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Admit you voted for Biden
(06-20-2022, 08:20 PM)ochocincos Wrote: Well that doesn't sound very objective, does it?
Sounds very preachy to me.
Like it's your way or the highway.
Not very "freedom of choice."

Why do you care if someone else believes in god at all or some other religion?

I don't hear a lot of "proof" from your side. Just spouting that your viewpoint is true.

You say, "What's the foundation of knowledge that allows you to get that opinion?" I would say because there's never been proof that god exists.

oh there's freedom of choice when it comes to god. chose correctly and enjoy everlasting paradise. chose wrong and well you'll find out. 

your last sentence, that's not a foundation. that's an opinion you have. how do you determine anything. what is your objective, necessary foundation for truth, for knowledge except just what you decide in your own head? what is your opinion grounded in that's not arbitrary?
(06-20-2022, 08:25 PM)basballguy Wrote: it's a troll account, don't fall for it.

surely you don't support child abuse on a grand scale and over an long period of time? because that's what the catholic church is.

calling people trolls because you don't like what say or because you don't have a good arguments is not a good way to interact. it's more of a way to avoid hard questions and not having to come up with answers. i've been very civil to people but have been called a troll multiple time just for sharing my points of view or asking questions. 
(06-20-2022, 08:28 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: oh there's freedom of choice when it comes to god. chose correctly and enjoy everlasting paradise. chose wrong and well you'll find out. 

your last sentence, that's not a foundation. that's an opinion you have. how do you determine anything. what is your objective, necessary foundation for truth, for knowledge except just what you decide in your own head? what is your opinion grounded in that's not arbitrary?

Well, I have a degree in computer science, so I approach pretty much everything very analytical.
I'm also typically the kind of person who doesn't believe something until I see it for myself.
Zac Taylor 2019-2020: 6 total wins
Zac Taylor 2021-2022: Double-digit wins each season, plus 5 postseason wins
Patience has paid off!

Sorry for Party Rocking!

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-20-2022, 08:34 PM)ochocincos Wrote: Well, I have a degree in computer science, so I approach pretty much everything very analytical.
I'm also typically the kind of person who doesn't believe something until I see it for myself.

analytics and experience are foundations, they are tools. what foundation are those tools ultimately contingent on?
So glad that asshole has been banned. Troll or not, that amount of inflammatory shit is just ridiculous; I could thumbs down all day! LOL

(06-20-2022, 04:33 PM)ochocincos Wrote: I don't know if I can answer all those questions, but here's what I can tell you - $1700/month apartment is crazy high. That's about the cost of apartments right by my office building.

A CHEAP monthly condo rental in Toronto is north of $1,500.00. You want a decent place? $2,000.00 minimum.

Prices are crazy in the West (and possible in the East, too) right now...

(06-20-2022, 07:41 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: god doesn't work through perfect vessels because there aren't any. i understand you didn't choose trump, but you're not god. sometimes you need to accept that someone knows better than you and humble yourself to the bigger picture.

plus, joe biden is a catholic, a heretic, a tool of darkness. that's in direct opposition to god.

really, because god if the foundation of all knowledge, you can't come to any conclusions unless you start with god and work from there. if you do that, it will lead you to trump. the answers will be provided for you.

(06-20-2022, 07:59 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: catholics are heretics. biden is a life long catholic. this isn't outlandish like you're making it seem.

Yeah, if the guy is a troll, whatever, but if not, I find it hilarious that there are actually morons out there that read the exact same text and teachings, yet, "we''re the bad ones!"

I also find it hilarious that he believes that someone elected by secular means, by many NON-Christians (how many is up for debate, of course), was, "chosen by God!" ala an Emperor in Medieval Times.

As I said in the Jan. 6th thread, the delusion (if legitimate) is literally unbelievable...
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
(06-21-2022, 09:52 AM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: So glad that asshole has been banned. Troll or not, that amount of inflammatory shit is just ridiculous; I could thumbs down all day! LOL

A CHEAP monthly condo rental in Toronto is north of $1,500.00. You want a decent place? $2,000.00 minimum.

Prices are crazy in the West (and possible in the East, too) right now...

Yeah, if the guy is a troll, whatever, but if not, I find it hilarious that there are actually morons out there that read the exact same text and teachings, yet, "we''re the bad ones!"

I also find it hilarious that he believes that someone elected by secular means, by many NON-Christians (how many is up for debate, of course), was, "chosen by God!" ala an Emperor in Medieval Times.

As I said in the Jan. 6th thread, the delusion (if legitimate) is literally unbelievable...

I've always found it curiously convenient that what God wants always seems to align rather perfectly with that of the individual asserting God's desires. By means of interpretation, God generously affirms the proclamations of every believer -- even when in direct contradiction. 

Religion has always provided an extremely interesting, and often disturbing, window into the human mind.
(06-21-2022, 09:52 AM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: So glad that asshole has been banned. Troll or not, that amount of inflammatory shit is just ridiculous; I could thumbs down all day! LOL

A CHEAP monthly condo rental in Toronto is north of $1,500.00. You want a decent place? $2,000.00 minimum.

Prices are crazy in the West (and possible in the East, too) right now...

Yeah, if the guy is a troll, whatever, but if not, I find it hilarious that there are actually morons out there that read the exact same text and teachings, yet, "we''re the bad ones!"

I also find it hilarious that he believes that someone elected by secular means, by many NON-Christians (how many is up for debate, of course), was, "chosen by God!" ala an Emperor in Medieval Times.

As I said in the Jan. 6th thread, the delusion (if legitimate) is literally unbelievable...

It's a troll account, likely by someone from these forums.  Every talking point they had lined up with some peoples' views of republicans (that i won't call out).  It's pretty staged.  

Hence why the old requirements for this forum need to be enforced.  I think it was like 1000 rep and 1 year membership...which is a pain in the ass if you're gonna try to create a troll account....
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(06-21-2022, 04:16 PM)Lucidus Wrote: I've always found it curiously convenient that what God wants always seems to align rather perfectly with that of the individual asserting God's desires. By means of interpretation, God generously affirms the proclamations of every believer -- even when in direct contradiction. 

Religion has always provided an extremely interesting, and often disturbing, window into the human mind.

Nobody wants to believe there's literally nothing after our life is over.  The thought is absolutely terrifying for a lot of people.  Can't really blame them.  

Nonetheless, now that Biden has been outed as a heretic, I'm definitely still not voting for him in the next election.  :)
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(06-21-2022, 04:36 PM)basballguy Wrote: It's a troll account, likely by someone from these forums.  Every talking point they had lined up with some peoples' views of republicans (that i won't call out).  It's pretty staged.  

Hence why the old requirements for this forum need to be enforced.  I think it was like 1000 rep and 1 year membership...which is a pain in the ass if you're gonna try to create a troll account....

A lot of wishful thinking on your part.

There is a decent amount of fully brainwashed people out there who believe exactly what tiger blood was saying.

Why do you think trump started going after the religious crowd? Because he himself is religious? Or because they were an easy mark?
(06-21-2022, 04:36 PM)basballguy Wrote: It's a troll account, likely by someone from these forums.  Every talking point they had lined up with some peoples' views of republicans (that i won't call out).  It's pretty staged.  

Hence why the old requirements for this forum need to be enforced.  I think it was like 1000 rep and 1 year membership...which is a pain in the ass if you're gonna try to create a troll account....

It's becoming more difficult to decipher which Republican takes are legitimately their own thoughts or just for the sake of trolling the opposition. The reason it has become more difficult is because of the likes of Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Bobert, Louie Gomert, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and many other of their ilk that are not just speaking for the very vocal and growing MAGA segment of the Replublican party, but are actually part of Congress.

The previous POTUS - the embodiment of lunacy, conspiracy theorist, pathological dishonesty and egomaniacal tendencies - is perhaps the epitome of trolling while also believing in the very idiocy that fuels said trolling. The perception of the Right is being perpetuated and re-enforced by the Right themselves. It's hard to say it's just a caricature when they are the ones painting the picture and insisting the picture is literally who they are and what they represent. 
(06-21-2022, 04:53 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: A lot of wishful thinking on your part.

There is a decent amount of fully brainwashed people out there who believe exactly what tiger blood was saying.

Why do you think trump started going after the religious crowd? Because he himself is religious? Or because they were an easy mark?

very interesting that you were the first person to respond.   Wink
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(06-21-2022, 04:57 PM)Lucidus Wrote: It's becoming more difficult to decipher which Republican takes are legitimately their own thoughts or just for the sake of trolling the opposition. The reason it has become more difficult is because of the likes of Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Bobert, Louie Gomert, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and many other of their ilk that are not just speaking for the very vocal and growing MAGA segment of the Replublican party, but are actually part of Congress.

The previous POTUS - the embodiment of lunacy, conspiracy theorist, pathological dishonesty and egomaniacal tendencies - is perhaps the epitome of trolling while also believing in the very idiocy that fuels said trolling. The perception of the Right is being perpetuated and re-enforced by the Right themselves. It's hard to say it's just a caricature when they are the ones painting the picture and insisting the picture is literally who they are and what they represent. 

"Biden is a heretic" is an absolutely absurd take that even the most fanatical republicans wouldn't claim.  It's the type of shit some hard left leaning person thinks (and wishes) is how a republican would talkI think Brad is further right than me but he wouldn't even dare talk like that (or believe that shit).  It's so ridiculous it's clear it's someone trolling us.  

How hard would it be for me to make a second account and pretend Eli Apple is good for a couple months so I can come on this forum and just start acting like all the negative liberal stereotypes out there?
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(06-21-2022, 05:10 PM)basballguy Wrote: "Biden is a heretic" is an absolutely absurd take that even the most fanatical republicans wouldn't claim.  It's the type of shit some hard left leaning person thinks (and wishes) is how a republican would talkI think Brad is further right than me but he wouldn't even dare talk like that (or believe that shit).  It's so ridiculous it's clear it's someone trolling us.  

How hard would it be for me to make a second account and pretend Eli Apple is good for a couple months so I can come on this forum and just start acting like all the negative liberal stereotypes out there?

I wouldnt call that guy a dime a dozen, but there are sincere MAGA folks who think like him. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-21-2022, 04:53 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: A lot of wishful thinking on your part.

There is a decent amount of fully brainwashed people out there who believe exactly what tiger blood was saying.

Why do you think trump started going after the religious crowd? Because he himself is religious? Or because they were an easy mark?

Trump did what no other mainstream politician has been willing to openly and purposely do, which is to publicly embrace the very worst, most fanatical and intellectually uninspired of the American voter base. Groups of people that formerly had been considered as outliers and had little power in terms of affecting the vote, have now been invited to the MAGA tent, where they can join many other radical, outlandish groups to form a much larger voting block that all of sudden does possess very real voting power. 

Add to that the movement -- involving even many more moderate Republicans -- towards the Evangelical desire for Christian Nationalism, and you have a very dangerous recipe; a recipe that is extremely authoritarian and socially regressive in nature.
(06-21-2022, 04:44 PM)basballguy Wrote: Nobody wants to believe there's literally nothing after our life is over.  The thought is absolutely terrifying for a lot of people.  Can't really blame them.  

Nonetheless, now that Biden has been outed as a heretic, I'm definitely still not voting for him in the next election.  :)

Agreed sir. The promise of life after death is the single greatest selling point, and a rather powerful one at that. However, I've always thought that concept has been extremely harmful in that it leads to a great many of us not valuing the one life we know we have with the importance and gravitas it deserves.
(06-21-2022, 05:19 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I wouldnt call that guy a dime a dozen, but there are sincere MAGA folks who think like him. 

I often find myself quite perplexed when people on the Right state that MTG's views - for example - don't necessarily represent the MAGA movement, while she has accumulated the largest war chest in Congress as direct result of the MAGA movement.

This isn't meant to paint the entire Right with a single brush, but rather those who say the MAGA movement is being misrepresented even though the MAGA wing of the party and the base insist that it does represent what they are portraying.

Comments or positions that we define as trollish, outlandish or dangerous coming from MAGA supporters are now coming from the halls of Congress on a daily basis. Ideological lunacy and extremism has become so normalized, it's led to abject apathy in terms of honestly addressing how concerning the shift is that's occurring.
(06-21-2022, 04:53 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: A lot of wishful thinking on your part.

There is a decent amount of fully brainwashed people out there who believe exactly what tiger blood was saying.

Why do you think trump started going after the religious crowd? Because he himself is religious? Or because they were an easy mark?

Yep Trump targeted a demographic that was largely being ignored (they felt, at least).
I think the more sad/disgusting part is how many people have those socially-conservative viewpoints.
I can more understand (and even accept in some cases) financially-conservative viewpoints, but the socially-conservative viewpoints just blow my mind.
It's 2022, not 1952 (and it shouldn't have even been acceptable then).
Zac Taylor 2019-2020: 6 total wins
Zac Taylor 2021-2022: Double-digit wins each season, plus 5 postseason wins
Patience has paid off!

Sorry for Party Rocking!

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-22-2022, 12:25 PM)ochocincos Wrote: Yep Trump targeted a demographic that was largely being ignored (they felt, at least).
I think the more sad/disgusting part is how many people have those socially-conservative viewpoints.
I can more understand (and even accept in some cases) financially-conservative viewpoints, but the socially-conservative viewpoints just blow my mind.
It's 2022, not 1952 (and it shouldn't have even been acceptable then).

Religion is ok, but people who believe that god and demons intervene in out daily lives are a bit difficult to deal with at times. 

A lack of shared reality is quite the hurdle. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-22-2022, 12:37 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Religion is ok, but people who believe that god and demons intervene in out daily lives are a bit difficult to deal with at times. 

A lack of shared reality is quite the hurdle. 

I'm ok with religion (although I don't believe in it), but what I don't agree with is people trying to further merge church and state.
We shouldn't be making laws based on religious beliefs.
Zac Taylor 2019-2020: 6 total wins
Zac Taylor 2021-2022: Double-digit wins each season, plus 5 postseason wins
Patience has paid off!

Sorry for Party Rocking!

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Who writes Grampa’s instructions?

YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants.
YOU take YOUR seat.
Press enters
YOU give brief comments
Press departs
YOU ask Liz Shuler, president, AFL-CIO, a question. (Note, Liz is joining virtually)
YOU thank participants
YOU depart

Seems like a series of very simple events that the leader of the free world should be able to pull off. They stopped short of “YOU remember to breathe”.

So who writes these things and who’s in charge of POTUS? Are those of you who voted for him curious?

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