Yea, I don't have any empathy for that woman. She implies that another man (the one who approaches her midway through) is gay and  that gay men are "not real men".

I have a hard time trusting the word of someone that openly bigoted. 
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(06-29-2021, 11:38 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: This made it into a school in Washington called Highline this past year:

[Image: RUBIN-1.png]

This made it's way into a school in New York called East Central, which you can read about here:

[Image: 3a5ebef48599fa00ad183932c0686fb1?width=650]

[Image: 1978bc1fed3ebe18970133d752300aa3?width=650]

There's more examples, but I'm sure you get the point.  Now, someone might say this isn't CRT and maybe it's not.  But that doesn't refute the fact this stuff is being taught, or that exploring these subjects without a strict federal guideline isn't a slippery slope.

Take some time trying to seek out some in-practice examples of CRT/Diversity Training, and you may shocked at what you actually find.  At the very least, you'll come away knowing that some people are railing against some of these school boards for things that aren't as simple as being opposed to history.

There's nothing wrong with the top image in proper context. The bottom two were taken from a professor who teaches CRT without his knowledge and redistributed online. The principal of the school passed it out to staff and parents. 

It was a stupid thing to do, to try to utilize this without any understanding of the context it came from and in such a casual manner. This, however, isn't a reason to not support utilizing CRT as an academic perspective.

If the only attacks against it are anecdotal examples of it being used in a poor way, that's not a problem with CRT itself, that's a problem with execution. 

I don't think we need federal guidelines on this, though I hope that anyone suggesting we do didn't criticize Common Core.
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(06-29-2021, 11:11 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Interesting that you brought this up, perfect timing really.  The video I'll link below was making it's round on the interwebs yesterday.  I'm going to assume you won't go down the rabbit hole that is this story but I assure it's even worse than the video suggests.

From what I gathered in following it was that there was a pretty big group of women, many of them young girls, who were also in agreement with the women speaking. You can see some of them standing around when the camera pans.   Apparently there's much more to the story (previous complaints, inapproriate comments from the individual to the women, etc.)

But hey, keep believing that there aren't real life consequences to this stuff.  Everyone acts in good faith.  It's all just insanity from the right.  At least you can pat yourself on the back for being so accepting and empathetic (not to these women of course).

If you have a magic bullet to cure the world of crazy assholes I’d love to hear it.

Straight white guy raped a little kid the other day. What type of broad generalizations should we apply to that scenario? And why isn’t there so much fear mongering about that type of stuff?
(06-29-2021, 05:57 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: 1.) If you have a magic bullet to cure the world of crazy assholes I’d love to hear it.

2.) Straight white guy raped a little kid the other day. What type of broad generalizations should we apply to that scenario?

3.) And why isn’t there so much fear mongering about that type of stuff?

1.) I mean, step 1 would be creating laws to prevent these people ("crazy assholes") from harming, harrassing or exposing others to unwanted and unacceptable behavior.

In this case, the law is on the offender's side.  It took place in California.  That's why you hear the person at the counter bring up that they're folliwng the law and can't do anything.  As long as someone claims to identify as female, by law, they are allowed access into the female locker room.

What's even more crazy is that less than a decade this act would have been a felony.

2.) That child rapists are disgusting animals (that should be punished to the fullest extent of the law).

3.) I wasn't aware that their wasn't "fear mongering, or more appropriately put, extreme concern, about child rapists.  I'm pretty sure most people are acutely aware of the dangers that exist and the terrible people that are out there.  Why do you think you hear so many stories about single dads being questioned or scolded when they're with their kid(s) at a playground?  Why do you think so many adults are less likley to engange with children they don't know, in what used to be ordinary exchanges in passing?

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