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Admit you voted for Biden
(06-23-2022, 10:32 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Who writes Grampa’s instructions?

YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants.
YOU take YOUR seat.
Press enters
YOU give brief comments
Press departs
YOU ask Liz Shuler, president, AFL-CIO, a question. (Note, Liz is joining virtually)
YOU thank participants
YOU depart

Seems like a series of very simple events that the leader of the free world should be able to pull off. They stopped short of “YOU remember to breathe”.

So who writes these things and who’s in charge of POTUS? Are those of you who voted for him curious?

His staffers, and no. This isn't uncommon.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-24-2022, 07:33 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: His staffers, and no. This isn't uncommon.

I don’t think his staffers told him to warn us about the second pandemic lol
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(06-24-2022, 07:33 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: His staffers, and no. This isn't uncommon.

The President needing more specific instructions than my toddler needs seems uncommon.
(06-24-2022, 01:05 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: The President needing more specific instructions than my toddler needs seems uncommon.

As long as the president takes direction better than a toddler, I see it as a positive.  I think we've gone a bit overboard turning the president into a one man source of power. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2022, 01:21 PM)Nately120 Wrote: As long as the president takes direction better than a toddler, I see it as a positive.  I think we've gone a bit overboard turning the president into a one man source of power. 

Congress long ago abdicated its responsibilities to push it all off to the executive branch so now who ever is president he (or she) is forced to be the most hated person in America regardless of party.   It's become a temporary popularity contest and by its very nature the office of the president is responsible to all voters, not just one party or the other. When a president becomes excessively partisan it's over for him or her and we keep flipping back and forth every few years. 
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2022, 01:21 PM)Nately120 Wrote: As long as the president takes direction better than a toddler, I see it as a positive.  I think we've gone a bit overboard turning the president into a one man source of power. 

Sometimes a furry animal, let’s say a bunny, reroutes my toddler’s train of thought as well. White House staff employing the appropriate tactics.
(06-24-2022, 07:05 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Sometimes a furry animal, let’s say a bunny, reroutes my toddler’s train of thought as well. White House staff employing the appropriate tactics.

The bar is low.  We get it.  It blows it was Biden vs Trump.  It sucks the office of president has been perverted to the point where it is this important. 

It sucks Americans are so hooked on electing old politicians.  Were going to do it again.  

I wish we were on Gary Johnson's second term now but Republicans went all distracted toddler and wanted shiny new Trump over two successful Republican governors.  Reap what you sow and all that. That opened the door to any Democrat winning. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2022, 07:40 PM)Nately120 Wrote: The bar is low.  We get it.  It blows it was Biden vs Trump.  It sucks the office of president has been perverted to the point where it is this important. 

It sucks Americans are so hooked on electing old politicians.  Were going to do it again.  

I wish we were on Gary Johnson's second term now but Republicans went all distracted toddler and wanted shiny new Trump over two successful Republican governors.  Reap what you sow and all that. That opened the door to any Democrat winning. 

Yeah, 2020 was literally the South Park election episode. The turd sandwich (Biden) and the giant douche (Trump).
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
I have been voting for over 40 years. I have never before at any level voted for a Democrat. I voted for Biden because I despise Trump. I would have voted for a broken hockey stick over Trump. I voted Libertarian in 2016 because I couldnt stand Hillary either.
(06-25-2022, 09:17 AM)Beaker Wrote: I have been voting for over 40 years. I have never before at any level voted for a Democrat. I voted for Biden because I despise Trump. I would have voted for a broken hockey stick over Trump. I voted Libertarian in 2016 because I couldnt stand Hillary either.

You know Tucker Carlson would be speculating that the broken hockey stick was made in Canada and ineligible for office. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Of course I voted for Biden.

Trump was a failure on almost all levels because he was ill-equipped to handle the job.

His very nature, narcissistic/egotistical/tyrannical, was just amplified when given a position of power.  And that is reflected in all he attempted to do (and did) to overturn the election because he could accept that lost at ANYTHING.

Is Biden who I wanted? No.  But given that all one has to do is have a basic understanding of economy and global news I can't blame him for everything that is wrong right now either.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Thread should have been named misery loves company. Shocked
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-14-2022, 12:33 AM)basballguy Wrote:  
You're using GDP to measure the economy.  GDP is generally accepted as the easiest indicator of the economy....i feel like there's more to it but it's what you're going with.  

I also appreciate you posting the chart.  You fit the mold for the random internet user that thinks posting a chart with no context immediately makes you right.  Kudos.  

What you haven't clarified is how it was reeling.  To me it looks like you're just making shit up as you go...which is fine, but we'll run with this for now.  

Yes. GDP is generally accepted as the easiest indicator of the economy. That's why I posted it and left the notes indicating the recessions under Republican rule. But you went and did one better by posting a better link(thanks) and it indicates every recession.

Now, my main commentary was that the end of Republican's presidencies has been marked by economic wastelands. Your link shows that every recession in my adult lifetime has always been during a Republican's Presidency. Since you put yourself in the category of above Random Internet User, please clarify as to why it's a coincidence and NOT a Republican problem that all of these recessions happen under their watch. Even your own link has the only recession during the 16 years of Clinton and Obama was the aftermath of Bush II . . . which is kind of what I was talking about in the first place.

Quote:Now using GDP - 

Bush I 
  • Q1 1992 - 6.363T 1.6% increase of previous quarter
  • Q2 1992 - 6.470T 1.7% increase
  • Q3 1992 - 6.566T 1.5% increase
  • Q4 1992 - 6.680T 1.9% increase
  • Q1 1993 - 6.729T (Clinton takes over) - 0.7% increase
  • Q2 1993 - 6.808T (First full Q) - 1.2% increase

So the year before Clinton took over, the GDP was steadily increasing.  It continued to increase when Clinton took over.  
You are correct. I remembered the recession before your numbers kicked in. It's highlighted by both of our links. Late 90-91 was not good for Bush even though the Iraq war was supposedly America's most one-sided victory, the view was that the handling of the economy took him down. Maybe your memory is different as to why he lost but that's how it went up here.
And, just curious, did you ever give credit to Obama for the six to seven years of steady economic recovery that Trump took over?
Quote:Bush II

No sense in spelling out the GDP here by quarter.  There was a GLOBAL recession.  But hey man if you're down with blaming that on Bush then there's no hope for you.  Instead I'll give you these tidbits:

  • The GDP grew from 10.470T to 14.608T under Bush for a 39.5% increase (even after you factor in his recession quarters at the end of his term)
  • For the first half of the recession the GDP still grew each quarter.  
  • The GDP impact of the recession was basically over by the time Obama took office
Which country's economy effects the global economy the most? I've always thought that it was ours. So if ours is mishandled, like irresponsible tax cuts . . . doesn't that effect the global economy?
And I'm not saying you are, but many are blaming Biden for gas prices. I know that in Alaska in 2000, I was working with some friends planning on buying land, building it up and selling it. Gas was $1.07 a gallon in our notes. 8 years later, on September 2, I sent an e-mail to an ex-gf and in there I tell her that gas is currently $4.50 a gallon and is forcing prices of everything in the produce department that I work in to skyrocket. So where I live, in 8 years, gas more than quadrupled in price. I don't care what the national averages were, I just know that life was miserable after Bush II and for some reason, gas prices never got that high under Obama while life for the average person improved year by year.
"Mishandling of Covid"
  • Q3 2019 - 21.505T (too lazy to do %'s at this point)
  • Q4 2019 - 21.694T
  • Q1 2020 - 21.481T
  • Q2 2020 - 19.477T
  • Q3 2020 - 21.138T
  • Q4 2020 - 21.477T
Where in your absolutely insane mind do you think Trump handed off a "reeling" economy to Biden (based off GDP)?  If anything, you should be all over Trump's nut sack (if we're blaming/crediting presidents for the economy) for keeping the GDP impact of Covid to 1-2 quarters tops.  

Now I personally do not believe you can even credit/blame presidents for the state of the economy....but people like you come around, with no understanding of the economic picture, and toss out blame without a second thought.  

One last thing on your  "oMg YoU WaTcH fOxNeWs" comment.....I don't.  :)

data source:
I was literally heading out the door to spend the last week and a half on one of those properties that we/I bought years ago before selling it when I posted that and was posting that just as a quick example of a timeline of recessions, not necessarily as an example of GDP at the exact handover.
But hey. Apparently you know more about the economy and I'm willing to learn. Go ahead and explain why all of those grey zones indicating recessions in your link happened under Republicans watch, but aren't their fault. And also please explain why there were none under the last two Democratic presidents, other than the leftovers of Bush's mess, but somehow, their policies are supposed to be bad for the economy. Now I'll give you 9-11 and Covid, but what about the other recessions your wonderful link points out? Why did it show, as I correctly remembered, that they happened under a Republican regime? 
Only users lose drugs.
A bit late to this thread but yes I'm a proud Biden voter and tell people as much in real life.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-27-2022, 01:57 AM)Forever Spinning Vinyl Wrote: Yes. GDP is generally accepted as the easiest indicator of the economy. That's why I posted it and left the notes indicating the recessions under Republican rule. But you went and did one better by posting a better link(thanks) and it indicates every recession.

Now, my main commentary was that the end of Republican's presidencies has been marked by economic wastelands. Your link shows that every recession in my adult lifetime has always been during a Republican's Presidency. Since you put yourself in the category of above Random Internet User, please clarify as to why it's a coincidence and NOT a Republican problem that all of these recessions happen under their watch. Even your own link has the only recession during the 16 years of Clinton and Obama was the aftermath of Bush II . . . which is kind of what I was talking about in the first place.

You are correct. I remembered the recession before your numbers kicked in. It's highlighted by both of our links. Late 90-91 was not good for Bush even though the Iraq war was supposedly America's most one-sided victory, the view was that the handling of the economy took him down. Maybe your memory is different as to why he lost but that's how it went up here.
And, just curious, did you ever give credit to Obama for the six to seven years of steady economic recovery that Trump took over?
Which country's economy effects the global economy the most? I've always thought that it was ours. So if ours is mishandled, like irresponsible tax cuts . . . doesn't that effect the global economy?
And I'm not saying you are, but many are blaming Biden for gas prices. I know that in Alaska in 2000, I was working with some friends planning on buying land, building it up and selling it. Gas was $1.07 a gallon in our notes. 8 years later, on September 2, I sent an e-mail to an ex-gf and in there I tell her that gas is currently $4.50 a gallon and is forcing prices of everything in the produce department that I work in to skyrocket. So where I live, in 8 years, gas more than quadrupled in price. I don't care what the national averages were, I just know that life was miserable after Bush II and for some reason, gas prices never got that high under Obama while life for the average person improved year by year.
I was literally heading out the door to spend the last week and a half on one of those properties that we/I bought years ago before selling it when I posted that and was posting that just as a quick example of a timeline of recessions, not necessarily as an example of GDP at the exact handover.
But hey. Apparently you know more about the economy and I'm willing to learn. Go ahead and explain why all of those grey zones indicating recessions in your link happened under Republicans watch, but aren't their fault. And also please explain why there were none under the last two Democratic presidents, other than the leftovers of Bush's mess, but somehow, their policies are supposed to be bad for the economy. Now I'll give you 9-11 and Covid, but what about the other recessions your wonderful link points out? Why did it show, as I correctly remembered, that they happened under a Republican regime? 

I'm not looking to discount your post because you clearly put some time into it with the length of it.  

My biggest sticking point was you claimed the economy was "reeling" and it took a Democratic president to save us.  

I'm not looking to argue where the recessions were, who presided over them, etc...simply pointing out that 1) recessions can happen anywhere and 2) There was no "reeling economy" during the presidential changeovers.  

As i stated in the post you replied to, I do not put blame/praise on the presidents for the state of the economy.  
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(06-13-2022, 01:13 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The real question is would you vote for Biden again over a frontrunner like DeSantis.

Not even a question in my mind.  DeSantis is a complete turd..  My wife is from Florida..Everyone hates him.. 
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Joe inherited a hot freaking dumpster fire from the former guy who made a complete mess of government in general, covid in particular.. Covid even without the mess the former stooge made of it set things back quite a ways, but he made it into another goddamned culture war issue. The worst thing he did, aside from trying his failed coup d'etat was to keep the next administration from being able to hit the ground running and mostly destroying continuity of government.. Oh dumpster fire voters conveniently forgot about that mess didn't you? 
There is a small morbid part of me that almost hopes that dumpster fire voters attempt a civil war to see the US military put them down like the rabid dogs they are . 
(06-27-2022, 04:56 PM)grampahol Wrote: Not even a question in my mind.  DeSantis is a complete turd..  My wife is from Florida..Everyone hates him.. 

His approval rating rather says otherwise, but your opinion is noted.

(06-27-2022, 05:06 PM)grampahol Wrote: Joe inherited a hot freaking dumpster fire from the former guy who made a complete mess of government in general, covid in particular.. Covid even without the mess the former stooge made of it set things back quite a ways, but he made it into another goddamned culture war issue. The worst thing he did, aside from trying his failed coup d'etat was to keep the next administration from being able to hit the ground running and mostly destroying continuity of government.. Oh dumpster fire voters conveniently forgot about that mess didn't you? 
There is a small morbid part of me that almost hopes that dumpster fire voters attempt a civil war to see the US military put them down like the rabid dogs they are . 

I will never understand this position from the left.  It's like you guys don't know that the military is composed of our fellow citizens and not robots.  You think if it really came down to a civil war that everyone in the military would be on the side of the left?  I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but the opposite is much closer to the truth.
(06-27-2022, 05:19 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: His approval rating rather says otherwise, but your opinion is noted.

I will never understand this position from the left.  It's like you guys don't know that the military is composed of our fellow citizens and not robots.  You think if it really came down to a civil war that everyone in the military would be on the side of the left?  I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but the opposite is much closer to the truth.

No doubt in my mind the military would rather mow down sorority girls on a college campus than bother with white dudes with Ar 15s who ironically romanticize fighting and dying against the government. 

When a civil war breaks out I'm joining the red hats. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-27-2022, 06:08 PM)Nately120 Wrote: No doubt in my mind the military would rather mow down sorority girls on a college campus than bother with white dudes with Ar 15s who ironically romanticize fighting and dying against the government. 

When a civil war breaks out I'm joining the red hats. 

I'm nor saying that, not that you're implying I am.  But it always baffles me when people make the argument that the military is some monolith in which all members slavishly obey any order.

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