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Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB"
(01-29-2022, 02:28 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: I stopped reading at the borders are secure part. Say What

If you can post that one & worst yet truly believe it, then I needn't bother.

So you didn't read most of it but disagree.  That's about right.

How about the borders are as safe as they were with the faux wall that DJT took money from the military bases here to pay for?  Is that more to your liking?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-28-2022, 12:42 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: [Image: joe-biden-name-one-thing-republicans-for...C371&ssl=1]

That's a list of vague talking points, most of which conflict with actual party policies and behavior.

The party that sent fake electors from 7 states and tried to stop a legal certification program--what do they mean by "voter integrity." 

I'm guessing "law and order," the slogan of dictatorships, is supposed to replace "rule of law," the slogan of democracies--that's the impression I got from the GOP refusal to impeach Trump twice for violating his oath to the Constitution.

How is siding with Putin over one's own intel services on an international stage "standing up" to Putin--or promising to roll back sanctions? 

Trump broke the Iran Deal; now Iran is producing enriched uranium again. How do you get from that to "No Iran Nukes"? 

"parents rights" appears to mean giving disinformed Fox viewers a veto over school curriculum.

How does one square "fair trade" with Trump tariffs?  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I mean Peter Doocy is a clown and was asking a clown question. I have no issue with this.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-29-2022, 01:27 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: The first two aren't really policies. At least not new policies. They are both inherently anti-dem statements because they imply that the democrats are violating the laws. It comes down to the details, but I don't think democratic prosecutors choosing not to pursue misdemeanors (if this isn't what you're referring to, you can elaborate) is defying the laws as written. Nor do I think accepting asylum seekers who are fleeing conflict that America had a large part in creating is defying the law either (again, if you're referring to something else, elaborate).

I'm forced to disagree, actually following the law is absolutely a policy when the other side is choosing to do the opposite.  It's not even remotely confined to "not pursuing misdemeanors", it's deliberately mischarging people for extremely serious felonies.  I could give you a ten page list of the examples of this I've seen since Gascon took over and I would be scratching the surface.  We had a case in which a juvenile committed ten armed robberies, with a loaded handgun, over a single weekend.  Gascon charged him with ten counts of attempted robbery, despite all of them being "successful" and no hand gun enhancement.  The difference in seriousness between "attempted" and the actual charge is immense.  Or I could tell you about the multiple carjacker, using a firearm, who got a grant of probation, zero confinement time.

Accepting asylum seekers is a policy, but the majority of illegal immigrants are economic migrants, so your point doesn't withstand scrutiny.

Quote:The third is at least a policy, so I'll give you that one, although I question whether Biden changes had as much of an impact on gas prices as you think, rather than the increase in demand as people return to work and the continued supply chain issues associated with the pandemic.

Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk

Depends on who you ask and their political affiliation.  Hell, it could be the oil companies taking advantage of an excuse to raise prices.  But we have a pretty noticeable cause and effect relationship here.  Occam's razor certainly gives us an obvious answer.
(01-31-2022, 01:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'm forced to disagree, actually following the law is absolutely a policy when the other side is choosing to do the opposite.  It's not even remotely confined to "not pursuing misdemeanors", it's deliberately mischarging people for extremely serious felonies.  I could give you a ten page list of the examples of this I've seen since Gascon took over and I would be scratching the surface.  We had a case in which a juvenile committed ten armed robberies, with a loaded handgun, over a single weekend.  Gascon charged him with ten counts of attempted robbery, despite all of them being "successful" and no hand gun enhancement.  The difference in seriousness between "attempted" and the actual charge is immense.  Or I could tell you about the multiple carjacker, using a firearm, who got a grant of probation, zero confinement time.

Accepting asylum seekers is a policy, but the majority of illegal immigrants are economic migrants, so your point doesn't withstand scrutiny.

I don't have a lot of exposure to LA county politics. If they're not charging criminals for serious crimes, then that's ****** up and I agree with you. Even still, what law can a Republican federal government (because you're not getting Republicans to gain power in LA) pass that would change this? And, if there is one that they can pass, I don't think they've proposed it when they were in power, so what would having them back in power change?

As far as illegal immigration, I'll concede that Republicans are much harsher on illegal immigrants. Although it's not like Democrats are in favor of open borders. Kamala literally told Guatemalans to just not come to America, if I recall correctly. Biden (or Obama before him) have not been particularly kind to illegal immigrants. Obama was known as the deporter in chief, after all. But it is my understanding that Democrats are more worried about removing illegal immigrants that cause problems (criminals) and less concerned about, for lack of a better term, "harmless" illegal immigrants that are just trying to make a living (and being hired by the corporations that Republicans are so protective of, by the way). I think the reason we perceive Republicans as more steadfast about illegal immigrants is because they are just more brazen about it, bordering on cruel. While "kids in cages" did occur under Obama, Trump made it a policy rather than exception when the parents or guardians were either not present or suspicious (as it purportedly was under Obama). 

But, regardless, I guess being cruel to illegal immigrants is a policy, so I concede that to you.

Quote:Depends on who you ask and their political affiliation.  Hell, it could be the oil companies taking advantage of an excuse to raise prices.  But we have a pretty noticeable cause and effect relationship here.  Occam's razor certainly gives us an obvious answer.

Oh, there's no doubt in my mind that oil companies (along with a bunch of other companies) are jacking up prices to take advantage of the pandemic. I don't buy for a second that these cost increases are "to keep the lights on," so to speak.
The "No Inflation" made me LOL. That's a hell of a "stance" to take.

But, seriously, they didn't even release a new platform for 2020. Republicans are fighting culture wars and repeating platitudes right now because they don't have any decent policy positions to campaign on. The meme ironically makes that pretty clear
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2022, 01:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Depends on who you ask and their political affiliation.  Hell, it could be the oil companies taking advantage of an excuse to raise prices.  But we have a pretty noticeable cause and effect relationship here.  Occam's razor certainly gives us an obvious answer.

Do you know the saying in statistical analysis that correlation does not equate to causation? It applies here.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(01-29-2022, 01:01 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I can give you three GOP positions off the top of my head that I vastly prefer over the Dem's version.  The first two, unsurprisingly, have to do with actually upholding the law.  One, start actually prosecuting criminals for their actions and impose punitive consequences; two, actually enforce immigration laws as written; and three, give us back our energy independence by removing restriction on fracking and other drilling imposed by Biden that directly led to much higher gas prices.

While I would agree with you that the GOP's platform is more anti-Dem than vice versa, to say they have no platform at all is disingenuous. 

How does your first GOP position hold up for prosecuting the traitor conman prez blackmailing a country and then letting the same guy attempt to steal an election?

I could give two shits about your criminals in LA and how bad the dem DA is when almost the entire Republican party looks the other way when the leader of the free world breaks his sacred oath.

Talking out of both sides of the mouth.

All we heard for two years leading up to the 2016 election was Hillary’s emails and lock her up chants. Law and order went straight to the shitter when the traitor administration started using their private email accounts for official business.
(01-31-2022, 05:12 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Do you know the saying in statistical analysis that correlation does not equate to causation? It applies here.

It could apply here.

(01-31-2022, 05:47 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: How does your first GOP position hold up for prosecuting the traitor conman prez blackmailing a country and then letting the same guy attempt to steal an election?

It doesn't, which is why I don't support that.

Quote:I could give two shits about your criminals in LA and how bad the dem DA is when  almost the entire Republican party looks the other way when the leader of the free world breaks his sacred oath.

I'm sure your apathetic disregard for all the needless victims of crime in Los Angeles is appreciated by those victimized.  

Quote:Talking out of both sides of the mouth.

No.  Not only am I not doing that I'm not even in the ballpark.  You should reserve this type of condemnation for someone who's done something to earn it.  As it is, your accusation is as silly as it is groundless.

Quote:All we heard for two years leading up to the 2016 election was Hillary’s emails and lock her up chants. Law and order went straight to the shitter when the traitor administration started using their private email accounts for official business.

You don't seem to be aware of this, but you can dislike the actions you describe, in addition, to abhorring the obscene abuse of power being displayed by the DA's in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, etc.  Give it a try, it's not as difficult as you appear to think.
(01-31-2022, 06:43 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: No.  Not only am I not doing that I'm not even in the ballpark.  You should reserve this type of condemnation for someone who's done something to earn it.  As it is, your accusation is as silly as it is groundless.

You don't seem to be aware of this, but you can dislike the actions you describe, in addition, to abhorring the obscene abuse of power being displayed by the DA's in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, etc.  Give it a try, it's not as difficult as you appear to think.

Wasn't directed specifically at you. That's how I feel about the republican party platform in general (which is a fox news cartoon in this thread) and the point you made your #1. The number one bullet point is law and order, then the party elects a CAREER CONMAN to represent them and says he is not responsible for any of his actions. Bingo blango bango. GTFO with that bullshit I want no part of it.

I do. You should too if you really like law and order. You have a shitty DA in LA. And guess what. That leads to you support a party that looks that other way on crimes that happen at the very top of the food chain. What good is getting the low level crook off the street when the crime boss is sitting in the tower corrupting the entire country from the top down and you keep voting for them?
(01-31-2022, 08:57 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Wasn't directed specifically at you. That's how I feel about the republican party platform in general (which is a fox news cartoon in this thread) and the point you made your #1. The number one bullet point is law and order, then the party elects a CAREER CONMAN to represent them and says he is not responsible for any of his actions. Bingo blango bango. GTFO with that bullshit I want no part of it.

You will please forgive me for thinking the comments were directed at me as you were quoting my post in your response.  I will reiterate, you can care about both things.  You can also acknowledge GOP hypocrisy, as you describe, while at the same time preferring their position on this issue.  Just like you can prefer the Dem stance on your issue and decry their party assisting and electing DA's who refuse to do their jobs and, IMO, are criminally negligent and have violated their oath of office.  In your own way you are just as blind to the issues of the party you prefer as those you castigated in your previous post.

Quote:I do. You should too if you really like law and order. You have a shitty DA in LA. And guess what. That leads to you support a party that looks that other way on crimes that happen at the very top of the food chain. What good is getting the low level crook off the street when the crime boss is sitting in the tower corrupting the entire country from the top down and you keep voting for them?

I support the GOP on this issue.  On other issues, like abortion and gay rights I absolutely do not.  Even if we had 100 political parties instead of two it's doubtful that most people would be able to find one that they 100% agree with on every position.  As to your last question, it matters a hell of a lot more to people in high crime neighborhoods, or even moderate ones, that criminals are emboldened and act with near impunity than what happens in DC.  You are not alone in your ignorance in this regard, the party you support is equally myopic on this subject and it's a huge reason they're almost certainly going to get their ass handed to them in November.  They'll be confused as to why, as, likely, will you.  But you'll only have to remember this thread to connect the dots.
(01-31-2022, 08:57 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Wasn't directed specifically at you. That's how I feel about the republican party platform in general (which is a fox news cartoon in this thread) and the point you made your #1. The number one bullet point is law and order, then the party elects a CAREER CONMAN to represent them and says he is not responsible for any of his actions. Bingo blango bango. GTFO with that bullshit I want no part of it.

I do. You should too if you really like law and order. You have a shitty DA in LA. And guess what. That leads to you support a party that looks that other way on crimes that happen at the very top of the food chain. What good is getting the low level crook off the street when the crime boss is sitting in the tower corrupting the entire country from the top down and you keep voting for them?

The GOP has never been for law and order unless the laws were meant to keep minorities in there place and the order was with them in power.

But it's a great talking point.  Scare people with the "them" crossing the borders and tell everyone they better have a gun ready when the hoards of "thugs" invade their towns and homes.

That's not the same as fighting crime...that's just bs to get votes from scared people.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-01-2022, 12:11 AM)GMDino Wrote: The GOP has never been for law and order unless the laws were meant to keep minorities in there place and the order was with them in power.

This point is so demonstrably false I'd only excuse the person making it if they were under five years old.

Quote:But it's a great talking point.  Scare people with the "them" crossing the borders and tell everyone they better have a gun ready when the hoards of "thugs" invade their towns and homes.

Immigration and crime are not the same point.  The vast majority of crime, shockingly, is committed by native born residents. While you are correct that the specter of crime has been used, by both parties, in the past to sway votes, there has never been such a clear delineation as there is now between the two parties.  All of the exceedingly bad criminal justice policies being advanced are the products of the Democratic party.  All of the garbage DA's, and equivalents, contributing to a rise in crime are the product of the Democratic party.  The vast, vast, majority of the anti-law enforcement rhetoric comes from left leaning types, including, of course, yourself. 

Quote:That's not the same as fighting crime...that's just bs to get votes from scared people.

Unfortunately, no.  I wish it was all just a political scare tactic.  But for those of us who deal with victims on a daily basis, and see the real world results of the pro-criminal "DA's", as well as, of course, the victims themselves, this is an all too real situation created, completely and without assistance, by the Dems and the far left.  I know why you don't want to believe this, because your own culpability is inherently wrapped up into such an admission, but for those of us who actually do this job, and deal with the consequences, your blatant obfuscations and distortions are just that.  Repeating it endlessly might make you feel better, but it doesn't alter reality, or change the victimization of the people who were attacked by the criminals you helped enable.

Looking at the whole post I can see why you'd want to ignore it, it definitely takes putting on your man pants and accepting some harsh truths.
(01-31-2022, 06:43 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: It could apply here.

It absolutely does. The number of things that go into the price of oil, let alone gasoline at the pumps, is too numerous. Occam's Razor can't even apply to this scenario, philosophically speaking, because of the complexity of the issue itself.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(01-25-2022, 11:28 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Ok, I actually looked at the article now and Peter Doocy is a stupid son of a ***** in my mind, so I can hardly fault Biden for telling it like it is.  Though, he's more of a disingenuous pot-stirrer and muckraker than anything else.

Lordy, people wanted to act like Biden not going ape with the Let's Go Brandon thing showed he was a senile wimp, and now that he calls a d-bag a d-bag he's bad for doing so.  Emotion much?

I voted for Gary Johnson and he called Trump a p***y, so I guess I need to kneel and say a few hail marys for being a part of the potty mouth political poopfest. 

I mean obviously he was.  Day after day Doocy shows up and asks ignorant questions and is basically a troll.   Anyone acting like they are outraged at this is just biased Trump lemming.  They will believe what ever Fox tells them to believe.   
(02-01-2022, 01:43 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: This point is so demonstrably false I'd only excuse the person making it if they were under five years old.

Immigration and crime are not the same point.  The vast majority of crime, shockingly, is committed by native born residents. While you are correct that the specter of crime has been used, by both parties, in the past to sway votes, there has never been such a clear delineation as there is now between the two parties.  All of the exceedingly bad criminal justice policies being advanced are the products of the Democratic party.  All of the garbage DA's, and equivalents, contributing to a rise in crime are the product of the Democratic party.  The vast, vast, majority of the anti-law enforcement rhetoric comes from left leaning types, including, of course, yourself. 

Unfortunately, no.  I wish it was all just a political scare tactic.  But for those of us who deal with victims on a daily basis, and see the real world results of the pro-criminal "DA's", as well as, of course, the victims themselves, this is an all too real situation created, completely and without assistance, by the Dems and the far left.  I know why you don't want to believe this, because your own culpability is inherently wrapped up into such an admission, but for those of us who actually do this job, and deal with the consequences, your blatant obfuscations and distortions are just that.  Repeating it endlessly might make you feel better, but it doesn't alter reality, or change the victimization of the people who were attacked by the criminals you helped enable.

Looking at the whole post I can see why you'd want to ignore it, it definitely takes putting on your man pants and accepting some harsh truths.

Yeah, no.  It's ridiculous at this point for anyone to claim the Republican Party doesn't use Ethno-centrism and racist/sexist propaganda to keep their authoritarian followers at the trough.  For Christ sakes, they haven't ever had a health care policy.   Fox news and all the politicians blast this garbage continually and never address actual issues.  
(02-01-2022, 07:41 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: It absolutely does. The number of things that go into the price of oil, let alone gasoline at the pumps, is too numerous. Occam's Razor can't even apply to this scenario, philosophically speaking, because of the complexity of the issue itself.

No, it could.  We agree that there are many factors, but to dismiss Biden's energy policy as a driving factor outright is not in keeping with empirical analysis.

(02-02-2022, 06:47 PM)yang Wrote: Yeah, no.  It's ridiculous at this point for anyone to claim the Republican Party doesn't use Ethno-centrism and racist/sexist propaganda to keep their authoritarian followers at the trough.  For Christ sakes, they haven't ever had a health care policy.   Fox news and all the politicians blast this garbage continually and never address actual issues.  

Well, you certainly have a well thought out rebuttal here.  Nothing I can say could refute this ironclad position.
(02-02-2022, 07:37 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: No, it could.  We agree that there are many factors, but to dismiss Biden's energy policy as a driving factor outright is not in keeping with empirical analysis.

You would have to provide empirical evidence that his policies has an effect on the price of oil and/or gasoline in order to perform an empirical analysis. Please explain to me the empirical analysis and the evidence used. I'm curious what statistical test was performed as well as the confidence level of the results.

Your position on this is subjective. Don't try to claim some objective, analytical approach to it. This conversation right here is one of the biggest problems in politics, today. People think and try to claim that they are coming to some position based on an objective analysis, but they are just telling themselves that when it is nothing but their opinion. It's emotionally based. People see something correlative and make causative statements about it. If people would just be willing to admit what they don't know, we'd be a lot better off.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(02-03-2022, 07:56 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: You would have to provide empirical evidence that his policies has an effect on the price of oil and/or gasoline in order to perform an empirical analysis. Please explain to me the empirical analysis and the evidence used. I'm curious what statistical test was performed as well as the confidence level of the results.

Your position on this is subjective. Don't try to claim some objective, analytical approach to it. This conversation right here is one of the biggest problems in politics, today. People think and try to claim that they are coming to some position based on an objective analysis, but they are just telling themselves that when it is nothing but their opinion. It's emotionally based. People see something correlative and make causative statements about it. If people would just be willing to admit what they don't know, we'd be a lot better off.

Bel, it's as simple as supply and demand.  Biden's policies have resulted in less supply, both now and going forward, while demand is now increasing due to people returning to work and leaving their homes.  I literally acknowledged that there are many factors that go into the price of gas, but to state that Biden's energy policy isn't a major contributor rather flies in the face of logic.  Oil, like any commodity, is traded as much on its current value as its future value.  Restricting supply means the oil that is left will naturally be worth more, especially as demand continues to increase.  This is economics 101.
The narrative about Biden cutting production is a bit off.

Quote:'A spectacular failure of climate leadership': Climate activists hit out at the Biden administration for issuing MORE drilling permits on public land in first year than under Trump
  • Biden in his first week in office had issued an executive order halting new leases for oil and gas drilling 
  • That order was struck down by U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Louisiana
  • Biden issued 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling in his first year in office, 900 more than Trump in his first year
  • Biden's runaway drilling approvals are a spectacular failure of climate leadership,' said the Center for Biological Diversity's Taylor McKinnon
  • Legal challenges have 'made it impossible for us to stop many of these leases,' White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed Thursday 
PUBLISHED: 17:40 EST, 28 January 2022 UPDATED: 18:01 EST, 28 January 2022

Despite lofty promises on environmental goals, President Biden has outpaced even [url=]President Trump
 in issuing new drilling permits on public land. 

Biden in his first week in office had issued an executive order halting new leases for oil and gas drilling. But that order was struck down by U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Louisiana, and the administration has said its hands were tied and it had to continue issuing the leases. 

Biden issued 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling in his first year in office, 900 more than Trump in his first year, according to federal data compiled by the Center for Biological Diversity. 


Since 2018, the U.S. has been the top crude oil producer in the world. But with prices rising at the pump, Biden has not only increased production at home but called on OPEC+ nations to produce more fuel. And as Russia threatens to invade Ukraine and cuts back on its gas exports to Europe, the U.S. has become the number one exporter of natural gas in the world.

There is much more to it that just "Biden's policies".  As there always is.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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