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no hijab = 14 yr old violently dragged out of school by her hair
(12-03-2015, 02:13 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Where did anyone say it was ok to abuse their kids for any reason?   Religious or whatever....  

I put parenting 101 brought to you by Islam because the story is about an Islamic guy who abused his kid for not wearing a religious item.  

Find me a story about any other religion abusing rheir kids and I will mention them by name as well .

And if we started threads about Christians abusing their children you would reply that we try to hard to defend Muslims and these are REAL Chiristians and so on and so on...

But since I have time:

Quote:Two young children died after parents refused to treat them with medicine

A Pennsylvania mother and father who believe in faith-healing were sent to jail Wednesday for causing the death of their young, sick child by refusing to take him to the doctor. It was the second of Herbert and Catherine Schaible’s children to die under their care.

“You’ve killed two of your children…not God, not your church, not religious devotion — you,” Philadelphia Judge Benjamin Lerner told the couple, as he sentenced them to between three and a half and seven years behind bars. The Schaibles pled no contest to third-degree murder in their eight-month-old son Brandon’s death last year from pneumonia.

The Schaibles lost a first child in 2009, a two-year-old who died from pneumonia. They were sentenced to ten years probation for involuntary manslaughter for that death. Part of their probation stated that they must seek medical care if another one of their children became sick.

Herbert Schaible told police last year that medicine violates their religious beliefs. “We believe in divine healing, the Jesus shed blood for our healing and that he died on the cross to break the devil’s power,” he said.

The couple belongs to a small Pentacostal community. They have seven surviving children.

Quote:He took a belt to his boys in the name of God.

The father of the 19-year-old who was beaten to death at the secretive Word of Life Christian Church — and the 17-year-old who survived the alleged assault — lashed them both during a sick “counseling session,” cooperating witness Daniel Irwin testified Friday.

At a court hearing in upstate New Hartford, N.Y., Irwin said he watched through a window as Bruce Leonard beat his doomed son Lucas.

Irwin, whose older brother Joseph is also charged in the teen’s death, said Lucas’ mother, Deborah, was there but he didn’t see her lay a hand on the teenager.

Lucas was bleeding and rolling around on the floor before passing out, Irwin added. He said he helped load the unconscious teen into a van so his parents could drive him to a hospital.

The shocking testimony came at a hearing where prosecutors persuaded a judge to hold the elder Leonard, a 65-year-old Santa-lookalike, and his wife, Deborah, 59, for a grand jury to decide whether to indict them for Lucas’ death.

Both are charged with manslaughter and have pleaded not guilty.

Quote:In Texas, two church members have fled to Mexico after an anonymous tip was called into the local police that church members had been trying to resurrect a child from the dead.

The child reportedly died a week earlier according to NBC News.

According to a witness who called the police,

Quote:[T]old investigators that a “rising ceremony” was held March 22 “to attempt to resurrect Victim from the dead.” When that failed, the child was wrapped in a blanket and “taken back to Mexico,” according to the search warrant request.

The child was believed by the church pastors to be possessed by demons and went 25-days without food before his death.

The boys parents have not been located by authorities, but the the women in the video police located shows Aracely Meza, the church’s secretary, praying and speaking in tongues over the boys body asking Jesus to give breath to the child. When the resurrection attempt fails, Meza breaks down in tears.

This young boy, a toddler fell victim to yet another case of religious lunacy. The parents, congregation and church leaders failed to use an ounce of critical thinking and charged the innocent child with a demonic possession and sentenced the child to die and then believed in the power of faith to raise him from the dead.

In an act of true cowardice, those guilty quickly fled the country instead of answering to authorities because they know full well they murdered an innocent child.

(h/t Raw Story)

Quote:Brian and Precious Kandare belong to a religious sect that meets in a converted garage in the Black Country and discourages medical treatment, instead relying on the power of prayer. They believed 'evil spirits' were making their child ill.

This afternoon, they were jailed for nine-and-a-half years and eight years respectively after what a senior police officer described as the worst case of its type he'd seen.

As a result, their eight-month-old daughter, Rebecca suffered one of the worst cases of malnutrition a doctor had seen in 33 years of practice.

Little Rebecca died at New Cross Hospital on January 6 last year, weighing just 11lb 11oz - only 4lb heavier than when she was born. She had no teeth, hardly any hair, had loose folds of skin because she weighed so little and was suffering from both rickets and pneumonia.

Full coverage of the case Nottingham Crown Court, where her parents were sentenced for her manslaughter today, heard she could have been saved if taken for treatment right up until the last few hours of her life.

Brian and Precious, aged 30 and 37 respectively, are members of the Apostolistic Church of God which prefers prayer to medical treatment and preaches a 'strict religious moral code'.

The couple were among a 20-strong congregation worshipping in a converted garage in the back garden of a house in Nine Elms Lane, Park Village, Wolverhampton, revealed Mr Jonas Hankin QC, prosecuting.

And this is getting drepressing.

So I'll leave you with this:

Quote:Godly Tips on How to Punish and Beat Your Christian Child  

"Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being."Proverbs 20:30
From the Landover Baptist Department of Creation Science
[Image: electrodes.jpg]

1. To begin with, a Christian parent must understand that a child will never learn a lesson unless they are beaten on their naked bottoms until the imprint of the rugged cross is plainly visible on both cheeks.  (Proverbs 23:13-14) A clothed bottom is less humiliating and less painful for the wicked child. In fact, the child may feel no pain at all if they are cunning enough to sin while wearing heavy jeans or khaki pants.  A youngster who can sit comfortably after a Godly beating will think they have outsmarted you and tend to repeat their misdeed and feel a license to move on to more hardcore sins, like rape and blasphemy.  If a child is able to sit down within three days without ointment or a bag of frozen vegetables after their punishment, you have failed as a Christian parent.   A good spanking should be traumatic and something the child will remember well into adulthood. 

2. Use a heavy object, a ruler is too light, a belt-buckle may cause bleeding and suspicion from liberal democrat schoolteachers if you are careless enough to allow your child to attend a public school. We suggest a heavy King James 1611 authentic cowhide leather bound Bible.

3. Find a comfortable place to sit and ask your child to come over and have a seat on your lap. Act as if there is nothing amiss. We suggest that you smile or wink at your child. If it is your daughter, say "Come on over here and sit on daddy's lap, sweet heart. I want to talk to my little angel for a minute." If it is your son, we suggest you say, "Hey there, sonny - how's Dad's little quarterback? Come on over here and sit on my lap for a minute and let's talk about Jesus."

4. As soon as you have the child on your lap, clench his hands so that he cannot move.  Immediately flip the child over so that his stomach is across your knees. If the child struggles, give him a good whack across the back of his head and tell him to shut up. Whisper in his ear, "You're going to get a whole lot worse from Jesus, you rebellious, hateful, little sissy!"

5.  This is the point where the child may act like a little demon and start screaming.  Be prepared for this wicked outburst.  Have an athletic sock in your back pocket and cram it into the child's mouth.  Stuff it back until you get to the stripes at the top of the socks.  Don't worry: if the child is smart enough to remember to breath through their nose, they won't suffocate.

6. Ready your Bible, and lift it high above your head with one hand. Keep the child secure with your free hand. Landover Baptist Creation Scientists agree that the most effective way of securing the child for beating is to clench the back of his neck like a turkey. If they are still struggling, we suggest you raise your voice and say something like, "I'll give you something to squirm over, you little devil!"

7.  Pull down their pants and underwear to reveal their pink little hiney.  May sure both cheeks are fully exposed.

8. To ensure that the child is aware of their misdeed, and they never forget it, it is often best to smack the child across the bottom with the Bible as you speak out their misdeed. Each word would be one healthy whack across their naked hind quarters. For example: "YOU" [WHACK!] "DIDN'T" [WHACK!] "EAT" [WHACK] "YOUR" [WHACK] "BRUSSEL" [WHACK] "SPROUTS" [WHACK!] "YOU" [WHACK!] "LITTLE" [WHACK!] "DEMON!" [WACK!] and finishing off with a lighter whack, "did" [whack!] "you?" [whack!]

9.  Rebuke the child in the sweet name of Jesus, toss them aside like a used Kleenex and let them roll to the floor to contemplate their sinful nature.

10. After about an hour, when the child has calmed down, have him sit on your lap again and read him some scripture verses about Hell (We recommend, Matthew 13:41-42) from the same Bible you used to beat him with.  Let the child know that the punishment he received today is nothing compared to the eternal punishment of Hell where Jesus burns and cooks all the bad little boys and girls who don't do what their daddy tells them.

The last link was the HIGHLIGHT of my search.

 I know its a satire site.  I wonder if Lucy will get it? 

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Muslim does something wrong = did it because he is doing what Islam tells him to do
Christian does something wrong = did it because he is NOT doing what Christianity tells him to do

Adam Jones takes Amari Cooper's helmet off him and smashes his head into it = toughness, swagger, awesome
Akib Talib pokes some dude in the eye after a play = this guy needs banned for life
Hine Ward = filthy...we all know this is true, no bias involved
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-03-2015, 03:22 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Muslim does something wrong = did it because he is doing what Islam tells him to do
Christian does something wrong = did it because he is NOT doing what Christianity tells him to do

Adam Jones takes Amari Cooper's helmet off him and smashes his head into it = toughness, swagger, awesome
Akib Talib pokes some dude in the eye after a play = this guy needs banned for life

Get with the program pally.  Akib & Amari =/= 'Western' Names.

shooda' 'simmilated like we 'em
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-03-2015, 03:26 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Get with the program pally.  Akib & Amari =/= 'Western' Names.

shooda'  'simmilated like we 'em

Yea, like Adam Jones.  Dude could be a nice white boy what works down at the mom 'n' pop grocery with a name like that!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-03-2015, 03:33 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yea, like Adam Jones.  Dude could be a nice white boy what works down at the mom 'n' pop grocery with a name like that!

But he knows he's just the bag boy and doesn't give any body lip.  

done 'simmilated dat un goood
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-03-2015, 03:22 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Muslim does something wrong = did it because he is doing what Islam tells him to do
Christian does something wrong = did it because he is NOT doing what Christianity tells him to do

Adam Jones takes Amari Cooper's helmet off him and smashes his head into it = toughness, swagger, awesome
Akib Talib pokes some dude in the eye after a play = this guy needs banned for life
Hine Ward = filthy...we all know this is true, no bias involved

It goes back to the script I mentioned in the other thread. We defend out own interests by acting it out when we have something in common, but when others are acting it out so many choose to ignore them. Then we expect everyone to believe us when we act it out for our own stuff because, well, privilege.
(12-03-2015, 03:22 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Muslim does something wrong = did it because he is doing what Islam tells him to do
Christian does something wrong = did it because he is NOT doing what Christianity tells him to do

Adam Jones takes Amari Cooper's helmet off him and smashes his head into it = toughness, swagger, awesome
Akib Talib pokes some dude in the eye after a play = this guy needs banned for life
Hine Ward = filthy...we all know this is true, no bias involved

If Cooper didn't want to get smacked around, he shouldn't have went out dressed like that.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-03-2015, 02:30 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Where did I say that anyone said that it was ok to abuse their kids for any reason?  You must have meant to quote someone else there.

I don't believe that you put "by Islam" simply because the story is about Muslims.  I believe you put it there because it supports the agenda that you push daily.  

Its just funny that if you mention that he was religious, others get upset because it's painting all of the crazies in the same light, but those same people have no problem painting all of islam's crazies in the same light.

Well I know you feel I have an agenda on Muslims. But I really don't.... Just happens to be the stories I post. Because they are usually the most sensational groups doing crimes.

If I was really anti Islam I would be promoting rounding them up. I also understand it's tough for hardcore islamics to live in the west. That's also why I think it's a bad idea to force them to come here when they can't or won't assimilate. They would probably have a more smooth transition in a Country on their continent. But if they do come here it's reasonable to expect them to assimilate into western culture and be an active member of society. Not close off in their own comfort level within. Their own communities. I don't think this helps us or them. And really adds to anyone who actually may fear them.

(12-03-2015, 03:22 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Muslim does something wrong = did it because he is doing what Islam tells him to do
Christian does something wrong = did it because he is NOT doing what Christianity tells him to do

Adam Jones takes Amari Cooper's helmet off him and smashes his head into it = toughness, swagger, awesome
Akib Talib pokes some dude in the eye after a play = this guy needs banned for life
Hine Ward = filthy...we all know this is true, no bias involved

Isn't that difference between one group having a reformation and one group not having one? A christian sees it that way because we have had one. Islam has never had one. And if they did I think a lot of changes in how people perceive them. I know it would make a difference for me personally .

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