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Christian Terrorists Kill American Civilians and Shoot Police
(11-27-2015, 11:38 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: But ...but... but ..... They are showing us after all.  

Because all they care about is skin color.    It kills them that Islamic practices are barbaric.

You've shown yourself incapable of reading twice now.  If you cannot follow the progression of a thread, please see yourself out and let the adults with fully formed intellects discuss the issue at hand...

(11-27-2015, 11:15 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I didnt know he was a white male when I originally posted either.  Again, I was just going off past events.  Those where radical christians terrorize innocent civilians based on their deep seated ignorance hatred for Planned Parenthood.  My original post would have been just as correct were it a male or female.  I updated with the WHITE MALE piece when it was revealed that it was a WHITE MALE who was arrested and placed into a cruiser at the scene.

Lucy.  Please read the entire thread before reposting the same question.
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(11-27-2015, 11:43 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: You've shown yourself incapable of reading twice now.  If you cannot follow the progression of a thread, please see yourself out and let the adults with fully formed intellects discuss the issue at hand...

Yeah I saw where you admitted you just assumed.

And? Not really sure that's a news flash around here ... Ninja
(11-27-2015, 11:49 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yeah I saw where you admitted you just assumed.  

And?   Not really sure that's a news flash around here ...    Ninja

Assumed what?  That it was a Christian?  Yes.  I did.  Because radical christians have taken up the cause of controlling women's reproductive rights, much like you have.

I UPDATED the thread when I found out it was a white male.  

I'll propose the same wager to you as I did Bfine earlier in this post.  And raise the stakes to $500 if I'm incorrect and give you 5/1 odds.  Let me know when you're ready to put you're money where your mouth is Type 'A' boy.
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UPDATE christian radical racks up 3 fatalities in his crusade against womens reproductive rights, thus far. 2 civilians, 1 officer.

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(11-27-2015, 11:53 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Assumed what?  That it was a Christian?  Yes.  I did.  Because radical christians have taken up the cause of controlling women's reproductive rights, much like you have.

I UPDATED the thread when I found out it was a white male.  

I'll propose the same wager to you as I did Bfine earlier in this post.  And raise the stakes to $500 if I'm incorrect and give you 5/1 odds.  Let me know when you're ready to put you're money where your mouth is Type 'A' boy.

I'm walking away now Lucy.  Going to go have dinner and hopefully extra-marital intercourse with a girlfriend of Iranian decent.  

I'll give you to midnight MST to accept or reject said proposal.  Based on what is being circulated on social media, I doubt you want to take that bet.  I'll go ahead and make a donation in your name regardless and post it here. Probably make it my signature.

All I'm trying to say is the bullshit congressional meetings and media hysteria over the PP videos months ago did nothing but intensify the feelings of far right christian radicals like this guy.  You took the bait as well.  Luckily you're a better person than he and vent your frustrations on boards like these rather than taking actions like these.  

Offer stands for 4 more hours, post here if you want to take me up on it.  Positive you're going to see this.  The size of your Type A balls is the only thing left in question.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-28-2015, 12:13 AM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I'm walking away now Lucy.  Going to go have dinner and hopefully extra-marital intercourse with a girlfriend of Iranian decent.  

I'll give you to midnight MST to accept or reject said proposal.  Based on what is being circulated on social media, I doubt you want to take that bet.  I'll go ahead and make a donation in your name regardless and post it here. Probably make it my signature.

All I'm trying to say is the bullshit congressional meetings and media hysteria over the PP videos months ago did nothing but intensify the feelings of far right christian radicals like this guy.  You took the bait as well.  Luckily you're a better person than he and vent your frustrations on boards like these rather than taking actions like these.  

Offer stands for 4 more hours, post here if you want to take me up on it.  Positive you're going to see this.  The size of your Type A balls is the only thing left in question.

1. Congrats on your Iranian gf. Not sure why you added that detail. But I'm glad to hear you are happy.

2. I would take you up if there was not a history of you guys moving the mark constantly.

3. As far as the hearings. They were only over 60 million in discretionary spending. Killing babies and population control are unfortunately engrained in society as acceptable. Hard to roll back 100 years.

Not sure why you roll me into Radical ... I have never threatened or shown violence towards anyone who disagrees with my point of view. And being opinionated on a bengals message board isn't radical.

I do respect your willingness to throw some cash out there, and I hope you were sincere . I also respect your frustration for the hearings. Unfortunately most did not know what they were ever truly about and just ran with it .... That goes for both sides.

4. You show a pattern of being reasonable and not constantly changing definitions and we can make some bets down the road. Although I'm not sure betting on who loses their life next is in good taste.
(11-27-2015, 11:33 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Wack jobs come in all shapes and sizes; but anyone trying to compare these issues to international Terrorism is just displaying their simple side. 

This seems like domestic terrorism, to me.  This guy probably had his head full of misleading hyperbole of what goes on in a Planned Parenthood and this is his way of scaring people out of working there, or going there.  If this guy doesn't have the same "Sacrificing myself for the greater good" mentality that deludes all these false martyrs then I'd be quite surprised.


noun: terrorism

  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-28-2015, 01:54 AM)Nately120 Wrote: This seems like domestic terrorism, to me.  This guy probably had his head full of misleading hyperbole of what goes on in a Planned Parenthood and this is his way of scaring people out of working there, or going there.  If this guy doesn't have the same "Sacrificing myself for the greater good" mentality that deludes all these false martyrs then I'd be quite surprised.


noun: terrorism

  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Now research the word international. 

We will soon discover his motivation and there is a good chance that he was misguided. 

Debating this while 3 people who left for work this morning don't get to come home makes us all seem petty.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-28-2015, 02:12 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Now research the word international. 

We will soon discover his motivation and there is a good chance that he was misguided. 

Debating this while 3 people who left for work this morning don't get to come home makes us all seem petty.

I don't see how petty this is.  Acting as if yet another shooting is just some isolated incident seems more insulting to the dead than arguing over it.  At the hear of it, we are dealing with terrorism, and terrorists fueled by hyperbolic ramblings drilled into their heads by people with an agenda.
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(11-28-2015, 02:34 AM)Nately120 Wrote: I don't see how petty this is.  Acting as if yet another shooting is just some isolated incident seems more insulting to the dead than arguing over it.  At the hear of it, we are dealing with terrorism, and terrorists fueled by hyperbolic ramblings drilled into their heads by people with an agenda.

I suppose the obvious point that is missed is that we do not yet know the motivation of the shooter. 

Maybe, just maybe we can wait to discover that before we "argue" over it. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(11-28-2015, 02:34 AM)Nately120 Wrote: I don't see how petty this is.  Acting as if yet another shooting is just some isolated incident seems more insulting to the dead than arguing over it.  At the hear of it, we are dealing with terrorism, and terrorists fueled by hyperbolic ramblings drilled into their heads by people with an agenda.

You don't understand.  See, Lucy and Larry insists that unless it is an organized attack by someone from a group with a announced mentality to kill those they disagree with then we can NOT say it was terrorism.  That's only for them Muslims.  No matter how many white Christians kill in their God's name they aren't the same because....white Christian.

See?  Rolleyes
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Until they release a motive, it's a bit in bad taste to start politicizing the deaths of two police officers.

Obviously I am assuming that an active shooter at Planned Parenthood is going to be someone opposed to abortion, but I'll wait before launching into any condemnations of public figures.
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This does not represent Christianity. The teachings of that religion, although oppressive and bigoted, are not murderous. This person is insane, and latched on to a "cause" to try to become some sort of a soldier for it.

I do hope that neither side here treats this issue hypocritically compared to how they would treat this if this were a Muslim man doing the same.

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(11-28-2015, 11:31 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Until they release a motive, it's a bit in bad taste to start politicizing the deaths of two police officers.

Obviously I am assuming that an active shooter at Planned Parenthood is going to be someone opposed to abortion, but I'll wait before launching into any condemnations of public figures.

Unless something changed since last night, even PP is saying they don't know if they were a specific target for the shooter. That's the most probable outcome, but it's still unknown to the public at this point. It's weird that someone who would be acting as a martyr would be taken alive, but then again that's surprising for any mass shooter regardless of motivation so i don't know what to take from it.
[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]
Maybe someday we will start taking serious the mentally ill people in this country . The amount of mood enhancement drugs this country takes is ridiculous.

Releasing the mentally ill onto the streets or trying to mainstream them is the reason we have these issues today.
(11-28-2015, 03:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Maybe someday we will start taking serious the mentally ill people in this country .  The amount of mood enhancement drugs this country takes is ridiculous.    

Releasing the mentally ill onto the streets or trying to mainstream them is the reason we have these issues today.

It is kinda funny that Lucy is in here pimping the mental health part of this.  I wonder if that would be the same response if this was one of them brown skinned fellas doing the terrorism...

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

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(11-28-2015, 02:37 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I suppose the obvious point that is missed is that we do not yet know the motivation of the shooter. 

Maybe, just maybe we can wait to discover that before we "argue" over it. 

See, this is what happens when Americans delude themselves into treating every domestic shooting spree as "some nut with a gun."  But I suppose there is a chance some white guy with an assault rifle targeted a Planned Parenthood because his shoes were too tight, or something.

(11-28-2015, 04:18 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: It is kinda funny that Lucy is in here pimping the mental health part of this.  I wonder if that would be the same response if this was one of them brown skinned fellas doing the terrorism...

I fear there a more than a few people in this country that own assault rifles and have been told Planned Parenthood is chopping up babies and selling their parts.  Maybe we should find those people and make them wear badges or put them in interment camps, or something.  If 1 out of every 1,000 of them were a poisoned peanut would you eat them?

But hey, until we find out the motive we can only assume this is another one of those weekly occurrences where some random nut with a gun just happens to go crazy that seems to happen so often in this country. Go figure. Totally random. What can ya do? Life goes on for most of us.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
So who is going to pay to make sure the mentally ill are not dumped into the streets?

Though, the real issue with this violence isn't those who are victims of deinstitutionalization. Those people are an issue when it comes to homelessness and incarceration. If this man were mentally ill, he falls into the problem of identifying those who are mentally ill, getting them help, and preventing them from accessing weapons. Part of that fight is not stigmatizing mental illness and treatment, encouraging people to seek help, and making it easier/cheaper to get help.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(11-28-2015, 04:36 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: So who is going to pay to make sure the mentally ill are not dumped into the streets?

Though, the real issue with this violence isn't those who are victims of deinstitutionalization. Those people are an issue when it comes to homelessness and incarceration. If this man were mentally ill, he falls into the problem of identifying those who are mentally ill, getting them help, and preventing them from accessing weapons. Part of that fight is not stigmatizing mental illness and treatment, encouraging people to seek help, and making it easier/cheaper to get help.

The American people.  Tax money is collected to be spent to protect and better the people of the nation.  And if there is not enough in the coffers to do so, they need to collect more.
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(11-28-2015, 03:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Maybe someday we will start taking serious the mentally ill people in this country .  The amount of mood enhancement drugs this country takes is ridiculous.    

Releasing the mentally ill onto the streets or trying to mainstream them is the reason we have these issues today.

Is your character trying to blame medications for these types tragedies again?

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