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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(09-06-2021, 09:42 PM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: True but this is rednecks from SC and GA so I bet there were plenty of unvaccinated people there too.

I saw a show at a lil roadside honky tonk in the town that spawned Neal Armstrong earlier this summer. The place was packed, sweltering, and had zero airflow... There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I was the only vaccinated person there... Maybe a coupla the artists performing too.

I just got back from a road trip to Illinois too. Two of the four of us that were in the vehicle were unvaccinated and positive. Didn't know it at the time. Anyway... The girl I've been seeing and I didn't catch it, although hypochondria set in for her when she found out about them. That's the 3rd time in recent weeks where I know I've been exposed... And that time for for a very long period of time. Don't let anyone tell you the vaccine doesn't work.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(09-06-2021, 10:04 PM)jason Wrote: I saw a show at a lil roadside honky tonk in the town that spawned Neal Armstrong earlier this summer. The place was packed, sweltering, and had zero airflow... There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I was the only vaccinated person there... Maybe a coupla the artists performing too.

I just got back from a road trip to Illinois too. Two of the four of us that were in the vehicle were unvaccinated and positive. Didn't know it at the time. Anyway... The girl I've been seeing and I didn't catch it, although hypochondria set in for her when she found out about them. That's the 3rd time in recent weeks where I know I've been exposed... And that time for for a very long period of time. Don't let anyone tell you the vaccine doesn't work.

Although, I am vaxxed up, believe we should follow science, there is a flaw in your example of not getting sick and saying it was the vaccine. There are a lot of people who get it, who are not vaxxed, and have no symptoms. This CoVid stuff is no joke though, and good on you for getting vaxxed. I'm just saying that it is quite possible that you could be one of those who have no symptoms, and others will shoot through the argument. My personal opinion is that the vaccine most likely helped you, and you definitely bettered your chances. Cheers on that, brotha! 
I used to be jmccracky. Or Cracky for short.
(09-06-2021, 10:04 PM)jason Wrote: I saw a show at a lil roadside honky tonk in the town that spawned Neal Armstrong earlier this summer. The place was packed, sweltering, and had zero airflow... There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I was the only vaccinated person there... Maybe a coupla the artists performing too.

I just got back from a road trip to Illinois too. Two of the four of us that were in the vehicle were unvaccinated and positive. Didn't know it at the time. Anyway... The girl I've been seeing and I didn't catch it, although hypochondria set in for her when she found out about them. That's the 3rd time in recent weeks where I know I've been exposed... And that time for for a very long period of time. Don't let anyone tell you the vaccine doesn't work.

Oh I’m not that scared just thought the possibility is there and that’s probably the biggest exposure I’ve had since this all started. We just had 4 people at work catch it and at least 2 (possibly 3) of them were vaccinated. Of course the one guy that definitely wasn’t got by far the sickest.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The school my wife works at is apparently was apparently having rumblings via Facebook that the students in the high school were going to do a "mass walk out" today in protest of the mask mandate.

Neo-cons just baffle me.

THE GOVT - Your son needs to wear a mask for the good of the country.
NEO CONS - BOOOOO you can't tell him what to do!  Freedom!
THE GOVT - You son is being forced to join the army and possibly die for the good of the country.
NEO CONS - YAY this is awesome!  USA!  USA!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-07-2021, 10:34 AM)Nately120 Wrote: The school my wife works at is apparently was apparently having rumblings via Facebook that the students in the high school were going to do a "mass walk out" today in protest of the mask mandate.

Neo-cons just baffle me.

THE GOVT - Your son needs to wear a mask for the good of the country.
NEO CONS - BOOOOO you can't tell him what to do!  Freedom!
THE GOVT - You son is being forced to join the army and possibly die for the good of the country.
NEO CONS - YAY this is awesome!  USA!  USA!

Overwhelmingly kids that young don’t hold hardly any danger from the coronavirus so they say. I don’t see any reason to mask kids up other than to protect the teachers or older staff.

Personally I’d be more on board with having teachers work remotely from home and having the kids come into school I think that would work out much more naturally than the reverse. Then again you would still have the problem of schools not having the funds to set such a thing up.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-07-2021, 11:13 AM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: Overwhelmingly kids that young don’t hold hardly any danger from the coronavirus so they say. I don’t see any reason to mask kids up other than to protect the teachers or older staff.

Personally I’d be more on board with having teachers work remotely from home and having the kids come into school I think that would work out much more naturally than the reverse. Then again you would still have the problem of schools not having the funds to set such a thing up.

People who are in their 30s are dying from covid now, so even if it is overly-hyped rare instances it's still happening.  I was under the impression that kids are more likely to spread it than to succumb to it.  It's like willingly infecting a bunch of lab rats with diseases and then sending them out into the population to wreak havoc.

Pretty sure that was a sci-fi horror movie. 

At any rate, kids learning from home goes back to the "close down the country" because parents are going to have to be home all day with their kids. The public schooling system is the ultimate free baby sitter; tasked with keeping kids stuck in a government funding building until they are old enough to be arrested.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I have a few questions with what's going on right now.

Why aren't we seeing more politicians or people like Dr. Fauci demanding we start implementing some of the measures taken last year to get this under control? Even if on a larger scale (federal and state) they're afraid of pushback and non-compliance, I'm really surprised some of this isn't occuring more on a local level. Let me better explain with some examples....

My father goes to a Senior Center for lunch everyday. They were closed the bulk of last year and didn't reopen until February. They're open right now like everything is fine. I don't know why the organization wouldn't choose to close if everything we're hearing is true. I think it's also important to note that this is in Cincinnati which leans pretty left on the city level.

My local recreation center, which is funded through the city is open as well. They have a ton of senior citizens who use it, along with a lot of children's programs. I'm kind of shocked they haven't closed either.

Is there a sports team anywhere that is being subjected to attendance caps? All thoughout the country, in pretty much every sport, we're seeing stadiums and arenas filled up like everything is totally normal. Why aren't there people going nuts about this?

Like I said, I'm just really shocked we're not hearing for experts calling for lockdowns again. I'm also shocked that many of these publicly run local organizations haven't either outright closed or made some serious changes. I keep reading and hearing about how bad this is but it seems like we've just decided "well, we're opened back up; we can't go back now" which seems really odd to me.

Fwiw, I'm vax'd and I'm not writing any of this to belittle the approach of restrictions or lockdowns. I'm honestly surprised that so many of these things we were told we need to do to prevent this from getting really bad are now off the table. If they work then they work. And if it's getting bad again then it's getting bad again. How is there not a number of politicians putting pressure on the NFL or colleges to set capacity limits? How aren't some of these left leaning local institutions not going back to previous restrictions? Have we just resigned ourselves to there is nothing we can do about this?
(09-07-2021, 11:21 AM)Nately120 Wrote: People who are in their 30s are dying from covid now, so even if it is overly-hyped rare instances it's still happening.  I was under the impression that kids are more likely to spread it than to succumb to it.  It's like willingly infecting a bunch of lab rats with diseases and then sending them out into the population to wreak havoc.

Pretty sure that was a sci-fi horror movie. 

At any rate, kids learning from home goes back to the "close down the country" because parents are going to have to be home all day with their kids. The public schooling system is the ultimate free baby sitter; tasked with keeping kids stuck in a government funding building until they are old enough to be arrested.

At what rate are they dying though. It seems as if it’s always been a low rate like most diseases such as the flu yet people are reacting as if it’s Ebola or something due to all the media attention. Get the most vulnerable (elderly/people with preexisting conditions/etc vaccinated and make sure they know what precautions to take and then let people get on with their lives.

If someone doesn’t want the vaccine then they either need to take extra precautions to avoid getting sick or choose to do what they want and deal with getting sick at this point.

Originally I wasn’t going to get vaccinated because I didn’t see the need as I’m young and I generally don’t like to be around large groups of people outside of an event like a football game, but decided to get it so I could unmask at work (which theyve already reneged on). In the end I probably would have gotten it anyways just because of Delta and typically having a minor case if you get it. Compared to how sick some of the unvaccinated have been that I know caught it in the last month and how many around here have gotten sick recently.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-07-2021, 12:08 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I have a few questions with what's going on right now.

Why aren't we seeing more politicians or people like Dr. Fauci demanding we start implementing some of the measures taken last year to get this under control?  Even if on a larger scale (federal and state) they're afraid of pushback and non-compliance, I'm really surprised some of this isn't occuring more on a local level.

I think the pandemic was mis-branded by leadership in 2020 and the toothpaste can't be put back in the tube.  When you convince people that it is their patriotic duty to resist restrictions and safety protocols you reap what you sow.

If a politician said "It's patriotic to ignore the speed limit" we'd think the guy is nuts.  But if we push the idea that being a freedom fighter is ignoring lockdowns and mandates then you get what we have here.  Even Trump couldn't keep people who PAID to see him from booing him for suggesting they get the vaccine.

I tells ya, in my grandfather's day we had people willing to fight WWII and the people who were home were tearing up their fences and scrapping all the metal they had and quitting their jobs to work for the war effort.  Now we think it's patriotic to spread disease amongst ourselves.  It takes a genuine effort to be this damn selfish.

So it goes.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-07-2021, 12:18 PM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: At what rate are they dying though. It seems as if it’s always been a low rate like most diseases such as the flu yet people are reacting as if it’s Ebola or something due to all the media attention.

Even if the death rate is 1% and that doesn't count going bankrupt from medical bills and/or long term covid-related issues if you don't die, that would mean over 3 million Americans would die of it if we just let it work its way through the population and let everyone get it.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-07-2021, 12:08 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I have a few questions with what's going on right now.

Why aren't we seeing more politicians or people like Dr. Fauci demanding we start implementing some of the measures taken last year to get this under control? Even if on a larger scale (federal and state) they're afraid of pushback and non-compliance, I'm really surprised some of this isn't occuring more on a local level. Let me better explain with some examples....

My father goes to a Senior Center for lunch everyday. They were closed the bulk of last year and didn't reopen until February. They're open right now like everything is fine. I don't know why the organization wouldn't choose to close if everything we're hearing is true. I think it's also important to note that this is in Cincinnati which leans pretty left on the city level.

My local recreation center, which is funded through the city is open as well. They have a ton of senior citizens who use it, along with a lot of children's programs. I'm kind of shocked they haven't closed either.

Is there a sports team anywhere that is being subjected to attendance caps? All thoughout the country, in pretty much every sport, we're seeing stadiums and arenas filled up like everything is totally normal. Why aren't there people going nuts about this?

Like I said, I'm just really shocked we're not hearing for experts calling for lockdowns again. I'm also shocked that many of these publicly run local organizations haven't either outright closed or made some serious changes. I keep reading and hearing about how bad this is but it seems like we've just decided "well, we're opened back up; we can't go back now" which seems really odd to me.

Fwiw, I'm vax'd and I'm not writing any of this to belittle the approach of restrictions or lockdowns. I'm honestly surprised that so many of these things we were told we need to do to prevent this from getting really bad are now off the table. If they work then they work. And if it's getting bad again then it's getting bad again. How is there not a number of politicians putting pressure on the NFL or colleges to set capacity limits? How aren't some of these left leaning local institutions not going back to previous restrictions? Have we just resigned ourselves to there is nothing we can do about this?

They were telling people not to travel over the holiday. KY gov had to call a special session to try and address the issue because his power was stripped previously. There is still some effort out there. But lawsuits have already happened churches were given the green light to be super spreaders, state legislatures have taken power away from governors etc …

Basically the buck was passed on to businesses. And guess what businesses like? Money!!! Guess where money comes from? People!!!

Hence open for business.

I felt like an asshole sitting in a crowded movie theater last Friday. But I got the shot. Had I not. I wouldn’t have been in that theater.
New Jersey reporting today concerning hospital patients. Only 2 percent of their COVID patients were previously vaccinated. All the rest were unvaccinated. Michigan says that if you have been vaccinated then there is only a .005 chance you end up in the hospital. Sure seems like if you get vaccinated, the chance of severity is substantially reduced.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-08-2021, 06:56 AM)Goalpost Wrote: New Jersey reporting today concerning hospital patients. Only 2 percent of their COVID patients were previously vaccinated. All the rest were unvaccinated. Michigan says that if you have been vaccinated then there is only a .005 chance you end up in the hospital. Sure seems like if you get vaccinated, the chance of severity is substantially reduced.

It's almost as if that is what the drug companies, the FDA, the CDC, and pretty much anyone who knows what they're talking about has been saying the whole time. Mellow
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(09-08-2021, 07:15 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: It's almost as if that is what the drug companies, the FDA, the CDC, and pretty much anyone who knows what they're talking about has been saying the whole time. Mellow

But someone on a message board told me the whole vaccine things was "settled". Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I was just thinking that 25 years ago OJ Simpson was found not guilty because the whole thing, though completely logical, was painted as a government conspiracy and DNA evidence was depicted as rushed and unsubstantiated junk science that was being misrepresented by experts who had a sinister agenda. Man, I hope I live long enough to see the next time this happens.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-07-2021, 12:08 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I have a few questions with what's going on right now.

Why aren't we seeing more politicians or people like Dr. Fauci demanding we start implementing some of the measures taken last year to get this under control?  Even if on a larger scale (federal and state) they're afraid of pushback and non-compliance, I'm really surprised some of this isn't occuring more on a local level.  Let me better explain with some examples....  

My father goes to a Senior Center for lunch everyday.  They were closed the bulk of last year and didn't reopen until February.  They're open right now like everything is fine.  I don't know why the organization wouldn't choose to close if everything we're hearing is true.  I think it's also important to note that this is in Cincinnati which leans pretty left on the city level.

My local recreation center, which is funded through the city is open as well.  They have a ton of senior citizens who use it, along with a lot of children's programs.  I'm kind of shocked they haven't closed either.

Is there a sports team anywhere that is being subjected to attendance caps?  All thoughout the country, in pretty much every sport, we're seeing stadiums and arenas filled up like everything is totally normal.  Why aren't there people going nuts about this?

Like I said, I'm just really shocked we're not hearing for experts calling for lockdowns again.  I'm also shocked that many of these publicly run local organizations haven't either outright closed or made some serious changes.  I keep reading and hearing about how bad this is but it seems like we've just decided "well, we're opened back up; we can't go back now" which seems really odd to me.

Fwiw, I'm vax'd and I'm not writing any of this to belittle the approach of restrictions or lockdowns.  I'm honestly surprised that so many of these things we were told we need to do to prevent this from getting really bad are now off the table.  If they work then they work.  And if it's getting bad again then it's getting bad again.  How is there not a number of politicians putting pressure on the NFL or colleges to set capacity limits?  How aren't some of these left leaning local institutions not going back to previous restrictions?  Have we just resigned ourselves to there is nothing we can do about this?

It might have something to do with having vaccines readily available for just about anyone who wants them.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-07-2021, 11:21 AM)Nately120 Wrote: People who are in their 30s are dying from covid now, so even if it is overly-hyped rare instances it's still happening.  I was under the impression that kids are more likely to spread it than to succumb to it.  It's like willingly infecting a bunch of lab rats with diseases and then sending them out into the population to wreak havoc.

Pretty sure that was a sci-fi horror movie. 

At any rate, kids learning from home goes back to the "close down the country" because parents are going to have to be home all day with their kids. The public schooling system is the ultimate free baby sitter; tasked with keeping kids stuck in a government funding building until they are old enough to be arrested.

Have you looked at your property tax bill?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-10-2021, 08:35 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Have you looked at your property tax bill?

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

20% of LA police officers find religion.

Quote:More than 2,000 Los Angeles Police Department employees have indicated they may request exemptions from the City’s new vaccine mandate, claiming their religious beliefs would prevent them from receiving any of the COVID-19 shots, according to multiple senior officials familiar with the City’s effort to vaccinate its workforce.

Approximately 2,300 LAPD employees, which include both officers and support staff, had made the preliminary request on a City website by the end of last week.

The officials said they expected that number to change late Monday because the deadline for employees to file vaccination proof, or request one of the exemptions, was extended to the close of business Sept. 13.

According to the early data, about 300 additional LAPD employees said they may request medical exemptions from the mandate, and when combined, the exemption indications represent about 20 percent of the LAPD’s staff, more than at any other City department, where exemption requests were filed by approximately 2 or 3 percent of the workforce, the officials told the I-Team.

Mayor Eric Garcetti’s office has not publicly shared the number of City employees who have provided proof of vaccination status or the number who have requested one of the exemptions.

Garcetti’s office declined to discuss the numbers, but a spokesperson said the City was expected to release a more complete data set shortly after the extended deadline passed.

The LAPD said its latest vaccination data from Sept. 3 showed 47% of employees had been fully vaccinated, but said in a statement last week that it expected that number to increase after employees who received vaccines independent of City clinics reported their status to the.

Over the weekend six officers filed a federal lawsuit against the City to try to stop the vaccine mandate from taking effect, and one allegation in the case claimed an LAPD Captain told officers at a recent roll call meeting that the City was prepared to fire thousands of unvaccinated officers.

"A Captain, acting as the Chief's Duty Officer at the time, appeared at a roll call and advised the employees present that the 'City is willing to let go of the roughly 3,000 officers not vaccinated,' said the lawsuit, which argued that officers who had recovered from COVID-19 should not be forced to be vaccinated.

The LAPD has declined to comment on the lawsuit.

The union that represents most LAPD officers, the Los Angeles Police Protective League, last week declined to address the vaccine mandate or potential enforcement efforts, citing ongoing labor negotiations with the City.

But apparently still don't care about the health of the people they protect and serve.  Ninja
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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