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Opinion: DeSantis 2024?
(08-14-2021, 02:22 PM)samhain Wrote: For one, their governor is not the anointed heir to Trump and DeSantis is.  People spent months talking about how his lax approach to shutdowns and COVID restrictions was a stroke of genius compared to all the lib governors who were more cautious.  This all went down as the pandemic seemed to abate, and DeSeantis' star continued to rise as it seemed that the virus was a thing of 2020 and not 2021.  He had no problem riding that wave on the way to being the party golden boy.  I guess what I'm getting at is, if you're going to build your reputation on being a guy that was playing 3d pandemic chess while other governors were losing at checkers, you'd better be ready for a hard fall when you can't stake your reputation to such a claim any longer.  

What exactly is Ron DeSantis if he's not the guy who thumbed his nose at COVID restrictions and came out smelling like a rose?  He's just another MAGA ball licker.  Nothing more, nothing less.  The one trick pony doesn't even have the trick to fall back on anymore.

The bolded is the key to the attention de Santis is now getting.

He's like the guy who for months says "unprotected sex? It's been no problem for me." 

Then comes down with herpes and the clap, and all the lab results aren't even in yet. 
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So DeSantis stakes it all on banning mask mandates in schools, meanwhile the majority of Floridians support masks in schools and the majority of Florida students are in districts that enacted mask mandates in schools despite DeSantis desperately trying to remain the craziest choice for the GOP nomination in 2024.

And now a judge has shot down his ban.
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DeSantis said that Biden has failed to end COVID so he should follow Florida’s lead. I guess the lead he’s referring to is average deaths per day, which Florida leads in, setting new state pandemic records as over 1500 people died of COVID last week in Florida. Hospitalizations are also at their highest ever for the state. Meanwhile he’s spending more effort in pushing a medical treatment for those who are infected rather than pushing for measures to decrease the chance of infection.

I guess his plan to end COVID is to let everyone die. I can’t see why anyone WOULDN’T want this man in the White House…
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(02-24-2021, 10:42 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: 7 day average cases

FL 5893 NY 7396

7 day average deaths

FL 151 NY 126

One open and one closed

updated as of 8/27

The same 7 day average

FL 21.7k
NY: 4.8k

FL 247
NY 26

Hospitalization (per 100 beds)
FL 28
NY 4

Positivity rate:
FL 19%
NY 4%

One open, one closed
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(08-28-2021, 10:01 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: updated as of 8/27

The same 7 day average

FL 21.7k
NY: 4.8k

FL 247
NY 26

Hospitalization (per 100 beds)
FL 28
NY 4

Positivity rate:
FL 19%
NY 4%

One open, one closed

What are you talking about?  New York is totally open right now.  Cuomo lifted all Covid restrictions back in June. 
(08-28-2021, 10:39 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: What are you talking about?  New York is totally open right now.  Cuomo lifted all Covid restrictions back in June. 

I was using the language from the poster I quoted for effect, however New York is where they’re at for keeping these practices in place up to June while Florida is where they’re at for never having these practices.

But also Florida took power away from counties and cities to create their own mandates. New York didn’t, which is why NYC (where 40%+ New Yorkers live), requires proof of vaccination for most indoor activities.

Florida was barring mask mandates in school (up until a judge shot it down yesterday) while New York is requiring universal masking in schools.

Florida doesn’t require masks for unvaccinated people. New York does and also still requires masks for all people on public transportation
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(02-18-2021, 02:48 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: You seem absolutely obsessed with comparing Florida to NY.

Why are you ignoring the plethora of other states that have taken a more agressive or strict approach that either are doing worse than Florida, or they're doing similarly?

I'm willing to listen and have my view changed, but I'm going to need  someone to explain to me how Florida isn't at the top, or the near the top (in both cases and deaths) if their approach was so reckless and stupid.

(02-18-2021, 03:17 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: There are numbers to support that drunk driving results in a DRAMATIC increase in accidents.  I'm sorry, I just don't see the same with the numbers here. 

I keep hearing about how reckless, and how stupid their approach was.  But when I dive into any and all of the data I can find there's nothing there to really support this argument.

In just looking at the numbers vs. Ohio, where we've taken I'd say a more agressive approach, we (Ohio) actually have slightly more deaths per capita.  This in a state that sees a fraction of a fraction of the amount of the amount of travel, and with a younger population.

When I look at California, or Illinois, or any number of states, nothing is really jumping out to me in comparison to Florida that shows that they clearly shit the bed here.


CA 8.6k
IL 3.5k


CA  84
IL   28


CA  11
IL   6.6


CA  5.4%
IL   5.5%

Just so we're clear, Florida shit the bed. 3rd highest cases per 100k. 6th highest positivity rate. 3rd highest hospitalizations. They made up 19.5% of the confirmed covid deaths in the US this past week. Florida is the only state experiencing more deaths than any other time during the pandemic, despite vaccinations having been available for almost the entire year. Florida had similar troubles to California last summer. This past summer, California, despite Delta had half as many cases and deaths while those numbers nearly doubled for Florida. DeSantis mocked LA in March, asking if masks completely stopped covid there. Well, LA was able to enact policies when the variants spread, while major metropolitan areas in Florida were barred from doing so because of him. 

DeSantis owns Florida shitting the bed. 
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DeSantis thought he was smarter than everyone (that sounds familiar) and now that it's biting him in the ass he's using another page from the Trump playbook and blaming everyone else.

Quote:“He said he was going to end covid,” DeSantis said of Biden. “He hasn’t done that. We are the first state to start the treatment centers for monoclonal antibodies. Having great success with that. That should have been a bigger plan, a bigger part of this whole response throughout the country from the beginning.”

It’s very useful to note that this specific assertion about responding to the pandemic with miraculous treatments was exactly what President Trump tried to do shortly before the 2020 election. Similarly struggling with selling his product, Trump declared that an antibody treatment he’d received for his own infection was a “cure” that would soon be rolled out free across the country. Like DeSantis, he was trying to downplay the spread of the virus by suggesting there was a way to make it unimportant, that the pandemic could be beaten on the back end instead of the front end. This is a very useful bit of spin for a politician opposed to advocating wearing masks or social distancing: a pound of cure is politically worth a ton of prevention.

But Trump also never made antibody treatments a “bigger part of this whole response,” in part because he soon became focused on denying the reality of his reelection loss instead of the pandemic. That itself is of course another example of a politician trying to reframe a loss as a victory.

We slipped past DeSantis’s Biden promised to end covid line because the sheer amount of chutzpah it incorporates demands its own consideration. It’s a bit like a mayoral candidate criticizing his opponent for not ending home burglaries while also running a lockpick store. If more people got vaccinated and took precautionary steps to limit the virus’s spread, the pandemic would essentially be over. But DeSantis and other governors have decided not to embrace that latter step.

What’s remarkable about DeSantis’s effort to compare himself with Biden (as he did again later in the interview by disparaging the president for “forcing kindergartners to have to wear masks for eight hours a day”) is that, even in his own state, DeSantis’s handling of the pandemic isn’t viewed terribly well.

Polling from Quinnipiac University released this week shows that DeSantis has a better approval rating in Florida than Biden, with 47 percent of the state viewing DeSantis positively and 40 percent saying the same of Biden. But on each leader’s handling of the pandemic, Biden matches DeSantis just under the 50-percent mark. While independents in Florida are 11 points more likely to approve of DeSantis than Biden overall, they give Biden the edge on his handling of the pandemic. Republicans view DeSantis’s efforts on the pandemic about as well as Democrats view Biden’s, but they are also more positive on Biden’s handling than Democrats are of DeSantis’s.

Meanwhile he's doing nothing to fix his own mistakes because admitting he was wrong is seen as a sign of weakness to him and his ilk (that sounds familiar too).

Quote:ORLANDO, Fla. (WESH) — Central Florida hospitals are dealing with an overflow of COVID-19 deaths.

The Central Florida Disaster Medical Coalition is sending 14 portable morgues to area hospitals to help make room.

Florida foster dad to 75 children dies of COVID-19 after 4 cardiac arrests 
The following hospitals have been allocated portable morgues:


Orlando Health
HCA-East Florida
HCA – North Florida
Cleveland Clinic
Health First
AdventHealth and Orlando Health have both been allocated three portable morgues each.

An email obtained by our NBC affiliate, WESH 2 News, Thursday confirmed that the Central Florida Division of AdventHealth has reached the capacity of hospital morgues due to the influx of COVID-19 patients.

The email from AdventHealth says the hospital system has begun using rented, refrigerated coolers at 10 campuses in Orange, Osceola, Polk, Seminole, and Volusia counties, adding those coolers are also becoming filled.

Delta variant could double risk of hospitalization, study says 
The email said, “We believe this backup is due to a throughput slowdown at local funeral homes which is causing us to hold decedents for a longer period of time.”

The hospital says in the message they are in contact with regional hospital disaster coalitions and a request for assistance has also been made to the Florida Hospital Association.

“Since there is no disaster declaration for the state, we are unable to request assets such as FEMORS, but they are being contacted for guidance,” the email said.

The latest report from the state says nearly 44,000 Floridians died during the pandemic, more than 1,700 than last week’s report.

DeSantis is a somehow dumber Trump with less media savvy. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-29-2021, 10:45 AM)GMDino Wrote: DeSantis is a somehow dumber Trump with less media savvy. 

100% agree.  I mean, have you seen his credentials?  Yale for undergrad?  Harvard law?  JAG Lieutenant?  Advisor to the Commandor of Seal Team One.  4 service medals?  Assistant US Attorney?  What a clown!!!

It no different than someone like that bimbo McEnany that Trump only hired for her looks.  Georgetown?  Harvard Law?  Cambridge?  What a joke.  Trying get an English degree from William and Mary like an actually qualified person in Jen Psaki.  Maybe use your brain more than your looks you blonde bimbo!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad people are calling out these buffoons.  It's amazing some of the people the GOP is putting out there.  Desantis is a freaking MORON!!!!!

(08-29-2021, 11:49 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: 100% agree.  I mean, have you seen his credentials?  Yale for undergrad?  Harvard law?  JAG Lieutenant?  Advisor to the Commandor of Seal Team One.  4 service medals?  Assistant US Attorney?  What a clown!!!

It no different than someone like that bimbo McEnany that Trump only hired for her looks.  Georgetown?  Harvard Law?  Cambridge?  What a joke.  Trying get an English degree from William and Mary like an actually qualified person in Jen Psaki.  Maybe use your brain more than your looks you blonde bimbo!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad people are calling out these buffoons.  It's amazing some of the people the GOP is putting out there.  Desantis is a freaking MORON!!!!!


Boy you're sensitive about him.  Mellow

Further proof that an education doesn't alone make one smart.

Nor does one serving their country make them right.

Two good things but not proof of infallibility.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar...and a skin hound who lied to the American people and should have stepped down from the office.

You can be smart and make dumb decisions.  You can be a soldier and be a bad person.

Here let me put in a way you'll understand: I prefer people who don't let the people they are responsible for die because of their bad decisions and then blame someone else.  
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-29-2021, 11:49 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: 100% agree.  I mean, have you seen his credentials?  Yale for undergrad?  Harvard law?  JAG Lieutenant?  Advisor to the Commandor of Seal Team One.  4 service medals?  Assistant US Attorney?  What a clown!!!

It no different than someone like that bimbo McEnany that Trump only hired for her looks.  Georgetown?  Harvard Law?  Cambridge?  What a joke.  Trying get an English degree from William and Mary like an actually qualified person in Jen Psaki.  Maybe use your brain more than your looks you blonde bimbo!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad people are calling out these buffoons.  It's amazing some of the people the GOP is putting out there.  Desantis is a freaking MORON!!!!!


Did DeSantis shit the bed yet with covid?
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(08-29-2021, 12:17 PM)GMDino Wrote: Boy you're sensitive about him.  Mellow

Further proof that an education doesn't alone make one smart.

Nor does one serving their country make them right.

Two good things but not proof of infallibility.

Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar...and a skin hound who lied to the American people and should have stepped down from the office.

You can be smart and make dumb decisions.  You can be a soldier and be a bad person.

Here let me put in a way you'll understand: I prefer people who don't let the people they are responsible for die because of their bad decisions and then blame someone else.  

Sorry, when I hear someone call someone with that background an idiot, or claim he's not media savy my eyes start to roll. 

I can see disagreeing with someone politically.  And being intelligent don't always mean being agreeable, or a good person; I get that.  But to call the man stupid seems a bit much.

I just think some of you couldn't be more transparent.  I just wish you were honest.  This guy is a Republican, which you hate, and he's also one of the faces of the party.  Therefore you'll gladly take the opportunity to rail on him. That's really what this is.  This isn't actually about getting to the bottom of the surge, or properly assigning blame and exploring solutions; this is about hyper-focusing on one person because of partisan politics.

Back in the winter, when they ranked something like 25 in cases, and 30 death rate, you focused on him.  Not any of the other states that were worse.  A few weeks ago when I brought up that the numbers in Louisiana were worse in every single category you disappeared and didn't say a word or start bemoaning their Govenor.  You and a few others chose to sit that conversation out. (I wonder why?)

Right now there's a slew of states like afformentioned Louisana, or Mississipi, or Georgia that are neck and neck that are getting zero discussion, and their leaders don't have blood on their hands in the same way as Florida.  Why is that?

I'd love for you to point to specific policies there that you feel have contributed to what we've seen these last 45 or so days. Are they that different than any number of other states?  You can't use mask mandates because those don't exist in the majority of states.  You can't use vaccination rates because Florida is average.  You can't use school masking because they're either not back yet, or they just started and wouldn't affect the deaths seen since mid July. So what is it exactly?  What specifically hasn't Desantis done to put himself on an island in your mind?

Also, there's a few obvious things contributing to the surge in Florida that not at all has anything to do with Desantis.  You could pick your favoritie Governor, your favorite politician, or your favorite health official and they'd still rank high right now.  I honestly wonder if you guys know what these are.  I think you have to.  
(08-29-2021, 04:02 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Did DeSantis shit the bed yet with covid?

I don't know, did John Bel Edwards shit the bed with Covid?  Why doesn't he have his own thread where people say he has blood on his hands?

Go look up the death rates (per 100k) by state since the start of Covid; you may be surprised.  It's absolutely astonishing that this man who has been so reckless with his response has lower rates than many of his peers who were heavy-handed with theirs.  It's almost as if this idea that Desantis is the worst of the worst is complete bs.  It also leads me to believe there's a lot outside of Government control that causes the spread.  Crazy, I know.
(08-29-2021, 05:11 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I don't know

You do, and if you answer truthfully, I'll respond to the questions you asked in your pathetic attempt to avoid addressing your past claims. 
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(08-29-2021, 11:49 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: 100% agree.  I mean, have you seen his credentials?  Yale for undergrad?  Harvard law?  JAG Lieutenant?  Advisor to the Commandor of Seal Team One.  4 service medals?  Assistant US Attorney?  What a clown!!!

It no different than someone like that bimbo McEnany that Trump only hired for her looks.  Georgetown?  Harvard Law?  Cambridge?  What a joke.  Trying get an English degree from William and Mary like an actually qualified person in Jen Psaki.  Maybe use your brain more than your looks you blonde bimbo!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad people are calling out these buffoons.  It's amazing some of the people the GOP is putting out there.  Desantis is a freaking MORON!!!!!


Plenty of people have a wall full of degrees and are still dumb as shit.

Just because you're good at one thing doesn't make you good at another.
(08-29-2021, 05:11 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I don't know, did John Bel Edwards shit the bed with Covid?  Why doesn't he have his own thread where people say he has blood on his hands?

Go look up the death rates (per 100k) by state since the start of Covid; you may be surprised.  It's absolutely astonishing that this man who has been so reckless with his response has lower rates than many of his peers who were heavy-handed with theirs.  It's almost as if this idea that Desantis is the worst of the worst is complete bs.  It also leads me to believe there's a lot outside of Government control that causes the spread.  Crazy, I know.

I'm not sure what you're saying, here, because Louisiana is in the highest category of case rates in the country, but lower than Florida, and others in that top category are those that have been more lax:
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-29-2021, 08:23 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You do, and if you answer truthfully, I'll respond to the questions you asked in your pathetic attempt to avoid addressing your past claims. 

I'm going to give you a completely honest answer with some explanation, and I hope you'll respond.  My answer is I don't know.  You can scoff at this if you'd like, or you can choose to continue reading. (Fwiw, I hope you choose the latter.)

I'm going to break this down into two distinct timeframes:  March 2020-June 2021 and July 2021-August 2021.

The first timeline, which is the start of pandemic though the month of June of this year.  No, I do not think he shit the bed.  Despite so many people saying his policies were a disaster, the numbers just weren't there to support he had done a terrible job.  (You can read through earlier in the thread for many of those numbers) 

They were essentially average in cases, and slightly below in deaths, which is rather suprising.  Not only because of the policies so many bemoaned but because of things like population density, having numerous "big cities", travel into the state, and average age (Florida is an older state).  Despite all of these things working against them, and despite so many people claiming he was setting them up for disaster, their case rates and death rates fared no worse than any number of more heavy handed approaches by others.  In fact, in some case they were better than states who were much more agressive in their approach.

Now were onto the second timeframe, the one where it's been very bad for Flordia.  You can see their numbers gradually start to rise in early July and steadily go up reaching a peak in the middle of August and still remaining high.  This is not at all a good thing of course, and it is certainly not a good look.  There are people such as yourself that now seemingingly have all of the ammuntion they need to hammer Desantis.

But here's where I'd really like you to focus on this post.  I'd really love some answers to some questions.  Don't be "pathetic" and avoid them.  I'm asking these in real-time not digging up a post from 6 months ago like you did with mine.

1.) What policies are currently in place in Flordia that you think have contributed to the extreme rise in case from July 1st today?  Or more simply put, what do you think Densantis has done wrong or what should have he done since this time?

2.) Assuming you've answered question #1 with some examples, can you point me to any other states that are following a similar approach?  Is Desantis alone in these lack of restrictions; is he on an island in his approach?

3.)  Do you feel they are any things outside of Desantis control, or that are inherent to Florida that lead this rise?  i.e. Tourisim, being a destination for a lot younger crowds and partying, having 8 of the top 10 biggest theme parks in America, being an older state, etc.

I'm not asking loaded questions, I swear.  Perhaps there are policies I'm unaware of that are contributing to this, perhaps there is much he could have done.  I honestly have not been following the Covid stuff all that close lately.  I finally tuned out when things started looking like we were through the woods, and haven't picked it back up.  I'm covid'd out.  

But here's the thing.  You're going to have to do better than you just showing me numbers and assigning blame.  I want to know what you think is causing this and how it could have been avoided.  How is he specifically repsonsible?  Because I can't buy the "the state is totally open" when most states are totally open.  I can't buy the "he doesn't have mask mandates" when most states don't have mask mandates.  I can't buy the masks in school argument just yet because they're irrelevant to the numbers seen from July through August.

So fill me in.  What am I missing?  What are his failures in July and August and how do they differ from everyone else?  I look forward to your reply.  Maybe I'll learn something.  I mean that honestly.
(08-30-2021, 07:27 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I'm not sure what you're saying, here, because Louisiana is in the highest category of case rates in the country, but lower than Florida, and others in that top category are those that have been more lax:

As of last week, over the previous 14 days Louisana was worse than Florida in every single category.  The reason I referenced it was because of my earlier post that was seemingly avoided.  This thread ramped back up and I simply asked why no one was talking about Louisiana.  No one responded other than Nately.

Fwiw, as far totals from the beginning, you can pull the death rates (per 100k) since the start of the pandemic from that same link.  You just have to switch from 7 days to January 1st 2020, and from "map" to "graph" to get the numbers:

1.) New York
2.) New Jersey
3.) Mississppi
4.) Lousiana
5.) Massachusetts
6.) Rhode Island
7.) Arizona
8.) Alabama
9.) Conneticut
10.) South Dakota
11.) Arkansas
12.) Pennsylvania
13.) Michigan
14.) New Mexico
15.) Indiana
16.) Georgia
17.) Illinois
18.) Nevada
19.) North Dakota
20.) Florida

I find this suprising.  Here's why...

-Florida is #2 is domestic tourism
-Florida is #2 is international tourism
-Florida is #1 in overall tourism
-No state has been more open during the pandemic
-Florida has 8 of the 10 biggest theme parks in America. (Think simlar a Sturgis rally going on the entire summer in 8 different locations.)
-Florida is the 13th most densely populated state
-Florida has numerous big cities.  I can't find the number, but I think it's 5 in the top 50.  Outisde of California and Texas, I'm not sure there's another state that sees the same population density in this amount of different places.
-Florida is the 7th oldest (median age) state in the country.

So just to recap... BIG state (3rd largest), TONS of tourism, TONS of attractions and highly visited places, a well above average population density, an older population, all coupled with some of the most disastrous policies and the approach from a Govenor who has blood on his hands from Covid deaths....  That equals 20th in death rate?????  I don't think so.  Something isn't adding up here, and it's not the easily verifiable numbers; it's the disastrous policy and approach part.

If he was nearly as bad as many of you claim they'd be #1, no question.  But they're 20th?  Tell how that is possible.
(08-30-2021, 12:52 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: As of last week, over the previous 14 days Louisana was worse than Florida in every single category.  The reason I referenced it was because of my earlier post that was seemingly avoided.  This thread ramped back up and I simply asked why no one was talking about Louisiana.  No one responded other than Nately.

Fwiw, as far totals from the beginning, you can pull the death rates (per 100k) since the start of the pandemic from that same link.  You just have to switch from 7 days to January 1st 2020, and from "map" to "graph" to get the numbers:

1.) New York
2.) New Jersey
3.) Mississppi
4.) Lousiana
5.) Massachusetts
6.) Rhode Island
7.) Arizona
8.) Alabama
9.) Conneticut
10.) South Dakota
11.) Arkansas
12.) Pennsylvania
13.) Michigan
14.) New Mexico
15.) Indiana
16.) Georgia
17.) Illinois
18.) Nevada
19.) North Dakota
20.) Florida

I find this suprising.  Here's why...

-Florida is #2 is domestic tourism
-Florida is #2 is international tourism
-Florida is #1 in overall tourism
-No state has been more open during the pandemic
-Florida has 8 of the 10 biggest theme parks in America. (Think a Sturgis rally going on the entire summer in 8 different locations)
-Florida is the 13th most densely populated state
-Florida has numerous big cities.  I can't find the number, but I think it's 5 in the top 50.  Outisde of California and Texas, I'm not sure there's another state that sees the same population density in this amount of different places.
-Florida is the 7th oldest (median age) state in the country.

So just to recap... BIG state (3rd largest), TONS of tourism, TONS of attractions and highly visited places, a well above average population density, an older population, all coupled with some of the most disastrous policies and the approach from a Govenor who has blood on his hands from Covid deaths....  That equals 20th in death rate?????  I don't think so.  Something isn't adding up here, and it's not the easily verifiable numbers; it's the disastrous policy and approach part.

If he was nearly as bad as many of you claim they'd be #1, no question.  But they're 20th?  Tell how that is possible.

So, interestingly, I misread and didn't notice you were talking about death rates and instead case rates. Now I am interested in what makes a state like Florida so different in that their case rate is so high, but their death rate is much lower. I'm very curious about this, now.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
Only kind of Repub I will vote for in 2024 for Prez will be a "Rino". Any Trump or Trumplican on the ticket I'm going Dem, unless its a far lefty in which case Im moving to Canada to take my chances up there.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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