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no hijab = 14 yr old violently dragged out of school by her hair
(12-02-2015, 09:00 PM)GMDino Wrote: So then its NOT about parenting?  Its about your hatred and stereotyping of all followers of Islam based only on the actions of the ones who do bad / studid / dangerous things?



You live in an odd world.    Why you feel such contempt for people who only directly respond to the news of the day is beyond me.

Why you would defend someone who physically abuses children is quite interesting. I guess in all your brown people defense you forgot you defended a child abuser.
(12-02-2015, 09:35 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You live in an odd world.    Why you feel such contempt for people who only directly respond to the news of the day is beyond me.

Why you would defend someone who physically abuses children is quite interesting.    I guess in all your brown people defense you forgot you defended a child abuser.

Most people aren't fans of bigots. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-02-2015, 08:07 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So find me stories of parents dragging their children out of school by their hair or necks because they cut their hair, wore jewelry, or changed from her dress to pants/shorts.    I will equally be against an adult being physical with a child.  

My issue isn't about the violence.  We all agree it's ridiculous to treat a child that way.   And are happy the authorities are following up.   The main issue is this guy using violence because his children are assimilating into western life.   This is what we should be promoting...... Assimilation.    This man needs to assimilate himself to our ways of not abusing children.

go back a few posts where the guy was telling a kid he's evil because he's left handed. This isn't about assimilation, your fussing because they aren't converting from their religion to yours.

to get Seussical on you (to help with understanding), here isn't there. There is there, here is here. If you want to be there and require people to convert to your religion, go for it. If you want to be here, then you should look at the first amendment.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-02-2015, 09:35 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You live in an odd world.    Why you feel such contempt for people who only directly respond to the news of the day is beyond me.

Why you would defend someone who physically abuses children is quite interesting.    I guess in all your brown people defense you forgot you defended a child abuser.

Oh! So you think because I doubt your ever changing "motives" for what you post I am therefore supporting the guy in the story?

I see.

So it is review time!

First:  A story about one person who takes his religion way to seriously...and thus makes all of Islam bad.

(12-02-2015, 12:34 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

Parenting 101 brought to you by Islam 

So bad, in fact, that there is nothing even comparable in your religion despite links to prove otherwise.
(12-02-2015, 02:38 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Dragging a kid out of school by her hair because she isn't wearing a religious article of clothing. = Bad

Find me the story on the christian dragging a
Child out by her hair from school for not wearing a cross around her neck.

This is exactly why I saw assimilation is key for immigrants.   We don't live this way in our western society.    What this man did was criminal.

And you carried the religious argument all through the rest of the thread as you make a point?
(12-02-2015, 04:52 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Haha I just post the news man.    I did post the news of the Christians threatening Muslims in Belgium.   So I am an equal opportunity news poster.     

You mention christian parents beating over gayness ....  Or whatever ....   That's a far cry from running into a public school to drag a kid out by their hair for not wearing their religious garmet.   

Like I said the same story for a christian is them dragging their kid out by the hair for not wearing their cross.

In fact you even said the violence was wrong!  Well, in public.
(12-02-2015, 05:31 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: A Muslim will do the same to their gay kid.  Being gay is rejected in all major religions.   Quite different than wearing or not wearing a piece of religious clothing .  

Now do I think you should. Hit or grab your kid by the hair and drag them around in public ..... Of course not ....  

As for the parents with the gay kid ....  All you can do is love your kid and hope for the best.   In the end gay or straight isn't that important compared to healthy or not healthy.    You may not like your kids choices but at some point they get to make their own choices and will deal with the pro's and con's of those decisions.    That's life.   

Same thing this Muslim should be doing with his daughter.   Let her be a western kid.   Western girls don't hide themselves.  It's actually a good situation this young girl is assimilating into western life.   As it should be ...

Ah!  But then it WASN'T about was about living like a real 'Murican!
(12-02-2015, 06:37 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: To bring this back to the OP.  

This isn't about wearing religious clothing as much as its about why punish someone who is assimilating into their western life.   We should be sad this girl is being oppressed and can only hope that these parents are held to the same standards as any child abusers.

And finally....
(12-02-2015, 08:07 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:  

So find me stories of parents dragging their children out of school by their hair or necks because they cut their hair, wore jewelry, or changed from her dress to pants/shorts.    I will equally be against an adult being physical with a child.  

My issue isn't about the violence.  We all agree it's ridiculous to treat a child that way.   And are happy the authorities are following up.   The main issue is this guy using violence because his children are assimilating into western life.   This is what we should be promoting...... Assimilation.    This man needs to assimilate himself to our ways of not abusing children.

(12-02-2015, 09:35 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You live in an odd world.    Why you feel such contempt for people who only directly respond to the news of the day is beyond me.

Why you would defend someone who physically abuses children is quite interesting.    I guess in all your brown people defense you forgot you defended a child abuser.

I guess in your attempt to paint followers of Islam as violent and unable to adapt to "Western ways" you decided the violence wasn't important anymore.  Just WHY there was violence.

[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Female circumcision, death by stoning for adultery, forced to wear head covering clothing, not allowed to be fully educated, forced to assume a subservient role.  Yeah, the "religion of peace" really has a place in American Society...

And the funniest part is that the folks on the Left claim that those on the Right have a war on women.. LOL
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(12-02-2015, 10:10 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Female circumcision, death by stoning for adultery, forced to wear head covering clothing, not allowed to be fully educated, forced to assume a subservient role.  Yeah, the "religion of peace" really has a place in American Society...

And the funniest part is that the folks on the Left claim that those on the Right have a war on women.. LOL

Extremely conservative Muslims would be on the Right...
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-02-2015, 10:17 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Extremely conservative Muslims would be on the Right...

yup. religious right.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I thought what Adrian Peterson did to his son was excessive and crossed than line from punishment to abuse, but many people defended his actions as a normal spanking back at the old board.
(12-02-2015, 10:17 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Extremely conservative Muslims would be on the Right...

Nice reply, but not at all toward my point.

If it were a White, Black, or even Mexican in the US, that dragged their young female relative by the hair, down stairs, and slapping her publicly, this would have been big news on all the collective outlets.  Why?  Because our culture has advanced past the point of subjugating females as being an acceptable practice.

Where is the collective society outrage?  This is not acceptable behavior in American Society.  Are we to just simply ignore this sort of thing, because the Muslims "aren't up to speed on how to act in America"? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(12-02-2015, 10:33 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Nice reply, but not at all toward my point.

If it were a White, Black, or even Mexican in the US, that dragged their young female relative by the hair, down stairs, and slapping her publicly, this would have been big news on all the collective outlets.  Why?  Because our culture has advanced past the point of subjugating females as being an acceptable practice.

Where is the collective society outrage?  This is not acceptable behavior in American Society.  Are we to just simply ignore this sort of thing, because the Muslims "aren't up to speed on how to act in America"? 

It made the local news. Not sure a child abuse case like this would have made national news unless it resulted in death or involved a famous person. 

Also, the police arrested him. It certainly wasn't ignored. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-02-2015, 09:38 PM)Benton Wrote: go back a few posts where the guy was telling a kid he's evil because he's left handed. This isn't about assimilation, your fussing because they aren't converting from their religion to yours.

to get Seussical on you (to help with understanding), here isn't there. There is there, here is here. If you want to be there and require people to convert to your religion, go for it. If you want to be here, then you should look at the first amendment.

I don't want them to be my religion. They can Islam it up. But I don't want women to be oppressed. Or children abused. The west is pro women, they can do whatever they wish... The issues I have with Islam are mostly the oppression on women. These are the thing I wish Islam would take out of their teachings. It's not practical and they can worship God while giving women equal rights and freedoms.
(12-02-2015, 10:17 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Extremely conservative Muslims would be on the Right...

Being conservative doesn't mean oppressing women.
(12-02-2015, 12:34 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

Parenting 101 brought to you by Islam

(12-03-2015, 12:46 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I don't want them to be my religion.   They can Islam it up.  But I don't want women to be oppressed.   Or children abused.    The west is pro women, they can do whatever they wish...   The issues I have with Islam are mostly the oppression on women.    These are the thing I wish Islam would take out of their teachings.   It's not practical and they can worship God while giving women equal rights and freedoms.

Please explain what is "proper" dress for young women and which sports they are "allowed" to play in order to be...proper while having "equal rights and freedoms".

In detail please.

Take your time.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-03-2015, 12:47 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Being conservative doesn't mean oppressing women.

No one said it does.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I've seen young women getting beat by their father for dressing outside of their religious rules. There is (was now, maybe) a pizzeria in a small town near here that was a favorite hangout for teenagers that were a bit more rural. Being a reluctant city kid (which is a joke really to call this a city) I would head over every now and then. Once a week they would have karaoke, dancing, and it was all pretty teen friendly. Well, without fail each week there would be 3-4 buggies parked outside and a gaggle of Old Order Mennonite (OOM) girls would pile out and they would head straight to the bathroom, coming out in jeans and tee shirts and no prayer caps/bonnets.

I witnessed this only once, but it had apparently happened on more than one occasion over the years, where one or more of the fathers of these young ladies would show up and drag them off. Sometimes it was by the hair, sometimes by a very strong grip on the arm that you immediately knew was bruising the girl, and at least one struck his daughter across the face.

The irony that this was being exhibited my members of a peace church was not lost on me, especially as a peace church member myself, but it was an all too real reality.
(12-02-2015, 10:10 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Female circumcision, death by stoning for adultery, forced to wear head covering clothing, not allowed to be fully educated, forced to assume a subservient role.  Yeah, the "religion of peace" really has a place in American Society...

And the funniest part is that the folks on the Left claim that those on the Right have a war on women.. LOL

Well, we've got male circumcisions, life imprisonment for smoking a naturally growing plant, religions where men and women are forced to wear or not wear certain things, and (in most Christian denominations) women forced to assume a subservient role. Outside of the education, a lot of it is perspective.

Which is ok. It's ok to look down the nose at someone else's culture or way of life. Where it becomes a problem for the US is when we tell them they have to do it "our" way. Because there isn't supposed to be an "our" way.

(12-02-2015, 10:33 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Nice reply, but not at all toward my point.

If it were a White, Black, or even Mexican in the US, that dragged their young female relative by the hair, down stairs, and slapping her publicly, this would have been big news on all the collective outlets.  Why?  Because our culture has advanced past the point of subjugating females as being an acceptable practice.

Where is the collective society outrage?  This is not acceptable behavior in American Society.  Are we to just simply ignore this sort of thing, because the Muslims "aren't up to speed on how to act in America"? 

It made the news.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
It's funny. Some take no issue in the OP or others in this thread making this seem like a muslim problem by saying "parenting 101 brought to you by Islam", but are appalled when you say "parenting 101 brought to you by religion".

Enjoy those generalizations.....unless you're part of the group being generalized.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-03-2015, 01:03 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: It's funny. Some take no issue in the OP or others in this thread making this seem like a muslim problem by saying "parenting 101 brought to you by Islam", but are appalled when you say "parenting 101 brought to you by religion".

Enjoy those generalizations.....unless you're part of the group being generalized.

Where did anyone say it was ok to abuse their kids for any reason? Religious or whatever....

I put parenting 101 brought to you by Islam because the story is about an Islamic guy who abused his kid for not wearing a religious item.

Find me a story about any other religion abusing rheir kids and I will mention them by name as well .
(12-03-2015, 12:29 PM)Benton Wrote: Well, we've got male circumcisions, life imprisonment for smoking a naturally growing plant, religions where men and women are forced to wear or not wear certain things, and (in most Christian denominations) women forced to assume a subservient role. Outside of the education, a lot of it is perspective.

Which is ok. It's ok to look down the nose at someone else's culture or way of life. Where it becomes a problem for the US is when we tell them they have to do it "our" way. Because there isn't supposed to be an "our" way.

It made the news.

on the bolded:   Yes we do tell them that when they come to our country they need to abide by our societal rules.   This is why it's all about assimilation.   Which thank God the guys daughter was trying to do.   If we moved to Saudi Arabia then we would have to have our women wearing covers or else we would be stirring up trouble in their culture.   It's not too much to ask that when you come here you respect women, don't abuse  them or your children.    Part of going to a new place is giving up part of your cultural norms that do not fit.  

This is also why it's Dangerous to be moving refugees off their continents.   Have a hard time believing Asia has no room for these refugees.

Our way = western civilization
(12-03-2015, 02:13 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Where did anyone say it was ok to abuse their kids for any reason?   Religious or whatever....  

I put parenting 101 brought to you by Islam because the story is about an Islamic guy who abused his kid for not wearing a religious item.  

Find me a story about any other religion abusing rheir kids and I will mention them by name as well .

Where did I say that anyone said that it was ok to abuse their kids for any reason?  You must have meant to quote someone else there.

I don't believe that you put "by Islam" simply because the story is about Muslims.  I believe you put it there because it supports the agenda that you push daily.  

Its just funny that if you mention that he was religious, others get upset because it's painting all of the crazies in the same light, but those same people have no problem painting all of islam's crazies in the same light.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

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